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Re: What do you eat?

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Well, let me start by telling you about the BMR (not that horrible

index - don't go by that thing)...the BMR is the number of calories

your body will burn just laying in bed and breathing all day -

without even moving, just to function and keep you alive. Let's say

your BMR is 2000 calories. That sounds like a high number, but if

you go under that number you will slow your motablolism down and

won't loose weight. There have been alot of women here that just

couldn't loose the weight although they were seemingly doing

everything right. As I suspected - they weren't eating enough! They

had to eat more calories to loose weight.

So - #1 rule - do not go under your BMR!!!

(If you give me your b-day(month and year), your hight, and your

weight I can give you that number and some other info. With your

waist measuremnt I can also figure the amount of lean body tissue vs.

fat ect to a reasonalbe degree.)

#2 - If your not counting calories or fat grams rght now - do it for

a day or two, to see how you are doing in those areas. The amount of

calories and fat (total fat) you eat in a day can give us a big clue

as to how to best get the weight off.

#3 - water, water, water...tea, coffee, crystal light - even soup -

it all counts as long as it has no caffine. Your body weight devided

by 2 = the number of oz you need in a day to be fully hydrated. I'll

post you a few lessons I typed out and posted eons ago...they will be

labled 'loose the fat #1, and #2.' I think I stopped there :-) But

I'm pretty sure that in them I explained why it's so important.

Heck - I notice with in a day or two of stopping or starting water.

When I am drinking pleanty of water the weight comes off much

easier....kind of like getting muffins out of a muffin tin with the

help of cooking spray. No cooking spray (water) and the muffins

(fat) stick and you have to pry them out! LOL.

It's been too long that I have neglected the members here - I think

I'll grab ahold of you and we'll get that weight comming off, re-

introduce all of those things to the group that Jacy and Tina

probably don't want to have to read through again :-) Are you up for

it? Ready to get beautifull and feel great?

Ok - # 4...calcium...be sure if you don't eat enought hard dairy you

are taking your cacium supliments (not just for health - but for a

boost on your weight loss as well....it could give you an extra 12 -

18 pound loss in a years time just by taking your suppliments.

As far as what to eat? I'd need to know what you like, what you are

eating in a non-diet mode to give you suggestions...it's important

NOT to deprive yourself or go hungry. But for now, each time you

eat - make the wises choice possible. If you are feeling strong of

will and highly motivated you might choose fruit, veggies, fat free

cottage cheese, fesh spinich salad with fat free dressing and other

veggies in it, maybe a fat free frozen yagurt on a cone for desert if

you feel the need. If you are feeling like fast food and it's just

going to happen - you can still make the wisest choice possible.

That means no fries, no sugary soda...go for a grilled chicken

sadwich with no mayo or plain roast beef. If you can't live through

the day without the fries - get the smallest one...the kids size. (I

have actually asked to buy a single fry :-) Of course she just gave

it too me - LOL, then I said - No, better make it 3!. You'd be

suprised how supportive even strangers can be. They get a kick out

of it and think it's great that you are not embarrissed....they

usually compliment your strength which gives you motivation for the

rest of the day. I'm sure there is a McDee's worker out there some

where who will never forget the lady on a diet who wanted to buy 3

single frys :-)

As far as exersice...lucky you - we have Lucia here now and she is a

wizz at that stuff. I am all but afraid of the word itself. My idea

on that is to move as much as possible and tighten the muscles

often...not good enough realy - but better than ever before and I'm

working my way up to it :-)

Ok - I'll go get those posts for you...

.......Oh, another thing - no more sugar or fat in ANYTHING you

drink!!! If you drink sugary or fatty things now - don't even bother

with the food part yet - just switch your drinking habbits first. It

won't hurt too bad :-) And it will help ALOT. You can drink way

more calories than you could ever eat in a day.

(uh...coffee in the morning does NOT count...that would just be plain

mean. If you do alot of cream or sugar in your coffee - we'll work

on that after your other drinks and your eating are on a good

level...but you could do it the way I did - the first cup of the day

is anyway you please. After that your only allowed sweeteners and

fat free creamers...My sugar and cream calories each day added up to

a little over a pound a week!)


