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I've never done Weight Watchers, but a friend who did told me they call that a "Red Light Food" -- for her it was spinach dip. I used to love Cheetos, and the hard thing was, I never felt full. I could eat most of a whole large bag and not feel full. Now I never touch one, and I don't miss them at all.With IE, I could add them back in, but don't think I will, they are almost totally devoid of nutrition. [intuitiveEating_ Support] Hello


>Hello everyone, I joined your group after doing a search for "Intuitive Eating" message boards. I just recently bought the book by Tribole and am about 3/4 of the way done reading it. I read about it in an article about Katheirne McPhee from "American Idol". I'm sure you all saw that. I am 46-yrs old, mother of one 4-yr-old boy and a professional musician. I am about 40 lbs overweight and have been "on a diet" for my entire life. In fact, I used to tell people that everyone morning when I wake up, I start a diet. I've been on countless diets and always gain the weight back (sound familiar?). My latest diet was "The Sonoma Diet" where I lost 10 lbs. I don't know what triggered it but I started to lose control and couldn't stop eating "bad foods". I've gained all that weight back and a few more pounds (I haven't weighed myself - I'm too scared). Now, I finally got to the place where I can't

stand the thought of another diet. I just can't do it. The "IE" book has been really eye-opening for me. I know that if I can really adopt the whole mind-set of IE, I will be happier and healther for the rest of my life. And, thinner too.


>My problem is, I know I'm doing this because I want to lose weight. I also want to feel good and be healthy, but my #1 priority is to lose weight. I can't seem to get my focus off of that. How can I get past that? It is so difficult to accept myself presently the way I look. I tried on a skirt the other day that used to be loose and it was too tight (probably a bad idea to do that on the 1st day of my period). The other problem I'm having is not being able to stop myself when eating something I really love that is a "sometimes food". My biggest weakness is cookies. Especially really soft, doughy, sugar cookies. After reading the chapter in the book about allowing yourself to eat whatever you want, I made a batch of sugar cookie dough because that is the thing I love most. I ate most of the dough and only baked about 6 large cookies. I couldn't stop at just one cookie or one taste of dough.

It's kind of a scary feeling - an uncontrollable feeling. I decided not to do that again. If I don't have it in the house, I won't eat it. I know that's not the right way to deal with it but I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? I'm looking forward to becoming part of your group. Thank you all. Sincerely, O.

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This is what I'm going to be doing with caffeine. I've told myself it was okay

to have it, and I did *somewhat* okay with having Coke & chocolate last year ...

released my 25 lbs. despite still eating/drinking the stuff... but I also find

that it's always the reason for my " slips " ... for the times when I fall back

into my old habits. If I'm going to undo my hard work, usually caffeine is

somehow involved. It's my " trigger " food, and it's something that I usually

don't have much control (if any at all) over. So, I'm giving it up for a while.

I'm too addicted to it, and I have listed my " medical " reasons for avoiding it

on my blog (namely that: it rots my teeth, causes insomnia, worsens my anxiety

issues, makes me jittery, causes bladder infections -- repeatedly-- and other

such nonsense). So, it's a GOOD thing to cut it out of my diet. I've wanted to

for years, but have tried & failed. This time, though, I'm looking at it like my

husband's smoking habit ... he gave that up cold-turkey in March, and has been

smoke-free since! Caffeine has been shown (by researchers) lately to be ranked

right up there with smoking & alcohol consumption as far as addictions go. If my

hubby can quit smoking, I can quit needing caffeine.



-----Original Message-----

>Even though the authors of IE talk about legalizig ALL foods, I think it is

perfectly okay to delay legalizing things that really tempt you--sugar cookies

for you. I think it is perfectly okay to stay away from a food that would be

difficult to limit yourself--until you've had some success with pushing food

away or you've eaten to a comfortable level consistently.



Books Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.com

Faith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocus

Healthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.com

Wishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

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Good for you Jenn! I will be following your journey with this. I want to

stop the Diet Coke! Did you switch from Diet to regular, or have you

always drank regular?


