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It's actually easier to control BGs with insulin than pills...but it does

take some trial and error. Whatever you do, don't go for NPH insulin - there

are peaks and troughs and you have to eat to dose the insulin and it ties you

to a very tight schedule. A better choice is long-acting ultralente which

you take twice a day for basal (background) insulin and Humalog matched to

carbs for meals. With this combination you can obtain excellent control.


In a message dated 03/19/2002 6:47:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

tiggeriffic4258@... writes:

> What are the pros and cons on this?

> Thanks


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It's actually easier to control BGs with insulin than pills...but it does

take some trial and error. Whatever you do, don't go for NPH insulin - there

are peaks and troughs and you have to eat to dose the insulin and it ties you

to a very tight schedule. A better choice is long-acting ultralente which

you take twice a day for basal (background) insulin and Humalog matched to

carbs for meals. With this combination you can obtain excellent control.


In a message dated 03/19/2002 6:47:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

tiggeriffic4258@... writes:

> What are the pros and cons on this?

> Thanks


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I am taking 30mg Actos and 22 units NPH and my last a1c was 7.6. Get new results

Fri. but morning reading have been below 100 for last 3 mo and post meals bet

150 & 190. Couch potato.


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I am taking 30mg Actos and 22 units NPH and my last a1c was 7.6. Get new results

Fri. but morning reading have been below 100 for last 3 mo and post meals bet

150 & 190. Couch potato.


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Kathy, I am on insulin by choice, however, while I am a type II, I am no

more than 5# overweight, not particularly insulin resistant and very active

with farm work. For me extra circulating insulin isn't a problem. I eat

around 100 carbs or less per day and my last A1c was 5.8. I chose insulin

because the doc kept upping my meds and I hadn't got it about lowering carbs

yet. So I joined here, learned a ton, lowered my carbs and chose insulin

rather than the meds which weren't good for my liver, just for starters. I

really like insulin.

My doc is a low carb fan and I do not go to dieticians or de's that say

stuff about low carb being bad for you. They are not up to date in their

knowledge, IMHO. PUshing more carbs and more meds just does not make sense

to me. Bernstein talks about the law of small numbers, i.e. less carbs =

less meds or insulin and less high numbers.

And Kathy, have you lowered your carb intake? If not, that could be why the

Actos hasn't done much for you.



> I talked to my diabetic nurse today and they want to up my Actos to 45 mg

> because it has been 3 weeks and nothing is working yet. She also said I

> could start Insulin. What are the pros and cons on this?

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tiggeriffic4258@... wrote:


> Hi all,

> I talked to my diabetic nurse today and they want to up my Actos to 45 mg

> because it has been 3 weeks and nothing is working yet. She also said I

> could start Insulin. What are the pros and cons on this?

> Thanks

> Kathy

My opinion of some of this is covered in the e-mail I sent

replying directly to your e-mail.

However, I have to ask: Why is it not obvious to the medical

community that driving up bg's with lots of carbs such as

they have you eating and then trying to beat them down with

pills and insulin may not be the best approach (IMHO).

Actos are a glitizone class drug along with Avandia and

Rezulin (Rezulin was pulled because of liver damage &


Taking these drugs carries the risk of liver damage and the

patient must have liver testing done regularly. Personally,

I wouldn't want to take that risk.

Insulin is, of course an option. It carries very few

side-effects, and the only real risk is that of possible

hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can be very dangerous and even

fatal in a very short time, but that can be avoided by tight

control, avoiding the roller-coaster bg levels.

Unfortunately, most Drs put their patients on a very

simplified insulin dosing regimen, and control is very

imprecise. If you are going on insulin, there are some here

on this list that are tightly controlling and could give

help with that.

As an aside, if I were to be totally unable to achieve

control with LC dieting, my drug of choice would be insulin

because of its minimal side-effects, but that's just me.

Personally, if it were me, I would opt for the insulin and

drop the ACTOS to lessen the liver risk.

, T2


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Re: advice

tiggeriffic4258@... wrote:


> Hi all,

> I talked to my diabetic nurse today and they want to up my Actos to 45 mg

> because it has been 3 weeks and nothing is working yet. She also said I

> could start Insulin. What are the pros and cons on this?

> Thanks

> Kathy

Hi Kathy,

I am taking 15 mgs of Actos and must have the 3 month check up on my liver.

Of course, I was already having liver problems when taking Glucophage

Glipizide, and also with Amaryl. The main problem that I have with Actos is

the swelling. I have CHF and am taking 80 mgs of Lasix. I've already had 6

cardiac arrests and I'm having chest pains again today. I never know for

sure what's going on with my health because it may all be stress related

right now. Two of my 4 sons were laid off a couple of weeks ago. One has

already found another job and the other one is still looking. (They both

worked in the Houston area.) Another son just called less than 5 minutes

ago and he said they just advised him that they are closing one of their 5

offices which means a big lay-off in that company. These 3 boys are all in

the engineering field. Things are getting pretty scary right now. The

Houston area is hurting very bad.

