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Re: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

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oh my gosh cy that 2 hour was amazing! amazing! I am just floored... tell

her I said, good,good,good, job! I am so proud of her!

That is difficult to do with all the carbs around us at the holidays. I

think each of us ate some carbs on list here *grin*. My two hour post meal

was 111.

And yes, Christmas is coming and everyone will get a Christmas reminder from

me too *grin*. Why? Because I care. I'm not going to let everyone around you

shove food in your face that will kill you and not speak up. I went blind

from it, have slight kidney damage from it, and just cannot stand to sit

back and not try to help in some way. It is all about care from me folks. No

matter how upset you might get reading my pep talks right before a holiday

*grin* just know, I care and that is why I email it out.

On a deep thinking note... here is a thought...

I just don't understand how our culture associates food with warm feelings

and holidays. Isnt' it more about being with family/friends and feeling the

love of family around and interacting with them? Why does food have to play

such an important part in holidays and in that emotional interaction with


Furthermore, why is it that most families with diabetics cook foods that

will hurt us and then encourages us to eat something that will hurt us just

to feel close and warm feelings? That seems quite odd to me.

Would be an interesting counseling seminar to attend... family, feelings,and


With a full pun intended... that is food for thought. *laugh*


thanksgiving pep talk




>> All.


>> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the day


>> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

>> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

>> deadly foods go.


>> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

>> carbs!


>> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

>> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

>> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

>> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

>> potatoes!


>> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.


>> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

>> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

>> carb foods.


>> Question is this... is it worth it?


>> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!



>> Regards,




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Well I ate a few more carbs than I should have.

I ate two helpings of corn bread dressin, cran berry sause, deviled eggs,

turnip greens and 4 glasses of a good wine.

rolls, and plenty of turkey. My post dinner sugar test was 168.

but it was 87 at bed time. and I had had turkey and dressing and turnip

greens and a deviled egg.

this morning it was 103, and after breakfast it was 83.

after another left over thanksgiving meal, it was 97.

I had a chopped steak, a salad and french fries for supper.

my post supper reading was 99.

So just the immediate post dinner meal was really bad.

After that I ate a lot of the same thing and my sugar was normal or below.

I think what really did me in at thanks giving dinner is that I ate a

piece of apple pie.

But it is over as of last night and I am back on track.


> oh my gosh cy that 2 hour was amazing! amazing! I am just floored... tell

> her I said, good,good,good, job! I am so proud of her!


> That is difficult to do with all the carbs around us at the holidays. I

> think each of us ate some carbs on list here *grin*. My two hour post

> meal

> was 111.


> And yes, Christmas is coming and everyone will get a Christmas reminder

> from

> me too *grin*. Why? Because I care. I'm not going to let everyone around

> you

> shove food in your face that will kill you and not speak up. I went blind

> from it, have slight kidney damage from it, and just cannot stand to sit

> back and not try to help in some way. It is all about care from me folks.

> No

> matter how upset you might get reading my pep talks right before a

> holiday

> *grin* just know, I care and that is why I email it out.



> On a deep thinking note... here is a thought...


> I just don't understand how our culture associates food with warm

> feelings

> and holidays. Isnt' it more about being with family/friends and feeling

> the

> love of family around and interacting with them? Why does food have to

> play

> such an important part in holidays and in that emotional interaction with

> family/friends?


> Furthermore, why is it that most families with diabetics cook foods that

> will hurt us and then encourages us to eat something that will hurt us

> just

> to feel close and warm feelings? That seems quite odd to me.


> Would be an interesting counseling seminar to attend... family,

> feelings,and

> food!


> With a full pun intended... that is food for thought. *laugh*


> Regards,


> thanksgiving pep talk

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> All.

> >>

> >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the day

> >

> >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> >> deadly foods go.

> >>

> >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> >> carbs!

> >>

> >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> >> potatoes!

> >>

> >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> >>

> >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> >> carb foods.

> >>

> >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> >>

> >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Hi my name is Dar,

I come in as dmgina.

Tell me when you say you did it in after pie how did you feel.

You see, I was told during the summer that I was boarder line diabetic.

I knew this didn't seem rite, but I don't know my dad's side of the family.

So I am going to get a second opinion.

I have asked some questions from folks on what would be a good diet to


and if you folks can help this would be good.

I hold my weight very well.

When I went to see my doctor in October and explained that I was loosing my

insurance she left the room.

So it didn't matter if I was diabetic or not.

This stressed me out so bad that it is hard for me to want to go see another


But moving forward, the next time I go see doctor will be in January eleven.

Then I will ask for another test to see if for sure this is true or not.