At 01:01 PM 9/19/2006, you wrote:

This is what I'm going to be

doing with caffeine. I've told myself it was okay to have it, and I did

*somewhat* okay with having Coke & chocolate last year ... released

my 25 lbs. despite still eating/drinking the stuff... but I also find

that it's always the reason for my " slips " ... for the times

when I fall back into my old habits. If I'm going to undo my hard work,

usually caffeine is somehow involved. It's my " trigger " food,

and it's something that I usually don't have much control (if any at all)

over. So, I'm giving it up for a while. I'm too addicted to it, and I

have listed my " medical " reasons for avoiding it on my blog

(namely that: it rots my teeth, causes insomnia, worsens my anxiety

issues, makes me jittery, causes bladder infections -- repeatedly-- and

other such nonsense). So, it's a GOOD thing to cut it out of my diet.

I've wanted to for years, but have tried & failed. This time, though,

I'm looking at it like my husband's smoking habit ... he gave that up

cold-turkey in March, and has been smoke-free since! Caffeine has been

shown (by researchers) lately to be ranked right up there with smoking

& alcohol consumption as far as addictions go. If my hubby can quit

smoking, I can quit needing caffeine.



-----Original Message-----

>Even though the authors of IE talk about legalizig ALL foods, I think

it is perfectly okay to delay legalizing things that really tempt

you--sugar cookies for you. I think it is perfectly okay to stay away

from a food that would be difficult to limit yourself--until you've had

some success with pushing food away or you've eaten to a comfortable

level consistently.



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Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!


Four weeks

to a new you teleclass series - this September! For more info:


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I am addicted to anything sweet. I have been really depressed lately. The first thing I reach for when I am upset are cookies, ice cream, anything chocolate. So, should I try and give up sweets cold turkey, so that I can break my addiction? When I realize I am eating emotionally should I stop and take a good look at how I feel, like maybe journal or take a walk around the block? What should I do?


Re: Hello

Good for you Jenn! I will be following your journey with this. I want to stop the Diet Coke! Did you switch from Diet to regular, or have you always drank regular?GillianAt 01:01 PM 9/19/2006, you wrote:

This is what I'm going to be doing with caffeine. I've told myself it was okay to have it, and I did *somewhat* okay with having Coke & chocolate last year ... released my 25 lbs. despite still eating/drinking the stuff... but I also find that it's always the reason for my "slips"... for the times when I fall back into my old habits. If I'm going to undo my hard work, usually caffeine is somehow involved. It's my "trigger" food, and it's something that I usually don't have much control (if any at all) over. So, I'm giving it up for a while. I'm too addicted to it, and I have listed my "medical" reasons for avoiding it on my blog (namely that: it rots my teeth, causes insomnia, worsens my anxiety issues, makes me jittery, causes bladder infections -- repeatedly-- and other such nonsense). So, it's a GOOD thing to cut it out of my diet. I've wanted to for years, but have tried & failed. This time, though, I'm looking at it like my husband's smoking habit ... he gave that up cold-turkey in March, and has been smoke-free since! Caffeine has been shown (by researchers) lately to be ranked right up there with smoking & alcohol consumption as far as addictions go. If my hubby can quit smoking, I can quit needing caffeine.Jenn<><-----Original Message----->Even though the authors of IE talk about legalizig ALL foods, I think it is perfectly okay to delay legalizing things that really tempt you--sugar cookies for you. I think it is perfectly okay to stay away from a food that would be difficult to limit yourself--until you've had some success with pushing food away or you've eaten to a comfortable level consistently.>>CherylBooks Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.comFaith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocusHealthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.comWishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight!http://www.healthieroutcomes.comFour weeks to a new you teleclass series - this September! For more info: http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/teleseminars4weekseries.html

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You'll have to figure out what's right for you, Alison. Like I said, I kept drinking Coke & eating chocolate (and other sweet snacks) as I released my 25 lbs last year -- I just kept them within the bounds of "hunger" and "fullness", and it worked fine. But, I don't have that "new program" high any more (the "honeymoon phase"), so I've had to rethink how I do things ... how I'm going to "personalize" this IE journey for me & my body. And, like I also said, I've looked back over the past 9 months (since I fell off the wagon & stopped following IE as wholeheartedly), and I recognized some patterns in my behaviour... one of which was that caffeine was always a culprit in helping me get off track. So, I'm *thinking* that what's right for *me* at this time is to give it up ... at least for a while until I've got a better handle on IE. :-?

