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RE: Emotional Eating

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Looks like the Titanic has struck another iceberg.

It is not only " fat " children who get hammered.

We have had two children who were berry small (short and fine boned) for

their age. Everyone made a real fuss over them saying " Oh, how darling! "

and so on. We have also had some children who were large (Tall, large

boned, not to be confused with fat, just large children) and they were

viewed much differently. They were expected to be far more mature than

their siblings who were small, petite and " cute " . Now, to carry this

whole thing a step farther, children who have some sort of handicap are

also viewed differently by the public in general.

They are often segregated from the " normal " youngsters and shuffled off

into another class or group.

Want to carry this a little further?

How many time have any of you been in a restaurant and heard the

waiter/waitress say " What does he/she want? "

My Ex was a woman of significant stature. When we lived in Colorado

(home of the Twigs type folks) she had to go to Lane for


When we moved to Oklahoma (home of the full sized folks) one of the

comments Barb made was " Oh wow! I can even go into Wal-Mart and buy my

clothes. "

, you are correct in that all of this leaves many folks with a

real self image problem and lots and lots of hurts.

Where did you used to go when you were hurt? Yup, into Mother's lap and

snuggle down. Where did you get your comfort when you were a wee tiny

baby, from the feeding you got in Mother's lap.

Lots of us remember the great food our Grandmothers prepared. It was not

celery sticks, raw cauliflower and broccoli, it was good old fashioned

chicken and dumplings, fried chicken and mashed taters with lots of

gravy, biscuits laden with real butter and homemade jam and those

wonderful cakes nearly crushed with creamy rich icing.

For those of us who were teens in the Fifties and Sixties a good

hamburger with some crunchy fries and a delicious malt was a real reward

on a Friday night.

You took your favorite girl to the ice cream parlor for - not sugar free

cookies and low carb bread - a cherry phosphate and a scoop or two of

ice cream...

Now, what do you suppose you might do to comfort yourself after a hard

day or during a stressful situation?

I can assure you that men have emotions just as strong as women. Men

have feelings, fears and insecurities - just like women.

There aint no difference my friends.

Cy, the Ancient Okie...

Emotional Eating

lol Mark no man likes to talk about emotions but the fact of the matter

is, each of us are emotional beings. I know that you were mostly kidding

in your post to me, however, part of you was serious. Emotional doesn't

mean a female wedged in a skirt having PMS. That isn't at all what

emotional means. Sorry you see it that way.

All of us feel anger, frustration, depression, sadness, happiness, and

so on. To say that you are not an emotional person just is not true...

all of us are! I know that you were half kidding on this post, but, the

truth of the matter is, many do eat for emotional reasons.

Let me give you an example. Often times eating food can be used to

remove the feeling of an anxiety. Perhaps a person has stress at their

job, they pull through the local fast food dive, get 2 cheeseburgers,

large fry, large shake, and eat them all and then for some odd reason,

the anxiety they feel about their job leaves *temporarily*.

By eating the food, and it removing the anxiety of the stress at work,

this as negatively reinforced to that person that over eating is a good

thing, it removes anxiety, and this will cause the person to do it more


This is a form of negative reinforcement... it temporarily removes the

anxiety so the person does it more frequently. Why do you think

diabetics eat large milk shakes, cookies, and so on... they are using

food to remove an anxiety of quote I can't eat and this stress/anxiety I

don't like to feel unquote.

Still others eat because they are not happy with themselves. For

example, they look in the mirror and say I am fat, I don't fit in with

others, screw this! Perhaps they were picked on their entire childhood

for being fat. A male child abused like that won't have any emotional

consequences from that emotional abuse? Sure they will. My wife sees 45

to 65 year old men who talk about how they were emotionally abused their

entire childhood being called fat, ugly, and so on. It really does

effect their emotions.

A person who has been fat their entire life, from childhood on, has

suffered intense emotional abuse for most of their life.

Did you know that pretty and thin kids in our culture are reinforced

that they are cute, loved, and perfectly fine based on their looks? I.E

adults say " how cute you are little darling " or " aren't you a doll/you

are so pretty " . Yes, sad as it is, our culture states that good looks is

what is important. On the flip side, kids who are fat, not as

attractive, adults treat them *silently* different. They don't look at

them the same, they don't interact with them the same, and an innocent

child picks up on this silent emotional abuse. The ugly duckling/fat

duckling is being told time and time again that you are different, you

are fat, and you are not a fit for our culture. Then they hit age 10 to

13, teen years, and are told through those years your fat, ugly, and not

as pretty or handsome as we thin cute kids are. Get away from us!

