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Re: Hear ye, hear ye!

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> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm waiting

for more details. Cool huh?>

Really cool! Based on the Deprogramming site, you are a great


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from University

of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of weeks. Will let you

all know what it says: Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

Inventory of Alcoholics Anonymous Members. " Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles,

1990. ISSN 0419-4209.>

> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see how

they rated on mental health.>

This sounds VERY interesting.

> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't belong

to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the oppositional/defiant

personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is this something we all have

in common? What is the psychological bond that holds us together, the one

that brought us here? >

and Rio have mentioned the search for the truth, and I guess that is a

lot of why I'm here. Both creativity and conformity seem to be demands in

my life but they are in conflict with one another. More and more I think

it's a conflict that is resolved one decision at a time. I want to make my

decisions based on what *I* believe to be true, not based on some group's




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Guest guest

> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm waiting

for more details. Cool huh?>

Really cool! Based on the Deprogramming site, you are a great


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from University

of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of weeks. Will let you

all know what it says: Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

Inventory of Alcoholics Anonymous Members. " Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles,

1990. ISSN 0419-4209.>

> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see how

they rated on mental health.>

This sounds VERY interesting.

> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't belong

to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the oppositional/defiant

personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is this something we all have

in common? What is the psychological bond that holds us together, the one

that brought us here? >

and Rio have mentioned the search for the truth, and I guess that is a

lot of why I'm here. Both creativity and conformity seem to be demands in

my life but they are in conflict with one another. More and more I think

it's a conflict that is resolved one decision at a time. I want to make my

decisions based on what *I* believe to be true, not based on some group's




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Apple, ;

Do you think it would help if everyone here tried to contact one host or

show separately? There are a couple of other shows besides the ones

mentioned-Dateline, 20/20.

I really miss Phil Donahue-wouldn't that have been perfect?

Apple, there will be a time when everything comes out. AA and its tactics

and false doctrines need to be exposed and made public (hmmmm...another

" reason " for anonimity; so much of the BB won't stand the light of close

scrutinization). People need to know the truth about the butt doctor and

the womanizer!

>From: appledtp@...

>Reply-To: 12-step-freeegroups

>To: 12-step-freeeGroups

>Subject: Re: Hear ye, hear ye!

>Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 08:42:30 -0700


>Hi :

>Well, we'll see if it was a legit request first. I'm still waiting for

>the guy to get back to me. I hope it's not some ultra conservative

>radio station where I'll get egged in the face. Or maybe that would be

>the best, cause I'll just egg 'em back.

>Actually, when the dark side of AA puzzle pieces first fell into place,

>I did contact a talk show. Montel specifically, cause he talks a lot

>about addiction and has done shows on helping addicts (usually by

>sending them into treatment), and also by putting heroin addicts into

>that miracle cure program where they are anethsetized (sp?), and their

>systems are cleaned out utilizing some medical procedure, and a black

>ball is placed under the skin so they can't get high afterwards.

>I thought that a panel of some of the more voiciferous anti-AA members

>would make a good show. Peele, Bufe, Ragge, Fransway, me, you, the

>whole anti crew...


>Montel didn't call back, but I'm sure that this topic will make its way

>into mainstream media (and soon I hope)


> >

> > AppleDTP@... wrote:

> > >

> >

> > > 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> > > waiting for more details. Cool huh?

> > >

> > Hi Apple

> > That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

> > are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

> > relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of

>it, I

> > don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

> > nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60


> > At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

> > AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

> >




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>eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

> - Simplifying group communications







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Hi Apple,

What stands out for me when I read the 12-step-free mail is the intellect

and a thirst for truth.


Hear ye, hear ye!

>Hello gang!

>1.) , Kim... you didn't die... you drank, and you didn't die. I'm

>going to have special medallions minted and mail one to each of you.

>What should the medallions say? Any ideas , oh mighty comic genius?


>2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

>waiting for more details. Cool huh?


>3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from

>University of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of weeks.

>Will let you all know what it says:

>Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory of Alcoholics

>Anonymous Members. "

>Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles, 1990. ISSN 0419-4209.


>Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see

>how they rated on mental health.


>I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't

>belong to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the

>oppositional/defiant personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is

>this something we all have in common? What is the psychological bond

>that holds us together, the one that brought us here? I remember

>, when you first e-mailed me your story, the one I have posted

>on AAdeprogramming... you said that you first drank as a boy because

>you felt that you were being lied to about alcohol. I think I can say

>the same thing with respect to alcohol & drugs, and the same intuitive

>force got me out of AA.