I have Arthritis but still try to get out with my dog if possible.

I drink water all of the time anyway so I felt this wasn't a good way to say

yes I have a problem.

thanks for reading and I am so glad you enjoyed your day yesterday.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> > >> deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> > >> carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> > >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> > >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> > >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> > >> potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> > >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> > >> carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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not bad at all dave... good job man!


thanksgiving pep talk

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> All.

> >>

> >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the day

> >

> >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> >> deadly foods go.

> >>

> >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> >> carbs!

> >>

> >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> >> potatoes!

> >>

> >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> >>

> >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> >> carb foods.

> >>

> >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> >>

> >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >>

> >>

> >>

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carbohydrates break down to sugar in your blood and make your blood sugar rise.

High blood sugar is what causes all diabetic complications. So, limit your

carbohydrates. Carbohydrates meaning bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta,

fruit, fruit juices, and any sort of carb you can think of. If you don't know

what is a carbohydrate, just ask and we'll explain.

Instead of eating carbohydrates, limit them, do not get rid of them, simply

limit them, and eat low carb veggies in place of quick acting carbohydrates. Low

carb veggies such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers,

asparagus, and so on.


thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> > >> deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> > >> carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> > >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> > >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> > >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> > >> potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> > >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> > >> carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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Welcome. I hope your new doc wil do the right kind of testing to find out

if you are diabetic or not. there is no such thing as :borderline "

diabaetic. You are either diabetic or you are not. Early cases of type 2

diabaetes can often be controleled with diet and/or exercise and sometimes a

pill may be needed. Keep us posted as to what your new doc says. the best

thing for you to do in the meantime is to limit the amount of carbohydrates

you eat in order to keep your blood sugar down. Good luck. If you have

questions, please put them oon the list and someone here can help you.

Re: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hi my name is Dar,

I come in as dmgina.

Tell me when you say you did it in after pie how did you feel.

You see, I was told during the summer that I was boarder line diabetic.

I knew this didn't seem rite, but I don't know my dad's side of the family.

So I am going to get a second opinion.

I have asked some questions from folks on what would be a good diet to


and if you folks can help this would be good.

I hold my weight very well.

When I went to see my doctor in October and explained that I was loosing my

insurance she left the room.

So it didn't matter if I was diabetic or not.

This stressed me out so bad that it is hard for me to want to go see another


But moving forward, the next time I go see doctor will be in January eleven.

Then I will ask for another test to see if for sure this is true or not.

I have Arthritis but still try to get out with my dog if possible.

I drink water all of the time anyway so I felt this wasn't a good way to say

yes I have a problem.

thanks for reading and I am so glad you enjoyed your day yesterday.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> > >> deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> > >> carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> > >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> > >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> > >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> > >> potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> > >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> > >> carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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Welcome. I hope your new doc wil do the right kind of testing to find out

if you are diabetic or not. there is no such thing as :borderline "

diabaetic. You are either diabetic or you are not. Early cases of type 2

diabaetes can often be controleled with diet and/or exercise and sometimes a

pill may be needed. Keep us posted as to what your new doc says. the best

thing for you to do in the meantime is to limit the amount of carbohydrates

you eat in order to keep your blood sugar down. Good luck. If you have

questions, please put them oon the list and someone here can help you.

Re: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hi my name is Dar,

I come in as dmgina.

Tell me when you say you did it in after pie how did you feel.

You see, I was told during the summer that I was boarder line diabetic.

I knew this didn't seem rite, but I don't know my dad's side of the family.

So I am going to get a second opinion.

I have asked some questions from folks on what would be a good diet to


and if you folks can help this would be good.

I hold my weight very well.

When I went to see my doctor in October and explained that I was loosing my

insurance she left the room.

So it didn't matter if I was diabetic or not.

This stressed me out so bad that it is hard for me to want to go see another


But moving forward, the next time I go see doctor will be in January eleven.

Then I will ask for another test to see if for sure this is true or not.

I have Arthritis but still try to get out with my dog if possible.

I drink water all of the time anyway so I felt this wasn't a good way to say

yes I have a problem.

thanks for reading and I am so glad you enjoyed your day yesterday.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list of

> > >> deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch those

> > >> carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat mashed

> > >> cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie, instead of

> > >> pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of turkey with

> > >> gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans instead of sweet

> > >> potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and every

> > >> other part of your body that you are damaging when eating the high

> > >> carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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Montana Dar,

Hi there, nice to see you here. You will find that these are good folk

and offer good, sound advice. They are willing to help you in any way

they can. Take advantage of their knowledge, it could save you a lot of

pain and anguish later...

Cy, the Ancient One....

