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Everyone, please let me know if you have recieved a RhoGAM shot

containing thimerosal after April of 2001. If you have, please list

the name of the manufacturer of that shot.



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  • 9 months later...

Oooh another touchy subject. Well just like the vaccine one -it's

best to stay informed and typically extreme views are close minded.

I tend to gravitate myself to open minded people who may like to

debate why their view is right -but will also listen to the other

side and typically then both sides will come to an understanding -

which at times will help not only them -but others too.

Most of us type away a few sentences between work (or at work -and when does

work stop for parents?!) and kids

( " CRASH " ... " what was that noise?! " ) and life (tick tock tick tock) and friends

( ring

ring) and don't spend hours stressing over every word we write

here. We express our thoughts -our fears -our views -our hopes -our

joys -just as if we were talking to friends -because most of us

know that almost 100% of the world really doesn't understand some of what we go

through -so

here we are from all parts of the world trying to make sense and

help our children and others.

It is quite apparent that when it comes to any treatment or cure or

prevention -there could be minor or large side effects -the children

or their parents history -and with competent medical council

together with you and your spouse make decisions that you believe

best for your child -or children -or future children. I again

believe in parental instinct too paired with the knowledge. You

weigh the pros and the cons. I sometimes wonder however why some

would stress so much over fish oil and yet it appears most of the

school age population is given some type of drug which all could

have significant side effects. (Well I guess diarrhea is the one

thing we don't want to ever confess too -and if that's the main side

effect of too much fish oil...and even if it's temporary...and


Question why? Most people don't question -they follow.

It's OK to express yourself and ask " Why? "

Medical breakthroughs have saved many lives and have helped prevent

and treat many children from early death, paralysis -etc. Side

effects need to be known -and if there are alternatives that needs

to be known too -so that the treatment can be improved! I bet you

all know to give your child Tylenol or Motrin if they have a fever

and not aspirin -never aspirin -right? But did you know that rule

applies not just for children but for those up to 20 years old?

Since when are 20 year olds " children " ?

CAUTION! -- Aspirin Danger! Never give aspirin to anyone under the

age of 20 years who has an infection. It can cause Reye's syndrome,

a rare but possibly deadly disease of the liver.


And when did this no aspirin to children rule get up to the age of

20? (and an even scarier question is how?) Or was it always 20 and

I'm mistaken? So what about 21 year olds? Maybe they'll raise the

age again to 21 or 24 -or maybe not and they'll instead find that it

has to do with the fever/aspirin and something in development more

than age that can be tested for in the future? And how do you think

these things were found out? By parents and professionals

discussing their concerns and views and findings in intelligent


In toy design we used to do something I loved called " brain

storming " where everyone sits around and says whatever comes into

their mind -and there is no right or wrong. We usually would bounce

and bounce and bounce off each other -laughing and getting the idea

better and better and more and more excited -until we came up with

something WOW -and the next spark would click -and another WOW

comment -until we all decided -that's IT. And the next year -the

next TV commercial for another toy that was on a Santa wish list.

There are way too few posters here as is and too many lurkers. You

all have a right to express and don't worry about saying something

wrong -and don't worry if someone attacks you -remember what I said

about attacks anyway. I am not always right -you can laugh at me -

or believe things I say to be " out there " I am " out there " I am an

inventor - and besides -I love to laugh at me too. None of us are


So I want to encourage all of you to say whatever you want -and it's

OK. Of course try not to hurt others -and try not to let others

hurt you -keep in mind most people on this grouplist are here

because they have a dear sweet little cherub that they are trying

desperately to help.

Sometimes all we have is each other to talk to who will really

understand -so let us all be friends. I do care about all of you

and your children -or I wouldn't be here when I could be sleeping.

OK -I'm going to sleep now!


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I think extreme views are nearly always based on close personal

experience and it is difficult then to close down that emotional side

of you and be rational.