So, a child who is not cute, may be fat, has it rough in our culture...

the fat child feels bad about themselves, they are experiencing an

anxiety from the culture, adults, people around them in general. They

eat and the anxiety leaves and it brings temporary relief to the

anxiety. It is negatively reinforcing to the person that eating makes

them feel better about themselves.

However, can you see the distortion here? The person hates themselves

because they are fat. However, to remove the anxiety of that situation,

they eat which brings temporary relief to the anxiety then afterwards,

they hate themselves even more for doing it. This, my friend, is a

vicious circle that requires counseling and is rooted deep in the

emotions of a person stemming clear back to childhood.

While you might be cracking up at this Mark, I am certain others on the

list reading this are saying oh my God, this really makes sense and is

touching my heart.

No one just overeats for the sake of over eating, in my opinion, most

eat to remove a hidden anxiety and often times, they have no clue what

it is, why they do it, and the reason they think they over eat is never

the real reason and this is all found out in counseling.

I'd be curious to see what others think on list here? Do most people eat

for an emotional reason? To remove a form of an anxiety?



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I


finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat,

I am a

woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a

man be

emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell

out of

eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom

when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as


self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this


disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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Looks like the Titanic has struck another iceberg.

It is not only " fat " children who get hammered.

We have had two children who were berry small (short and fine boned) for

their age. Everyone made a real fuss over them saying " Oh, how darling! "

and so on. We have also had some children who were large (Tall, large

boned, not to be confused with fat, just large children) and they were

viewed much differently. They were expected to be far more mature than

their siblings who were small, petite and " cute " . Now, to carry this

whole thing a step farther, children who have some sort of handicap are

also viewed differently by the public in general.

They are often segregated from the " normal " youngsters and shuffled off

into another class or group.

Want to carry this a little further?

How many time have any of you been in a restaurant and heard the

waiter/waitress say " What does he/she want? "

My Ex was a woman of significant stature. When we lived in Colorado

(home of the Twigs type folks) she had to go to Lane for


When we moved to Oklahoma (home of the full sized folks) one of the

comments Barb made was " Oh wow! I can even go into Wal-Mart and buy my

clothes. "

, you are correct in that all of this leaves many folks with a

real self image problem and lots and lots of hurts.

Where did you used to go when you were hurt? Yup, into Mother's lap and

snuggle down. Where did you get your comfort when you were a wee tiny

baby, from the feeding you got in Mother's lap.

Lots of us remember the great food our Grandmothers prepared. It was not

celery sticks, raw cauliflower and broccoli, it was good old fashioned

chicken and dumplings, fried chicken and mashed taters with lots of

gravy, biscuits laden with real butter and homemade jam and those

wonderful cakes nearly crushed with creamy rich icing.

For those of us who were teens in the Fifties and Sixties a good

hamburger with some crunchy fries and a delicious malt was a real reward

on a Friday night.

You took your favorite girl to the ice cream parlor for - not sugar free

cookies and low carb bread - a cherry phosphate and a scoop or two of

ice cream...

Now, what do you suppose you might do to comfort yourself after a hard

day or during a stressful situation?

I can assure you that men have emotions just as strong as women. Men

have feelings, fears and insecurities - just like women.

There aint no difference my friends.

Cy, the Ancient Okie...

Emotional Eating

lol Mark no man likes to talk about emotions but the fact of the matter

is, each of us are emotional beings. I know that you were mostly kidding

in your post to me, however, part of you was serious. Emotional doesn't

mean a female wedged in a skirt having PMS. That isn't at all what

emotional means. Sorry you see it that way.

All of us feel anger, frustration, depression, sadness, happiness, and

so on. To say that you are not an emotional person just is not true...

all of us are! I know that you were half kidding on this post, but, the

truth of the matter is, many do eat for emotional reasons.

Let me give you an example. Often times eating food can be used to

remove the feeling of an anxiety. Perhaps a person has stress at their

job, they pull through the local fast food dive, get 2 cheeseburgers,

large fry, large shake, and eat them all and then for some odd reason,

the anxiety they feel about their job leaves *temporarily*.