For you, things may be different. Journalling could help ... try that! :o) Walking's good, too (have you heard of Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds"? http://www.lesliesansone.com ). Try journaling why you think you're wanting the sweets.... Or, go ahead and eat them, but take note of what you were doing, or what you were feeling (jot it down) just before the craving hit. After a while, you can review your notes and see if there are any patterns. :o)

All suggestions of course. You gotta do what's right for YOU! :o)



-----Original Message-----

I am addicted to anything sweet. I have been really depressed lately. The first thing I reach for when I am upset are cookies, ice cream, anything chocolate. So, should I try and give up sweets cold turkey, so that I can break my addiction? When I realize I am eating emotionally should I stop and take a good look at how I feel, like maybe journal or take a walk around the block? What should I do?


Books Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.com

Faith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocus

Healthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.com

Wishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

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If you want sugar cookies, go ahead and eat them as long as your

hungry. But pay attention! I bet after you eat 4 or 5 cookies, you

don't feel as well as you'd like (physically, not emotionally. i.e.,

stomach hurts, too much sugar, etc.) It may take awhile, but I'm

sure at some point you'll experience these things, and that should

be enough to get you to have " legalized " the cookies. You'll know

you can eat them, but also won't want to eat 4 or 5 of them, because

of the way you feel afterwards.

This has just been my experience, so it may not apply to you, but I

say go ahead and eat them when your hungry! Just really pay

attention to how your body reacts when you eat a lot of them.


> Hello everyone,


> I joined your group after doing a search for " Intuitive Eating "

message boards. I just recently bought the book by Tribole

and am about 3/4 of the way done reading it. I read about it in an

article about Katheirne McPhee from " American Idol " . I'm sure you

all saw that.


> I am 46-yrs old, mother of one 4-yr-old boy and a professional

musician. I am about 40 lbs overweight and have been " on a diet "

for my entire life. In fact, I used to tell people that everyone

morning when I wake up, I start a diet. I've been on countless

diets and always gain the weight back (sound familiar?). My latest

diet was " The Sonoma Diet " where I lost 10 lbs. I don't know what

triggered it but I started to lose control and couldn't stop

eating " bad foods " . I've gained all that weight back and a few more

pounds (I haven't weighed myself - I'm too scared). Now, I finally

got to the place where I can't stand the thought of another diet. I

just can't do it. The " IE " book has been really eye-opening for

me. I know that if I can really adopt the whole mind-set of IE, I

will be happier and healther for the rest of my life. And, thinner



> My problem is, I know I'm doing this because I want to lose

weight. I also want to feel good and be healthy, but my #1 priority

is to lose weight. I can't seem to get my focus off of that. How

can I get past that? It is so difficult to accept myself presently

the way I look. I tried on a skirt the other day that used to be

loose and it was too tight (probably a bad idea to do that on the

1st day of my period).


> The other problem I'm having is not being able to stop myself when

eating something I really love that is a " sometimes food " . My

biggest weakness is cookies. Especially really soft, doughy, sugar

cookies. After reading the chapter in the book about allowing

yourself to eat whatever you want, I made a batch of sugar cookie

dough because that is the thing I love most. I ate most of the

dough and only baked about 6 large cookies. I couldn't stop at just

one cookie or one taste of dough. It's kind of a scary feeling - an

uncontrollable feeling. I decided not to do that again. If I don't

have it in the house, I won't eat it. I know that's not the right

way to deal with it but I don't know what else to do. Any



> I'm looking forward to becoming part of your group. Thank you all.


> Sincerely,

> O.


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No, I've always been a " regular " Coke kinda gal... I've tried the diet stuff

(mainly after Gwen Shamblin suggested it as a good way to hold off between

hungers), and I just don't like it. It's too blah for me. :-?

Apparently my Coke addiction is my Dad's fault... he started feeding it to me

(in little bits, anyway) when I was 1 year old! :-O And then, as a teen, my

restricted it at her house, but Dad said we could have as much as we wanted when

we were at his house. So, at Mom's I felt deprived, and at Dad's I drank 3 Cokes

a day!!! Hence my current troubles. :-?

