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Re: Low Oxalate diet

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I am sending along some sites to check for information on low, medium and high oxalate contents. You may notice that some lists indicate different ratings for the same food so it can be confusing.

Hope this helps you.




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Here is a list which I have compiled from

various sources. For some reason

there is a difference of opinion between sources -

I suppose the differences are based on the samples

of foods which are utilized in the testing. Apparently the content of oxalates

in foods depends on the soil in which they are grown.



Little or No Oxalate.(less than 2 mg/serving).Eat as desired

Moderate Oxalate.(2-10) mg.2 (1/2 cup) servings a day

High Oxalate.(more than 10 mg).AVOID COMPLETELY

Oxalate mg/100gm


Barley=3.4 - Bread, white=4.9 - Cake, Fruit=11.8 - Cake, Sponge=7.4

Cheerios=20.6 * Cornflakes=2.0

Egg Noodle, Chow Mein=1.0- Grits (corn white)=41.0 - Macaroni,boiled=1.0 -

Oatmeal, Porridge=2.0 - Popcorn=26.3 - Spaghetti,boiled1.5

- Wheat Germ=269.0 - Whole Wheat=25.0


Butter=0.0 - Cheese, Cheddar=0.0 - Margarine=0.0 Milk=1.2


Bacon, streaky fried=3.3 - Beef, canned corn=0.0 - Beef, topside roast0.0 -

Chicken, roast=0.0 - Egg, boiled=0.0 - Haddock =0.2 - Sardines4.8 - Ham=1.6-

Hamburger, grilled=0.0 -Lamb, roast=trace -

Liver=7.1 -Pork, roast=1.7


Cocoa, Dry Powder=623.0 -

Coffee Powder (Nescafe)=33.0

Chicken Noodle Soup=1.0 - Lemon Juice=1.0 -

Lime Juice=0.0 - Ovaltine,powder canned=35.0

-Oxtail Soup=1.0 - Pepper=419.0 - Tomato Soup=3.0 -Vegetable Soup=5.0 -

Asparagus=5.2 -


Beans, green boiled=15.0 -

Beans in Tomato Sauce=19.0 -

Beetroot, boiled=675.0 -Beetroot, pickled500.0 - Black Olives=32.3 - Broccoli,

boiled=trace - Brussels Sprouts,boiled=0.0 - Cabbage, boiled=4.0 -Cauliflower,

boiled=1.0 -Celery=20.0

-Chard, Swiss=645.0 - Chive=3.2 - Collards=74.0 - Corn,Yellow=5.2 - Cucumber,


-Dandelion Greens=24.6 - Eggplant1=8.0 - Escarole=31.0 - Kale=13.0 - Leek=89.0 -

Lettuce=3.0 - LimaBeans=4.3 - Mushrooms=2.0 - Okra=146.0 - Onion Boiled=3.0

-Parsley, raw=100.0 - Parsnips=10.0 -

Peanuts, Roasted=187.0 - Pecans202.0 -Peas, canned=1.0 - Pepper, Green=16.0 -

Pokeweed=476.0 -Potatoes, white boiled=0.0 - Radishes=0.3 -Rice, boiled=0.0

-Rutabagas 19.0 - Snow peas=4.1 - Spinach, boiled=750.0 -

Spinach, frozen=600.0

- Squash, summer=22.0 - Tomatoes, raw=2.0 - Turnips, boiled=1.0 -Watercress,

curly=10.0 - Yams, fresh cooked=35.0 - Yams,Canned=19.4


Apples, raw=3.0 - Apricots=2.8 - Avocado=2.0 - Banana, raw=2.0

-Berries - Black=18.0 - Blue=15.0 - Dew=14.0 -Green Goose88.0 - Raspberries,

black=53.0 - Raspberries, Red=15.0 -

Strawberries, canned=15.0 - Strawberries, raw=10.0 - Cherries -Bing=0.0 -

Sour=1.1 - Currants - Black=4.3 - Red=19.0 -

Fruit Salad, canned=12.0 -

Grapes - Concord=25.0 - seedless=0.0 - Lemon Peel=83.0 - Lime

Peel=110.0 - Mangos=0.0 -

Melons - Cantaloupe=0.0 - Casaba=0.0 - Honeydew=0.0 -Watermelon=0.0 -

Nectarines=0.0 - Orange, raw=4.0 - Peaches -Alberta=5.0 - Canned=1.2 -

Hiley=0.0 - Stokes=2.0 -

Pears, Bartlet, canned=1.7 - Penieapple, fresh=3.9 - Pineapple, canned=1.0

-Plums -Damson=10.0 - Golden Gage=1.1 - Green Gage=0.0 -

Preserves - Red Plum Jam=2.0 - Strawberry Jam=9.4 - Prunes Italian 5.8 - Rhubarb

- Canned=600.0 - Stewed, no sugar=860.0


Chocolate, plain=117.0 - Jelly, with allowed fruit=0.0 - Marmalade 10.8

BEVERAGES, Non-alcoholic

Barley Water, bottled=0.0 - Coca Cola=trace - Cocoa=7.7 - Coffee (0.5 g

Nescafe/100ml)=3.2 - Lemon Squash (lemonade)=2.0 -Lucozade, bottle (soda)=2.0

-Orange Squash (orangeade)=2.5 - Ovaltine drink, 2g in 100ml=10.0 -