> I really don't know how to diet. When I had the book, I was


> his plan, but I lent it out sometime ago and I don't think I'm

getting it

> back. :/


> Can anyone share some simple recipes (I can't cook) or a general

idea of

> what/how I should be eating? I tend to take the 'starving myself'

route when

> I begin a diet. Trying to do it right this time.


> Desy

> http://www.clix.to/desyp

> http://www.geocities.com/thepuppourri

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Well, let me start by telling you about the BMR (not that horrible

index - don't go by that thing)...the BMR is the number of calories

your body will burn just laying in bed and breathing all day -

without even moving, just to function and keep you alive. Let's say

your BMR is 2000 calories. That sounds like a high number, but if

you go under that number you will slow your motablolism down and

won't loose weight. There have been alot of women here that just

couldn't loose the weight although they were seemingly doing

everything right. As I suspected - they weren't eating enough! They

had to eat more calories to loose weight.

So - #1 rule - do not go under your BMR!!!

(If you give me your b-day(month and year), your hight, and your

weight I can give you that number and some other info. With your

waist measuremnt I can also figure the amount of lean body tissue vs.

fat ect to a reasonalbe degree.)

#2 - If your not counting calories or fat grams rght now - do it for

a day or two, to see how you are doing in those areas. The amount of

calories and fat (total fat) you eat in a day can give us a big clue

as to how to best get the weight off.

#3 - water, water, water...tea, coffee, crystal light - even soup -

it all counts as long as it has no caffine. Your body weight devided

by 2 = the number of oz you need in a day to be fully hydrated. I'll

post you a few lessons I typed out and posted eons ago...they will be

labled 'loose the fat #1, and #2.' I think I stopped there :-) But

I'm pretty sure that in them I explained why it's so important.

Heck - I notice with in a day or two of stopping or starting water.

When I am drinking pleanty of water the weight comes off much

easier....kind of like getting muffins out of a muffin tin with the

help of cooking spray. No cooking spray (water) and the muffins

(fat) stick and you have to pry them out! LOL.

It's been too long that I have neglected the members here - I think

I'll grab ahold of you and we'll get that weight comming off, re-

introduce all of those things to the group that Jacy and Tina

probably don't want to have to read through again :-) Are you up for

it? Ready to get beautifull and feel great?

Ok - # 4...calcium...be sure if you don't eat enought hard dairy you

are taking your cacium supliments (not just for health - but for a

boost on your weight loss as well....it could give you an extra 12 -

18 pound loss in a years time just by taking your suppliments.

As far as what to eat? I'd need to know what you like, what you are

eating in a non-diet mode to give you suggestions...it's important

NOT to deprive yourself or go hungry. But for now, each time you

eat - make the wises choice possible. If you are feeling strong of

will and highly motivated you might choose fruit, veggies, fat free

cottage cheese, fesh spinich salad with fat free dressing and other

veggies in it, maybe a fat free frozen yagurt on a cone for desert if

you feel the need. If you are feeling like fast food and it's just

going to happen - you can still make the wisest choice possible.

That means no fries, no sugary soda...go for a grilled chicken

sadwich with no mayo or plain roast beef. If you can't live through

the day without the fries - get the smallest one...the kids size. (I

have actually asked to buy a single fry :-) Of course she just gave

it too me - LOL, then I said - No, better make it 3!. You'd be

suprised how supportive even strangers can be. They get a kick out

of it and think it's great that you are not embarrissed....they

usually compliment your strength which gives you motivation for the

rest of the day. I'm sure there is a McDee's worker out there some

where who will never forget the lady on a diet who wanted to buy 3

single frys :-)

As far as exersice...lucky you - we have Lucia here now and she is a

wizz at that stuff. I am all but afraid of the word itself. My idea

on that is to move as much as possible and tighten the muscles

often...not good enough realy - but better than ever before and I'm

working my way up to it :-)

Ok - I'll go get those posts for you...

