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Re: Re: message to the board

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In a message dated 11/26/2002 5:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

trudyjh@... writes:

> How many people have been put

> on amiodarone?


I have not been put on amiodarone but my cardiologist just recommended I

consider it in place of my current norpace (which is marginally effective).

The cardiologist indicated he is having good luck with amiodarone, even

though the " possible " side effect of lung damage accompanies this drug. He

indicated need for a test for lungs each 6 months and that if damage is

indicated that stopping the drug will reverse the damage. I am also

interested in anyone's real experience with amiodarone. Terry.

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In a message dated 11/27/2002 2:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

a-fibfriend@... writes:

> Dear Terry,

> I am really biased against Amiodarone. When I was on a relatively

> small dose of Amiodarone, it made me impotent (happily this was reversed

> some time after I went off it) and I was coughing up blood among other

> bad side effects.

> A-FibFriendSteve

Great info, thanks. I had the same reaction to bata blocker (i.e. impotent) &

when I complained to cardiologist he switched me to tambocor (150mg 2xday) &

from there I went to Norpace (150mg 2xday). Norpace has been most effective

and no side effects from either tambocor or norpace. Now, while considering

RFAblation the Electrophysiologist suggested amiodarone as a possible

alternative to RFA & potentially more effective than norpace. Sounds like

your experience, plus knowledge that lung damage, if it occurs, would be

irreversible - suggests staying with norpace. Terry.

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In a message dated 11/27/2002 2:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

a-fibfriend@... writes:

> Dear Terry,

> I am really biased against Amiodarone. When I was on a relatively

> small dose of Amiodarone, it made me impotent (happily this was reversed

> some time after I went off it) and I was coughing up blood among other

> bad side effects.

> A-FibFriendSteve

Great info, thanks. I had the same reaction to bata blocker (i.e. impotent) &

when I complained to cardiologist he switched me to tambocor (150mg 2xday) &

from there I went to Norpace (150mg 2xday). Norpace has been most effective

and no side effects from either tambocor or norpace. Now, while considering

RFAblation the Electrophysiologist suggested amiodarone as a possible

alternative to RFA & potentially more effective than norpace. Sounds like

your experience, plus knowledge that lung damage, if it occurs, would be

irreversible - suggests staying with norpace. Terry.

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Dear Terry,

I am really biased against Amiodarone. When I was on a relatively

small dose of Amiodarone, it made me impotent (happily this was reversed

some time after I went off it) and I was coughing up blood among other

bad side effects.


tmchoskey@... wrote:

>In a message dated 11/26/2002 5:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>trudyjh@... writes:





>>How many people have been put

>>on amiodarone?





>I have not been put on amiodarone but my cardiologist just recommended I

>consider it in place of my current norpace (which is marginally effective).

>The cardiologist indicated he is having good luck with amiodarone, even

>though the " possible " side effect of lung damage accompanies this drug. He

>indicated need for a test for lungs each 6 months and that if damage is

>indicated that stopping the drug will reverse the damage. I am also

>interested in anyone's real experience with amiodarone. Terry.





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Dear Terry,

I am really biased against Amiodarone. When I was on a relatively

small dose of Amiodarone, it made me impotent (happily this was reversed

some time after I went off it) and I was coughing up blood among other

bad side effects.


tmchoskey@... wrote:

>In a message dated 11/26/2002 5:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>trudyjh@... writes:





>>How many people have been put

>>on amiodarone?





>I have not been put on amiodarone but my cardiologist just recommended I

>consider it in place of my current norpace (which is marginally effective).

>The cardiologist indicated he is having good luck with amiodarone, even

>though the " possible " side effect of lung damage accompanies this drug. He

>indicated need for a test for lungs each 6 months and that if damage is

>indicated that stopping the drug will reverse the damage. I am also

>interested in anyone's real experience with amiodarone. Terry.





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I have not heard this about Tambocor. Have you read this somewhere?


Re: message to the board

> In a message dated 11/27/2002 2:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> a-fibfriend@c... writes:



> > Hello Terry: I would like to tell you that another drug called

Tambocor also can cause problems such as pneumonitis.....which is

inflammation of the lungs or better said the lining of the


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I have not heard this about Tambocor. Have you read this somewhere?


Re: message to the board

> In a message dated 11/27/2002 2:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> a-fibfriend@c... writes:



> > Hello Terry: I would like to tell you that another drug called

Tambocor also can cause problems such as pneumonitis.....which is

inflammation of the lungs or better said the lining of the


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Hi no this is not normal but Amiodarone is very toxic, I stress very toxic. Are

you sure of the dose the max should have been a loading dose of 3x200mg for a

week, then 2x300mg for a week, then 200mg thereafter.. you say 1200 of what a

day. this is the qestion...