Pepsi Cola=trace -

Ribena, concentrate=2.0 - (black currant drink) - Tea, Indian - 2 min.

infusion=55.0 - 4 min. Infusion 72.0 - 6 min. infusion=78.0

- Tea, Rosehip=4.0


Apple Juice=trace - Cranberry Juice=6.6 - Grape Juice=5.8 -Grapefruit Juice=2.0

- Orange Juice=0.5 - Pineapple Juice=0.0 -Tomato Juice=5.0 -

BEVERAGES, Alcoholic

Beer - Bottled=0.0 - Draft=1.0 - Lager draft, Tuborg Pilsner 30.0 -

Stout, Guiness draft=2.0 -Cider=0.0 - Sherry,dry=trace

- Wine - Port=trace - Rose=1.5 - White=0.0



Brew time 1 minute

Constant Comment=17.7 - " Loose tea=15.0 - Cinnamon Stick=143.0 -Earl Gray=79.1

- Lemon Lift=29.4 - Plantation Mint =20.0 -Raspberry Royale=17.7 -

JapanGreen=38.9 - Chinese Fortune=55.6

- Darjeeling Blend=17.7 - English Teatime=145.0 - English Breakfast=145.0


Brew Time 4 Minutes

Constant Comment Decaf=53.1-Cinnamon

Stick Decaf=81.0 - Earl Grey Decaf=247.0 -

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Guest guest


According to the VP Foundation cookbook here is some of the low occolate

things you can eat. Although, I think you are suppose to mix low and



cheese,cheddar and cream

Milk,low-fat,skim, whole




mayo, Heintz

salad dressing

vegetalbe oils








melons-cantloope,honey dew, watermelon


peaches, Hiley, Stokes,cannes










Rye bread

spagetti iif you would like a more through list or are looking for

something in particular, please e-mail me at ballards4@... (don't

want to take up too much space)

Low oxalate diet


>Does anyone know what foods are considered low in oxalates. I am


>trying the diet and don't have a clue which foods are low oxalates.

>Has anyone else tried this diet before. Is it similar to no glutens,grains,

>and dairy diet.







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Hey Melinda,

I found a really clear chart about this, but I can't find it right

now. As soon as I do, I'll post it to you. I do remember, however,

that my top 4 favorites are definitely HIGH oxalate! (Coffee, Black

Tea, Chocolate, and Spinach!) I really don't need the first 3, but

since I don't do a lot of dairy, I need spinach for calcium, etc. I

did start taking Calcium Citrate though to see if I would benefit from

a low oxalate diet, b/c I read somewhere that Calcium Citrate would

reduce the oxalate crystals in your urine. It helps me--not sure how

much, but there is a change. And I can tell a difference on the days

I don't take it. But I still haven't completely given up coffee or


Is it similar to no


> and dairy diet.

Nope, totally different! That's how come I didn't start trying this

first, it was so confusing to me to try both at the same time!







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The low oxalate diet was the only thing that made my

condition liveable so far. Try it. Chocolate just

kills me.


--- Melinda wrote:

> Thanks , Sue, Meg, Ora and anyone I am leaving

> out for the info on the low oxalate diet.







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didn't work for me, but try it anyway, it could work for you.


> Thanks , Sue, Meg, Ora and anyone I am leaving out for the

info on the low oxalate diet.





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  • 9 months later...

Hi ,

I found the link below on the vulvar pain foundation stating bananas

are low oxalate. The Vulvar Pain Foundation is embarking on extensive

testing of oxalates in foods through Liebman, Ph.D at the

University of Wyoming. The VPF current newsletter has a list of foods

to be tested. You might want to look into VPF if you haven't already--

they're a great foundation and also provide a wealth of information to

include a great newsletter.