.......Oh, another thing - no more sugar or fat in ANYTHING you

drink!!! If you drink sugary or fatty things now - don't even bother

with the food part yet - just switch your drinking habbits first. It

won't hurt too bad :-) And it will help ALOT. You can drink way

more calories than you could ever eat in a day.

(uh...coffee in the morning does NOT count...that would just be plain

mean. If you do alot of cream or sugar in your coffee - we'll work

on that after your other drinks and your eating are on a good

level...but you could do it the way I did - the first cup of the day

is anyway you please. After that your only allowed sweeteners and

fat free creamers...My sugar and cream calories each day added up to

a little over a pound a week!)


> I really don't know how to diet. When I had the book, I was


> his plan, but I lent it out sometime ago and I don't think I'm

getting it

> back. :/


> Can anyone share some simple recipes (I can't cook) or a general

idea of

> what/how I should be eating? I tend to take the 'starving myself'

route when

> I begin a diet. Trying to do it right this time.


> Desy

> http://www.clix.to/desyp

> http://www.geocities.com/thepuppourri

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On 10/1/02 2:37 PM, " weightlossbuddies2 "

<weightlossbuddies2 > wrote:

> Ang, can you help me with my BMR. Maybe thats my problem....my birthday is

> 2/72, my height is 5'6 " and I weigh roughly 240lbs. My waist measurment is

> 38. Any little bit of help is much appreciated....I have been exercising at

> least 5 days a week, and I can not seem to lose any weight. I don't eat bad,

> and no pop. I drink water but never as much as I should. Thank you....di

Hi di,

Go here and put in your height, weight etc. I programmed in *3* predictive

equations, and it will tell you your BMR. (Which I call REE -- but they are

pretty much the same)


If you are not losing weight, you probably need to learn to measure your

food to estimate calories.

This page has some suggestions,


You can fiddle around my home page and find other things.



See my weight loss results at:


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Hi Ang,

Thank you so very much for the replies. I've saved all the emails. They were

very informative and not long winded at all. ;) I've never heard of

BMR...only BMI. Sounds like it would be good to know though...here's my info:

Bday - 9/81 Height - 5'9.5, weight - 208 (not the 220 I thought!) waist -

31 to 32in. I havn't been this heavy for 5yrs. I went through a low point

from 8/01 till now, and the weight just snuck up on me. I only noticed

because my jeans stopped fitting, and people started commenting. Before last

week,the last time I weighed myself I was at 175.

I'm a BIG fatty/savoury foods eater. I live for Mc s and (less

passionately) Chinese. I'm not too big on sweets, but am addicted to Coke. I

broke the habbit of a can a day twice before, but recently started up again.

I'm also big on carbs & dairy...so pretty much, I enjoy everything but sweets

! (But of course there's always the occassional craving)

I think I have the exercise part down. I still remember the routines from

the book, have a Tae Bo tape, and some equipment (ab roller, step,

total gym) in the basment...which I've never used. Right now I'm doing

's routines 2-3 times a day. I find it easier to work out than eat

correctly. I always want immidiate results so I tend to eat very little (in

the past my meals would consist of only yogurt, fruits, or even baby food)

and exercise a lot. I feel like every bite I have is canceling out the

exercise I've done. I also feel that if I'm not hungry all the time, I'm

doing something wrong? If I didn't take the starving route, I'd skip

breakfast and dinner and have one decent to large sized meal in the


I think this time I'm going to try a low dose of Xenadrine, diet, and

exercise for the first month to give myself a motivational boost. Then I'll

start on a regular exercise and healthy eating plan that I can keep up for

the rest of my life. My first goal weight is 175. When I reach it, I may do

the Xenadrine for another boost. My final goal weight is 145.




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> BMR...only BMI. Sounds like it would be good to know

though...here's my info:

......Ok, your BMR is 1783. Be sure to give your body at least that

amount of calories a day so it can funtion propperly and not think

it's starving. If you go under that amount of calories too often -

your body will think it's starving and start using less calories for

it's functions, conserving.

