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Here is yet another document that you can e-mail to the media

addresses below. I've added more for your convenience. For those

interested, it is more ideal to send written letters via US mail to

the executive producer of each show. Thank you for your help.

[This letter was sent to Congressman Burton from Liz Birt. Liz is

Counsel for Safe Minds, the founder of Medical Interventions for

Autism, and a parent of a child with autism. Liz was responsible for

obtaining the " secret " CDC VSD Study and the Simpsonwood meeting

minutes for Safe Minds though the Freedom of Information Act.]

March 7, 2002

Congressman Dan Burton


Government Reform Committee

United States House of Representatives

2157 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C.

Re: British Medical Journal Article, May 27, 1972 " Danger of Skin

Burns From Thiomersal " ; Adverse Drug Reactions Acute Poisoning Revenue

Article, 1986 " Organic mercury compounds and their toxicity " ( " 1986

Adverse Drug Reaction Article " ) Testimony by Dr. Egan, FDA

and Dr. Bernier, CDC on July 18, 2000

Dear Congressman Burton:

As you requested I am sending to you copies of the above referenced

articles. As you can see, much was known about thimerosal prior to

1999. I am sure that through the process of subpoenas we will discover

much more.

Of particular note is the 1986 Adverse Drug Reaction Article written

by K.A. Winship, Senior Medical Officer, Medicines Division,

Department of Health and Social Security for the United Kingdom. It

is my understanding that this person would be in a similar position

as a top administrative officer of our FDA. Page 171 of this article


" Multidose vaccines and allergy-testing extracts contain a mercurial

preservative, usually 0.01% thiomersal, and may present problems

occasionally in practice. It is therefore, now accepted that multidose

injection preparations are undesirable and that preservatives should

not be present in unit-dose preparations (emphasis added). "

On July 18, 2000 you asked Dr. Egan of the FDA the following

question: When did the FDA and CDC first start being concerned about

mercury in vaccines? " Dr. Egan responded, " I guess the major concern

started somewhere around May of 1999? " I can not believe based upon

articles such as this that the FDA did not know that thimerosal was a

problem in vaccines before May of 1999. If a senior official in the

United Kingdom stated as a matter of fact in 1986 that multidose

preparations were undesirable because of thimerosal what were our FDA

officials doing? My " hunch " is that there was extreme pressure from

the drug companies not to make a change because of cost. Here we are

15 years later and the FDA has not mandated that thimerosal be

removed from all vaccines nor has it acted to recall pediatric

vaccines containing thimerosal. I find the conduct of our FDA

officials reprehensible.

In addition, Dr. Egan at the same July 18, 2000 hearing was asked the

following question by Congresswoman Chenowith-Hage " With regards to

the introduction of the HIB vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine, could you

advise the committee on what studies were done with regards to these

new vaccines that would prove thimerosal was safe? " Dr. Egan's

response was " There was a long history of the use, the safe use of

thiomerosal, you know, in vaccines since they were- since it was

first introduced. And at that time (1990) there was no data to

suggest that the added mercury from the introduction of those new

vaccines would be harmful. "

Congressman Burton, I find this statement by Dr. Egan to be patently

false. By 1990 there was a mountain of evidence that thimerosal was

unsafe and ineffective. In point of fact, in 1987 the Commission of

the European Communities initiated a research project of 10 known or

suspected spindle poisons including thimerosal. In 1993, as described

in Mutuation Research, 287 (1993) 17-22 thimerosal was identified as a

strong inhibitor of microtubular assembly, a process which is

essential for proper neuronal development. Again, I find it

incomprehensible that officials at our FDA could have overlooked this

research, if they did so they are grossly incompetent. In addition,

since 1992 the FDA has employed a researcher by the name of Joan May

to test thimerosal in various biologic products including vaccines.

If the use of thimerosal was proven to be safe why was the person

employed by FDA?

In addition, I would also like to point out testimony given by Dr.

Bernier of the CDC at the July 18, 2000 hearing that was false.

Dr. Bernier was questioned by Congressman Waxman as follows:

Congressman Waxman: " The question that I would like to ask, and I am

sure parents want to know, is this being done because there are known

adverse related events or as a precautionary measure? CDC convened an

expert panel to examine data that showed a possible weak link between

thimerosal and certain developmental delays. The panel presented its

findings to CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and

concluded that the data were insufficient to show a causal connection

between thimerosal and certain developmental delays. Is that true? Is

that the position that the CDC has taken? " Dr. Bernier

responded: " That's correct, Mr. Waxman. At the present time CDC has

no evidence of harm to any children from thimerosal in vaccines. We

have constantly acted to look at safety. Following the episode last

summer, CDC did begin to look at the data in the Vaccine Safety

Datalink, and one of the outcomes was autism, and there was no

suggestion of any association between thimerosal exposure and autism

in the Vaccine Safety Datalink study.(emphasis added) "