Also, if you check out Rowan's resources (click) on " The Low Oxalate

Diet " and you'll find a pretty good list there. Rowan's resources also

has good info of vulvodynia and fibromyalgia.


Good luck!


> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Hi everyone<BR>

> <BR>

> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different <BR>

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms


> worse.<BR>

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is water


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate, <BR>

> decaffeinated coffee etc. & nbsp; I havent noticed much of an

improvement <BR>

> yet though!!<BR>

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can


> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then I


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did


> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if


> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this


> before and there's no obvious cause.<BR>

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate, especially


> in the mornings. & nbsp; Does anyone know any alternatives so I can

have a <BR>

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). & nbsp; Is milk a bad thing to have?? I

was <BR>

> thinking I could have hot milk.<BR>

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??<BR>

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


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Hi ,

I found the link below on the vulvar pain foundation stating bananas

are low oxalate. The Vulvar Pain Foundation is embarking on extensive

testing of oxalates in foods through Liebman, Ph.D at the

University of Wyoming. The VPF current newsletter has a list of foods

to be tested. You might want to look into VPF if you haven't already--

they're a great foundation and also provide a wealth of information to

include a great newsletter.


Also, if you check out Rowan's resources (click) on " The Low Oxalate

Diet " and you'll find a pretty good list there. Rowan's resources also

has good info of vulvodynia and fibromyalgia.


Good luck!


> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Hi everyone<BR>

> <BR>

> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different <BR>

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms


> worse.<BR>

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is water


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate, <BR>

> decaffeinated coffee etc. & nbsp; I havent noticed much of an

improvement <BR>

> yet though!!<BR>

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can


> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then I


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did


> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if


> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this


> before and there's no obvious cause.<BR>

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate, especially


> in the mornings. & nbsp; Does anyone know any alternatives so I can

have a <BR>

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). & nbsp; Is milk a bad thing to have?? I

was <BR>

> thinking I could have hot milk.<BR>

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??<BR>

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


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> <br>

> <tt>

> *****END OF MESSAGE*****<BR>

> -------------------------------------------------<BR>

> Yahoo members can click on:<BR>

> <BR>

> <a

href= " http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VulvarDisorders " >http://groups.yahoo


> <BR>

> On the left side is a listing including & nbsp; Links & nbsp; & nbsp;


> Files . & nbsp; If you click on those you will find much additional


> information posted by our members.<BR>

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> *****

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Hi ,

I found the link below on the vulvar pain foundation stating bananas

are low oxalate. The Vulvar Pain Foundation is embarking on extensive

testing of oxalates in foods through Liebman, Ph.D at the

University of Wyoming. The VPF current newsletter has a list of foods

to be tested. You might want to look into VPF if you haven't already--

they're a great foundation and also provide a wealth of information to

include a great newsletter.


Also, if you check out Rowan's resources (click) on " The Low Oxalate

Diet " and you'll find a pretty good list there. Rowan's resources also

has good info of vulvodynia and fibromyalgia.


Good luck!


> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Hi everyone<BR>

> <BR>

> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different <BR>

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms


> worse.<BR>

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is water


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate, <BR>

> decaffeinated coffee etc. & nbsp; I havent noticed much of an

improvement <BR>

> yet though!!<BR>

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can


> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then I


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did


> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if


> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this


> before and there's no obvious cause.<BR>

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate, especially


> in the mornings. & nbsp; Does anyone know any alternatives so I can

have a <BR>

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). & nbsp; Is milk a bad thing to have?? I

was <BR>

> thinking I could have hot milk.<BR>

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??<BR>

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


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src= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ho/homeandgardentv/hgtvdh03_300

x250c.jpg " alt= " HGTV Dream Home Giveaway " width= " 300 " height= " 250 "

border= " 0 " ></a></td> </tr> </table></td>

> </tr>

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> <br>

> <tt>

> *****END OF MESSAGE*****<BR>

> -------------------------------------------------<BR>

> Yahoo members can click on:<BR>

> <BR>

> <a

href= " http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VulvarDisorders " >http://groups.yahoo


> <BR>

> On the left side is a listing including & nbsp; Links & nbsp; & nbsp;


> Files . & nbsp; If you click on those you will find much additional


> information posted by our members.<BR>

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Hmm... the bad news? All of my doctors have mentioned that you should

stick to a STRICT low-oxalate diet for two months before trying to

add foods back in, especially if you don't immediately notice any

improvement. And should supplement with calcium citrate. As I

recall, milk is low in oxalates, but you can check the page on rowan's

resources (type " lox-oxalate diet " into google and it'll be one of the

first couple hits).