I think that parents who have had the rhogam ( anti-D) shot do seem

to be showing a greater liklihood of children with ASD ( this has

been very loosley shown just through a show of hands at a number of

conferences that I have attended) .

My personal opinion is that it is more to do with this addition to

the childs overall vaccine load than to the injection itself - it

just ups the number of shots and I don't think that ever helps .

As for the indiviudual shots - I don't think any of them are good or

bad but I think we have handed our responsibility for this whole

decision making process over to the medical establishment and that is

not good for us - and not good for them .

When I had my baby recently I did some research AFTER I was first

told I would need this shot . When I went back armed with what I had

found out we were really easily able to make a decision that both me

and my Doctor were really happy with . This was to be WITHOUT

QUESTION my last pregnancy so I did not need any protection for the

next child . As for this child - we agreed that we would leave the

injection but reconsider if there were any trauma during the

pregnancy or the birth ( any excghange of blood between ne and the

baby). As it turned out I didn't need it - I had the information to

enable me to take a weighed decision . Did that decision include the

possibility of serious consequences to that decision ? ...of course .

But I felt that the greater risk to MY baby , in my current

circumstance, lay in her having this in her system - ( while I was

breastfeeding ) than the terrible but statistically small risk if I

left it . There is nothing truly safe - the Doctors , the

manufacturers accept that some children will react adversely to

ANY ..ANY vaccination ! You just have to make the best choice for

you .

The thing I regret is that the mass treatment approach means that no

one is really making the parents responsibilty front and centre of

this issue .

After Madedeline was born the nurse came over INSTANTLY with a jab .

My husband stopped her and asked what it was . It was to " help expel

the placenta " - he questioned why I couldn't have a few minutes to

try and see if I could manage - which I did thirty seconds later .

She had prepared that injection with the best of intentions doing her

job - but when did we reach the point where we are not even asked any

more ? I hadn't just had a traumatic birth - it was a peice of cake

( OK dear God it was agony - no pain killers and she came out in

about a twenty minutes non stop tidal wave contraction ).There was no

rush , no pressure . We have just reached the point where we allow

ourselves to be processed . And the Doctors are obliged to do

everything because if they try and make a choice , weigh a risk ,

weigh a situation , if it goes wrong we will sue them .

Medicine , science , vaccination - are all amazing things . But they

should serve us not control us .

Just my early morning ramblings !!!



> Oooh another touchy subject. Well just like the vaccine one -it's

> best to stay informed and typically extreme views are close


> I tend to gravitate myself to open minded people who may like to

> debate why their view is right -but will also listen to the other

> side and typically then both sides will come to an understanding -

> which at times will help not only them -but others too.


> Most of us type away a few sentences between work (or at work -and

when does work stop for parents?!) and kids

> ( " CRASH " ... " what was that noise?! " ) and life (tick tock tick tock)

and friends ( ring

> ring) and don't spend hours stressing over every word we write

> here. We express our thoughts -our fears -our views -our hopes -


> joys -just as if we were talking to friends -because most of us

> know that almost 100% of the world really doesn't understand some

of what we go through -so

> here we are from all parts of the world trying to make sense and

> help our children and others.


> It is quite apparent that when it comes to any treatment or cure or

> prevention -there could be minor or large side effects -the


> or their parents history -and with competent medical council

> together with you and your spouse make decisions that you believe

> best for your child -or children -or future children. I again

> believe in parental instinct too paired with the knowledge. You

> weigh the pros and the cons. I sometimes wonder however why some

> would stress so much over fish oil and yet it appears most of the

> school age population is given some type of drug which all could

> have significant side effects. (Well I guess diarrhea is the one

> thing we don't want to ever confess too -and if that's the main


> effect of too much fish oil...and even if it's temporary...and

> uncommon...)


> Question why? Most people don't question -they follow.