Sorry, I got off on another tangent. The main thing was that I wanted to

let you know that IMHO you are much better off with insulin than any of the

oral meds. I'm on NPH 70/30 which most people really don't like. I was

doing fine on it until last week and I can't blame it on the insulin.

Again, it's stress related. I just came back from Spring Break with 4 of my

grandchildren. I had a great time but am now exhausted and stressed to the

max. Oh, BTW, I had absolutely no problems carrying my insulin, syringes,

meds, and CPAP on the flights going and coming back from Florida. The only

problem was that we had to check in 2 hours prior to flight time, PLUS, my

beautiful little 15 year old granddaughter was searched before both flights.

I think that's a little strange. I certainly didn't like them doing a

" pat-down " on her. There was 7 of us and they didn't pick on anyone except


Oh well, I'm back to the same old grind at home with laundry, dishes,

cooking and reading over 4,000 emails. LOL



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Re: advice

tiggeriffic4258@... wrote:


> Hi all,

> I talked to my diabetic nurse today and they want to up my Actos to 45 mg

> because it has been 3 weeks and nothing is working yet. She also said I

> could start Insulin. What are the pros and cons on this?

> Thanks

> Kathy

Hi Kathy,

I am taking 15 mgs of Actos and must have the 3 month check up on my liver.

Of course, I was already having liver problems when taking Glucophage

Glipizide, and also with Amaryl. The main problem that I have with Actos is

the swelling. I have CHF and am taking 80 mgs of Lasix. I've already had 6

cardiac arrests and I'm having chest pains again today. I never know for

sure what's going on with my health because it may all be stress related

right now. Two of my 4 sons were laid off a couple of weeks ago. One has

already found another job and the other one is still looking. (They both

worked in the Houston area.) Another son just called less than 5 minutes

ago and he said they just advised him that they are closing one of their 5

offices which means a big lay-off in that company. These 3 boys are all in

the engineering field. Things are getting pretty scary right now. The

Houston area is hurting very bad.

Sorry, I got off on another tangent. The main thing was that I wanted to

let you know that IMHO you are much better off with insulin than any of the

oral meds. I'm on NPH 70/30 which most people really don't like. I was

doing fine on it until last week and I can't blame it on the insulin.

Again, it's stress related. I just came back from Spring Break with 4 of my

grandchildren. I had a great time but am now exhausted and stressed to the

max. Oh, BTW, I had absolutely no problems carrying my insulin, syringes,

meds, and CPAP on the flights going and coming back from Florida. The only

problem was that we had to check in 2 hours prior to flight time, PLUS, my

beautiful little 15 year old granddaughter was searched before both flights.

I think that's a little strange. I certainly didn't like them doing a

" pat-down " on her. There was 7 of us and they didn't pick on anyone except


Oh well, I'm back to the same old grind at home with laundry, dishes,

cooking and reading over 4,000 emails. LOL



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I spoke to the diabetic nurse today and she said basically the same thing.

Less side affects and better control. She will talk to the doc tomorrow and

get me started. I did the insulin thing when I was pregnant so I am ok with

the shots.


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I spoke to the diabetic nurse today and she said basically the same thing.

Less side affects and better control. She will talk to the doc tomorrow and

get me started. I did the insulin thing when I was pregnant so I am ok with

the shots.


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Hey Tootie,

Thanks for the info. I was wondering about the swelling. I have been

swelling and wondering what the heck that is, it started right after I

started the Actos. I am so tired of all the side affects from the drugs and

I just want some control. I hope things work out with your sons, and you are

a brave woman going to spring break with your grandkids.


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Hey Tootie,

Thanks for the info. I was wondering about the swelling. I have been

swelling and wondering what the heck that is, it started right after I

started the Actos. I am so tired of all the side affects from the drugs and

I just want some control. I hope things work out with your sons, and you are

a brave woman going to spring break with your grandkids.


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Hey Tootie,

Thanks for the info. I was wondering about the swelling. I have been

swelling and wondering what the heck that is, it started right after I

started the Actos. I am so tired of all the side affects from the drugs and

I just want some control. I hope things work out with your sons, and you are

a brave woman going to spring break with your grandkids.


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Thanks Barb,

I have ordered the book Dr. Bernstien from bayer and it should be here soon.

I told the diabetic nurse I want insulin and I am going to LC. Thanks for

your support and it must be really wild working on a farm


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  • 9 months later...


>To: ali855@..., butterfly101558@..., car450@...,

>Juju.beans@..., normipoohbear061@...,

>raggydoll70@..., timidstorm35@..., traviss@...,

>ur_jokin@..., xxsugarsugarxx@...

>Subject: Fwd: advice

>Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 03:20:22 +0000



Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


>From: "Jackie"

>To: ,"Old, old man" ,"Michele" ,"Marilynn" ,"" ,"Barb" ,"Angie Hood"

>Subject: advice

>Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 06:25:42 -0500


>You may not believe in this but the advice is great!