> Hi everyone


> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms

> worse.

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

> decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an improvement

> yet though!!

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can

> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did

> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if

> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this

> before and there's no obvious cause.

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,


> in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have a

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I was

> thinking I could have hot milk.

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.


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Hmm... the bad news? All of my doctors have mentioned that you should

stick to a STRICT low-oxalate diet for two months before trying to

add foods back in, especially if you don't immediately notice any

improvement. And should supplement with calcium citrate. As I

recall, milk is low in oxalates, but you can check the page on rowan's

resources (type " lox-oxalate diet " into google and it'll be one of the

first couple hits).

> Hi everyone


> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms

> worse.

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

> decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an improvement

> yet though!!

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can

> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did

> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if

> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this

> before and there's no obvious cause.

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,


> in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have a

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I was

> thinking I could have hot milk.

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.


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Hmm... the bad news? All of my doctors have mentioned that you should

stick to a STRICT low-oxalate diet for two months before trying to

add foods back in, especially if you don't immediately notice any

improvement. And should supplement with calcium citrate. As I

recall, milk is low in oxalates, but you can check the page on rowan's

resources (type " lox-oxalate diet " into google and it'll be one of the

first couple hits).

> Hi everyone


> I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my symptoms

> worse.

> I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is


> and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

> decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an improvement

> yet though!!

> What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas can

> make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday then


> had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms did

> get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know if

> its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like this

> before and there's no obvious cause.

> Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,


> in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have a

> hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I was

> thinking I could have hot milk.

> So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.


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Thanks for your reply , I only drank water for a week and

nothing else and I havent noticed any improvement in my symptoms so

am going back onto decaffeinated coffee and hot chocolate again. I've

tried the low oxalate diet before and I just cant notice a pattern in

my symptoms and what i eat, it gets very confusing.

> > Hi everyone

> >

> > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my


> > worse.

> > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is

> water

> > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

> > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an


> > yet though!!

> > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas


> > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday


> I

> > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms


> > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know


> > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like


> > before and there's no obvious cause.

> > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

> especially

> > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have


> > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I


> > thinking I could have hot milk.

> > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

> >

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Chocolate is one of the high oxalate foods.


On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 14:22:25 -0000, " "


>Thanks for your reply , I only drank water for a week and

>nothing else and I havent noticed any improvement in my symptoms so

>am going back onto decaffeinated coffee and hot chocolate again. I've

>tried the low oxalate diet before and I just cant notice a pattern in

>my symptoms and what i eat, it gets very confusing.





>> > Hi everyone

>> >

>> > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

>> > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my


>> > worse.

>> > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is

>> water

>> > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

>> > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an


>> > yet though!!

>> > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas


>> > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday


>> I

>> > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms


>> > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know


>> > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like


>> > before and there's no obvious cause.

>> > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

>> especially

>> > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have


>> > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I


>> > thinking I could have hot milk.

>> > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

>> > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

>> >



>*****END OF MESSAGE*****


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Chocolate is one of the high oxalate foods.


On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 14:22:25 -0000, " "


>Thanks for your reply , I only drank water for a week and

>nothing else and I havent noticed any improvement in my symptoms so

>am going back onto decaffeinated coffee and hot chocolate again. I've

>tried the low oxalate diet before and I just cant notice a pattern in

>my symptoms and what i eat, it gets very confusing.





>> > Hi everyone

>> >

>> > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

>> > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my


>> > worse.

>> > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is

>> water

>> > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot chocolate,

>> > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an


>> > yet though!!

>> > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas


>> > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday


>> I

>> > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms


>> > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know


>> > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like


>> > before and there's no obvious cause.

>> > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

>> especially

>> > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can have


>> > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I


>> > thinking I could have hot milk.

>> > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

>> > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

>> >



>*****END OF MESSAGE*****


>Yahoo members can click on:




>On the left side is a listing including Links and

> Files . If you click on those you will find much additional

>information posted by our members.


>To post message: VulvarDisorders

> To Subscribe: VulvarDisorders-subscribe

> Unsubscribe: VulvarDisorders-unsubscribe

> List owner: VulvarDisorders-owner



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The last time you tried it, was it strict for two months? My doctor

specifically told me - just because you don't see any change in a week

or two, _don't_ get lax about it. Keep it up for two months. " So if

you're not sure, I'd hold off on the coffee and hot chocolate, since

both are high in oxalates. But if you're sure, then " congrats " - I

konw I was almost relieved to know that the lox-oxalate diet didn't

help me because it was SOOOO hard to do for two months!