For your stats - for slightly active, in a day you would burn 2408

calories. Moderate activity = 2818. I personaly always stay between

my BMR and my 'slight activity' calorie count, unless it's a busy day

and I'm hungry - then I give my body what it needs or I'll feel

deprived and binge out later.

It says your body fat % is real low - like 18.74% - wow! You must

have well toned muscles!....only 39 pounds of fat :-) Your BMI is 30-

31 (the stats change a bit when I add in the extra 1/2 " in hight.

> the weight just snuck up on me. I only noticed

> because my jeans stopped fitting,

......LOL. Ya, I was wearing sun dresses and jogging pants all the

time and went I went to put my jeans on after a few years they would

only go up to my thights! I couldn't believe it! I was suprised to

suddenly discover I was fat - obese.

> I always want immidiate results so I tend to eat very little (in

> the past my meals would consist of only yogurt, fruits, or even

baby food)

> and exercise a lot. I feel like every bite I have is canceling out


> exercise I've done.

............Thant's why I wanted to bring up the BMR. Your body is a

very adaptable machine. If you eat little and exersice alot - it

will get use to it. You don't want to end up eating like a bird,

exersicing everyday, and still needing to go on a 'diet'. You want

to get your body functioning at top notch then adjust your lfestyle

to it's needs so that you can give it all the nutrition and even

little treats now and again, exersice to stay strong and fit - and

NOT have to diet - ever...but keep it running properly so it maitanes


>I also feel that if I'm not hungry all the time, I'm

> doing something wrong? If I didn't take the starving route, I'd


> breakfast and dinner and have one decent to large sized meal in the

> afternoon.

........This route will land you where I was in about 10 years ... not

a good place. I messed my body up like that, to the point that no

matter how little I ate I was slowly gaining all the time. Just to

stop gaining I had to diet - then I still couldn't loos the extra

weight I had. Don't think diet - think lifestype change. What ever

you do now to loose the weight, you need to continue to do to keep it

off (or you have the yo-yo thing).

You shouldn't be hungy all the time. I only eat 1 large meal a day

too, but I have little snacks (I graze). I have finaly learned that

food doesn't have to be my enemy - it isn't something that instantly

puts weight on you...it is needed to survive, and it is needed to

loose weight and function. It's like trying to run a car on no gas -

it isn't going to work. Let me look again ---- Ok, if you

are 'moderately active'..exersice everyday, stay bussy most of the

time and don't sit around alot...and you made sure to get 1785

calories a day....once you your motabloism back up to where it should

be (the food will do it)...you should loose a little over 2 pounds a

week (around 2.25 - the scale reading depending on your salt intake

ect). Thats 10-12 pounds a month! Loosing 10 pounds a month by

eating more - eating right, and keeping up with your exercise.

Now - let's say you do this for 3 months - you'd be below the old

175. But once here, if you stopped eating right (started the

starving thing again) - you'd gain wieght. It was a very hard

concept for me to grasp. I hade to re-learn a whole new way of

thinking about dieting and food. I too use to think the less I ate

the better.

> I think this time I'm going to try a low dose of Xenadrine, diet,


> exercise for the first month to give myself a motivational boost.

.................Xenadrine is for appitite supppressant correct? I

think I may be missuderstanding. You said you don't eat enough right

now? Are doing the starving thing, or feel like you need to anyway?

Before you consider that - count your calories for a few days and see

what you come up with. Instead of eating less - you may need more.

Or, it could be as little as switching from regualar lunchmeat to

healthy choice deli ham oe turkey and dropping the soda that changes



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amvdhrjr@... writes:

<<..Ok, your BMR is 1783.... For your stats - for slightly active, in a day

you would burn 2408 calories. Moderate activity = 2818. I personaly always

stay between

my BMR and my 'slight activity' calorie count... >>

I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to get them

from, lol. The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like - are

carrots and celery.) But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be good.:( I

signed up for *another* two year membership at Lucille last fall.

It's right next to my school so I went regulary until the semester was

over...havn't been back since. They had this low carb high protein meal plan,

but it's not something I could stick to for any real amount of time.

