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Back or side??

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After you drink you oil, those of you that flush a lot, do you find

it works better if you lie on your back or side? I have always

lay on my side most of the night but notice Hulda says to

lay flat on your back with upper body supported by a pillow.

One work better than another? or perhaps both, starting on side

then to back?

L. Meydrech, CN


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Hi ,

Which way to lay? About 3 months ago, we all went around and around

with a string of threads about this question. Most of the cleanses

say to lay on your right side, says flat on back, and some say

left side. They all have their good reasoning for each choice.

Right side; Seems the most common agreed upon side. It is thought

that the floating cholesterol stones will float to the top of the

mouth of the gb and be more easily ejected with bile during gb

contractions. The heavier ones (while lying on right side) will sink

to the bottom of the gb and most likely not exit.

Left side; Opposite of the lighter, floating cholesterol stone

elimination, the left side will allow the heavier stones to roll down

to the mouth of the gb and exit with the bile easier. Looking at an

anatomy picture will help you see these descriptions. The lighter

stones will float to the top and not exit as easily on the left side.

So, both of these choices of sides seems to depend on if you have

light (float in the bile) or heavy (sinking in the bile) stones.

How to determine heavier or lighter than bile stones is beyond me.

My stone that shows on ultrasound is 'floating' so I imagine it must

be lighter than bile, therefore floating to the top. This is why I

choose the right side in a flush. Another fact that comes into play

is that there is no air in the system and none of this should matter

anyway. ???

Lying flat on back; I think this should cover all the bases but have

never gotten an adequate answer to why some of the 'expert' flush

doctors who pen the flushes prefer one side to the other.

One thought is that when you lay on the right side, the oil will

travel out of the stomach area faster (resulting in less nausea) and

also arrive at the gastointestinal area quicker. This is suppose to

help create a stronger contraction of the gb if it has a large amount

of oil arriving to that area at one time.

I know this doesn't answer all of the question but it is all I could

get from asking the group before. Maybe someone has found some more

ideas of 'why' by now and will also answer your question better.

Good luck.


--- In gallstones@y..., " L. Meydrech " <claudiameydrech@c...>


> After you drink you oil, those of you that flush a lot, do you find

> it works better if you lie on your back or side? I have always

> lay on my side most of the night but notice Hulda says to

> lay flat on your back with upper body supported by a pillow.

> One work better than another? or perhaps both, starting on side

> then to back?


> L. Meydrech, CN

> http://nutritionist.tripod.com

> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a





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--- In gallstones@y..., " L. Meydrech " <claudiameydrech@c...>


> After you drink you oil, those of you that flush a lot, do you find

> it works better if you lie on your back or side? I have always

> lay on my side most of the night but notice Hulda says to

> lay flat on your back with upper body supported by a pillow.

> One work better than another? or perhaps both, starting on side

> then to back?

> L. Meydrech, CN

I think I've read about almost every variation there could be! It's

hard to say what works better, though since flushes have different

results even if they're done just exactly the same way. Some say

that laying on the left side gives better results for hard stones

while the right side is better for soft stones. Some say to keep the

upper body elevated while others say to elevate the hips.

I think, as you suggested, that maybe it's best to include both the

side and the back. I generally fall asleep too quickly to pay

attention to moving, but I do try to start out on the right side and

the last couple of them I have put a pillow under my hips.

My gut feeling, though, is that the body is going to do what it's

going to do regardless of what position we're in! :)

in health,


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>After you drink you oil, those of you that flush a lot, do you find

>it works better if you lie on your back or side? I have always

>lay on my side most of the night but notice Hulda says to

>lay flat on your back with upper body supported by a pillow.

>One work better than another? or perhaps both, starting on side

>then to back?


I'm copying two messages from February from Dale, exploring this

issue in some depth.

-- Helge


Well, I did in fact say that laying on the right side is good, and so is

laying on the back, as well as the left side. Now let's see if this can be

cleared up as easily as possible.

First take note of the angle at which the gallbladder sits in the body's

cavity below the liver.



It is at a

slight upward angle with the opening to the common bile duct facing towards

the left side of the body. By laying on the right side the intent is to get

the stones floating to the top in the gallbladder so as to be standing in

line and ready to exit out into the common bile duct when the demand is made

for the bile to make a hasty exit and move into the small intestine to an

area just after the duodenum of the stomach and small intestines. IF

someone has suspicions of calcified stones then they would want to do a

flush and lay on the left side thereby having the opening of the gallbladder

facing downward. With all good hope, the stones will also lay down to the

left, and in the area of the opening, to await the spasm of the gallbladder

and be pushed out into the common bile duct.

