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Re: Proper Introductions....

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Hi Debra, I read that your son is getting ABA Home therapy for 30 hours a

week. I want to know if the public school system is paying for that? If yes,

how were you able to get that?? I just had a disaster of an IEP Review

meeting today, and I am very aggravated. They are telling me that my son

cannot get ABA done at home unless I pay for it! There is also a

possibility if the program they " offer " will not consist of ABA. I am in New

York, and the public school system here is a nightmare for parents.

I would appreciate any responses from anyone.


Vicki Lowery

Mommy to 5.5 years HFA

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If your son has a rx of autism the diagnosing Dr. should have given you a

recommendation of how many hours ABA your son should get and then by LAW the

school system has to provide and if they don't you can bring them to

court...but sometimes just saying that you know legally it is their

responsibility you will get the hours. luckily we had no trouble getting the

30 hours ABA for my son 20 is home based. Good luck!!! remember...they

HAVE TO PROVIDE...don't settle for less!!!! Sharon

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Thanks Sharon. I have so much more research to be doing tonight because they

will not even put him into inclusion. They are only offering me a special Ed

school, in a self contained classroom of 6. is too high functioning

for that. They are giving me such a hard time. Now I have to wait for them to

send their lovely recommendation for a school. I have to fight this,

will regress in special Ed, I know he can handle being in inclusion, but they

are saying No, he has to be in special Ed school, in a small classroom. I

fought for 2 hours with them today, needless to say they didn't like what I

had to say, and that I was prepared.

They act like they are offering the world to me for my son, yeah right.

If you can help in any other way I would appreciate it so much.

I am so upset over here.

Vicki Lowery

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Hi Debra. I agree with and we are Andy Cutler

fans. I saved tons of money for doctors. I bought his

book to use as a reference. He knows chelation. I

would still do some investigating. In using Andy's

method, you are taking the best precaution for your

child. Vicky

--- & Jack Rawlings <jamaraw@...> wrote:

> Hi Debra!

> Welcome aboard! Your on the right track in helping

> your son.......but don't

> do what I did and waste precious time by not

> chelating AND DETOXING!At the

> Dan conference in Boston they repeated over and over

> that the younger the

> child the sooner the recovery .Also if permanent

> damage takes place it

> happens by the toxins being in the body too

> long!Your fortunate that your

> son was recently diagnosed....my son just turned 7

> yesterday and when he was

> diagnosed 4 yrs ago, I had to do much of my own

> research,not many people

> knew alot about autism.I also didn't own a computer

> until 3 1/2 yrs ago. Go

> to the files section of this site, it's loaded with

> info and it's pretty

> accurate. I'll cut to the chase and just inform you

> to save you time that

> Andy Cutler knows what he's talking about and if you

> follow what he says you

> are headed toward full recovery.So you see, there's

> lots of hope! Good Luck

> and thanks for listening to my 2 cents worth.

> R(there's more than one maria on the list)




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Hi Debra!

Welcome aboard! Your on the right track in helping your son.......but don't

do what I did and waste precious time by not chelating AND DETOXING!At the

Dan conference in Boston they repeated over and over that the younger the

child the sooner the recovery .Also if permanent damage takes place it

happens by the toxins being in the body too long!Your fortunate that your

son was recently diagnosed....my son just turned 7 yesterday and when he was

diagnosed 4 yrs ago, I had to do much of my own research,not many people

knew alot about autism.I also didn't own a computer until 3 1/2 yrs ago. Go

to the files section of this site, it's loaded with info and it's pretty

accurate. I'll cut to the chase and just inform you to save you time that

Andy Cutler knows what he's talking about and if you follow what he says you

are headed toward full recovery.So you see, there's lots of hope! Good Luck

and thanks for listening to my 2 cents worth.

R(there's more than one maria on the list)

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I keep hearing (from the professionals)that the 3 best states to live

in are NY/NJ/PA. As to JR's ABA no the SD isn't paying for it yet.

Medicaid is though and has paid for everything from ABA to ST/OT/ and

PT. Both before the switch from a fee for service system to the HMO

service system that has been in place since April 1 of this year. I

have no complaints about PA thus far. As to the S.D. issue I won't

contend with it until Fall 2003. So we shall see what happens then.


> Hi Debra, I read that your son is getting ABA Home therapy for 30

hours a

> week. I want to know if the public school system is paying for

that? If yes,

> how were you able to get that?? I just had a disaster of an IEP


> meeting today, and I am very aggravated. They are telling me that

my son

> cannot get ABA done at home unless I pay for it! There is

also a

> possibility if the program they " offer " will not consist of ABA. I

am in New

> York, and the public school system here is a nightmare for parents.

> I would appreciate any responses from anyone.

> Thanks,

> Vicki Lowery

> Mommy to 5.5 years HFA

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Deborah and I appreciate your opinions about using Andy's approach

however the approach we are using to dextofy Jr (and we are

detoxifying him) is more natural and in our opinion much less

dangerous than the DMSA....the nice thing about the method we use is

the key components are part of what everyone's bodies should be

producing anyway and there for are not near as taxing as DMSA. Why do

you think Andy's protocols are 3 days on 11 days off? That send alarm

bells off in our heads to begin with. We will continue to use the

methodology that works for our son and believe me when we say it

works very well with no side effects noted since we started it. NONE!

We are here to learn about the ALA side of Andy's approach (nothing

more nothing less) as we are thinking of adding it to Jr's

vitamin/antioxident protocol. Thanks for your comments and

suggestions they are appreciated it.


