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Re: Tired all the time

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>Three months ago we went on the candida diet. No dairy except for

>yogurt with live cultures, no pastas, no refined wheat products, no

>yeast products, no sugar and no fruit. Seemed to help a little. Steve

>is lactose intolerant and the yougurt seemed to be upsetting his

>stomach and giving him wicked gas and cramping so we stopped the

>yougurt since he was taking the probiotics anyway. So we wound up with

>what amounts to a wheat, but not gluten free and dairy free diet.

you can get soy yoghurts if he can eat soy milk. these do have

probiotics-- check at the health food store if this is of interest.

as you hopefully know, many probiotics are made with milk, but

you CAN get milk free ones too.

I don't know anything about other stuff you asked (I'm sure someone

else will).


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> you can get soy yoghurts if he can eat soy milk. these do have

> probiotics-- check at the health food store if this is of interest.

> as you hopefully know, many probiotics are made with milk, but

> you CAN get milk free ones too.


> I don't know anything about other stuff you asked (I'm sure someone

> else will).


Thanks Moira. I'd checked all the supplements to make sure they were

wheat free, color/flavor, free, etc. but didn't think about checking

for dairy. I just checked the probiotics and they seem to be ok. They

are wheat,soy, color, flavor free and natural cultures of the bacteria

in a rice maltodextrin, not corn, carrier.

He's not big on dairy products anyway so I think we'll skip the soy

stuff for now.


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The limb heaviness and fatigue, as well as stomach pains are all symptoms my son

had before we added B12 supplements. After a couple of weeks, these symptoms

were much better:)

Lust my .02

[ ] Tired all the time

I can't seem to find the answer any where else so I figured ya'll

maybe able to shed some light for us.

We've been folling a modified Feingold diet for about a year. No

preservatives, no artificial colors/flavors, etc. The salicylates in

the foods didn't seem to be a problem so we added those back into the


Three months ago we went on the candida diet. No dairy except for

yogurt with live cultures, no pastas, no refined wheat products, no

yeast products, no sugar and no fruit. Seemed to help a little. Steve

is lactose intolerant and the yougurt seemed to be upsetting his

stomach and giving him wicked gas and cramping so we stopped the

yougurt since he was taking the probiotics anyway. So we wound up with

what amounts to a wheat, but not gluten free and dairy free diet.

After reading last week about the gluten connection on here and in

some of your links we've gone to a gluten free diet as well.

The good news is his tremor in his right hand has decreased

remarkably. He was actually able to use the puter and the mouse last

night without tremoring. He's having increasing periods where he feels

more calm and relaxed now, he can't remember when the last time was he

felt this calm. BUT,(isn't there always a but?), at the same time he

feels unusually tired/lethargic. He says his arms feel heavy, almost

too heavy to lift. And he's been having wicked stomach pains again.

Could this be from the change in diet? Will this clear up as he's on

the diet for a longer period? Any help is appreciated.




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Hi Vickie...

Could be that he's going through withdrawl from the diet change. My

child regressed a bit after starting the diet and it didn't last

long. I'm sure the diet he was on affected his dopamine levels based

on the fact that he had tremors. But since he's started the new diet

and the tremors in his hand have subsided, it seems as though the

change in his dopamine levels may be triggering fatigue.

Just a thought...

> > you can get soy yoghurts if he can eat soy milk. these do have

> > probiotics-- check at the health food store if this is of


> > as you hopefully know, many probiotics are made with milk, but

> > you CAN get milk free ones too.

> >

> > I don't know anything about other stuff you asked (I'm sure


> > else will).

> >


> Thanks Moira. I'd checked all the supplements to make sure they were

> wheat free, color/flavor, free, etc. but didn't think about checking

> for dairy. I just checked the probiotics and they seem to be ok.


> are wheat,soy, color, flavor free and natural cultures of the


> in a rice maltodextrin, not corn, carrier.

> He's not big on dairy products anyway so I think we'll skip the soy

> stuff for now.


> Vickie

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> The limb heaviness and fatigue, as well as stomach pains are all

symptoms my son had before we added B12 supplements. After a couple of

weeks, these symptoms were much better:)

> Lust my .02

Thanks, all the little .02 cents add up to a $1 and a program that works.

How much B-12 is he taking? Steve is already taking B-12, 150mcg/3x

day right now but maybe it's not enough for him. Not sure how much to

increase it to though.

