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Re: Side effects of Altenolo

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In a message dated 5/19/2002 8:34:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

kenshireen@... writes:

<< I have been taking for a few months..If any of you take this drug

please let me know what sede effects you have experienced. Gas?



I have taken Atenolol for 12 years, starting with a 25 m.g. dose. I do

recently have a problem with gas, but for the first eight or nine years I

took Atenolol, gas was not a problem, so I can't blame the gas on Atenolol.

One side effect that I had in the beginning which has persisted all along is

a dry mouth for about two or three hours after taking Atenolol. Other side

effects which I persisted through make many people give up Atenolol before

they have become accustomed to it: fatigue, dizziness, and breathlessness,

especially when exercising. Each time my dose was raised in increments of

25, 50, 100, and 150 m.g., I would go through a period of couple of months

when I felt more fatigued, sleepy, and slightly breathless when exercising in

my normal way. Now I don't notice any side effects except the dry mouth. My

dose cannot be increased because I am an asthmatic and am not supposed to be

able to take a beta blocker in the first place. Also, I have mixed

adrenergic and primarily vagal afib, and Atenolol isn't supposed to be

effective for vagal afib. This just proves that every individual case is

different, and one has to find what works for him or her. Atenolol works

well for me, but I wouldn't have known that if I had stopped it in the first

months of fatigue, dizziness, and breathlessness.

in sinus in Seattle (Day 12)

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<< I have been taking for a few months..If any of you take this drug

please let me know what sede effects you have experienced. Gas?

Thanks, Ken >>

I have been on atenolol for four years now, with no side effects that I can

detect. Before that I was on Lopressor for a little while, but it made me

too sluggish and so my doctor changed me to atenolol. From the comments

from this group, it seems that meds affect each of us different ways--truly

a case of one man's poison.....


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Athenolol was the last drug I was on. It was probably the best of the bunch

(apart from digoxin). But side effects for me were breathlessness, it also

felt like I was breathing through water, I sort of felt starved of oxygen

and had no energy. They made me dizzy, but I have normal low BP and this was

probably the effect of my BP being lowered further. Another side effect I

had was ticcing and spasming in fingers and toes and area of my solar plexus

(which resembled seeing a baby kicking). This last side effect may have been

the remnants of sotalol as it started then, but continued on the athenolol.

Since stopping my meds it has gone.

Are you having some side effects?


Side effects of Altenolo

> I have been taking for a few months..If any of you take this drug

> please let me know what sede effects you have experienced. Gas?


> Thanks, Ken




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In a message dated 5/19/2002 1:00:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

Frances@... writes:

<< Another side effect I

had was ticcing and spasming in fingers and toes and area of my solar plexus

(which resembled seeing a baby kicking). This last side effect may have been

the remnants of sotalol as it started then, but continued on the athenolol.



When I did an informal, nonscientific Internet poll about three years ago

when my cardiologist was pushing aggressively to put me on Sotalol, about two

thirds of the 52 Sotalol users who responded reported problems in the

extremities: tingling, numbness, and spasms of fingers and toes. I have

never had that problem with Atenolol, but perhaps the Sotalol effect took a

while to wear off. (I successfully resisted my cardiologist's efforts to put

me on Sotalol and have never taken it. My new cardiologist tells me it is

not a drug he would choose for me.)

in sinus in Seattle (Day 12)

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I have been taking that drug for a while and the only

thing that I have noticed is that It makes me sleepy

at times....


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> I have been taking for a few months..If any of you take this drug

> please let me know what sede effects you have experienced. Gas?


> Thanks, Ken

Hi Ken,

I was on Atenalol for quite a number of years, and experienced a

worsening dry cough. This I find much later via the Internet is to be


A change in medication to a calcium channel blocker at least for me

eliminated the cough.

I am sure that you will find as many will tell you that there is no

one cure that fits all when it comes to Afib. Nor is there any one




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