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>Start with up to 150 Points for joining!




>eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

> - Simplifying group communications





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Hi Apple!

I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for. Is it

possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.

Hear ye, hear ye!

> Hello gang!

> 1.) , Kim... you didn't die... you drank, and you didn't die. I'm

> going to have special medallions minted and mail one to each of you.

> What should the medallions say? Any ideas , oh mighty comic genius?


> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from

> University of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of weeks.

> Will let you all know what it says:

> Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory of Alcoholics

> Anonymous Members. "

> Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles, 1990. ISSN 0419-4209.


> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see

> how they rated on mental health.


> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't

> belong to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the

> oppositional/defiant personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is

> this something we all have in common? What is the psychological bond

> that holds us together, the one that brought us here? I remember

> , when you first e-mailed me your story, the one I have posted

> on AAdeprogramming... you said that you first drank as a boy because

> you felt that you were being lied to about alcohol. I think I can say

> the same thing with respect to alcohol & drugs, and the same intuitive

> force got me out of AA.


> Apple



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> MyPoints-Free Rewards When You're Online.

> Start with up to 150 Points for joining!

> http://clickhere./click/630



> eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

> - Simplifying group communications






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Guest guest

Hi Apple!

I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for. Is it

possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.

Hear ye, hear ye!

> Hello gang!

> 1.) , Kim... you didn't die... you drank, and you didn't die. I'm

> going to have special medallions minted and mail one to each of you.

> What should the medallions say? Any ideas , oh mighty comic genius?


> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from

> University of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of weeks.

> Will let you all know what it says:

> Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory of Alcoholics

> Anonymous Members. "

> Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles, 1990. ISSN 0419-4209.


> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see

> how they rated on mental health.


> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't

> belong to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the

> oppositional/defiant personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is

> this something we all have in common? What is the psychological bond

> that holds us together, the one that brought us here? I remember

> , when you first e-mailed me your story, the one I have posted

> on AAdeprogramming... you said that you first drank as a boy because

> you felt that you were being lied to about alcohol. I think I can say

> the same thing with respect to alcohol & drugs, and the same intuitive

> force got me out of AA.


> Apple



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> MyPoints-Free Rewards When You're Online.

> Start with up to 150 Points for joining!

> http://clickhere./click/630



> eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

> - Simplifying group communications






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Guest guest

Hi Jan;

I see something else as well, but will try to draw a parallel.

mentioned the old prison 30 days in the hole. In a state

with no death penalty, when you finish the time in the hole there's a

certain euphoria because " They've done their max, this is the most

they can do to me and I have survived, maybe stronger than before,

because now I KNOW they cannot hurt me.

Isn't that where we are at? AA and its' minions have given us their

equivilant of the hole, and we have survived and now know that they

cannot harm us. The promises of Hell and Damnation are spooky

stories to scare children, of things that go bump in the night.

The only thing that goes bump in the night here is when Little Bit

falls out of the window sill when he moves in his sleep.

We THINK, what a strange concept. Regardless of what we ARE

doing, the things we are NOT doing are the things AA predicted for


I agree that everyone is seeking truth, but it is my truth I seek as

do you. Not the universal truth for all people. Actually my

experience would say the universal truth doesn't exist. The only

truth is one's own, constantly compared to other's truths in a sort

of lifelong search to either find where I fit, or make a place I fit. The

beauty of it being that either way works.

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Guest guest

Hi Jan;

I see something else as well, but will try to draw a parallel.

mentioned the old prison 30 days in the hole. In a state

with no death penalty, when you finish the time in the hole there's a

certain euphoria because " They've done their max, this is the most

they can do to me and I have survived, maybe stronger than before,

because now I KNOW they cannot hurt me.

Isn't that where we are at? AA and its' minions have given us their

equivilant of the hole, and we have survived and now know that they

cannot harm us. The promises of Hell and Damnation are spooky

stories to scare children, of things that go bump in the night.

The only thing that goes bump in the night here is when Little Bit

falls out of the window sill when he moves in his sleep.

We THINK, what a strange concept. Regardless of what we ARE

doing, the things we are NOT doing are the things AA predicted for


I agree that everyone is seeking truth, but it is my truth I seek as

do you. Not the universal truth for all people. Actually my

experience would say the universal truth doesn't exist. The only

truth is one's own, constantly compared to other's truths in a sort

of lifelong search to either find where I fit, or make a place I fit. The

beauty of it being that either way works.

