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Ok, there has been alot of talk of PTLS. Here is a short quiz for you.

Sorry but I left my answers for everyone to see.

LOve ya'll,


Are you suffering from Post Tubal Syndrome?

Were you affected by your tubal ligation (sterilization)? To what

degree were you affected?

Take this quick quiz to learn if you are suffering from PTS, or have

impaired ovarian function.


Email Address:

Which method was used for your TL/Sterilization?






Ovabloc Silicon Plugs


Don't know


What was your age at the time of your tubal ligation?

What is your current age now?

In what state did you have your sterilization/tubal ligation?

1) Alabama 2) Alaska 3) Arizona 4) Arkansas 5) California

6) Colorado 7) Connecticut 8) Delaware 9) Florida 10) Georgia 11) Hawaii 12)

Idaho 13) Illinois 14) Indiana 15) Iowa 16) Kansas 17) Kentucky 18) Louisiana

19) Maine 20) land 21) Massachusetts 22) Michigan 23) Minnesota 24)

Mississippi 25) Missouri 26) Montana 27) Nebraska 28) Nevada 29) New Hampshire

30) New Jersey 31) New Mexico 32) New York 33) North Carolina 34) North Dakota

35) Ohio 36) Oklahoma 37) Oregon 38) Pennsylvania 39) Rhode Island 40) South

Carolina 41) South Dakota 42) Tennessee 43) Texas 44) Utah 45) Vermont 46)

Virginia 47) Washington 48) West Virginia 49) Wisconsin 50) Wyoming

Other (outside US):

What was the name of the doctor who performed your

sterilization/tubal ligation?

Dr. (first name)

(last name)

What was the name of the hospital, center, or clinic where you

had your sterilization?

Check off the list below which applies to you now or since

your tubal ligation.

Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats

Cold flashes, clammy feeling, chills

Bouts of rapid heart beat


Mood swings, sudden tears

Trouble sleeping through the night

Night sweats

Irregular periods

Shorter, lighter periods

Heavier periods

Phantom periods

Shorter cycles

Longer cycles


Loss of libido, loss of sex drive

Dry vagina area

Itchy vagina-at time raw like, with absence of yeast


Color change in vaginal area. (darker color -darker red to


Crashing fatigue - Chronic Fatigue

Anxiety, feeling ill at ease

Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom

Difficulty concentrating

Disorientation, mental confusion

Disturbing memory lapses

Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge


Prolapse (or prolapse senation) of uterus

Itchy, crawly skin

Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons

Increased tension in muscles

Breast tenderness

Decrease in breast mass

Difficulty lactating/nursing newborn

Headache change: increase or decrease

Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain,


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Sudden bouts of bloat


Exacerbation of existing conditions

Allergies developing or increasing - (Chronic sinusitis)

Nasal infections-necessitating antibiotics

Weight gain

Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body

Increase in facial hair

Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance

Changes in body odor

Electric shock or stabbing sensation under the skin.

Tingling in the extremities

Gum problems, increased bleeding

Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth,

change in breath odor


Complete the following:

Since becoming sterilized I have been:

suggested or prescribed the " pill " or hormone treatment

suggested or prescribed antidepressants

suggested or under went a hysterectomy

suggested or under went a D & C

suggested or under went a tubal reversal (TR)

referred to a psychologist

referred to a neurologist

referred to a cardiologist

diagnosed with carpal sydrome

diagnosed with fibromyalgia

diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)


Have you ever been offered or suggested serum (blood) hormone

testing by your physican?




Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 7/24/2002

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I was so interested inthe first email about the quiz I wrote you

before looking further down to find more info you posted on PTLS. Thanks

again for posting this.....This does clear up some myths about Drs.

telling us it is on our mind.....If I had a dollar for everytime a Dr

told me my symptoms were in my head I would have enough money to pay for

my TR with money left. I use to get so mad at Drs for telling me that

when I KNEW something was wrong......I just could not for the life of me

figure out why they couldn't find out what was wrong with me. I have lost

a lot of sleep also worrying about whether it was in my mind and whether

or not I was losing my mind! I use to cry a whole lot because of what Drs

said. My family would tell me .......You heard what the Dr said ...now

quit whining and get you SH..T together. That would only upset me more

cause at times I was so sick I could not work. I even tried to sign up

for disability at one time and what do you think happened? I tried

signing up for SSI! I even tried to draw on my unemployment once and

because the last job I had I was too slow and stayed so sick and had to

be off when I was on my periods....I quit it so I would not bogged the

company down any.....I was not eligble for unemployement cause I quit

that job.....however I talked to the boss and explained the situation to

him and we both together agreed it would be best to let me go! All my Dr

reports showed my symptoms were physological.....Jesus.....how can a

person change those reports! I have been and I am still angry at a

society and a country (usa) who will not take care of their own...yet

cant wait to get to get into foreign countries affairs! We live in a dog

eat dog world........with greed as motivation, in our case trapped in

this so called physiclogical " Its in the mind " problem, us a human

beings being the main course for this dod eat dog world! And it dont quit

at that ....its in all areas of our life......The President talks about

the foreign people and how bad some of them are..........He cant talk to

much about others in other countries until he cleans up his back

porch...... we have people in the United States in all areas that are

just as bad as this Sadamm Hausen (Spelling). We live in a hidden

dictatorship..........and...........I think the president knows this!


