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Warning long rambling ahead!

Hello from Canada!

First I just want to say how incredibly helpful this forum is. The women here are knowledgeable, informed and very very courageous. This list is a great source of comfort and information and I am very glad I found it.

My name is Ann and I have been lurking here for a while. I now feel confident enough to add in my two cents :-) I am 32 years old and I have been diagnosed "properly" a little over 18 months ago.But I have been suffering from VV for much longer than that I suspect. My condition is not even "classic" VV. I have POC but it's bearable in the sense that I can use tampons (only when I play sports though) I haven't tried to have sex in I don't care to remember how long. It goes back to my pre-diagnosis days when doctors believed it was all in my head and sent me to therapy to cure vaginismus. I don't dare date. Not much of a social life. What do you tell a potential partner?? What is the statute of limitation before you get your virginity back ?:-))))

My doctor is a gynecologist who specializes in vulvar diseases. I was referred to her by regular gynecologist. However, I am not getting much of a response from her. She goes by the credo. She tried the ineffective steroid creams treatments. She wanted to put me on Elavil but I vetoed it. After reading posts about the deadful side effects and the relative lack of effectiveness. I took matters into my own hands.

I opted for the non-evasive options. I changed my lifestyle quite a bit. I always suspected yeast was the culprit in my case but was not keen on going back to the multiple anti-fungal treatments. I went to a health store and purchased lactobacillus suppositories. Well!!! How do you spell relief? I used one suppository a day for 10 days (at night). there was a lot of goo in the morning but the effects were incredible. At my next appointment the doctor could actually do an exam,insert a speculum. The redness had greatly diminished. I told her what I had done and she was quite skeptical. I don't care. Now I use one suppository every 10 days to maintain the bacterial balance in the vagina. Don't get me wrong I'm not cured by any stretch of the imagination. I still haven't attempted sex and I do have bad days, mostly before the onset of my period. I also noticed something else: changes in diet made a difference. I eliminated refined sugars, acid fruits and get this, milk products (yep I'm a soy milk girl!) Also, no more wine or beer (that sucks but it's worth it!). I still have yogourt thought. It was hard at first but I'm getting used to it. When I stray...I get flare-ups.

A few of you were enquiring about pads. I too, used Always pads and noticed a difference when I switched to an all natural pad from a company called Natracare (don't know if this brand is available in the US though) The pads are made of 100% non-chlorine bleached fluff pulp. They are more expensive but worth it.

I have decided to try more natural ways to deal with my problem. My decision was largely motivated by the experiences related by many of you who have tried conventional treatments with little relief. The wisdom you shared wasn't lost on me. I am going to pursue the PT route since I do have lower back problems and my symptoms could be related.

So here it is, my story in a nutshell. Perhaps it will help someone else. VV has consumed my life in the past several years (pre and post diagnosis) however, I don't feel so alone anymore :-)

end of rambling.


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