<< It says your body fat % is real low - like 18.74% - wow! You must

have well toned muscles!....only 39 pounds of fat :-) Your BMI is 30-

31 (the stats change a bit when I add in the extra 1/2 " in hight. >>

LOL, me toned? Maybe it was the waist that threw you off? My waist is pretty

small compared to the rest of my body. I tend to store most of my fat in my

arms, legs, thighs, and rear end. I don't think I have a toned muscle in my

body. I lost major weight twice in my life, and it happened pretty fast. (I

have the 'hangy' skin to show for it. :/ )

About the Xenadrine - I haven't been on it for a while, but it REALLY helped

get the weight off fast (16lbs in a week and a half). I think in addition to

controlling appetite, it speeds up your metabolism and helps burn fat.

About the calorie counting, I've been on a lot of fast food lately. I started

exercising this weekend and have been having one *naughty* meal with no

snacks a day for the past few weeks. Yesturday I had a combo at Mcs,

today my meal was Chinese take-out: 6 steamed dumplings with that sweet &

spicy sauce they make. On a positive note, I did leave out the Coke. :)




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amvdhrjr@... writes:

<<..Ok, your BMR is 1783.... For your stats - for slightly active, in a day

you would burn 2408 calories. Moderate activity = 2818. I personaly always

stay between

my BMR and my 'slight activity' calorie count... >>

I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to get them

from, lol. The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like - are

carrots and celery.) But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be good.:( I

signed up for *another* two year membership at Lucille last fall.

It's right next to my school so I went regulary until the semester was

over...havn't been back since. They had this low carb high protein meal plan,

but it's not something I could stick to for any real amount of time.

<< It says your body fat % is real low - like 18.74% - wow! You must

have well toned muscles!....only 39 pounds of fat :-) Your BMI is 30-

31 (the stats change a bit when I add in the extra 1/2 " in hight. >>

LOL, me toned? Maybe it was the waist that threw you off? My waist is pretty

small compared to the rest of my body. I tend to store most of my fat in my

arms, legs, thighs, and rear end. I don't think I have a toned muscle in my

body. I lost major weight twice in my life, and it happened pretty fast. (I

have the 'hangy' skin to show for it. :/ )

About the Xenadrine - I haven't been on it for a while, but it REALLY helped

get the weight off fast (16lbs in a week and a half). I think in addition to

controlling appetite, it speeds up your metabolism and helps burn fat.

About the calorie counting, I've been on a lot of fast food lately. I started

exercising this weekend and have been having one *naughty* meal with no

snacks a day for the past few weeks. Yesturday I had a combo at Mcs,

today my meal was Chinese take-out: 6 steamed dumplings with that sweet &

spicy sauce they make. On a positive note, I did leave out the Coke. :)




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> I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to

get them

> from, lol.

.....LOL. That should take about a pound a week off, more if you are

active or exersicing.

The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

> veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like -


> carrots and celery.) But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be


...........I try to stay away from those recipies...there are too many

thing I already like and have to stay away form :-) But if it was a

sourcream or ranch or dill type thing...raw califlower or broccoli,

carrots are my favorate (and rye bread). Anything realy.

mmm...ya know what I like...fruit in dip. I take fat free sour cream

(just a bit), (25 calories per tablespoon, 0 fat), add a big dollop

of fat free low cal whipped cream, a smidge of vanilla extract, a big

spoon of that marshmellow cream stuff (again 0 fat)...mix that up and

dip strawberries!!! wow - sooooo good. (Whisper...and strawberries

cost more calories to digest than they contain :-)

If you try it, start with about a tablespoon of marshmellow, 3

tablespoons of whipped cream, a dash of vanilla. taist that first,

and add a touch of sour cream, then taist...you can add almond

extract or any flavore you want...just play with it till it's so good

you can't stand it :>]

> LOL, me toned? Maybe it was the waist that threw you off? My waist

is pretty

> small compared to the rest of my body. I tend to store most of my

fat in my

> arms, legs, thighs, and rear end. I don't think I have a toned

muscle in my

> body.