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Guest guest

Hi Jan;

I see something else as well, but will try to draw a parallel.

mentioned the old prison 30 days in the hole. In a state

with no death penalty, when you finish the time in the hole there's a

certain euphoria because " They've done their max, this is the most

they can do to me and I have survived, maybe stronger than before,

because now I KNOW they cannot hurt me.

Isn't that where we are at? AA and its' minions have given us their

equivilant of the hole, and we have survived and now know that they

cannot harm us. The promises of Hell and Damnation are spooky

stories to scare children, of things that go bump in the night.

The only thing that goes bump in the night here is when Little Bit

falls out of the window sill when he moves in his sleep.

We THINK, what a strange concept. Regardless of what we ARE

doing, the things we are NOT doing are the things AA predicted for


I agree that everyone is seeking truth, but it is my truth I seek as

do you. Not the universal truth for all people. Actually my

experience would say the universal truth doesn't exist. The only

truth is one's own, constantly compared to other's truths in a sort

of lifelong search to either find where I fit, or make a place I fit. The

beauty of it being that either way works.

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Guest guest

, it is arriving in about 2 weeks or so. e-mail me your snail mail

address and I'll photocopy it and mail it to you.


> Hi Apple!


> I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for.

Is it

> possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.





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Guest guest

, it is arriving in about 2 weeks or so. e-mail me your snail mail

address and I'll photocopy it and mail it to you.


> Hi Apple!


> I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for.

Is it

> possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.





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Guest guest

, it is arriving in about 2 weeks or so. e-mail me your snail mail

address and I'll photocopy it and mail it to you.


> Hi Apple!


> I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for.

Is it

> possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.





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Guest guest

AppleDTP@... wrote:


> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


Hi Apple

That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of it, I

don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60 Minutes?

At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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Guest guest

AppleDTP@... wrote:


> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


Hi Apple

That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of it, I

don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60 Minutes?

At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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Guest guest

AppleDTP@... wrote:


> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


Hi Apple

That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of it, I

don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60 Minutes?

At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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Guest guest

Hi :

Well, we'll see if it was a legit request first. I'm still waiting for

the guy to get back to me. I hope it's not some ultra conservative

radio station where I'll get egged in the face. Or maybe that would be

the best, cause I'll just egg 'em back.

Actually, when the dark side of AA puzzle pieces first fell into place,

I did contact a talk show. Montel specifically, cause he talks a lot

about addiction and has done shows on helping addicts (usually by

sending them into treatment), and also by putting heroin addicts into

that miracle cure program where they are anethsetized (sp?), and their

systems are cleaned out utilizing some medical procedure, and a black

ball is placed under the skin so they can't get high afterwards.

I thought that a panel of some of the more voiciferous anti-AA members

would make a good show. Peele, Bufe, Ragge, Fransway, me, you, the

whole anti crew...

Montel didn't call back, but I'm sure that this topic will make its way

into mainstream media (and soon I hope)



> AppleDTP@... wrote:

> >


> > 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> > waiting for more details. Cool huh?

> >

> Hi Apple

> That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

> are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

> relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of

it, I

> don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

> nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60


> At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

> AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.


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Guest guest

Hi :

Well, we'll see if it was a legit request first. I'm still waiting for

the guy to get back to me. I hope it's not some ultra conservative

radio station where I'll get egged in the face. Or maybe that would be

the best, cause I'll just egg 'em back.

Actually, when the dark side of AA puzzle pieces first fell into place,

I did contact a talk show. Montel specifically, cause he talks a lot

about addiction and has done shows on helping addicts (usually by

sending them into treatment), and also by putting heroin addicts into

that miracle cure program where they are anethsetized (sp?), and their

systems are cleaned out utilizing some medical procedure, and a black

ball is placed under the skin so they can't get high afterwards.

I thought that a panel of some of the more voiciferous anti-AA members

would make a good show. Peele, Bufe, Ragge, Fransway, me, you, the

whole anti crew...

Montel didn't call back, but I'm sure that this topic will make its way

into mainstream media (and soon I hope)



> AppleDTP@... wrote:

> >


> > 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> > waiting for more details. Cool huh?

> >

> Hi Apple

> That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

> are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

> relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of

it, I

> don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

> nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60


> At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

> AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.