Laying on the back isn't all that much different in angles from laying on

the right side.



I really don't know that there is all that much of a desention in the

various doctors methods as to whether a person is to lay on their back or

one side. The fact of the matter is that stones that can float, such as the

cholesterol type, and will certainly be better enabled to get out if they

are in the right possition and there is some presure to be able to push them

out. They can, in some cases, set right at the neck of the gallbladder and

get out just by someone's laying on their back, as the neck of the

gallbladder is still up. Laying on the right side just makes it more up.

If I were to get really anal about just exactly what angle one should lay I

would tell someone to pile their pillowd in such a way as to have the body

laying on an incline of approximatly 10 to 15 degrees and lay to the right

with at an incline of 60 to 80 degrees. This would be done so that the neck

of the gallbladder is vertually pointing at the ceiling. For attempting to

get out calcified stones I would then advise the opposing angles to get the

gallbladder's opening to the common bile duct to face directly at the floor.

If I were to continue in the anal aspect of advisement I would in the case

of a calcified stone note for someone to have a bed that also had a fairly

substantive vibrating system. This would be for the purpose of helping the

calcified stones move toward the neck of the gallbladder prior to the taking

of a concoction for presurizing the sack by getting it to convulse while the

stone is properly placed. Just imagine how relative to a stickyness there is

in the gallbladder regarding a calcified stone and you'll see what I mean.

If you've ever noted how hard it is for a marble to move in your old marble

sack at school you'll understand what I mean. Just imagine your sack being

full of a thick liquid too and getting the marble to the neck of the sack in

that case.

However, this just isn't the most practical of things for anyone to advise.

So, laying on the back or right side will tend to place the stones in a

realative position to the neck of the gallbladder and then the cholesterol

type of stone will tend to get out. Calcifed stones are another arena in

which to work.

Just consider why it is that most attacks occur at night time. People are

laying down and the stone(s) has had a chance to move to the right possition

while at the same time the person had eaten a meal that may have been loaded

with fats that need to be emulsified by bile. The stomach has finished its

job and now the food stuff has moved throurgh the duodenum into the small

intestiines and needs bile to emulsify the fats. So, the bile is presurised

by the spasm of the gallbladder and shot into the common bile duct to be

deposited in the small intestines with the conglamorated food stuff. In the

case of a person with gallstones a stone may also have found its way into

the common bile duct too. But now there may not be enough bile to help move

it along with the previous bile excreation but there is sill a demand from

the liver to provide more bile. Pressure builds behind the stone and so does

pain,,,, i.e. a gallbladder attack insues.

So, without trying to get to technical I would say that laying down is

simply a good thing to do, on the back or right side for cholesterol and

left for calcified stones.


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Helge - Thanks so much for the detailed article! I am thinking of the

ultrasound they did of my gallbladder - when I viewed the image while

laying on the table, it appeared

that the stones were lying along the bottom of the gallbladder, but that would

depend upon what position the image was in. If they were lying on the bottom,

and not floating, then perhaps they are calcium. Then the gal who did the

pictures wanted to show someone how to recognize stones, and had

me role on my left side so that we could watch the stones roll :-) Anyway,

maybe it would be good to do a flush on the back or right side to get out

a lot of the lighter " stuff " then another later when the GB is not as full to


our any calcium laying on the left. Thanks for the info!!

L. Meydrech, CN


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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wierd - i'm just now getting posts that were sent on the 24th

and it's the 29th? is it just me? oh well, thanks for this! I did

a combination of both. claudia

----- Original Message -----

From: barry91162


Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 7:00 PM

Subject: Re: Back or side??

Hi ,

Which way to lay? About 3 months ago, we all went around and around

with a string of threads about this question. Most of the cleanses

say to lay on your right side, says flat on back, and some say

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I've also read the posts a while back. I had my best results the

first time when I lay on my back. The next few times, I lay on my

right side with nominal results. Now I'm trying the back again - but

still similar results.

I have made a point of mainly lying on my right side for years .

One reason being that I recall a yoga book saying that it put less

strain on the heart and another due to snoring :) and/or cholking

when I lie on my back.

Maybe the stones will come out no matter what side.........


> Hi ,


> Which way to lay? About 3 months ago, we all went around and around

> with a string of threads about this question.

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