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You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my actual

personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics, who

can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high doses

of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not have

conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this is

just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my actual

personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics, who

can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high doses

of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not have

conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this is

just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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I am not sure I quite got my point across.

I realize that the vitamine C does not actually raise the sugar level

but, according to some, it does give you a false reading on the meter.

The meter could indicate that your sugar was (choose one) a

little/some/considerably/quite a bit higher than it actually is.

If you were to dose according to the false reading then you could cause

a low sugar reaction because the actual blood sugar was not at all high,

it was normal for you but you medicated as though it were high?

Is this any clearer?

Cy, the Ancient One & Grady...

Re: Surgery

You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my


personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I

experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics,


can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high


of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not


conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this


just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>> > and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>> > every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>> > process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>> > get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>> > a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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I am not sure I quite got my point across.

I realize that the vitamine C does not actually raise the sugar level

but, according to some, it does give you a false reading on the meter.

The meter could indicate that your sugar was (choose one) a

little/some/considerably/quite a bit higher than it actually is.

If you were to dose according to the false reading then you could cause

a low sugar reaction because the actual blood sugar was not at all high,

it was normal for you but you medicated as though it were high?

Is this any clearer?

Cy, the Ancient One & Grady...

Re: Surgery

You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my


personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I

experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics,


can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high


of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not


conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this


just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>> > and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>> > every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>> > process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>> > get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>> > a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused the

low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I experienced.

Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the low

blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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You, and some others on the list are experienced Diabetics who

know and understand sugar levels and what they mean. I think my concern

is for folks who are not nearly as adept at this thing.

I know Crystal occasionally gets confused on how much Glucovance she

needs to take. I have pretty much finally convinced her to rely on the

meter. If the meter reading seems out of line to what we expected I have

her check it against another meter and then we figure out what we have

to do.

Now, in Crystal's case, vitamin C is not an issue - yet - but, I would

like to understand what the ramifications might be. Crystal is running

30-40 points higher than she should but at least we have gotten her to

be consistent. Now we will work on bringing that number back down.

In as much as stress will play some havoc with your blood sugar I think

it is a miracle that she is doing as well as she is.

August was a complete disaster for our family.

In early August my 16 year old daughter rolled a Bronco and was driving

with only a learner's permit, Susie, our 22 year old daughter had

another round with her Muscular Dystrophy and was hospitalized, our 14

year old daughter decided to break her parole and went AWOL for a week

and a half, someone " borrowed " our Ford Focus and it took several days

to locate it and, on August 30 Susie passed away.

Now, when I say that August was somewhat stressful you can understand

what I am talking about.

I think we had some other problems but they were insignificant by

comparison and didn't even make the radar screen.

Anyway, I will keep the vitamin information at hand should Crystal need

to start taking it this winter.

Take care and the best of luck to you.

Cy, the Ancient One & Grady...

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused


low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I


Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I

do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the


blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months

>>> > after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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You, and some others on the list are experienced Diabetics who

know and understand sugar levels and what they mean. I think my concern

is for folks who are not nearly as adept at this thing.

I know Crystal occasionally gets confused on how much Glucovance she

needs to take. I have pretty much finally convinced her to rely on the

meter. If the meter reading seems out of line to what we expected I have

her check it against another meter and then we figure out what we have

to do.

Now, in Crystal's case, vitamin C is not an issue - yet - but, I would

like to understand what the ramifications might be. Crystal is running

30-40 points higher than she should but at least we have gotten her to

be consistent. Now we will work on bringing that number back down.

In as much as stress will play some havoc with your blood sugar I think

it is a miracle that she is doing as well as she is.

August was a complete disaster for our family.

In early August my 16 year old daughter rolled a Bronco and was driving

with only a learner's permit, Susie, our 22 year old daughter had

another round with her Muscular Dystrophy and was hospitalized, our 14

year old daughter decided to break her parole and went AWOL for a week

and a half, someone " borrowed " our Ford Focus and it took several days

to locate it and, on August 30 Susie passed away.

Now, when I say that August was somewhat stressful you can understand

what I am talking about.

I think we had some other problems but they were insignificant by

comparison and didn't even make the radar screen.

Anyway, I will keep the vitamin information at hand should Crystal need

to start taking it this winter.