By eating the food, and it removing the anxiety of the stress at work,

this as negatively reinforced to that person that over eating is a good

thing, it removes anxiety, and this will cause the person to do it more


This is a form of negative reinforcement... it temporarily removes the

anxiety so the person does it more frequently. Why do you think

diabetics eat large milk shakes, cookies, and so on... they are using

food to remove an anxiety of quote I can't eat and this stress/anxiety I

don't like to feel unquote.

Still others eat because they are not happy with themselves. For

example, they look in the mirror and say I am fat, I don't fit in with

others, screw this! Perhaps they were picked on their entire childhood

for being fat. A male child abused like that won't have any emotional

consequences from that emotional abuse? Sure they will. My wife sees 45

to 65 year old men who talk about how they were emotionally abused their

entire childhood being called fat, ugly, and so on. It really does

effect their emotions.

A person who has been fat their entire life, from childhood on, has

suffered intense emotional abuse for most of their life.

Did you know that pretty and thin kids in our culture are reinforced

that they are cute, loved, and perfectly fine based on their looks? I.E

adults say " how cute you are little darling " or " aren't you a doll/you

are so pretty " . Yes, sad as it is, our culture states that good looks is

what is important. On the flip side, kids who are fat, not as

attractive, adults treat them *silently* different. They don't look at

them the same, they don't interact with them the same, and an innocent

child picks up on this silent emotional abuse. The ugly duckling/fat

duckling is being told time and time again that you are different, you

are fat, and you are not a fit for our culture. Then they hit age 10 to

13, teen years, and are told through those years your fat, ugly, and not

as pretty or handsome as we thin cute kids are. Get away from us!

So, a child who is not cute, may be fat, has it rough in our culture...

the fat child feels bad about themselves, they are experiencing an

anxiety from the culture, adults, people around them in general. They

eat and the anxiety leaves and it brings temporary relief to the

anxiety. It is negatively reinforcing to the person that eating makes

them feel better about themselves.

However, can you see the distortion here? The person hates themselves

because they are fat. However, to remove the anxiety of that situation,

they eat which brings temporary relief to the anxiety then afterwards,

they hate themselves even more for doing it. This, my friend, is a

vicious circle that requires counseling and is rooted deep in the

emotions of a person stemming clear back to childhood.

While you might be cracking up at this Mark, I am certain others on the

list reading this are saying oh my God, this really makes sense and is

touching my heart.

No one just overeats for the sake of over eating, in my opinion, most

eat to remove a hidden anxiety and often times, they have no clue what

it is, why they do it, and the reason they think they over eat is never

the real reason and this is all found out in counseling.

I'd be curious to see what others think on list here? Do most people eat

for an emotional reason? To remove a form of an anxiety?



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I


finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat,

I am a

woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a

man be

emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell

out of

eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom

when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as


self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this


disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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Well, Mark, is right in a lot of ways; but there are those who just

love to eat because it tastes so good! the problem with people like that is

convincing them that it is killing them! I have a fiend like you who loves

to eat and always had. He doesn't care that he is very fat. However, he is

now diabetic too and is starting to have kidney problems and blood pressure

problems. He says, " However, long I live, I want to eat what I want when I

want it " . I just told him, that is his option, but when he starts being

miserable because of his complications, just remember what I said! I think

you are doing well considering how much you like to eat; so keep it up and

make lots of sugar freee jello!

Emotional Eating

lol Mark no man likes to talk about emotions but the fact of the matter is,

each of us are emotional beings. I know that you were mostly kidding in your

post to me, however, part of you was serious. Emotional doesn't mean a

female wedged in a skirt having PMS. That isn't at all what emotional means.

Sorry you see it that way.

All of us feel anger, frustration, depression, sadness, happiness, and so

on. To say that you are not an emotional person just is not true... all of

us are! I know that you were half kidding on this post, but, the truth of

the matter is, many do eat for emotional reasons.

Let me give you an example. Often times eating food can be used to remove

the feeling of an anxiety. Perhaps a person has stress at their job, they

pull through the local fast food dive, get 2 cheeseburgers, large fry, large

shake, and eat them all and then for some odd reason, the anxiety they feel

about their job leaves *temporarily*.

By eating the food, and it removing the anxiety of the stress at work, this

as negatively reinforced to that person that over eating is a good thing, it

removes anxiety, and this will cause the person to do it more frequently.