Also ypou have had a pacer inserted have you had a pace and ablate of the sinus


the good news is your feeling better with the exception of the lung problems,

lets hope this clears up. If you have had a pace and ablate then , I would state

your not in NSR but a rate control... This should have been explained to you...

This is why your on coumadin.

Good luck


> Trudy,

> I was put on Amiodarone the first of this year after five unsuccessful

cardioversions. I had mega side effects and was on 1200/day and while on a

vacation in Cayman Islands, kept falling down all the time as I was so dizzy. It

affected my eyesight and gave me tremors. Had an ablation with insertion of

pacemaker in July and now my heart is in rhythm and I have atrial flutter.

However, the Amiodarone affected my lungs which resulted in a hospitalization of

12 days, all kinds of tests, and finally surgery for biopsies of the lungs. They

determined I have inflammation of the lungs and am on Prednizone, which also has

various side effects. The EP indicated I will have to be on Coumadin for the

rest of my life. Is this normal?


> I appreciate being able to read what other people with AF are experiencing.


> Irene, retired in the great state Wisconsin

> Re: Re: message to the board



> In a message dated 11/26/2002 5:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> trudyjh@... writes:



> > How many people have been put

> > on amiodarone?

> >



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Hi no this is not normal but Amiodarone is very toxic, I stress very toxic. Are

you sure of the dose the max should have been a loading dose of 3x200mg for a

week, then 2x300mg for a week, then 200mg thereafter.. you say 1200 of what a

day. this is the qestion...

Also ypou have had a pacer inserted have you had a pace and ablate of the sinus


the good news is your feeling better with the exception of the lung problems,

lets hope this clears up. If you have had a pace and ablate then , I would state

your not in NSR but a rate control... This should have been explained to you...

This is why your on coumadin.

Good luck


> Trudy,

> I was put on Amiodarone the first of this year after five unsuccessful

cardioversions. I had mega side effects and was on 1200/day and while on a

vacation in Cayman Islands, kept falling down all the time as I was so dizzy. It

affected my eyesight and gave me tremors. Had an ablation with insertion of

pacemaker in July and now my heart is in rhythm and I have atrial flutter.

However, the Amiodarone affected my lungs which resulted in a hospitalization of

12 days, all kinds of tests, and finally surgery for biopsies of the lungs. They

determined I have inflammation of the lungs and am on Prednizone, which also has

various side effects. The EP indicated I will have to be on Coumadin for the

rest of my life. Is this normal?


> I appreciate being able to read what other people with AF are experiencing.


> Irene, retired in the great state Wisconsin

> Re: Re: message to the board



> In a message dated 11/26/2002 5:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> trudyjh@... writes:



> > How many people have been put

> > on amiodarone?

> >



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Hi as per my previous posts Amiodarone does have lots of side effects...

There is quite a lot of information on our board regarding the side effects with

this med..

I would say this is quite an old fashioned drug now but the medical community

love to use this as its quite effective and cheap.

Side effect can include thyroid damage(I got this). but can be reversible(not

for me) and eye damage can be reversed. It can also cause pulmonary fibrosis or

black lung syndrome... This is not reversible and can be fatal.

Lets be franks up to two years ago this is all we have and some Drs feel that

the small percentage of side effects in some patients is worthwhile.This is of

course al long as your not one of those small percentage of patients taking this


I would not recommend it to younger patients as my GP said you can only take

this for no longer that 10 -15 years. I asked why and the reply I got was you

wont be here..

john C UK

ps I am not a Dr.

also If you take this drug please bear in mind it will affect you Wafarin

INR..... It also co indicated with Digioxin . it make Dig. twice as effective..

> >

> >

> > > How many people have been put

> > > on amiodarone?

> > >

> >

> > I have not been put on amiodarone but my cardiologist just

> recommended I

> > consider it


> Terry, besides lung damage, there can be dmaage to the thyroid and

> eyesight. Damage is not always reversible, esp. to the thyroid, I

> gather from what other people have posted here about their experience.







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In a message dated 11/27/2002 8:17:22 AM Central Standard Time,

tmchoskey@... writes:

> I am also

> interested in anyone's real experience with amiodarone. Terry

I have been on amiodarone since April this year. The only problem that I had

was severe stomach ache after one month on the loading dose of 400 mg/day. I

dropped back to 200 mg/day and the pain went away after a few days. It has

been fairly effective for me but have had 2 episodes recently. One 2 days ago

that converted on its own and 1 last night that is still going on. Hopefully

I will convert by myself one more time.


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