It's nice to know there is somewhere we can go and get help from

others who've BTDT before us. Our families and friends don't

understand when we tell them Steve's having a bad day and can't lift

his arms. Or why we can't just up and go do something with them on the

spur of the moment anymore. That for us it takes several hours

sometimes to be " spontaneous " and that's on a GOOD day, lol!!


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> Any medication issues? Adding a medication, dropping one?


> JoAnne

Nope, he's not on any prescribed meds. The PD meds made him sleep all

the time and didn't stop the tremoring so he opted not to take them.

Not to mention vivid hallucinations were one of the side effects. He

has been on them in 3 years.

And the supplements he's taking he's been taking for several months

now. My gut feeling is it's something to do with the change in the

diet. Either a withdrawal type thing or maybe a blood sugar level

thing? But I'm not real sure. I'm going to see if eating smaller, more

frequent meals helps.

Thanks again everyone for your help!!


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Gluten can take a while to remove from the system . I have heard many moms with

chronic fatigue report major improvement on the GFCF diet and maybe this is

similar. I would also test his yeast levels and see if he has an overgrowth

that requires more than dietary changes. It often seems that after changing the

diet that the yeast problems show themselves more and yeast can make you VERY

tired as well have pain in the stomach etc. Yeast also does not allow nutrients

to absorb so he could have deficiencies that make him weak. tracy :)

[ ] Tired all the time

I can't seem to find the answer any where else so I figured ya'll

maybe able to shed some light for us.

We've been folling a modified Feingold diet for about a year. No

preservatives, no artificial colors/flavors, etc. The salicylates in

the foods didn't seem to be a problem so we added those back into the


Three months ago we went on the candida diet. No dairy except for

yogurt with live cultures, no pastas, no refined wheat products, no

yeast products, no sugar and no fruit. Seemed to help a little. Steve

is lactose intolerant and the yougurt seemed to be upsetting his

stomach and giving him wicked gas and cramping so we stopped the

yougurt since he was taking the probiotics anyway. So we wound up with

what amounts to a wheat, but not gluten free and dairy free diet.

After reading last week about the gluten connection on here and in

some of your links we've gone to a gluten free diet as well.

The good news is his tremor in his right hand has decreased

remarkably. He was actually able to use the puter and the mouse last

night without tremoring. He's having increasing periods where he feels

more calm and relaxed now, he can't remember when the last time was he

felt this calm. BUT,(isn't there always a but?), at the same time he

feels unusually tired/lethargic. He says his arms feel heavy, almost

too heavy to lift. And he's been having wicked stomach pains again.

Could this be from the change in diet? Will this clear up as he's on

the diet for a longer period? Any help is appreciated.




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For over a year, Mike got B12 injections every day. Then, we were able to switcg

to B12 with intrinsic factor by metagenics.I think since Steve's has gotten to

the point of affecting function, you should see a neurologist to rule out other


[ ] Re: Tired all the time

> The limb heaviness and fatigue, as well as stomach pains are all

symptoms my son had before we added B12 supplements. After a couple of

weeks, these symptoms were much better:)

> Lust my .02

Thanks, all the little .02 cents add up to a $1 and a program that works.

How much B-12 is he taking? Steve is already taking B-12, 150mcg/3x

day right now but maybe it's not enough for him. Not sure how much to

increase it to though.

It's nice to know there is somewhere we can go and get help from

others who've BTDT before us. Our families and friends don't

understand when we tell them Steve's having a bad day and can't lift

his arms. Or why we can't just up and go do something with them on the

spur of the moment anymore. That for us it takes several hours

sometimes to be " spontaneous " and that's on a GOOD day, lol!!


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> For over a year, Mike got B12 injections every day. Then, we were

able to switcg to B12 with intrinsic factor by metagenics.I think

since Steve's has gotten to the point of affecting function, you

should see a neurologist to rule out other things:)

Steve has a neurologist, he's seen a total of 3, including the top guy

at Harvard's Movement Disorders Clinic. They say he has Parkinson's.