This is a form of negative reinforcement... it temporarily removes the

anxiety so the person does it more frequently. Why do you think diabetics

eat large milk shakes, cookies, and so on... they are using food to remove

an anxiety of quote I can't eat and this stress/anxiety I don't like to feel


Still others eat because they are not happy with themselves. For example,

they look in the mirror and say I am fat, I don't fit in with others, screw

this! Perhaps they were picked on their entire childhood for being fat. A

male child abused like that won't have any emotional consequences from that

emotional abuse? Sure they will. My wife sees 45 to 65 year old men who talk

about how they were emotionally abused their entire childhood being called

fat, ugly, and so on. It really does effect their emotions.

A person who has been fat their entire life, from childhood on, has

suffered intense emotional abuse for most of their life.

Did you know that pretty and thin kids in our culture are reinforced that

they are cute, loved, and perfectly fine based on their looks? I.E adults

say " how cute you are little darling " or " aren't you a doll/you are so

pretty " . Yes, sad as it is, our culture states that good looks is what is

important. On the flip side, kids who are fat, not as attractive, adults

treat them *silently* different. They don't look at them the same, they

don't interact with them the same, and an innocent child picks up on this

silent emotional abuse. The ugly duckling/fat duckling is being told time

and time again that you are different, you are fat, and you are not a fit

for our culture. Then they hit age 10 to 13, teen years, and are told

through those years your fat, ugly, and not as pretty or handsome as we thin

cute kids are. Get away from us!

So, a child who is not cute, may be fat, has it rough in our culture... the

fat child feels bad about themselves, they are experiencing an anxiety from

the culture, adults, people around them in general. They eat and the anxiety

leaves and it brings temporary relief to the anxiety. It is negatively

reinforcing to the person that eating makes them feel better about


However, can you see the distortion here? The person hates themselves

because they are fat. However, to remove the anxiety of that situation, they

eat which brings temporary relief to the anxiety then afterwards, they hate

themselves even more for doing it. This, my friend, is a vicious circle that

requires counseling and is rooted deep in the emotions of a person stemming

clear back to childhood.

While you might be cracking up at this Mark, I am certain others on the list

reading this are saying oh my God, this really makes sense and is touching

my heart.

No one just overeats for the sake of over eating, in my opinion, most eat to

remove a hidden anxiety and often times, they have no clue what it is, why

they do it, and the reason they think they over eat is never the real reason

and this is all found out in counseling.

I'd be curious to see what others think on list here? Do most people eat for

an emotional reason? To remove a form of an anxiety?



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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Well, Mark, is right in a lot of ways; but there are those who just

love to eat because it tastes so good! the problem with people like that is

convincing them that it is killing them! I have a fiend like you who loves

to eat and always had. He doesn't care that he is very fat. However, he is

now diabetic too and is starting to have kidney problems and blood pressure

problems. He says, " However, long I live, I want to eat what I want when I

want it " . I just told him, that is his option, but when he starts being

miserable because of his complications, just remember what I said! I think

you are doing well considering how much you like to eat; so keep it up and

make lots of sugar freee jello!

Emotional Eating

lol Mark no man likes to talk about emotions but the fact of the matter is,

each of us are emotional beings. I know that you were mostly kidding in your

post to me, however, part of you was serious. Emotional doesn't mean a

female wedged in a skirt having PMS. That isn't at all what emotional means.

Sorry you see it that way.

All of us feel anger, frustration, depression, sadness, happiness, and so

on. To say that you are not an emotional person just is not true... all of

us are! I know that you were half kidding on this post, but, the truth of

the matter is, many do eat for emotional reasons.

Let me give you an example. Often times eating food can be used to remove

the feeling of an anxiety. Perhaps a person has stress at their job, they

pull through the local fast food dive, get 2 cheeseburgers, large fry, large

shake, and eat them all and then for some odd reason, the anxiety they feel

about their job leaves *temporarily*.

By eating the food, and it removing the anxiety of the stress at work, this

as negatively reinforced to that person that over eating is a good thing, it

removes anxiety, and this will cause the person to do it more frequently.