> > Hi Debra!

> > Welcome aboard! Your on the right track in helping

> > your son.......but don't

> > do what I did and waste precious time by not

> > chelating AND DETOXING!At the

> > Dan conference in Boston they repeated over and over

> > that the younger the

> > child the sooner the recovery .Also if permanent

> > damage takes place it

> > happens by the toxins being in the body too

> > long!Your fortunate that your

> > son was recently diagnosed....my son just turned 7

> > yesterday and when he was

> > diagnosed 4 yrs ago, I had to do much of my own

> > research,not many people

> > knew alot about autism.I also didn't own a computer

> > until 3 1/2 yrs ago. Go

> > to the files section of this site, it's loaded with

> > info and it's pretty

> > accurate. I'll cut to the chase and just inform you

> > to save you time that

> > Andy Cutler knows what he's talking about and if you

> > follow what he says you

> > are headed toward full recovery.So you see, there's

> > lots of hope! Good Luck

> > and thanks for listening to my 2 cents worth.

> > R(there's more than one maria on the list)

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I would like very much to know more about your method(s) of


I have taken my son to a chiropractor who practices Contact Reflex

Analysis (CRA) and uses Standard Process supplements for help with

his ASD.

Very much interested in alternative medicine.

Please email if you feel more comfortable discussing there.

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We have no problem discussing here as long as we don't get censored

for not being an Andy follower in the process.

The best way to explain what we use and how it has effected our son

is to have u read a journal entry that can also be found at our

website under " JR's Chelation Progress " . Please keep in mind that

these entries are written with the novice reader in mind and not mean

to be patronizing in anyway. So here it is:

May 10th 2002

A month ago we started JR on the last of the supplements that he is

to receive. Glutathione is the name. At present he is on the

following and all in what would be classified as mega doses:

B6/Magnisum, B-Complex, Vitamins C & E, Selenium (a detoxifying

antioxidant), Glutathione (also a detoxifying antioxidant) Omega


for brain functionality and TMG which is also an enhancer of brain


In this month's time the progress that JR is making is nothing


of miraculous. Now some people who read this will ultimately say

" big

deal " but those of us who are parents (not just relatives but


who live with these children day in and day out) of these challenged

kids regardless of the challenge learn very early on what a miracle

is when they see one and stand in awe of it; as it should be.

Jr; as everyone knows by now is doing the ABA (another term for it is

discrete trial intervention) protocols. Basically in a nutshell what

that means is for example he's learning to brush his teeth. Now

to a

typical child and us this is a pretty basic task. A child with autism

needs to have every step in the process broken down into smaller

individualized steps learning each step individually and then have

those steps chained together. Let's use the tooth-brushing task

as an

example: these are the steps that it involves:

01. walking into the bathroom

02. getting the tooth brush

03. turning on the water

04. wetting the toothbrush

05. applying the toothpaste

06. putting the toothbrush in their mouths

07. using the hands to move the toothbrush in the proper movements

08. NOT swallowing the toothpaste during all this

09. putting water in a cup

10. sipping the water and spitting it out

11. rinsing the toothbrush

12. putting the toothbrush back in its proper place.

Now as you can see this is a pretty involved process from beginning

to end (and there is a possibility I missed some steps as well).

Autistic children are perfectly capable of learning anything a

typical child is capable of learning BUT and this is a huge but; it

must all be broken down into small easily digestible steps.

So the tasks an autistic child learns really is a miracle to us their

caretakers and therapists. With all that said maybe you can

appreciate a little more what I am about to say he has accomplished

as being miraculous.

01. He's waving bye-bye and hello now (appropriately)

02. He's vocalizing a lot more saying " yah yah yah " ,

he's trying to

sing scales and. He's attempting to say ball (it's coming out

bah but

it's a step) he's trying harder and harder to vocalize

constants and

vowel sounds.

03. His focus in his ABA therapy sessions is much more intense. He

goes thru his drills in random rotation with no physical prompting at

all anymore and very little verbal prompting.

04. When he watches a movie he is very focused on that movie to the

point that he can tune out most of the extraneous stimuli. I am

getting daily reports from his pre-school teacher that he is much

calmer and quieter in school as well as here at home. He rests better

too I think. He now takes an occasional (very occasional) nap when

he's tired. He is getting (and this is a daily goal and struggle)

more patient and willing to wait for short periods.

05. And the most important improvement to date, he is beginning to

play with other children in our community. These are kids that


known for years mind you and it is only one or two but he's


more sociable in general.

So as anyone can tell by these writings, miracles have been happening

with our son. Now the question is: is it coincidence that all these

improvements coincide with the introduction of all these supplements?

I personally don't believe in coincidence but I guess it's


The selenium and glutathione are antioxidants used for chelation of

heavy metals. So that raises another question is he being chelated

with these supplements as well? It seems so to me. The improvements

are too vast and far-reaching across all areas of noted delays in the

autistic to be mere coincidence.

But for now I am very thankful. Thankful that whatever is working is

working. I pray it continues to work and that someday my son will

be " cured " of this challenge to lead a more normal life.


that in itself raises a whole battery of other issues and questions.

One step at a time we take it; no matter how long it takes one-step

forward everyday and I am happy. The future is bright and my son is



> I would like very much to know more about your method(s) of

> chelation.


> I have taken my son to a chiropractor who practices Contact Reflex

> Analysis (CRA) and uses Standard Process supplements for help with

> his ASD.


> Very much interested in alternative medicine.


> Please email if you feel more comfortable discussing there.

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