.......Where you looking at me when discribing that body? Ya - it's

based on the waist measurements :-) Hey, have you ever figured out

how to get rid of that under arm thing?


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> I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to

get them

> from, lol.

.....LOL. That should take about a pound a week off, more if you are

active or exersicing.

The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

> veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like -


> carrots and celery.) But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be


...........I try to stay away from those recipies...there are too many

thing I already like and have to stay away form :-) But if it was a

sourcream or ranch or dill type thing...raw califlower or broccoli,

carrots are my favorate (and rye bread). Anything realy.

mmm...ya know what I like...fruit in dip. I take fat free sour cream

(just a bit), (25 calories per tablespoon, 0 fat), add a big dollop

of fat free low cal whipped cream, a smidge of vanilla extract, a big

spoon of that marshmellow cream stuff (again 0 fat)...mix that up and

dip strawberries!!! wow - sooooo good. (Whisper...and strawberries

cost more calories to digest than they contain :-)

If you try it, start with about a tablespoon of marshmellow, 3

tablespoons of whipped cream, a dash of vanilla. taist that first,

and add a touch of sour cream, then taist...you can add almond

extract or any flavore you want...just play with it till it's so good

you can't stand it :>]

> LOL, me toned? Maybe it was the waist that threw you off? My waist

is pretty

> small compared to the rest of my body. I tend to store most of my

fat in my

> arms, legs, thighs, and rear end. I don't think I have a toned

muscle in my

> body.

.......Where you looking at me when discribing that body? Ya - it's

based on the waist measurements :-) Hey, have you ever figured out

how to get rid of that under arm thing?


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>>>> LOL, me toned? Maybe it was the waist that threw you off? My waist is


small compared to the rest of my body. I tend to store most of my fat in my

arms, legs, thighs, and rear end. I don't think I have a toned muscle in my

body. I lost major weight twice in my life, and it happened pretty fast. (I

have the 'hangy' skin to show for it. :/ )

That really worries me. What will I look like at the end.


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I'm experiencing the same at the moment. I joined a walking/running class

at the end of August and have slowly increased my aerobic walking time. I

started on 7 1/2 minutes (and believe me I thought I was going to die!) and

am now walking 27 1/2 minutes... and I'm enjoying it... find it much easier

to do than to eat properly!

Re: What do you eat?

I think I have the exercise part down. I still remember the routines from

the book, have a Tae Bo tape, and some equipment (ab roller, step,

total gym) in the basment...which I've never used. Right now I'm doing

's routines 2-3 times a day. I find it easier to work out than eat


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amvdhrjr@... writes:

<< mmm...ya know what I like...fruit in dip. I take fat free sour cream

(just a bit), (25 calories per tablespoon, 0 fat), add a big dollop

of fat free low cal whipped cream, a smidge of vanilla extract, a big

spoon of that marshmellow cream stuff (again 0 fat)...mix that up and

dip strawberries!!! wow - sooooo good. (Whisper...and strawberries

cost more calories to digest than they contain :-) >>

Mmm...that DOES sound good ! Gonna try that after my next trip to the market.

What a wonderful thing to know about strawberries ! Got any more of those

secrets ? I smell a book in the works....'The Weight Loss Buddy?' :)

<<Hey, have you ever figured out

how to get rid of that under arm thing?>>

LOL...when I was at 165 I still had it. Guess that'll only go away WAY after

I reach my goal weight. Kinda wish there was there was some kind of magical

rub for it though. I hate waving goodbye in short sleeves. :/

I can't weight till Tuesday - my weigh in date. I'm exercising for 10min in

the AM and another 10min before bed. I replaced my afternoon routine with

45min of salsa/merengue dancing - it's fun, and boy WHAT a workout !