Re: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hi my name is Dar,

I come in as dmgina.

Tell me when you say you did it in after pie how did you feel. You see,

I was told during the summer that I was boarder line diabetic. I knew

this didn't seem rite, but I don't know my dad's side of the family. So

I am going to get a second opinion. I have asked some questions from

folks on what would be a good diet to follow, and if you folks can help

this would be good. I hold my weight very well. When I went to see my

doctor in October and explained that I was loosing my insurance she left

the room. So it didn't matter if I was diabetic or not. This stressed me

out so bad that it is hard for me to want to go see another doctor. But

moving forward, the next time I go see doctor will be in January eleven.

Then I will ask for another test to see if for sure this is true or not.

I have Arthritis but still try to get out with my dog if possible. I

drink water all of the time anyway so I felt this wasn't a good way to

say yes I have a problem. thanks for reading and I am so glad you

enjoyed your day yesterday.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is

> > >> the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list

> > >> of deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch

> > >> those carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat

> > >> mashed cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie,

> > >> instead of pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of

> > >> turkey with gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans

> > >> instead of sweet potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do

> > >> it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and

> > >> every other part of your body that you are damaging when eating

> > >> the high carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who

> > >> cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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Montana Dar,

Hi there, nice to see you here. You will find that these are good folk

and offer good, sound advice. They are willing to help you in any way

they can. Take advantage of their knowledge, it could save you a lot of

pain and anguish later...

Cy, the Ancient One....

Re: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hi my name is Dar,

I come in as dmgina.

Tell me when you say you did it in after pie how did you feel. You see,

I was told during the summer that I was boarder line diabetic. I knew

this didn't seem rite, but I don't know my dad's side of the family. So

I am going to get a second opinion. I have asked some questions from

folks on what would be a good diet to follow, and if you folks can help

this would be good. I hold my weight very well. When I went to see my

doctor in October and explained that I was loosing my insurance she left

the room. So it didn't matter if I was diabetic or not. This stressed me

out so bad that it is hard for me to want to go see another doctor. But

moving forward, the next time I go see doctor will be in January eleven.

Then I will ask for another test to see if for sure this is true or not.

I have Arthritis but still try to get out with my dog if possible. I

drink water all of the time anyway so I felt this wasn't a good way to

say yes I have a problem. thanks for reading and I am so glad you

enjoyed your day yesterday.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

thanksgiving pep talk

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> All.

> > >>

> > >> As you know, for diabetics, tomorrow/Thanksgiving in the US is

> > >> the


> > >

> > >> of death for us. Carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stuffing, mashed

> > >> potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, rolls, bread, and on and on the list

> > >> of deadly foods go.

> > >>

> > >> Let me encourage you to be a good boy/girl tomorrow and watch

> > >> those carbs!

> > >>

> > >> Instead of bread, eat a salad, instead of mashed potatoes, eat

> > >> mashed cauliflower with cheese over them or some non carb veggie,

> > >> instead of pie, have diet jello or a can of diet pop. Eat lots of

> > >> turkey with gravey... very low carb! Have some green beans

> > >> instead of sweet potatoes!

> > >>

> > >> Some might say ya right, get real while others might say I'll do

> > >> it.

> > >>

> > >> Just bare in mind, it is your eyes, kidneys, legs, heart, and

> > >> every other part of your body that you are damaging when eating

> > >> the high carb foods.

> > >>

> > >> Question is this... is it worth it?

> > >>

> > >> Happy thanksgiving with a friendly reminder from someone who

> > >> cares!

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Regards,

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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rita, How long after eating did you have the non-fasting BS done? If it

was serveral hours afterwards, he doc should have done the old fashioned

glucose test where they do a fasting sugar, give you a galss o f glucose to

drink and then do several BS tests aftewards. If your BS goes up and then

back to normal after 4 hours you are not considered diabetic; but if not,

then you are considered dabetic.

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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rita, How long after eating did you have the non-fasting BS done? If it

was serveral hours afterwards, he doc should have done the old fashioned

glucose test where they do a fasting sugar, give you a galss o f glucose to

drink and then do several BS tests aftewards. If your BS goes up and then

back to normal after 4 hours you are not considered diabetic; but if not,

then you are considered dabetic.

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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take it easy on the carbs. You might be borderline. It is good that you know

about carbs and watching them it could keep you from becoming type 2 diabetic.


RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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take it easy on the carbs. You might be borderline. It is good that you know

about carbs and watching them it could keep you from becoming type 2 diabetic.


RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts

Hello Pat and All,

I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

What do you all think?