This is a form of negative reinforcement... it temporarily removes the

anxiety so the person does it more frequently. Why do you think diabetics

eat large milk shakes, cookies, and so on... they are using food to remove

an anxiety of quote I can't eat and this stress/anxiety I don't like to feel


Still others eat because they are not happy with themselves. For example,

they look in the mirror and say I am fat, I don't fit in with others, screw

this! Perhaps they were picked on their entire childhood for being fat. A

male child abused like that won't have any emotional consequences from that

emotional abuse? Sure they will. My wife sees 45 to 65 year old men who talk

about how they were emotionally abused their entire childhood being called

fat, ugly, and so on. It really does effect their emotions.

A person who has been fat their entire life, from childhood on, has

suffered intense emotional abuse for most of their life.

Did you know that pretty and thin kids in our culture are reinforced that

they are cute, loved, and perfectly fine based on their looks? I.E adults

say " how cute you are little darling " or " aren't you a doll/you are so

pretty " . Yes, sad as it is, our culture states that good looks is what is

important. On the flip side, kids who are fat, not as attractive, adults

treat them *silently* different. They don't look at them the same, they

don't interact with them the same, and an innocent child picks up on this

silent emotional abuse. The ugly duckling/fat duckling is being told time

and time again that you are different, you are fat, and you are not a fit

for our culture. Then they hit age 10 to 13, teen years, and are told

through those years your fat, ugly, and not as pretty or handsome as we thin

cute kids are. Get away from us!

So, a child who is not cute, may be fat, has it rough in our culture... the

fat child feels bad about themselves, they are experiencing an anxiety from

the culture, adults, people around them in general. They eat and the anxiety

leaves and it brings temporary relief to the anxiety. It is negatively

reinforcing to the person that eating makes them feel better about


However, can you see the distortion here? The person hates themselves

because they are fat. However, to remove the anxiety of that situation, they

eat which brings temporary relief to the anxiety then afterwards, they hate

themselves even more for doing it. This, my friend, is a vicious circle that

requires counseling and is rooted deep in the emotions of a person stemming

clear back to childhood.

While you might be cracking up at this Mark, I am certain others on the list

reading this are saying oh my God, this really makes sense and is touching

my heart.

No one just overeats for the sake of over eating, in my opinion, most eat to

remove a hidden anxiety and often times, they have no clue what it is, why

they do it, and the reason they think they over eat is never the real reason

and this is all found out in counseling.

I'd be curious to see what others think on list here? Do most people eat for

an emotional reason? To remove a form of an anxiety?



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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Well, Mark, is right in a lot of ways; but there are those who just

love to eat because it tastes so good! the problem with people like that is

convincing them that it is killing them! I have a fiend like you who loves

to eat and always had. He doesn't care that he is very fat. However, he is

now diabetic too and is starting to have kidney problems and blood pressure

problems. He says, " However, long I live, I want to eat what I want when I

want it " . I just told him, that is his option, but when he starts being

miserable because of his complications, just remember what I said! I think

you are doing well considering how much you like to eat; so keep it up and

make lots of sugar freee jello!

Emotional Eating

lol Mark no man likes to talk about emotions but the fact of the matter is,

each of us are emotional beings. I know that you were mostly kidding in your

post to me, however, part of you was serious. Emotional doesn't mean a

female wedged in a skirt having PMS. That isn't at all what emotional means.

Sorry you see it that way.

All of us feel anger, frustration, depression, sadness, happiness, and so

on. To say that you are not an emotional person just is not true... all of

us are! I know that you were half kidding on this post, but, the truth of

the matter is, many do eat for emotional reasons.

Let me give you an example. Often times eating food can be used to remove

the feeling of an anxiety. Perhaps a person has stress at their job, they

pull through the local fast food dive, get 2 cheeseburgers, large fry, large

shake, and eat them all and then for some odd reason, the anxiety they feel

about their job leaves *temporarily*.

By eating the food, and it removing the anxiety of the stress at work, this

as negatively reinforced to that person that over eating is a good thing, it

removes anxiety, and this will cause the person to do it more frequently.

This is a form of negative reinforcement... it temporarily removes the

anxiety so the person does it more frequently. Why do you think diabetics

eat large milk shakes, cookies, and so on... they are using food to remove

an anxiety of quote I can't eat and this stress/anxiety I don't like to feel


Still others eat because they are not happy with themselves. For example,

they look in the mirror and say I am fat, I don't fit in with others, screw

this! Perhaps they were picked on their entire childhood for being fat. A

male child abused like that won't have any emotional consequences from that

emotional abuse? Sure they will. My wife sees 45 to 65 year old men who talk

about how they were emotionally abused their entire childhood being called

fat, ugly, and so on. It really does effect their emotions.