>Read all the way down, you might discover something new!!!










>Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.








>Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their

>conversational skills will be as important as any other.








>Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.








>When you say, "I love you," mean it.








>When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.








>Be engaged at least six months before you get married.








>Believe in love at first sight.








>Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who

>don't have dreams don't have much.








>Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt

>but it's the only way to live life completely.








>In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.








>Don't judge people by their relatives.








>Talk slowly but think quickly.










>When someone asks you a question you don't want

>to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"








>Remember that great love and great

>achievements involve great risk.








>Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.








>When you lose, don't lose the lesson.








>Remember the three R's:

>Respect for self;

>Respect for others;

>Responsibility for all your actions.








>Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.








>When you realize you've made a mistake,

>take immediate steps to correct it.








>Smile when picking up the phone.

>The caller will hear it in your voice.








>Spend some time alone.







>Now, here's the FUN part! This tantra totem has

>been sent to you for good luck. It has been sent

>around the world ten times so far. You will receive

>good luck within four days of relaying this tantra

>totem. Send copies to people you think highly of.

>Don't send money as fate has no price.







>Do not keep this message.

>The tantra totem must leave your hands in

>96 hours. You will get a very pleasant surprise.

>This is true, even if you are not superstitious.

>Send this to at least 5 people and your life will improve.

>0-4 people: Your life will improve slightly.

>5-9 people: Your life will improve to your liking.

>9-14 people: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 3 weeks.

>15 and above: Your life will improve drastically!!

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  • 5 years later...

I need advice – I was just about feeling better from an exacerbation,

which started in March. On Friday, my body turned on me. My right

leg, which is my weak leg, started to cause me problems. I cannot

lift it up to walk. I normally do not use a cane or walker. I am

getting a little paranoid. The last Neurologist wanted me to start

on Tysabri, which I flatly refused. I have ordered the Naltrexone

from Canada but have not received it. I was taking my husbands

naproxen for inflammation, but I stopped. I was also taking lysine

for cold sore prevention. Currently I am taking Copaxone but will

discontinue once I start the LDN. I am also suffering from

indigestion. I take vitamin D3 with calcium, Grape seed, Gingko

Biloba, Fax seed oil, and on occasion a multiple vitamin.

I believe my symptoms relate to the virus (herpes zoster). When I

use the cold sore crème to suppress the sore the virus attacks

another weak spot – my spine. I am in the process of eliminating all

gluten and have eliminated dairy. Any suggestions?


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For herpes prevention use Lysine regularly or homeopathic Rhus

toxicodendron at first sign of tingling. You're on the right track

with dairy and gluten elimination. Why not look into a 100% raw food

diet? Personally, I would not take the flax seed oil but rather

borage, hemp or black seed. Recently I read that 95% of all fish oil

is rancid (still need to find the study about that to make sure it's

true so don't take my word for it) so I'd be very leary about taking

fish oil unless you test it first. When I worked for a doctor who had

an EAV I tested all my supplements and fish oil always came out bad.

Inliven probiotic superfood works wonders for digestion and is much

more absorbable than a multivitamin. It's a nutritional powerhouse

with all strains of bacteria that you need plus all amino acids. I

take it daily and my eyes had a thick brown ring around the pupil

which indicates bowel problems. It's gone through two very

significant changes and is now quite thin compared to before and I

have hopes of one day having pure blue eyes again. I can literally

eat anything now without indigestion. I've written about it here

before if you search the archives or you can write to me off-group and

I'll send you some files about it.

Mercury is a major cause or irritant for MS and will also cause


Sharon Hoehner



> I need advice – I was just about feeling better from an exacerbation,

> which started in March. On Friday, my body turned on me. My right

> leg, which is my weak leg, started to cause me problems. I cannot

> lift it up to walk. I normally do not use a cane or walker. I am

> getting a little paranoid. The last Neurologist wanted me to start

> on Tysabri, which I flatly refused. I have ordered the Naltrexone

> from Canada but have not received it. I was taking my husbands

> naproxen for inflammation, but I stopped. I was also taking lysine

> for cold sore prevention. Currently I am taking Copaxone but will

> discontinue once I start the LDN. I am also suffering from

> indigestion. I take vitamin D3 with calcium, Grape seed, Gingko

> Biloba, Fax seed oil, and on occasion a multiple vitamin.


> I believe my symptoms relate to the virus (herpes zoster). When I

> use the cold sore crème to suppress the sore the virus attacks

> another weak spot – my spine. I am in the process of eliminating all

> gluten and have eliminated dairy. Any suggestions?


> Thanks,



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You might go thru this until you've eliminated all the trigger foods.

> I believe my symptoms relate to the virus (herpes zoster). When I

> use the cold sore crème to suppress the sore the virus attacks

> another weak spot – my spine. I am in the process of eliminating all

> gluten and have eliminated dairy. Any suggestions?



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