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Fw: Hi From Don

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Hi crew I got this email from don grim.


Hi From Don

> My name is Dan Grim - I'm Don Grim's brother. I am writing to you on


> of Don, who is dictating this correspondence to me, as he is currently

> unable to enter it himself.


I thought I would give you an update on what's been going on with me

> since I left the crew. First off, I had to leave the crew because I've

> gotten some serious medical problems that have left me feeling rotten, to

> the point where I can't use my PC for any length of time. It's gotten so

> bad that now I can only use it for about an hour or two in a week. My

> problem is that I have spinal tumours in the C1, C2, and C4 areas. I have

> seen a zillion different doctors - most of them have recommended by my

> fellow crewies, but so far, the most encouragement I have got was from Dr.

> Epstein in NYC, who said he could cut away part of my spine to make more

> space for the tumour to grow. He also said that it is very, very painful

> and that this is would more than likely buy me some more time until the

> tumour grew larger and started to do more damage to my spinal cord.


> the best news I have had so far - can you believe that? So far, I've been

> going to doctors and getting different opinions for about a year now, so


> isn't like I'm rushing into any decisions, but it's coming close to time

> where I've got to do something, or I can wait and hope and pray that they

> come out with some new treatments. But these type of tumors, I've been


> by the neuruologists, that it's quite possible that they will be coming


> with a new radiosurgery that may help me, but I'm still waiting on word

> about that. Right now, the tumors have progressed to the point that my

> equilibrium is seriously screwed up, and I have weakness in my arms and

> legs, and I'm confined to a wheelchair, not to mention that at nights, I'


> getting 2-3 hours sleep at a time. These tumors aren't content to just


> up space in your body - they've got to screw up everything. I've been

> wondering how a lot of the other crewies are doing these days, but like


> said, I don't have much time to spend at my computer. Have any of them


> any suggestions or insight into things they could have done for tumors of


> type? Maybe you could forward the information to me, if that isn't

> upsetting with them. You can gladly share all the information in this


> with whoever is interested on the crew, but tell them not to email me by


> personal email address. Right now, I'm doing my mail through my brother,

> and we only see each other once a week to do this, so to let you know


> should you reply, that you wouldn't see email for about a week. I hope


> is well with you and hopefully, one day soon, I can find a doctor with

> enough talent to get these tumors out of me and I can go on living a

> painfree life. I hope all is well and that you take care of yourself -


> everybody on the crew that I miss talking to them. It was a great source


> information, but better yet, it was a great place to talk about things


> people who have been there and done that. I made a lot of friends there.

> Take care,

> Don



> Jimmy - please feel free to reply to this email address - thanks - Dan




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  • 3 months later...

Hi,I got a letter from Don Grim,He is " holding in there " ,but could really

" use some love " .I know it;s summer,and we are all busy enjoying it,but lets

not forget on of our own when the chips are down.I know hed love getting

afew letters from friends.


Hi from Don

> Hi Jimmy -

> Thanks for the jokes. I could really use something to laugh at these


There have been quite a few people that I

> keep in touch with regularly that I haven't heard from in a while. I was

> beginning to think that maybe there was something screwy with my email > >

out. I'm not sure if I told you or not, that I would be going for an MRI on

> my head to see if there was anything that could be done with my spinal

> tumors, and unfortunately, the answer came back one big fat no. So now I

> don't have to worry to be going back and forth to the doctors anymore -


> only thing I can do is just sit back and wait for these tumors to grow,

> which will slowly take me away - hopefully, very slowly. I've been told

> that these tumors grow very slowly> > > , I'm not sure. I hope everything


> going well with you . Hope to hear from you soon.

> Your friend,

> Don


> Note from Dan: Don is in rapidly deteriorating shape - I want to thank


> for your notes and hope you continue to write, as he so looks forward to

> corresponding with his friends. Thanks and God Bless.


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