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Dear Pat,

If this test you speak of is a good one, then why is it called old

fashioned and not considered still to be the state of the art? Do I need

to request more testing? My blood was taken again after fasting from

midnight till hmmmm mid morning.

Rita who does still watch not only carbs, but intake period!


> rita, How long after eating did you have the non-fasting BS done? If it

> was serveral hours afterwards, he doc should have done the old fashioned

> glucose test where they do a fasting sugar, give you a galss o f glucose to

> drink and then do several BS tests aftewards. If your BS goes up and then

> back to normal after 4 hours you are not considered diabetic; but if not,

> then you are considered dabetic.


> RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




> Hello Pat and All,

> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

> What do you all think?

> Thanks.


> Rita








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Dear Pat,

If this test you speak of is a good one, then why is it called old

fashioned and not considered still to be the state of the art? Do I need

to request more testing? My blood was taken again after fasting from

midnight till hmmmm mid morning.

Rita who does still watch not only carbs, but intake period!


> rita, How long after eating did you have the non-fasting BS done? If it

> was serveral hours afterwards, he doc should have done the old fashioned

> glucose test where they do a fasting sugar, give you a galss o f glucose to

> drink and then do several BS tests aftewards. If your BS goes up and then

> back to normal after 4 hours you are not considered diabetic; but if not,

> then you are considered dabetic.


> RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




> Hello Pat and All,

> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

> What do you all think?

> Thanks.


> Rita








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Dear Pat,

If this test you speak of is a good one, then why is it called old

fashioned and not considered still to be the state of the art? Do I need

to request more testing? My blood was taken again after fasting from

midnight till hmmmm mid morning.

Rita who does still watch not only carbs, but intake period!


> rita, How long after eating did you have the non-fasting BS done? If it

> was serveral hours afterwards, he doc should have done the old fashioned

> glucose test where they do a fasting sugar, give you a galss o f glucose to

> drink and then do several BS tests aftewards. If your BS goes up and then

> back to normal after 4 hours you are not considered diabetic; but if not,

> then you are considered dabetic.


> RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




> Hello Pat and All,

> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

> What do you all think?

> Thanks.


> Rita








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Usually a fasting BG is enough, but when you have a high one like that when

you are not fasting, they will resort to the old fashioned one. Believe me,

the old fashioned one not only takes mucy longer, but the glucose they give

you to drink is sickenigh to drink!

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




> Hello Pat and All,

> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

> What do you all think?

> Thanks.


> Rita








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Usually a fasting BG is enough, but when you have a high one like that when

you are not fasting, they will resort to the old fashioned one. Believe me,

the old fashioned one not only takes mucy longer, but the glucose they give

you to drink is sickenigh to drink!

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




> Hello Pat and All,

> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

> What do you all think?

> Thanks.


> Rita








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I recommend you stick to the most recent recommendations regarding the

diagnosis of a diabetic condition. What was your A1C?

If your fasting blood sugar is less than 100, then you are not likely to

become a type 2 diabetic.

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




>> Hello Pat and All,

>> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

>> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

>> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

>> What do you all think?

>> Thanks.


>> Rita








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I recommend you stick to the most recent recommendations regarding the

diagnosis of a diabetic condition. What was your A1C?

If your fasting blood sugar is less than 100, then you are not likely to

become a type 2 diabetic.

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




>> Hello Pat and All,

>> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

>> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

>> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

>> What do you all think?

>> Thanks.


>> Rita








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I recommend you stick to the most recent recommendations regarding the

diagnosis of a diabetic condition. What was your A1C?

If your fasting blood sugar is less than 100, then you are not likely to

become a type 2 diabetic.

RE: Post Thanksgiving thoughts




>> Hello Pat and All,

>> I was told I am not a diabetic. However, I am wondering if I am. My

>> fasting bs was 72, but my nonfasting was 190.

>> It was the high reading which caused my Dr. to request the fasting test.

>> What do you all think?

>> Thanks.


>> Rita








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Harry I suspect you are correct. I do trust my physician. Also I forgot

to mention the first blood test was taken shortly about a half hour after

lunch. I do feel fine, just considerably bulky!

Thing of it is I am exercising but get out of breath so fast. He

requested a stress test which I did not pass and am seeing a cardiologist

Wednesday December first. Time will tell. Lost one more pound. Not

much, but lost not gained.


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Harry I suspect you are correct. I do trust my physician. Also I forgot

to mention the first blood test was taken shortly about a half hour after

lunch. I do feel fine, just considerably bulky!

Thing of it is I am exercising but get out of breath so fast. He

requested a stress test which I did not pass and am seeing a cardiologist

Wednesday December first. Time will tell. Lost one more pound. Not

much, but lost not gained.


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