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amvdhrjr@... writes:

<< mmm...ya know what I like...fruit in dip. I take fat free sour cream

(just a bit), (25 calories per tablespoon, 0 fat), add a big dollop

of fat free low cal whipped cream, a smidge of vanilla extract, a big

spoon of that marshmellow cream stuff (again 0 fat)...mix that up and

dip strawberries!!! wow - sooooo good. (Whisper...and strawberries

cost more calories to digest than they contain :-) >>

Mmm...that DOES sound good ! Gonna try that after my next trip to the market.

What a wonderful thing to know about strawberries ! Got any more of those

secrets ? I smell a book in the works....'The Weight Loss Buddy?' :)

<<Hey, have you ever figured out

how to get rid of that under arm thing?>>

LOL...when I was at 165 I still had it. Guess that'll only go away WAY after

I reach my goal weight. Kinda wish there was there was some kind of magical

rub for it though. I hate waving goodbye in short sleeves. :/

I can't weight till Tuesday - my weigh in date. I'm exercising for 10min in

the AM and another 10min before bed. I replaced my afternoon routine with

45min of salsa/merengue dancing - it's fun, and boy WHAT a workout !




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mrst@... writes:

<< I'm experiencing the same at the moment. I joined a walking/running class

at the end of August and have slowly increased my aerobic walking time. I

started on 7 1/2 minutes (and believe me I thought I was going to die!) and

am now walking 27 1/2 minutes... and I'm enjoying it... find it much easier

to do than to eat properly! >>

That's great! I don't think we have any of those around here. I had a friend

come over 3x a week last year for exercise and jogging. She showed up for 2

weeks. My motivation fizzled shortly after.




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mrst@... writes:

<< I'm experiencing the same at the moment. I joined a walking/running class

at the end of August and have slowly increased my aerobic walking time. I

started on 7 1/2 minutes (and believe me I thought I was going to die!) and

am now walking 27 1/2 minutes... and I'm enjoying it... find it much easier

to do than to eat properly! >>

That's great! I don't think we have any of those around here. I had a friend

come over 3x a week last year for exercise and jogging. She showed up for 2

weeks. My motivation fizzled shortly after.




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mrst@... writes:

<< I'm experiencing the same at the moment. I joined a walking/running class

at the end of August and have slowly increased my aerobic walking time. I

started on 7 1/2 minutes (and believe me I thought I was going to die!) and

am now walking 27 1/2 minutes... and I'm enjoying it... find it much easier

to do than to eat properly! >>

That's great! I don't think we have any of those around here. I had a friend

come over 3x a week last year for exercise and jogging. She showed up for 2

weeks. My motivation fizzled shortly after.




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lucia@... writes:

<< If you love dumplings, find a Chinese food store. Flip over all the


and find the lower fat ones (they taste just as good as far as my hubby,

brothers in law and I can tell.) Buy a bamboo steamer, and steam them

yourself. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare... >>

GREAT idea! This whole 'eating right' thing is going to force me to spend

more time in the kitchen, and less time on the phone ordering take-out. ;)




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lucia@... writes:

<< If you love dumplings, find a Chinese food store. Flip over all the


and find the lower fat ones (they taste just as good as far as my hubby,

brothers in law and I can tell.) Buy a bamboo steamer, and steam them

yourself. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare... >>

GREAT idea! This whole 'eating right' thing is going to force me to spend

more time in the kitchen, and less time on the phone ordering take-out. ;)




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lucia@... writes:

<< If you love dumplings, find a Chinese food store. Flip over all the


and find the lower fat ones (they taste just as good as far as my hubby,

brothers in law and I can tell.) Buy a bamboo steamer, and steam them

yourself. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare... >>

GREAT idea! This whole 'eating right' thing is going to force me to spend

more time in the kitchen, and less time on the phone ordering take-out. ;)




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*smile* I just imagine all these flabby bits.... especially my stomach!

Re: What do you eat?

> That really worries me. What will I look like at the end.

> Christel

...LOl...which end?


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*smile* I just imagine all these flabby bits.... especially my stomach!

Re: What do you eat?

> That really worries me. What will I look like at the end.

> Christel

...LOl...which end?