A person who has been fat their entire life, from childhood on, has

suffered intense emotional abuse for most of their life.

Did you know that pretty and thin kids in our culture are reinforced that

they are cute, loved, and perfectly fine based on their looks? I.E adults

say " how cute you are little darling " or " aren't you a doll/you are so

pretty " . Yes, sad as it is, our culture states that good looks is what is

important. On the flip side, kids who are fat, not as attractive, adults

treat them *silently* different. They don't look at them the same, they

don't interact with them the same, and an innocent child picks up on this

silent emotional abuse. The ugly duckling/fat duckling is being told time

and time again that you are different, you are fat, and you are not a fit

for our culture. Then they hit age 10 to 13, teen years, and are told

through those years your fat, ugly, and not as pretty or handsome as we thin

cute kids are. Get away from us!

So, a child who is not cute, may be fat, has it rough in our culture... the

fat child feels bad about themselves, they are experiencing an anxiety from

the culture, adults, people around them in general. They eat and the anxiety

leaves and it brings temporary relief to the anxiety. It is negatively

reinforcing to the person that eating makes them feel better about


However, can you see the distortion here? The person hates themselves

because they are fat. However, to remove the anxiety of that situation, they

eat which brings temporary relief to the anxiety then afterwards, they hate

themselves even more for doing it. This, my friend, is a vicious circle that

requires counseling and is rooted deep in the emotions of a person stemming

clear back to childhood.

While you might be cracking up at this Mark, I am certain others on the list

reading this are saying oh my God, this really makes sense and is touching

my heart.

No one just overeats for the sake of over eating, in my opinion, most eat to

remove a hidden anxiety and often times, they have no clue what it is, why

they do it, and the reason they think they over eat is never the real reason

and this is all found out in counseling.

I'd be curious to see what others think on list here? Do most people eat for

an emotional reason? To remove a form of an anxiety?



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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I believe brother, I believe. you are always so right, just wanted to get

you up on your soap box again. hadn't seen you up there in a while. I was

getting kind of emotional, because I thought you didn't care about us new

diabetics out here, who are still trying to learn how to live a long life.

you the man, doctor, Sir. but living with a wife who deals with

emotional problems all day long and then comes home to a husband like you,

well, the truth of the matter is, she probably has a emotional problem now.

please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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I believe brother, I believe. you are always so right, just wanted to get

you up on your soap box again. hadn't seen you up there in a while. I was

getting kind of emotional, because I thought you didn't care about us new

diabetics out here, who are still trying to learn how to live a long life.

you the man, doctor, Sir. but living with a wife who deals with

emotional problems all day long and then comes home to a husband like you,

well, the truth of the matter is, she probably has a emotional problem now.

please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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I believe brother, I believe. you are always so right, just wanted to get

you up on your soap box again. hadn't seen you up there in a while. I was

getting kind of emotional, because I thought you didn't care about us new

diabetics out here, who are still trying to learn how to live a long life.

you the man, doctor, Sir. but living with a wife who deals with

emotional problems all day long and then comes home to a husband like you,

well, the truth of the matter is, she probably has a emotional problem now.

please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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thanks for the opinions and please keep them coming.

please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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thanks for the opinions and please keep them coming.

please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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I can relate to that, cause I was always picked on from grammarr to high


not just for my weight cause of my eyesight as well.

boys used to call me names, and girls in my own race used to try to start

fights with me. and it was not just one on one.

a few used to gang up on me cause they new I couldn't stand up for myself.

then they try would be their friend.

I really never had friends in high school or the other grades. I tried to be

some one I was not. cause I wanted to fit in.

I recall a time when I was waiting for the school bus and I was the last

girl to get on the bus and there was a few boys left.

and they were talking among them selves. and they were talking about me

they didn't have to mentioned my name I knew who they were talking about.

well the conversation was that would they go out with me. and one of them

said he would if no one knew about it.

and another one said hell no not if you paid me.

and that was that. but I still remember some of the stuff and at times they

come bacl

in mind, it is hard to forget them those bvad memories.

I had so bad poor esteem up til college I took a class in self esteem but it

helped some but I feel sorta the same.

and food is my comfort. I hate it and I know it is not good for my health.