They have repeatedly refused to consider anything but Parkinson's

disease. They ALL refuse to believe it MIGHT be mercury poisoning

since he never worked with it in an industrial setting. He has 14

LARGE amalgam fillings which were originally placed when he was 10-12

and he's now 54. They just try to push the Parkinson's meds and do

their damnedest to get him into drug studies. We're in the same boat a

lot of the parents on this list are in. WE are convinced it's heavy

metals but no one wants to even admit it it's possible and can't find

a doc who will even consider it. Right now we're trying to find a

dentist in our area who will remove the fillings correctly. In the

meantime we're using supplements and diet to try and get him feeling

the best he can so we can start removing the fillings ASAP. We have an

appointment with ANOTHER dentist today. This one seems promising so

everyone keep your fingers crossed for us. We've found someone in the

area who might be willing to help with the chelation once the fillings

are out.

Until this last week he's shown more improvement and has felt better

on the diet and the supplements than he EVER felt on the Parkinson's

meds. Then we went to a gf/cf diet from just a candida diet. That's

why I think it's most likely diet related.


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Dear Vickie,

Why dont you write J. Fox and tell him your thoughts. Make sure he

gets the letter as probably the Parkinson Foundation will have made sure

" their " advisors " look after " him.

[ ] Re: Tired all the time


> > For over a year, Mike got B12 injections every day. Then, we were

> able to switcg to B12 with intrinsic factor by metagenics.I think

> since Steve's has gotten to the point of affecting function, you

> should see a neurologist to rule out other things:)


> Steve has a neurologist, he's seen a total of 3, including the top guy

> at Harvard's Movement Disorders Clinic. They say he has Parkinson's.

> They have repeatedly refused to consider anything but Parkinson's

> disease. They ALL refuse to believe it MIGHT be mercury poisoning

> since he never worked with it in an industrial setting. He has 14

> LARGE amalgam fillings which were originally placed when he was 10-12

> and he's now 54. They just try to push the Parkinson's meds and do

> their damnedest to get him into drug studies. We're in the same boat a

> lot of the parents on this list are in. WE are convinced it's heavy

> metals but no one wants to even admit it it's possible and can't find

> a doc who will even consider it. Right now we're trying to find a

> dentist in our area who will remove the fillings correctly. In the

> meantime we're using supplements and diet to try and get him feeling

> the best he can so we can start removing the fillings ASAP. We have an

> appointment with ANOTHER dentist today. This one seems promising so

> everyone keep your fingers crossed for us. We've found someone in the

> area who might be willing to help with the chelation once the fillings

> are out.


> Until this last week he's shown more improvement and has felt better

> on the diet and the supplements than he EVER felt on the Parkinson's

> meds. Then we went to a gf/cf diet from just a candida diet. That's

> why I think it's most likely diet related.


> Vickie




> =======================================================


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> Dear Vickie,


> Why dont you write J. Fox and tell him your thoughts. Make

sure he

> gets the letter as probably the Parkinson Foundation will have made sure

> " their " advisors " look after " him.



We did write him through his foundation but I seriously doubt he'll

get the letter. I'm sure the docs who talked him into having a part of

his brain destroyed to " control " his tremors instead of trying to find

out what causes them and fix that don't want him to know about other

causes. I cannot conceive of someone having such an invasive procedure

done to his brain until AFTER exploring and exhausting all other


We watched him on Larry King Live this past Monday and I must say that

the visable symptoms J. Fox displays are MUCH worse than

Steve's are. The only visible symptom Steve has is tremors in his

right arm/hand. I can't beleive that he considers the way he is now is

an improvement.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

After reading some posts I figured I would add my 2 cents worth. I am 33 and

a single mom. Until about 2 weeks ago I worked at least 40 hours a week and

maintained my house. I got laid off on the 19th. I can't tell you how much I

have been sleeping. It makes me wonder how the heck I worked for so long.

Since I am moving in 2 months I'm not planning on looking for a new job. I am

going to take the next couple of months to relax a little bit and to take my

time going through stuff and packing. I have no idea how I would have

accomplished every thing if I still had to work full time. Gordon said

something in his post about how he's entering the final stages of his life

and how he feels for those of us who are younger and having to go through all

these nasty things our bodies are putting us through. I like to look at it

from a different perspective. I feel for those of you who are older. I know

that there will be something developed in " my time " to help ease the pain and

degeneration that comes along with PA. I have time left to hold out hope. I

just wish the help would come sooner so that those of you who have suffered

longer would be able to enjoy it as well. Mike, as far as the zombie feeling

goes...I had that also when I was on Enbrel. It has almost gone away

completely since I have been off of it. I am extremely tired after I do my

weekly Methotrexate injection. I do it on a Friday morning and I am pretty

useless on Saturday. As for those who are afraid to ask for help...I was the

same way. I had to be superwoman. I had to do everything for myself and

everyone else. I now realize how dumb that was. I know have my daughter

(she's 11) help and I also get some help from my friends. It's not a sign of

weakness to ask for assistance. People who care about you are more than

willing to help. Especially since we all know that what comes around goes


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: You are wise beyond your years and are a wonderful role model for