> > > Hi everyone

> > >

> > > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> > > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my

> symptoms

> > > worse.

> > > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is

> > water

> > > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot


> > > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an

> improvement

> > > yet though!!

> > > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas

> can

> > > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday

> then

> > I

> > > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms

> did

> > > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know

> if

> > > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like

> this

> > > before and there's no obvious cause.

> > > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

> > especially

> > > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can


> a

> > > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I

> was

> > > thinking I could have hot milk.

> > > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> > > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

> > >

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The last time you tried it, was it strict for two months? My doctor

specifically told me - just because you don't see any change in a week

or two, _don't_ get lax about it. Keep it up for two months. " So if

you're not sure, I'd hold off on the coffee and hot chocolate, since

both are high in oxalates. But if you're sure, then " congrats " - I

konw I was almost relieved to know that the lox-oxalate diet didn't

help me because it was SOOOO hard to do for two months!

> > > Hi everyone

> > >

> > > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce different

> > > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my

> symptoms

> > > worse.

> > > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then is

> > water

> > > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot


> > > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an

> improvement

> > > yet though!!

> > > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or bananas

> can

> > > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad yesterday

> then

> > I

> > > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my symptoms

> did

> > > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont know

> if

> > > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been like

> this

> > > before and there's no obvious cause.

> > > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

> > especially

> > > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can


> a

> > > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have?? I

> was

> > > thinking I could have hot milk.

> > > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> > > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

> > >

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No, I didnt do it for 2 months. Maybe i'll have to give that a try

then. Thanks

> > > > Hi everyone

> > > >

> > > > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce


> > > > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my

> > symptoms

> > > > worse.

> > > > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then


> > > water

> > > > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot

> chocolate,

> > > > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an

> > improvement

> > > > yet though!!

> > > > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or


> > can

> > > > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad


> > then

> > > I

> > > > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my


> > did

> > > > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont


> > if

> > > > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been


> > this

> > > > before and there's no obvious cause.

> > > > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

> > > especially

> > > > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can

> have

> > a

> > > > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have??


> > was

> > > > thinking I could have hot milk.

> > > > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> > > > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

> > > >

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No, I didnt do it for 2 months. Maybe i'll have to give that a try

then. Thanks

> > > > Hi everyone

> > > >

> > > > I've decided to try the low oxalate diet and introduce


> > > > foods to see if I can find out if its food thats making my

> > symptoms

> > > > worse.

> > > > I started it on Monday and all i've been drinking since then


> > > water

> > > > and i'll wait another couple of days and introduce hot

> chocolate,

> > > > decaffeinated coffee etc. I havent noticed much of an

> > improvement

> > > > yet though!!

> > > > What I want to know from other sufferers is if milk or


> > can

> > > > make symptoms worse?? My symptoms didnt seem too bad


> > then

> > > I

> > > > had a banana in the evening and about an hour later my


> > did

> > > > get a bit worse. They are still the same this morning, dont


> > if

> > > > its to do with banana though because my symptoms have been


> > this

> > > > before and there's no obvious cause.

> > > > Also i've really been missing having coffee/hot chocolate,

> > > especially

> > > > in the mornings. Does anyone know any alternatives so I can

> have

> > a

> > > > hot drink.(I live in the UK). Is milk a bad thing to have??


> > was

> > > > thinking I could have hot milk.

> > > > So has anyone had a bad experience with bananas and milk??

> > > > Thanks and hope everyone has a good day today.

> > > >

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White chocolate is basically composed of fat from chocolate. It is not

chocolate. But it tastes good.

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:29:16 -0800, " Janet Rizzoli "



>Good news, the Vulvar Pain Foundation had the white chocolate tested below

>and in small quantities it's low in oxalates.


>white chocolate chunks (Callebaut)

>1 oz low oxalate

>1.5-4.5 oz medium oxalate


>The Baker's Catalogue

>King Arthur Flour, P.O. Box 876

>Norwich Vermont 05055-0876





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White chocolate is basically composed of fat from chocolate. It is not

chocolate. But it tastes good.

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:29:16 -0800, " Janet Rizzoli "



>Good news, the Vulvar Pain Foundation had the white chocolate tested below

>and in small quantities it's low in oxalates.


>white chocolate chunks (Callebaut)

>1 oz low oxalate

>1.5-4.5 oz medium oxalate


>The Baker's Catalogue

>King Arthur Flour, P.O. Box 876

>Norwich Vermont 05055-0876





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