> It's OK to express yourself and ask " Why? "


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I have 4 children and received the RhoGam shot with each. I received two

RhoGam shots during my pregnancy with my Apraxic son (due to placental


I would be interested in knowing what you find out.


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You hit the nail on the head. I was in no way saying that people should

risk having brain damaged babies, but I do agree that we as parents are

sometimes not given enough credit to even make these decisions for ourselves

in the first place. My doctor never once asked me how I felt re: the

injection or what I wanted to do, she just told me I had to have it. Makes

you wonder what else they don't tell us!


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I had Rhogam with all my pregnancies. my first is NT.

my 2nd has Apraxia and DSI. my third is 10 months, but she is

babbling which never did. So I am hoping that means she is

also NT like her older brother.

Two things that were different were that I tested positive for Beta

Strep during 's pregnancy. I did get the IV antibiotics by

only for 2 hours before he was born. My OB/GYN would have liked me

to be on it for 4 hours prior to his birth. But every doctor thinks

it doesn't have anything to do with the Apraxia.

The other thing is when was 3 weeks old he was hospitalize for

5 days due to a fever. We couldn't get it to stay down; every few

hours it would go back up to 102 deg. I know that is not super high

but he was so young. was born 2 weeks early so the fever hit

just after is est. due date. I do know that 2 weeks early is still

full term, yet he was just so young. That week was one of the worst

weeks of my life-they never did find out why he had that fever. They

guess it was a virus of some kind.

You may be able to create a poll under the " Polls " section and see

how many of us had the Rhogam injection.

Heidi – Mom to 7, 4-1/2 (Apraxia, SDI) 9-3/4

months (VUR, Tort/Plagio)

> I was curious as to how many mom's out there with dyspraxic

children received a Rhogam shot during or after pregnancy. I have

two good friends whose children (1 each ) have been diagnosed with

dyspraxia and my son has been as well. We all had the Rhogam

injection. I know there SEEMS (not proven, obviously) to be a higher

incidence of autism in children whose mother's have received Rhogam--

just curious.


> Renn




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I had the Rhogam shot. As I never had chicken pox as a child, I

also had the chicken pox vaccine about 6 months before trying to

conceive. also had all of her vaccines.... So who knows if

any of that is related to her severe receptive/expressive language

delays? I have an Aunt that had her second child die due to Rh

incompatibility (she had negative blood & her husband had

positive). That was back in the days before Rhogam was available to

prevent that. So not having a Rhogam shot could be even deadlier.

There are a lot of mother's with children that are either Autistic

or Dyspraxic that didn't have a Rhogam shot. More people have

positive blood types than negative. So it is hard to pin point if

that would be the cause (or one of many causes). We would all like

something to blame this on...... Right now though my main focus has

to be dealing with the outcome rather than searching for the reason.

Jill - Mom to 37 months w/Hypotonia & severe

expressive/receptive language delays

> I was curious as to how many mom's out there with dyspraxic

children received a Rhogam shot during or after pregnancy. I have

two good friends whose children (1 each ) have been diagnosed with

dyspraxia and my son has been as well. We all had the Rhogam

injection. I know there SEEMS (not proven, obviously) to be a

higher incidence of autism in children whose mother's have received

Rhogam--just curious.


> Renn




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i recieve thr rogam shot w/ both my kids (savannah 3 ,austin 1) savannah is mild

autistic w/ apraxia and now they are looking into my 1 yr old w/ the same

problems, i didnt know till recently about mercury in rogam but also in all the

shots the kids have had. im seriously thinking of not getting his 12 month

shots, i also have a lawsuit pending for my daughter because we think she was

affected after her 12 month shot were givin. i have her on fish oil and she

seems to be doing well on it she makes slow progress everyday.

lynaughBoyz@... wrote:

I have 4 children and received the RhoGam shot with each. I received two

RhoGam shots during my pregnancy with my Apraxic son (due to placental


I would be interested in knowing what you find out.


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