I've tried the caffeine-free stuff, too, and it's just icky. Can't stand the

taste. So, cold-turkey it is for me! :o) You and I can be accountability

partners in this, 'kay? What do you think?



-----Original Message-----

>Good for you Jenn! I will be following your journey with this. I want to

>stop the Diet Coke! Did you switch from Diet to regular, or have you

>always drank regular?

Books Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.com

Faith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocus

Healthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.com

Wishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

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Thank you to all for your responses and encouragement. It's so nice to find a community like this one to support each other

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the sugar cookies. There are so many great suggestions, I have to think and pray about them.

Thanks again for making me feel so welcome and accepted. Keep the comments coming!.

[intuitiveEating_ Support] Hello> >Hello everyone, I joined your group after doing a search for "Intuitive Eating" message boards. I just recently bought the book by Tribole and am

about 3/4 of the way done reading it. I read about it in an article about Katheirne McPhee from "American Idol". I'm sure you all saw that. I am 46-yrs old, mother of one 4-yr-old boy and a professional musician. I am about 40 lbs overweight and have been "on a diet" for my entire life. In fact, I used to tell people that everyone morning when I wake up, I start a diet. I've been on countless diets and always gain the weight back (sound familiar?). My latest diet was "The Sonoma Diet" where I lost 10 lbs. I don't know what triggered it but I started to lose control and couldn't stop eating "bad foods". I've gained all that weight back and a few more pounds (I haven't weighed myself - I'm too scared). Now, I finally got to the place where I can't stand the thought of another diet. I just can't do it. The "IE" book has been really eye-opening for me. I know that if I can really adopt the whole

mind-set of IE, I will be happier and healther for the rest of my life. And, thinner too. >>My problem is, I know I'm doing this because I want to lose weight. I also want to feel good and be healthy, but my #1 priority is to lose weight. I can't seem to get my focus off of that. How can I get past that? It is so difficult to accept myself presently the way I look. I tried on a skirt the other day that used to be loose and it was too tight (probably a bad idea to do that on the 1st day of my period). The other problem I'm having is not being able to stop myself when eating something I really love that is a "sometimes food". My biggest weakness is cookies. Especially really soft, doughy, sugar cookies. After reading the chapter in the book about allowing yourself to eat whatever you want, I made a batch of sugar cookie dough because that is the thing I love most. I ate most of the

dough and only baked about 6 large cookies. I couldn't stop at just one cookie or one taste of dough. It's kind of a scary feeling - an uncontrollable feeling. I decided not to do that again. If I don't have it in the house, I won't eat it. I know that's not the right way to deal with it but I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? I'm looking forward to becoming part of your group. Thank you all. Sincerely, O.

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I forgot to tell you that I play the flute. Do you still play any flute?

Re: Hello

-----Original Message----->I am 46-yrs old, mother of one 4-yr-old boy and a professional musician. *** Hi, ! Welcome to the group. :o) Wow... a professional musician! That's neat! What do you play? (I play piano, by ear, and have played the flute, too).>>(I haven't weighed myself - I'm too scared). *** Scales are monsters, anyway. Good riddance! LOL>My problem is, I know I'm doing this because I want to lose weight. I also want to feel good and be healthy, but my #1 priority is to lose weight. I can't seem to get my focus off of that. How can I get past that? It is so difficult to accept myself presently the way I look. *** Nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight. But, it's good that you have other goals, too. Maybe write out why it's so imporant to you... discover the underlying reasons. :o)>The other problem I'm having is not being able to stop myself when eating something I really love

that is a "sometimes food". My biggest weakness is cookies. *** Yeah, I understand that. My weakness is caffeine -- chocolate & pop, mainly. I just blogged about that, yesterday: http://intuitive- eater.blogspot. com>>I decided not to do that again. If I don't have it in the house, I won't eat it. I know that's not the right way to deal with it but I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?*** Yep! You don't have to restrict any foods, especially your favorites -- just wait for hunger. When you're hungry, eat what you love! That's the great part about intuitive eating. We can eat what we love, so long as we do so within the boundaries of "hunger" and "satiety". It takes a lot of practice & time & patience to learn what "hunger" and "satisfied" are for you, personally, so don't beat yourself up if you don't get it right away. Heck, I've

been doing this since July 2005, and I've still not got it down pat! I know where "hunger" is for me, but that "satisfied" point has remained pretty elusive. I think I'm getting it, but I've not gotten it completely yet. Hang in there! This group will help! :o)Jenn<><Books Read: http://mizbooksread s.blogspot. comFaith Group: http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/unshakable focusHealthy Eating: http://intuitive- eating.blogspot. comWishlist: http://www.libraryt hing.com/ catalog/mizbooks 94