I get depressed alot cause I wish I was thinner. and I get told alot that

I'm too fat and I need to lose weight.

and now that my eyesight has gotten worse I get more depressed.

cause I started losing it in 20053 is when it got worse. and I'm going

through the process

of dealing with it. I get so frustrated and angry cause I can't see the

things I used to.

like colors, writing in print, and reading like I used to.

and going shopping on my own with out depending on others on taking me.

I would go to the mall

and walk in different stores.

and now I'm afraid to do so.

I feel I have to relearn things.

to be my friend, and like a sucker I

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when


> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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I can relate to that, cause I was always picked on from grammarr to high


not just for my weight cause of my eyesight as well.

boys used to call me names, and girls in my own race used to try to start

fights with me. and it was not just one on one.

a few used to gang up on me cause they new I couldn't stand up for myself.

then they try would be their friend.

I really never had friends in high school or the other grades. I tried to be

some one I was not. cause I wanted to fit in.

I recall a time when I was waiting for the school bus and I was the last

girl to get on the bus and there was a few boys left.

and they were talking among them selves. and they were talking about me

they didn't have to mentioned my name I knew who they were talking about.

well the conversation was that would they go out with me. and one of them

said he would if no one knew about it.

and another one said hell no not if you paid me.

and that was that. but I still remember some of the stuff and at times they

come bacl

in mind, it is hard to forget them those bvad memories.

I had so bad poor esteem up til college I took a class in self esteem but it

helped some but I feel sorta the same.

and food is my comfort. I hate it and I know it is not good for my health.

I get depressed alot cause I wish I was thinner. and I get told alot that

I'm too fat and I need to lose weight.

and now that my eyesight has gotten worse I get more depressed.

cause I started losing it in 20053 is when it got worse. and I'm going

through the process

of dealing with it. I get so frustrated and angry cause I can't see the

things I used to.

like colors, writing in print, and reading like I used to.

and going shopping on my own with out depending on others on taking me.

I would go to the mall

and walk in different stores.

and now I'm afraid to do so.

I feel I have to relearn things.

to be my friend, and like a sucker I

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when


> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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I can relate to that, cause I was always picked on from grammarr to high


not just for my weight cause of my eyesight as well.

boys used to call me names, and girls in my own race used to try to start

fights with me. and it was not just one on one.

a few used to gang up on me cause they new I couldn't stand up for myself.

then they try would be their friend.

I really never had friends in high school or the other grades. I tried to be

some one I was not. cause I wanted to fit in.

I recall a time when I was waiting for the school bus and I was the last

girl to get on the bus and there was a few boys left.

and they were talking among them selves. and they were talking about me

they didn't have to mentioned my name I knew who they were talking about.

well the conversation was that would they go out with me. and one of them

said he would if no one knew about it.

and another one said hell no not if you paid me.

and that was that. but I still remember some of the stuff and at times they

come bacl

in mind, it is hard to forget them those bvad memories.

I had so bad poor esteem up til college I took a class in self esteem but it

helped some but I feel sorta the same.

and food is my comfort. I hate it and I know it is not good for my health.

I get depressed alot cause I wish I was thinner. and I get told alot that

I'm too fat and I need to lose weight.

and now that my eyesight has gotten worse I get more depressed.

cause I started losing it in 20053 is when it got worse. and I'm going

through the process

of dealing with it. I get so frustrated and angry cause I can't see the

things I used to.

like colors, writing in print, and reading like I used to.

and going shopping on my own with out depending on others on taking me.

I would go to the mall

and walk in different stores.

and now I'm afraid to do so.

I feel I have to relearn things.

to be my friend, and like a sucker I

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when


> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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lol Mark... well, how do you think I learn so much? I'm her number one patient!



Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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lol Mark... well, how do you think I learn so much? I'm her number one patient!



Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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lol Mark... well, how do you think I learn so much? I'm her number one patient!



Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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you have a lot on your plate hun. Have you actually considered going for some

counseling? It can only help...


Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when


> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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yes pat, this is true. There are those who do like eating just for the sake of

eating but really, I ponder, isn't that poor impulse control? I.E still yet an

emotional issue at hand? I dunno.

Like your friend. I have some just the same. Sad...

BTW Mark keep on keeping on man you are doing a great job! And I mean that!


Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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yes pat, this is true. There are those who do like eating just for the sake of

eating but really, I ponder, isn't that poor impulse control? I.E still yet an

emotional issue at hand? I dunno.

Like your friend. I have some just the same. Sad...

BTW Mark keep on keeping on man you are doing a great job! And I mean that!


Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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yes pat, this is true. There are those who do like eating just for the sake of

eating but really, I ponder, isn't that poor impulse control? I.E still yet an

emotional issue at hand? I dunno.

Like your friend. I have some just the same. Sad...

BTW Mark keep on keeping on man you are doing a great job! And I mean that!


Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,


I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I am


woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man


emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have


period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out


eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so


decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with


emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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This is true Cy... it just isn't limited to a kids looks... it can also be based

on disability and other factors that they are treated differently from all

aspects of our culture...



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I


finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat,

I am a

woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a

man be

emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell

out of

eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom

when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as


self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this


disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Link to comment
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This is true Cy... it just isn't limited to a kids looks... it can also be based

on disability and other factors that they are treated differently from all

aspects of our culture...



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I


finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat,

I am a

woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a

man be

emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell

out of

eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom

when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as


self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this


disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

Link to comment
Share on other sites

This is true Cy... it just isn't limited to a kids looks... it can also be based

on disability and other factors that they are treated differently from all

aspects of our culture...



Re: caffeine

now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I


finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will

learn, is

I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured


out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat,

I am a

woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a

man be

emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't

have a

period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide


under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell

out of

eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee


and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,


the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat.

so I

decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I


stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated


but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading


and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they


if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I


be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom

when I

needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me

with a

emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as


as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional


that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife


ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man


your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as


self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this


disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child


please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig

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When my husband leaves town even if we are in contact I want to eat more.

Because I am truly afraid to be alone.

Even with my dog here.

I think once we get our bike back and I can see progress in the weight loss

I will feel much better.

but don't know when this will happen.

Since parts to the bike have to be ordered.

Might not get the bike back until March.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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When my husband leaves town even if we are in contact I want to eat more.

Because I am truly afraid to be alone.

Even with my dog here.

I think once we get our bike back and I can see progress in the weight loss

I will feel much better.

but don't know when this will happen.

Since parts to the bike have to be ordered.

Might not get the bike back until March.


--Every Saint has a Past,

Every Sinner has a Future

Re: caffeine



> now this is very interesting, eating, no, over eating, is an emotional

> problem. never seen my self as emotional, but I like to eat thing I

> shouldn't eat and I eat more of what I eat, cause I have an emotional

> problem. I find out three years ago I am type two diabetic and now I am

> finding out I have an emotional problem to boot. next thing I will learn,

> is

> I was suppose to be a woman, instead of a man. could be I just figured it

> out for my self. this is why I over eat and eat crap I shouldn't eat, I

> am a

> woman in a man's body. has to be like is saying, no way can a man

> be

> emotional. only the females have this problem with emotions. I don't have

> a

> period each month, nor do I have p m s every other day, nor do I hide

> candy

> under my bed. the only real problem that I have is, I enjoy the hell out

> of

> eating good food. I went to the school for the blind in Muskogee Oklahoma

> and there we could have all we wanted to eat at every meal. now they,

> being

> the school, decided to put me on the diet table, because I was to fat. so

> I

> decided to join the wrestling team and be the heavy weight, just so I

> could

> stay off the diet table and you know what? it worked. and I hated

> wrestling,

> but I loved eating. probably should have went out for cheer leading

> instead

> and I would have had to loose weight to fit in those dresses that they

> wore.

> if I would have only knew back then, that I had emotional problems, I

> would

> be a thin man to day. my man! where was you and your wisdom when I

> needed you the most? you a good man, , but I just can't see me with

> a

> emotional problem, because I eat to much or can't stop eating what I

> shouldn't have. you my friend are the biggest reason why I am doing as

> well

> as I am on this diabetes thing, but I can't get around this emotional

> thing

> that you are saying I might have. maybe I need to talk with your wife and

> ask her if you have ever had an emotional problem. cause if a fine man as

> your self has, then I might believe it is possible for a fine man as my

> self. but I really would be interested in hearing more about this eating

> disorder, because of an emotional problem that I have had since child

> hood.

> please don't take me serious, the gentlemen pig




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