Guest guest Posted November 24, 1998 Report Share Posted November 24, 1998 Yes, there is TONS of it. The whole codependency movement has really stopped thinking in terms of individual problems, and has turned to a consideration of " society as addict. " The " treatment " for " addicted society " is, of course, " a spiritual recovery program. " Look at mary riley's CORPORATE HEALING, 1990, for example - she offers a 12-step solution to corpation executives as a " solution " for the employee problems. Or how about the books by Wegscheider-Cruse, a little fascist corporate " consultant " pushing " mandatory treatment " for " codependency " as a solution to poor employee performance (she and her reactionary husband actually state that 12-step programs are a solution to the threat of unions!). And you don't want to miss Anne Schaef (The Addictive Organization, When Society Becomes an Addict, etc.) All of this is nothing but fascism, very thinly disguised. Consider this, for example, from a book by a J. S. , a British fascist (Fascism, 1931, Henry Holt): " If all fascists are not as yet fervent believers in a divine transcendent Providence, all fascists have at least a will, a thirst to believe in such a One; all fascists have a reverence for the supernatural and are resolved that new generations shall be brought up in a religious atmosphere and be protected from the dissolving poison of materialism in all its forms. Fascism is resolved to build up a generation of believers, as the only way out of the present chaos, cost what it may. " (p. 43) By the way, did you know that the Oxford Groups, at the time Bill W. was a devoted member, used Mein Kampf as a textbook for spiritual healing!! And, of course, Bill W. was violently anti-Roosevelt, and violently anti-labor union. Alcohol abuse was one " dissolving poison " the fascists focused on; they were very aggressive in attacking " drunks, " " dope addicts, " and other " degenerates. " What annoys me so much today is that all of this is so obvious. Pick up any book on fascism - you find spiritual revolution and the " spiritual " cure for society's ills. Fascism's metaphor was overwhelmingly that of " spiritual healing. " Pick up any book by today's codependency gurus, you find authoritarian " spirituality. " The history of AA leads back to fascism, plain and simple, via Buchman. Our government today is ACTING in a clearly fascist manner, and justifying it via the " addiction " myth - police raids, new prison construction, the bill of rights torn in shreds. Yet, even the " expert " dissidents from the AA movement, give us only careful, careerist prose, that is meant to appeal to another segment of the market for repressive technologies. Damn it, folks. Wake up, before it is too damn late!------- To: paul diener Cc: 12-step-freeegroups; Bufe@... Subject: Re: AA's size Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 2:49 AM Hi , Okay now your arguments beginning to make more sense to me, tho I'm still not convinced about AA growing. Think I'll check out Room's stuff and have a look at the methodology & see how sound it is. Also, any sources documenting the role adult victim groups in bolstering the status of XA as a solution for societies ills? Jim Yelverton paul diener wrote: > AA's " presumbably accurate " survey data?!? What?!? WHAT?!? Every assessment I have seen (including those of Robin Room and his group) describes the AA survey data as NOT accurate, and to be used only with great caution. You say you accept my contentions that AA is linked to the treatment industry, and that the treatment industry is one force behind the Clinton administration'ss current push to massively increase federal funding for (coercive) AODA " treatment. " Hence, you must also admit that AA has a strong motive to dissimulate. As I said earlier, critique of Room must be based upon an assessment of the methodology; it is not legitimate to reject results just because one does not like them. It should also be noted that the topic of AA's influence is really not central to an assessment of the 12-Step movement. Impetus in the movement has long since passed to other, more radical, organizations, whose agendas are much more angry. Especially, new forces! > , who claim to be the victims of the " addicted, " rather than " addicted " themselves, have risen to the fore. It is from such groups that (fascistic) proposals for sweeping social change now mostly emanate (eg, Adult Children, codependents, and even related organizations like MADD, etc.). From these quarters come the argument that the innocent middle classes are being threatened and injured by the sinful behavior of deviants and the underclass. The homeless are all drunks and dopers, the unemployed are addicted to pleasure, drunken drivers and " crack " infected criminals threaten the property and safety of respectable people, etc. Hence, law and order must be restored, a massive war on drugs must be carried out, a spiritual dictatorship must be imposed. This is the tidal wave that engulfs the nation, growing ever stronger. You, meanwhile, calmly assure us that the 12-Step trend (a direct product of the fascist movement of the 1930s) is in abatement,! > that the danger is receeding, and that we can all breath easy - at least, so long as books such as your own continue to sell well. This is an opportunistic line of argument, which appeals mostly to providers of alternative " addiction treatment " services (medication-focused psychiatrists, social workers not 12-Step certified, clinical psychologists, etc.) These groups fight with the 12-Step Movement for market share; they offer alternative strategies for repressing " problem people. " Obviously, though, such critiques must always be " moderate, " since the goal is to curry favor with the corporate and government cash cows. My purpose is different. We face a real, terrible, and imminent danger of totalitarian oppression in this country. The " recovery movement " is one guise the rising tide of fascism has assumed. It needs to be exposed. As for criticizing you personally, I don't even know you personally, and could care less. It is your ideas! > , and lukewarm appreciation of the threat, that I find objectionable and dangerous. > > ----------------------------------------------------------- > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 24, 1998 Report Share Posted November 24, 1998 Kayleigh - Contact The ACLU and ask for their publications on the WAr On Drugs, and its massive assault on civil liberties. Also, don't miss the Pittsburg newspaper series on totalitarian tactics now being used by federal prosecutors (see my earlier post). Regarding other forms of repression, read Pat on's various books on " spiritual revolution, " and especially his analysis of alcohol and drug problems. But all of this is at a very preliminary stage. Check Lester Thurow's book, The Future of Capitalism, for an idea of what is coming. Thurow, at MIT, is one of the nation's most respected economist, and a major advisor to the " new Democrats, " including the Clinton administration. He predicts massive economic meltdown, inevitably. His view of salvation? He speaks highly of Singapore! ---------- > > To: 12-step-freeegroups > Subject: Re: AA's size > Date: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:51 AM > > Diener wrote: > > " We face a real, terrible, and imminent danger of totalitarian oppression in this country. " > > What form does will this totalitarian oppression take? > > " The " recovery movement " is one guise the rising tide of fascism has assumed. " > > What are the others? > > ----- > See the original message at /list/12-step-free/?start=895 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't lose your email when you move, change jobs, or switch ISP's. > Click here to get free and permanent email from NET@DDRESS! > http://ads./click/153/0 > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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