Take care and the best of luck to you.

Cy, the Ancient One & Grady...

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused


low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I


Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I

do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the


blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months

>>> > after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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Oh, Cy

I certainly hope the rest of the year is more stable for you. I know we are

all praying for you and your family. Teen years are so tough-they seem much

tougher than they were when you and I were teens-and it makes it even worse

for the parents. A death of a young person is so unfair and hard to deal


It's a wonder that Crystal's sugars aren't sky high with all those terrible

things happening.

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused


low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I


Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I

do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the


blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months

>>> > after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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Oh, Cy

I certainly hope the rest of the year is more stable for you. I know we are

all praying for you and your family. Teen years are so tough-they seem much

tougher than they were when you and I were teens-and it makes it even worse

for the parents. A death of a young person is so unfair and hard to deal


It's a wonder that Crystal's sugars aren't sky high with all those terrible

things happening.

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused


low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I


Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I

do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the


blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months

>>> > after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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It's clear to me, Cy -and yes, if you gave yourself insulin because it was

falsely high, then you could have a problem. I want to know if the " high "

is a low one or a high one too. As I have taken 500 mgm or more of Vit. C

every evening for years and not had anything unusual happen, I don't know

how to answer your question.

Re: Surgery

You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my


personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I

experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics,


can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high


of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not


conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this


just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>> > and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>> > every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>> > process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>> > get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>> > a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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It's clear to me, Cy -and yes, if you gave yourself insulin because it was

falsely high, then you could have a problem. I want to know if the " high "

is a low one or a high one too. As I have taken 500 mgm or more of Vit. C

every evening for years and not had anything unusual happen, I don't know

how to answer your question.

Re: Surgery

You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my


personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose readings.

While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I

experienced a

low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I took a glucose

reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So for diabetics,


can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I don't believe high


of vitamin C would much of a problem. For those diabetics who do not


conscious low sugar reactions, this would be a problem. Of course this


just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>> > and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>> > every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>> > process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>> > get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>> > a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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You have t be careful Harry with consistently running low BGs. Once your

body gets adjusted to that, you stop having the low blood sugar symptoms

until it is very, very low and it can put you in a crisis situation. I know

as that happened to me and I almost passed out at Braille. I just happened

to do a BG as I was feeling somewhat sleepy and found my BG was 35 (I did it

twice); and the only feeling I had was some sleepiness.

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused the

low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I experienced.

Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the low

blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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You have t be careful Harry with consistently running low BGs. Once your

body gets adjusted to that, you stop having the low blood sugar symptoms

until it is very, very low and it can put you in a crisis situation. I know

as that happened to me and I almost passed out at Braille. I just happened

to do a BG as I was feeling somewhat sleepy and found my BG was 35 (I did it

twice); and the only feeling I had was some sleepiness.

Re: Surgery

Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused the

low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I experienced.

Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I do it

during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the low

blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

single glucose tablet.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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I just think it is worth noting for future reference.

As with most other things, it depends on each individual and their

reaction to different things.

My ex wife was super sensitive to medication of any kind. She was one of

the original " A Little Dab Will Do You " folks and I was just the

opposite. It would take a horse pill to do anything for me.

The vitamin C thing is just good information for reference purposes.

Cy, the Ancient One & Grady....

Re: Surgery

You ask a very interesting question, and all I can do is relate my

actual personal experience with hhigh dosing of vitamin C and glucose


While on high doses of Vitamin C, dosing to bowel tolerance I managed to

keep my glucose reading in the desired range, but whenever I

experienced a low sugar reaction, shakes, sweats and palpatations, I

took a glucose reading and each time the reading was around 60 65. So

for diabetics, who can experience conciously a low glucose reaction, I

don't believe high doses of vitamin C would much of a problem. For

those diabetics who do not have conscious low sugar reactions, this

would be a problem. Of course this is just my personal opinion.

Re: Surgery

>> >

>> >

>> >> Harry,

>> >>

>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>> >> that

> will

>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>> > and


>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>> > only given

> me

>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>> > treatment

> did

>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>> > every

> once

>> > in

>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>> > process,


>> > but

> I

>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>> > get


>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>> > prolonged I have

> ever

>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>> > a


>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>> > Will keep you posted.