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Hi Jenn,

Yes, that caffiene-free stuff is horrible tasting! OK, here is what I am

going to do. I can have as much diet coke as I want because it is all

legal. However, I am choosing to have only two a day for the next week.

(I usually have one, but let's say two for this week because my brain

will rebel :-)). So there is my commitment. And, I look forward to no

longer drinking it very soon! How's that?


Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!


Check out

my new blogs!

http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog ;


At 06:07 AM 9/20/2006, you wrote:



No, I've always been a " regular " Coke kinda gal... I've tried

the diet stuff (mainly after Gwen Shamblin suggested it as a good way to

hold off between hungers), and I just don't like it. It's too blah for

me. :-?

Apparently my Coke addiction is my Dad's fault... he started feeding it

to me (in little bits, anyway) when I was 1 year old! :-O And then, as a

teen, my restricted it at her house, but Dad said we could have as much

as we wanted when we were at his house. So, at Mom's I felt deprived, and

at Dad's I drank 3 Cokes a day!!! Hence my current troubles. :-?

I've tried the caffeine-free stuff, too, and it's just icky. Can't stand

the taste. So, cold-turkey it is for me! :o) You and I can be

accountability partners in this, 'kay? What do you think?



-----Original Message-----

>Good for you Jenn! I will be following your journey with this. I want


>stop the Diet Coke! Did you switch from Diet to regular, or have


>always drank regular?

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I'm confused... Isn't that going backwards? (sorry if I'm acting dense here... I got very little sleep last night...) You're planning to drink *more* Diet Coke because your body will rebel if you tell it NO diet Coke? Is that what you mean?



-----Original Message----- I am choosing to have only two a day for the next week. (I usually have one, but let's say two for this week because my brain will rebel :-)). So there is my commitment. And, I look forward to no longer drinking it very soon! How's that?

Books Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.com

Faith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocus

Healthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.com

Wishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

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The way my brain seems to work is if I say no, I will want way more than

I normally would. I know drinking one a day feels physically ok for me

but if I say I can have only one a day then I will want two. So, if I say

two, one will be fine and I know I won't want three because that really

doesn't feel good. Does this make any sense? I exhaust myself

sometimes... :-). Just trying to work with my brain while I get off the

caffiene and bubbles.....


At 01:08 PM 9/20/2006, you wrote:

I'm confused... Isn't that going

backwards? (sorry if I'm acting dense here... I got very little sleep

last night...) You're planning to drink *more* Diet Coke because your

body will rebel if you tell it NO diet Coke? Is that what you mean?



-----Original Message-----

I am choosing to have only two a day for the next week. (I usually

have one, but let's say two for this week because my brain will rebel

:-)). So there is my commitment. And, I look forward to no longer

drinking it very soon! How's that?

Books Read:


Faith Group:


Healthy Eating:




Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!


Check out

my new blogs!

http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog ;


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Hee hee... Yes, that makes much better sense. Thanks. (And, good plan!) :o)



Re: Hello The way my brain seems to work is if I say no, I will want way more than I normally would. I know drinking one a day feels physically ok for me but if I say I can have only one a day then I will want two. So, if I say two, one will be fine and I know I won't want three because that really doesn't feel good. Does this make any sense? I exhaust myself sometimes... :-). Just trying to work with my brain while I get off the caffiene and bubbles.....GillianAt 01:08 PM 9/20/2006, you wrote:

I'm confused... Isn't that going backwards? (sorry if I'm acting dense here... I got very little sleep last night...) You're planning to drink *more* Diet Coke because your body will rebel if you tell it NO diet Coke? Is that what you mean? Jenn<><

-----Original Message-----

I am choosing to have only two a day for the next week. (I usually have one, but let's say two for this week because my brain will rebel :-)). So there is my commitment. And, I look forward to no longer drinking it very soon! How's that?