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Guest guest

Hi :

Well, we'll see if it was a legit request first. I'm still waiting for

the guy to get back to me. I hope it's not some ultra conservative

radio station where I'll get egged in the face. Or maybe that would be

the best, cause I'll just egg 'em back.

Actually, when the dark side of AA puzzle pieces first fell into place,

I did contact a talk show. Montel specifically, cause he talks a lot

about addiction and has done shows on helping addicts (usually by

sending them into treatment), and also by putting heroin addicts into

that miracle cure program where they are anethsetized (sp?), and their

systems are cleaned out utilizing some medical procedure, and a black

ball is placed under the skin so they can't get high afterwards.

I thought that a panel of some of the more voiciferous anti-AA members

would make a good show. Peele, Bufe, Ragge, Fransway, me, you, the

whole anti crew...

Montel didn't call back, but I'm sure that this topic will make its way

into mainstream media (and soon I hope)



> AppleDTP@... wrote:

> >


> > 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> > waiting for more details. Cool huh?

> >

> Hi Apple

> That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

> are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

> relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of

it, I

> don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

> nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60


> At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

> AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.


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Hey Apple;

Yeah, I'd say I fit that. I live in Republican conservative Iowa, so of

course I'm a democrat, the only one in the family. I find I'm critical

of things everyone seems to take for granted are good. Like The

Pope, he appeased Hitler and sympathized with The Nazi's even

helped Eichmann and others escape justice. Knew where Mengle

was until his death. Franz Stangl, the Commandante at Birkeneau

is another assisted by the vatican to escape.

Wal-Mart, uses Japanese indoctrination techniques on employees

and us the public, even making employees gather each morning to

sing the company song(Honest)

I don't go there unless it's something no one else has. Also they

fix the store so you are forced to walk by loads of other things to

get what you want. Many dead end aisles to make you walk past

things twice. All stores that I've been in are laid out with only one

straight through aisle. They really don't care if it causes traffic

jams. Matter of fact that's the idea, the longer they can keep you

on the sales floor the more money you will spend that you didn't

intend. If I must go there, I take a list, if it ain't on the list I don't

get it. I really would like to make Sam's shitty tricks fail, but one

person cannot do that. I can only protect me from him.

You get the idea

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Hi Apple,

My therepist told me that almost without fail, those with drinking

problems come up as sociopathic. It will be interesting to see if your

research bears this out.

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Hey Apple, folks

TV shows can afford plane tickets. See if you can get them

to fly me over there!


> Hi :

> Well, we'll see if it was a legit request first. I'm still waiting for

> the guy to get back to me. I hope it's not some ultra conservative

> radio station where I'll get egged in the face. Or maybe that would be

> the best, cause I'll just egg 'em back.

> Actually, when the dark side of AA puzzle pieces first fell into place,

> I did contact a talk show. Montel specifically, cause he talks a lot

> about addiction and has done shows on helping addicts (usually by

> sending them into treatment), and also by putting heroin addicts into

> that miracle cure program where they are anethsetized (sp?), and their

> systems are cleaned out utilizing some medical procedure, and a black

> ball is placed under the skin so they can't get high afterwards.

> I thought that a panel of some of the more voiciferous anti-AA members

> would make a good show. Peele, Bufe, Ragge, Fransway, me, you, the

> whole anti crew...


> Montel didn't call back, but I'm sure that this topic will make its way

> into mainstream media (and soon I hope)

> Apple

> >

> > AppleDTP@... wrote:

> > >

> >

> > > 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> > > waiting for more details. Cool huh?

> > >

> > Hi Apple

> > That is really choice. In fact I think a lot of radio talk show people

> > are in need of a little viable controversy. I think many of them would

> > relish doing a whole show on the dark side of AA. On the TV end of

> it, I

> > don't think Oprah would go for it with all of her 12 step

> > nonsensibilities, but I'm sure there would be takers. How about 60

> Minutes?

> > At any rate you must make tapes of your epic exchange available on

> > AADeprogramming. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

> >



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> Start with up to 150 Points for joining!

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> eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

> - Simplifying group communications





Pete Watts


PSY-PHAR Psychology/Psychiatry Outcome Research in PsychoPharm

PD Personality Disorders Discussion

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Dear Apple:

Thankyou for your prompt attention to my request for the research data and

findings. This is interesting information! At least now I know I am not

crazy / abnormal for not surrendering my brain over to stepism dogma.

ly, I rather enjoy learning about myself and how my ideas fit with

others in this often complicated society and culture in which we live. Talk

to you later.