>> >>

>> >> Bill Powers

>> >>

>> >>

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Maybe I will have to conduct an experiment on myself to see what it vitamin

C does. I did it once before for several days, but lost all the data I

collected, and I don't remember what it showed.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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Maybe I will have to conduct an experiment on myself to see what it vitamin

C does. I did it once before for several days, but lost all the data I

collected, and I don't remember what it showed.

Re: Surgery

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >> Harry,

>>> >>

>>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

>>> >> that

>> will

>>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after


>>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

>>> > and


>>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

>>> > only given

>> me

>>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

>>> > treatment

>> did

>>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

>>> > every

>> once

>>> > in

>>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

>>> > process,


>>> > but

>> I

>>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

>>> > get


>>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

>>> > prolonged I have

>> ever

>>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

>>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on

>>> > a


>>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

>>> > Will keep you posted.

>>> >>

>>> >> Bill Powers

>>> >>

>>> >>

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I am glad you warned me. I certainly will not be consistent at running low

blood sugar levels for sure now. I have tried to limit it to two days

consecutively, and I will stop this practice now. Glucose is to the heart

as gasoline is to the car engine. When either of them run out of fuel, they

stop working. The car has an advantage, since you can fill it up again and

keep on running. When the heart quits running, it is hard to get it to run


I feel fortunate to have a very noticeable low sugar reaction, which I know

some diabetics rarely, if at all, experience.

Re: Surgery



> Your message is very clear. I am not saying I overdosed with insulin

> according to the glucose reading prior to eating, since I often consume

> fewer carbs than I dose insulin for, and this is what probably caused the

> low glucose readings along with the low blood sugar reaction I

> experienced.

> Keep in mind that I was dosing any where from 20 grams to 35 grams of

> Vitamin C per day at the time. That would be 20,000 mg of vitamin C or

> 35,000mg total of vitamin C in divided doses in a day.

> I often run low blood sugar levels, and this causes me no fear since I do

> it

> during the daytime, while I am awake, and I also get the warning of the

> low

> blood sugar reaction, which is usually resolved with the simple use of a

> single glucose tablet.


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yes, it is not recommended to take 500 or more of vitamin c for that exact



Re: Surgery

> > >

> > >

> > >> Harry,

> > >>

> > >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

> > >> that

> will

> > > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months after

> > > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus and


> > > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

> > > only given

> me

> > > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

> > > treatment

> did

> > > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs every

> once

> > > in

> > > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing process,


> > > but

> I

> > > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally get


> > > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

> > > prolonged I have

> ever

> > > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

> > > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on a


> > > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

> > > Will keep you posted.

> > >>

> > >> Bill Powers

> > >>

> > >>

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yes, if 500 mg of vitamin c wasn't a dangerous issue, Dr. Bernstein would

not have mentioned it in his book. Be careful and know that if you take 500

mg or more of vitamin c you will get false high readings and could take to

much insulin and pass out.


Re: Surgery

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >> Harry,

> >>> >>

> >>> >> Now that you mention vitamin C, that prompts me to see if maybe

> >>> >> that

> >> will

> >>> > help in my recovery post umbilical hernia surgery. Two months

> >>> > after

> >

> >>> > the surgery I still have a horizontal scar across the umbilicus

> >>> > and

> >>

> >>> > have occasional lower abdominal pain (suprapubic) and the doc has

> >>> > only given

> >> me

> >>> > one course of antibiotics thus far treating it as a UTI. His

> >>> > treatment

> >> did

> >>> > make the acute pain and fever go away but a lesser pain recurs

> >>> > every

> >> once

> >>> > in

> >>> > awhile. Perhaps vitamin C would help accelerate the healing

> >>> > process,

> >>

> >>> > but

> >> I

> >>> > need to discuss with that doctor other things that would finally

> >>> > get

> >>

> >>> > me 100% better. This recovery from surgery has been the most

> >>> > prolonged I have

> >> ever

> >>> > had, but then I am older and now diabetic, so that adds to the

> >>> > picture. Hopefully my doc or whoever he refers me to can get me on


> >>> > a

> >>

> >>> > correct dose of vitamin C and something to heal up the scarring.

> >>> > Will keep you posted.

> >>> >>

> >>> >> Bill Powers

> >>> >>

> >>> >>

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