Congressman Burton, based upon the documents that CDC turned over to

SAFEMINDs last year I believe that Dr. Bernier perjured himself at the

July 18, 2000 hearing. My belief is based upon the following facts: 1)

Dr. Verstraeten's 2/29/00 VSD study found a relative risk for autism

of 2.48 at a thimerosal exposure of 62.5 mcgs of thimerosal and

above; 2) Dr. Verstraeten's 2/29/00 and 6/1/00 VSD studies found a

statistically significant positive correlation between: 1) the

cumulative exposure at 2 months of age and unspecified developmental

delay; 2) the cumulative exposure at 3 months of age and tics; 3) the

cumulative exposure at 6 months of age and attention deficit

disorder; 4) the cumulative exposure at 1, 3 and 6 months of age and

language and speech delays; and 5) the cumulative exposure at 1, 3

and 6 months of age and neurodevelopmental delays in general. Dr.

Bernier was copied on both of these studies. I do not believe he was

truthful in his testimony when he made these categorical remarks to

your committee.

As you can probably tell from my comments I am extremely distrustful

of individuals at CDC and FDA. They have a history of outright lying.

In addition, when possible they engage in the distortion of facts to

suit their purposes.

Please know that I am committed to finding out the truth about the

relationship of vaccines to neurodevelopmental disorders including

autism. I am willing to work on any project that would be useful to

your committee at any time without compensation. I feel that this work

must be done for the children and their families.

Thank you for your support on this matter.

Best Regards,

Liz Birt

Cc: Congressman Dave Weldon

Beth Clay
























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  • 9 years later...

Lissarachel, You have pinpointed exactly why true4free's comments about this site don't work here... once the mites are gone, we have persisting organisms... this is still the logical place to go for help because "almost" everyone gets these unusual organisms as a result of the mites... fungal, viral, bacterial, etc. It does seem to be a syndrome as Zoe once said. I am thinking from what you saw, unless you put it under scope, most likely fungal related. Are you taking antifungals?Mites that are internal do not die from Permithrin applied to the skin. Krys mentioned yesterday that birdmites are highly resistant to miticides. So they would be resistant to Permithrin too which is a miticide. Initially there may be a slight die off with Permithrin on the skin level only for a few days. We found relief for maybe 2 days after applying it numerous times, but the relief was short lived. Perhaps it is because these do become internal and can easily hide during the day.We had no luck with PCOs at all. I never tried Nylar... others here did, so maybe they will comment. I think Marie did use it. From: "lissarachel" <elissarachel@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:28:02 AMSubject: Something else...My dermatologist said that he thinks my internal skin stuff is not bird mites anymore. Who know s!I had these black skinny things come out of my skin the other day then slide back in when I used menthol shampoo and sprayed alcohol. what do you think? I did not see any tails.Also, I used the permethrin cream for the second time. Little black specks came to the surface (with tiny hairs or legs. Some were grayish and looked like the fuzz I used to find on my sheets/mattress cover...Mites? Fungus? Mold?I thought when you use permethrin cream the mites die internally.The dermatologist thinks we still have mites in the incitement too (of course we do!) And says we should get a pest co. to treat again. Has anyone sprinkled the DE earth in their floor cracks? We could do it when we are away for a week around the holidays. Then clean it up before my son comed back home.What about nylar or other IGR's?------------------------------------

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Hi Lissa,

just a brief comment on the DE which is absolutely non-toxic and you do not need to leave the house after application.

I have sprinkled DE behind all floorboards and all cracks and crevices in the house via puff bottle and just wiped the remainings around off.

Be careful with your vacuum cleaner, some just cannot take the DE!

Von: lissarachel <elissarachel@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 16:28 Dienstag, 15.November 2011 Betreff: Something else...

My dermatologist said that he thinks my internal skin stuff is not bird mites anymore. Who know s!I had these black skinny things come out of my skin the other day then slide back in when I used menthol shampoo and sprayed alcohol. what do you think? I did not see any tails.Also, I used the permethrin cream for the second time. Little black specks came to the surface (with tiny hairs or legs. Some were grayish and looked like the fuzz I used to find on my sheets/mattress cover...Mites? Fungus? Mold?I thought when you use permethrin cream the mites die internally.The dermatologist thinks we still have mites in the incitement too (of course we do!) And says we should get a pest co. to treat again. Has anyone sprinkled the DE earth in their floor cracks? We could do it when we are away for a week around the holidays. Then clean it up before my son comed back home.What about nylar or other


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