your daughter. I also try to maintain your positive attitude, and usually do

not succumb to the pain, tiredness and other side effects of either the

disease or medications. Keep it up, from one of the " older " ones (55 and

still going). Toadessa

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  • 4 years later...

Hiya, Leah.

Looks like it's time for a complete physical workup. There are so many possible

causes of tiredness. Certain medications, certain pathologies (illnesses). Make

an appointment with your primary care physician. Be as specific as you can with

your symptoms: what kind of tired (exhaustion, weakness, sleepiness, lack of

energy), when does it happen, what medications you are taking, what supplements

you are taking, what you are eating, what kind of exercise you do. Are there any

other symptoms? Palpitations, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing or catching your

breath, dizziness (and what kind--room spinning around, blackouts, fainting

spells). If your doctor disregards your symptoms, find a new doctor.


Tired all the time


>Hello all:

> How is everyone here? I am 26 years old and I feel very tired all

>the time. I take naps during the day. My dad thinks I may be amenic.

>if I am amenic what do they do for it?

> Leah







>Please visit the Zapper homepage at



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Mike is right that there are many causes of anemia and therefore many treatments. The most common cause of anemia in young women is iron deficiency anemia and iron supplements will usually be prescribed. However, extra iron won't fix an anemia that is NOT caused by iron deficiency so a visit to your doctor is certainly in order.


Tired all the time>>Hello all:> How is everyone here? I am 26 years old and I feel very tired all >the time. I take naps during the day. My dad thinks I may be amenic. >if I am amenic what do they do for it?> Leah >>>>>>>Please visit the Zapper homepage at>http://www.ZapLife.org >

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest


You sound a lot like my cousin's daughter who has SAD. She uses a light box

during the winter months up here in Canada. When you are in such a sunny place

it seems unlikely but who knows. Our bodies are so unique.

From what I understand SAD can be due to low Vit D levels and those living in

sunny climates do not always have high Vit D levels. It may be worth your while

to have your levels checked - 25(OH)D test.

take care,


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Hi Carol, You could be right about the D levels.  Remember that for two years I

was on MP and we had to keep our D levels low and wear NoIR glasses in the

house.  I bought dark shades and put black shades on the lamps.  I was told

that light would ruin my amygdula or something like that if I went out during

the day.  So, we only went out at night.  I still stay out of the sun due to

hyperpigmentation which is still prominent only on my arms as I wear an

umbrella, rain or shine. and keep the dark glasses on. We never go to the

beach.  I swim in the backyard pool at sunset and evenings when it is warm. 

Haven't been in since October.  Right now am having a problem with my eyes. 

Have seen 4 opthalmologists in the past few weeks and each one adds something

different or contradicts the other.  Seems like according to them, I grew

cataracts in an instant.One doc decided to do a lazer treatment in one eye and I

immediately lost most of the vision

in that eye.  Now they want to do both eyes and I am in a tizzy as to which

one I should follow.  I tell Mike I want to go back to NYU Eye & Ear

Institute,but don't want to go alone as we have a dog now to care for plus can't

afford the extra expenses. My Minocin cost me & 54.00 today for 60

pills.  That is a thirty day supply as I take two per day.   I will have the

D levels checked.  That is probably it as I don't do dairy either.  I am

lactose intolerant. Thanks, Dolores & Mike 

From: Bob & Carol Zarn <bczarn@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re: tired all the time


Date: Friday, March 25, 2011, 10:16 AM



You sound a lot like my cousin's daughter who has SAD. She uses a light box

during the winter months up here in Canada. When you are in such a sunny place

it seems unlikely but who knows. Our bodies are so unique.

From what I understand SAD can be due to low Vit D levels and those living in

sunny climates do not always have high Vit D levels. It may be worth your while

to have your levels checked - 25(OH)D test.

take care,


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