On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 12:17:21 -0500 " moe " writes:

> Ok, there has been alot of talk of PTLS. Here is a short quiz

> for you. Sorry but I left my answers for everyone to see.


> LOve ya'll,



> Are you suffering from Post Tubal Syndrome?


> Were you affected by your tubal ligation

> (sterilization)? To what degree were you affected?

> Take this quick quiz to learn if you are suffering from

> PTS, or have impaired ovarian function.




> Name:



> Email Address:









> Which method was used for your TL/Sterilization?

> Bands

> Clips

> Electrocoagulation

> Fimbriectomy

> Salpingectomy

> Ovabloc Silicon Plugs

> Quinacrine

> Don't know

> Other




> What was your age at the time of your tubal

> ligation?


> What is your current age now?




> In what state did you have your

> sterilization/tubal ligation?

> 1) Alabama 2) Alaska 3) Arizona 4) Arkansas 5)

> California 6) Colorado 7) Connecticut 8) Delaware 9) Florida 10)

> Georgia 11) Hawaii 12) Idaho 13) Illinois 14) Indiana 15) Iowa 16)

> Kansas 17) Kentucky 18) Louisiana 19) Maine 20) land 21)

> Massachusetts 22) Michigan 23) Minnesota 24) Mississippi 25)

> Missouri 26) Montana 27) Nebraska 28) Nevada 29) New Hampshire 30)

> New Jersey 31) New Mexico 32) New York 33) North Carolina 34) North

> Dakota 35) Ohio 36) Oklahoma 37) Oregon 38) Pennsylvania 39) Rhode

> Island 40) South Carolina 41) South Dakota 42) Tennessee 43) Texas

> 44) Utah 45) Vermont 46) Virginia 47) Washington 48) West Virginia

> 49) Wisconsin 50) Wyoming


> Other (outside US):




> What was the name of the doctor who performed your

> sterilization/tubal ligation?

> Dr. (first name)


> (last name)




> What was the name of the hospital, center, or

> clinic where you had your sterilization?







> Check off the list below which applies to you now

> or since your tubal ligation.

> Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats

> Cold flashes, clammy feeling, chills

> Bouts of rapid heart beat

> Irritability

> Mood swings, sudden tears

> Trouble sleeping through the night

> Night sweats

> Irregular periods

> Shorter, lighter periods

> Heavier periods

> Phantom periods

> Shorter cycles

> Longer cycles

> Flooding/Clotting

> Loss of libido, loss of sex drive

> Dry vagina area

> Itchy vagina-at time raw like, with absence of

> yeast infections

> Color change in vaginal area. (darker color

> -darker red to purple)

> Crashing fatigue - Chronic Fatigue

> Anxiety, feeling ill at ease

> Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom

> Difficulty concentrating

> Disorientation, mental confusion

> Disturbing memory lapses

> Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing;

> urge incontinence

> Prolapse (or prolapse senation) of uterus

> Itchy, crawly skin

> Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons

> Increased tension in muscles

> Breast tenderness

> Decrease in breast mass

> Difficulty lactating/nursing newborn

> Headache change: increase or decrease

> Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion,

> flatulence, gas pain, nausea

> Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> Sudden bouts of bloat

> Depression

> Exacerbation of existing conditions

> Allergies developing or increasing - (Chronic

> sinusitis)

> Nasal infections-necessitating antibiotics

> Weight gain

> Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body

> Increase in facial hair

> Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of

> balance

> Changes in body odor

> Electric shock or stabbing sensation under the

> skin.

> Tingling in the extremities

> Gum problems, increased bleeding

> Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste

> in mouth, change in breath odor

> Other:








> Complete the following:

> Since becoming sterilized I have been:


> suggested or prescribed the " pill " or hormone

> treatment

> suggested or prescribed antidepressants

> suggested or under went a hysterectomy

> suggested or under went a D & C

> suggested or under went a tubal reversal (TR)

> referred to a psychologist

> referred to a neurologist

> referred to a cardiologist

> diagnosed with carpal sydrome

> diagnosed with fibromyalgia

> diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

> other:




> Have you ever been offered or suggested serum

> (blood) hormone testing by your physican?

> Yes

> No









> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 7/24/2002




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