Books Read:


Faith Group:


Healthy Eating:




Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight!http://www.healthieroutcomes.comCheck out my new blogs! http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog ; http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/fitforbusiness

Books Read: http://mizbooksreads.blogspot.com

Faith Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unshakablefocus

Healthy Eating: http://intuitive-eating.blogspot.com

Wishlist: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mizbooks94

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone, I just joined yesterday and wanted to introduce myself. I'm 27 (almost 28) and in grad school in the Boston area. I just started reading Intuitive Eating yesterday - i'm reading it along with Thin Within, which I've started before but have never gotten through the 30 days. I'm tired of letting food control my life and I really hope that this time I'll be able to develop a normal, healthy relationship with food. I've tried to do it before on my own, but I think that chatting with people with the same goals will be very helpful. I can't remember a time when I wasn't preoccupied with what I was going to eat - whether it was eating the "right" foods, or feeling bad because I binged. Yesterday I felt as though I wasn't preoccupied with food, but today, it all fell apart and I binged a couple hours ago. But as I'm trying to remind myself, it's okay to make mistakes - I just

need to learn from them and move on. Here's a question - how do you stop counting calories? I feel as though that information will always pop into my mind when I'm eating a microwavable meal (which I do often) - I'm not sure I'll be able to forget this information. Anyways, I'm excited to not be in this by myself! :)Sara

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To all the newbies, The Overfed Head by Rob s is the best IE

book I have read....short and to the point. Sara, That book would

help you stop counting calories and you could read it in a few hr.


> Hi everyone,

> I just joined yesterday and wanted to introduce myself. I'm

27 (almost 28) and in grad school in the Boston area. I just

started reading Intuitive Eating yesterday - i'm reading it along

with Thin Within, which I've started before but have never gotten

through the 30 days. I'm tired of letting food control my life and

I really hope that this time I'll be able to develop a normal,

healthy relationship with food. I've tried to do it before on my

own, but I think that chatting with people with the same goals will

be very helpful. I can't remember a time when I wasn't preoccupied

with what I was going to eat - whether it was eating the " right "

foods, or feeling bad because I binged.

> Yesterday I felt as though I wasn't preoccupied with food,

but today, it all fell apart and I binged a couple hours ago. But

as I'm trying to remind myself, it's okay to make mistakes - I just

need to learn from them and move on.

> Here's a question - how do you stop counting calories? I

feel as though that information will always pop into my mind when

I'm eating a microwavable meal (which I do often) - I'm not sure

I'll be able to forget this information.

> Anyways, I'm excited to not be in this by myself!


> :)Sara



> ---------------------------------

> Get your email and more, right on the new Yahoo.com


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  • 3 weeks later...

Progress not Perfection - Definitely true! It's great that you're able to do it most of the time. I agree that it isn't easy and it is a struggle - one that hopefully will get easier with time. Stick with it - even if you get derailed from time to time - the setbacks can be frustrating, but it's how we respond to them that is important. :)Sara April Towns wrote: Hi there, My name is April, I am a married mom of 3 boys and live in Ontario. I’ve spent the last year or so exploring Geneen Roth’s and Tribole’s books. I do believe that it is the way to live and eat, but still struggle to put it into practice. I do well when I stay in the moment most of the time, but really find my hormonal swings are what mostly seem to derail me. Progress not Perfection right? April

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Progress not Perfection - Definitely true! It's great that you're able to do it most of the time. I agree that it isn't easy and it is a struggle - one that hopefully will get easier with time. Stick with it - even if you get derailed from time to time - the setbacks can be frustrating, but it's how we respond to them that is important. :)Sara April Towns wrote: Hi there, My name is April, I am a married mom of 3 boys and live in Ontario. I’ve spent the last year or so exploring Geneen Roth’s and Tribole’s books. I do believe that it is the way to live and eat, but still struggle to put it into practice. I do well when I stay in the moment most of the time, but really find my hormonal swings are what mostly seem to derail me. Progress not Perfection right? April

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