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> I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to get them

> from, lol. The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

> veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like - are

> carrots and celery.)But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be good.:(

Hey, I love carrots. I'd also use broccoli and cauliflower. But you should

eat what YOU like. If you're planning to eat these dips with abandon, use

non-fat versions of sour cream, cream cheese etc. The recipes posted were

VERY high calorie. (Just look at the nutrition label on sour cream. That was

the main ingredient in one of the dips. Stirring in a little spinach or

lemon isn't going to magically subtract calories. Using fat free or low fat

sour cream will...)


> About the calorie counting, I've been on a lot of fast food lately. I started

> exercising this weekend and have been having one *naughty* meal with no

> snacks a day for the past few weeks. Yesturday I had a combo at Mcs,

Yikes! I looked up the calories on most Mcs meals. When I end up in a

Mcs, I order small portions. Small burger, small fries, 1% milk has

fewer calories than a big mac... (And it costs something like $2.19 if you

see the All America Meal listed in tiny print on the bottom of the menu.)

> today my meal was Chinese take-out: 6 steamed dumplings with that sweet &

> spicy sauce they make. On a positive note, I did leave out the Coke. :)

You know what-- I buy frozen steamed dumplings. The calorie and fat content

varies-- but it's usually not that high! The lower fat version would give

you something like 250 calories with 6 frozen dumplings. The higher fat ones

might be 500 calories. Of course... Maybe the restaurant dumplings are

BIGGER than the frozen ones....

If you love dumplings, find a Chinese food store. Flip over all the packages

and find the lower fat ones (they taste just as good as far as my hubby,

brothers in law and I can tell.) Buy a bamboo steamer, and steam them

yourself. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare. The sauces are salty-- but

low calorie. (You might want to balance the meal by finding something like

edame-- fresh soybeans-- or some other vegetable dish. But heck... The

dumplings are good.)

Anyway, good luck.



> Desy

> http://www.clix.to/desyp

> http://www.geocities.com/thepuppourri




Lisle, Illinois

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> I'll try 2000 calories a day. Just don't know where I'm going to get them

> from, lol. The veggie dips posted recently sounded very appetizing. What

> veggies would you use with it? (All I can think of - that I like - are

> carrots and celery.)But I'm betting too much of that dip can't be good.:(

Hey, I love carrots. I'd also use broccoli and cauliflower. But you should

eat what YOU like. If you're planning to eat these dips with abandon, use

non-fat versions of sour cream, cream cheese etc. The recipes posted were

VERY high calorie. (Just look at the nutrition label on sour cream. That was

the main ingredient in one of the dips. Stirring in a little spinach or

lemon isn't going to magically subtract calories. Using fat free or low fat

sour cream will...)


> About the calorie counting, I've been on a lot of fast food lately. I started

> exercising this weekend and have been having one *naughty* meal with no

> snacks a day for the past few weeks. Yesturday I had a combo at Mcs,

Yikes! I looked up the calories on most Mcs meals. When I end up in a

Mcs, I order small portions. Small burger, small fries, 1% milk has

fewer calories than a big mac... (And it costs something like $2.19 if you

see the All America Meal listed in tiny print on the bottom of the menu.)

> today my meal was Chinese take-out: 6 steamed dumplings with that sweet &

> spicy sauce they make. On a positive note, I did leave out the Coke. :)

You know what-- I buy frozen steamed dumplings. The calorie and fat content

varies-- but it's usually not that high! The lower fat version would give

you something like 250 calories with 6 frozen dumplings. The higher fat ones

might be 500 calories. Of course... Maybe the restaurant dumplings are

BIGGER than the frozen ones....

If you love dumplings, find a Chinese food store. Flip over all the packages

and find the lower fat ones (they taste just as good as far as my hubby,

brothers in law and I can tell.) Buy a bamboo steamer, and steam them

yourself. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare. The sauces are salty-- but

low calorie. (You might want to balance the meal by finding something like

edame-- fresh soybeans-- or some other vegetable dish. But heck... The

dumplings are good.)

Anyway, good luck.



> Desy

> http://www.clix.to/desyp

> http://www.geocities.com/thepuppourri




Lisle, Illinois

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