Your friend,

Re: Hear ye, hear ye!

> , it is arriving in about 2 weeks or so. e-mail me your snail mail

> address and I'll photocopy it and mail it to you.

> apple


> > Hi Apple!

> >

> > I would like to take a look at a copy of that MMPI that you sent for.

> Is it

> > possible to secure a copy from you? Appreciate it.

> >

> >

> >

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> MyPoints-Free Rewards When You're Online.

> Start with up to 150 Points for joining!

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> eGroups.com home: /group/12-step-free

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Rose wrote:

> Apple, there will be a time when everything comes out. AA and its tactics

> and false doctrines need to be exposed and made public (hmmmm...another

> " reason " for anonimity; so much of the BB won't stand the light of close

> scrutinization). People need to know the truth about the butt doctor and

> the womanizer!

Yeah ,

I think the media is starting to weaken in lieu of its protectiveness of

AA and its ilk. Recently in the Star they did a story on X-Files star

Gillian and made numerous references to her AA attendence even

going so far as to give the location of one of the meetings she

attended. I think if some of these TV news mags got wind of some of Bill

W's indiscretions as well as the Buchmanist roots they would start to

smell blood in the water and possibly end up whittling AA down to size

and remove its status as sacred cow and the cultural icon it has become.

I have a relative who is involved in the media and has actually produced

some investigative reporting segments. I will contact him and find out

the most appropriate avenue to take as regards this situation. I suspect

it would involve contacting various people and supplying them with a

comprehensive cover letter, copies of Fransway's, Ragge's, and Gilliam's

books, the Email addresses of AADeprogramming and Stanton Peele's

Website, and a list of contacts.

If the cover letter is clear and thorough, and includes poignant

references to the enclosed text, I can't imagine how they would be able

to resist such a story. Let's face it the media just loves a wolf in

sheep's clothing story.(especially 60 Minutes)It could be the biggest

thing for them since exposing Catholic Curch cover ups of involving

priests abusing altar boys.

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Guest guest

There is a DSM V already? Ye gods! Quick, post what it says about

alcohol abuse and dependence.

<7o91kt$aip-egroups> wrote:

original article:/group/12-step-free/?start=6934

> Hello gang!

> 1.) , Kim... you didn't die... you drank, and you didn't die.


> going to have special medallions minted and mail one to each of you.

> What should the medallions say? Any ideas , oh mighty comic



> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from

> University of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of


> Will let you all know what it says:

> Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory of Alcoholics

> Anonymous Members. "

> Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles, 1990. ISSN 0419-4209.


> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see

> how they rated on mental health.


> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't

> belong to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the

> oppositional/defiant personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is

> this something we all have in common? What is the psychological bond

> that holds us together, the one that brought us here? I remember

> , when you first e-mailed me your story, the one I have posted

> on AAdeprogramming... you said that you first drank as a boy because

> you felt that you were being lied to about alcohol. I think I can say

> the same thing with respect to alcohol & drugs, and the same intuitive

> force got me out of AA.


> Apple


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Guest guest

There is a DSM V already? Ye gods! Quick, post what it says about

alcohol abuse and dependence.

<7o91kt$aip-egroups> wrote:

original article:/group/12-step-free/?start=6934

> Hello gang!

> 1.) , Kim... you didn't die... you drank, and you didn't die.


> going to have special medallions minted and mail one to each of you.

> What should the medallions say? Any ideas , oh mighty comic



> 2.) I got an e-mail asking if I would do a radio interview. I'm

> waiting for more details. Cool huh?


> 3.) I've ordered the following graduate study dissertation from

> University of Southern California. Should be here in a couple of


> Will let you all know what it says:

> Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory of Alcoholics

> Anonymous Members. "

> Wootton, P.R. USC, Los Angeles, 1990. ISSN 0419-4209.


> Apparently, they administered the MMPI to 75 " model " AA members to see

> how they rated on mental health.


> I was talking to Augural1 on AOL, (he's one of us, but he doesn't

> belong to 12-step-free). We determined that we both fit the

> oppositional/defiant personality type as described in the DSM/V. Is

> this something we all have in common? What is the psychological bond

> that holds us together, the one that brought us here? I remember

> , when you first e-mailed me your story, the one I have posted

> on AAdeprogramming... you said that you first drank as a boy because

> you felt that you were being lied to about alcohol. I think I can say

> the same thing with respect to alcohol & drugs, and the same intuitive

> force got me out of AA.


> Apple


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