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RE: Re: GFCF - More things to consider

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A few things that helped my son a lot are:

* Sensory integration therapy; we had an extensive home program and also took to five day a week sensory therapy. This was probably the single biggest aid to in the first three years after dx, so from two to five years of age.

* Allergy treatments by a physician following the methods discussed by Dr. Doris Rapp in "Is This Your Child?"

* Music therapy; he had both group and individual therapy, and also music appreciation classes. Singing led to his early words, which led to his talking.

* Cranial sacral therapy; this helped his sensory system learn to regulate itself and also calmed him down significantly. I'll never forget his first session, as it resulted in what is sometimes known as "verbal diarrhea." At the time, was not really verbal.

* Play therapy, which you can do with a psychologist or on your own. I did both, and found the Hanen program (www.hanen.org) really useful.

Feel free to email me for more info. Good luck.


-----Original Message-----From: sList [mailto:sList ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 1:40 AMTo: sList Subject: Re: Re: GFCF

Ida and others,

I was moved by your emails of success with the GFCF Diet. My daughter has been on the diet for 6 months now and I've seen very little improvement. She's four, nonverbal and has some vocalization and pretty good eye contact, but she still doesn't say a word and is very hyper.

I'm at a loss and am considering throwing in the towel on the diet. I believe I have been doing it right, have gone to support group meetings with others on the diet and even have the support of my pediatrician and family.

My daughter has no allergies, no health issues, no leaky guy and transitioned very well from the goldfish-infested snack diet to one full of veggies, fruits and good stuff. She's an excellent eater.

Any suggestions?

What Probiotics work for others?

My daughter goes to Baudhuin and has speech and OT afterschool 3 days a week....any other suggestions on therapies and treatments that worked on their children, who may be similar to mine...I can't afford much more right now but would like to investigate other ways to help my daughter.

It's overwhelming with Hyperbaric Chambers, ABA, DAN doctors,...I know all of our kids are different, but I'm running into a wall with my little one despite all of my efforts. I appreciate your suggestions.

idajkessler <idajkessler> wrote:

That is awesome!When we put our son on the GF/CF diet, I immediately saw improvement in eye contact, language, and his self-injurious behavior stopped completely. At the time he was non-verbal and diagnosed with severe autism.When we combined the diet with removing from his diet all foods that he tested, even if just slightly, allergic to, and the ones we realized he could not tolerate, additing probiotics and other supplements including cod fish oil, zinc and a candida treatment, the difference has been inmense. His chronic diahrrea stopped. He got less yeast infections, became less hyper, more open to interacting with others and he began using phrases and sentences more so than single words. Interestingly, this week he had a diet accident at school and for 2 days he was obessed with opening and closing drawers. It is still clear to me by observing his behavior that my son has autism, I can not claim otherwise. But no one believes me when I tell them his diagnosis is "severe autism" with "severe cognitive deficiencies". All his teachers and therapists say that he seems bright and high functioning to them. And academically, he does in some areas above his years. I really have never heard of a 3 year old with severe mental retardation that can count to 40 in English, and 20 in 2 other languages, recite the ABC in 3 languages, recites the days of the week and the months of the year in 2 languages, knows all his colors, 10 shapes, started to read and to do basic math, recognizes and names the flag of several countries, and although for some reason he has not done it in a long time, a month shy of turning 3 he was writing legibly most letters of the alphabet. Mind you I never taught him to read or write,or many of the things he knows. He did it on his own. Heck, no one in our family speaks Hebrew yet he learned the alphabet in that language just from watching a video. I know biomedics had a big impact on my son's well being and progress because he was receiving ONLY that type of intervention for several months before we managed to get him started with OT, speech and ABA. Since autism comes in so many packages sort of speak, maybe biomedics will not have the same degree of impact on everyone but I think that if more people tried more aspects of biomedical intervention, not just the diet, they might get more pronounced results. This is coming from someone that never set a foot in a vitamin store or visited any place like WholeFoods (except for their bakery) until my son's autism!Good luck to all,Ida>> My son was just dx with autism recently. This is very strange: he > improved (tantrums and irritability) with gfcf, but minimally. > > After reading McCarthy's book, I put him on probiotics. We saw > an improvement in eye contact almost immediately (within one to two > days). > > Then, after about two to three weeks we got brave enough to put him on > the yeast free diet. His eye contact improved almost 100%. > Hyperactivity almost disappeared. He began to point and clap and now > says "dada" and "this". He's stopped opening and closing doors and > began playing with toys. My husband and I were laughed at this week > and told to get a second opinion, "This child is not autistic!">



Email: Det

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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Hi Ida:

got Cranial Sacral Therapy at Dimensions Achievements in Therapy in North Miami Beach for years. The cost was $75 per hour, I think. You can call to ask if it's still available.

After the first time he had therapy, we went to a grocery store and he couldn't stop talking. He was asking me questions and repeating things for half an hour. It was the first time he had ever been so verbal. He too was sensitive about having someone touch his head so I used to have to be in the room with him, distracting him with books, songs, toys, and everything I could. We used to call it "friendly hands."

Sometimes, he would only allow the therapy on his head for a few seconds, but eventually, it became his favorite therapy. He told me that a few years ago, one day when I asked him which of his weekly activities he liked the most.

Have a great day.


-----Original Message-----From: sList [mailto:sList ] On Behalf Of Ida KesslerSent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 8:03 AMTo: sList Subject: RE: Re: GFCF - More things to consider

HI HIlda,

Where did you take for the cranial sacral therapy? And can you please describe what happened to him on that first session? My son has strong sensitivity on his head and face (aversion being touched or brushed). I wonder if he could tolerate this therapy? How much did it cost? Thanks, Ida"Hilda S. Mitrani" <tallyb303comcast (DOT) net> wrote:


A few things that helped my son a lot are:

* Sensory integration therapy; we had an extensive home program and also took to five day a week sensory therapy. This was probably the single biggest aid to in the first three years after dx, so from two to five years of age.

* Allergy treatments by a physician following the methods discussed by Dr. Doris Rapp in "Is This Your Child?"

* Music therapy; he had both group and individual therapy, and also music appreciation classes. Singing led to his early words, which led to his talking.

* Cranial sacral therapy; this helped his sensory system learn to regulate itself and also calmed him down significantly. I'll never forget his first session, as it resulted in what is sometimes known as "verbal diarrhea." At the time, was not really verbal.

* Play therapy, which you can do with a psychologist or on your own. I did both, and found the Hanen program (www.hanen.org) really useful.

Feel free to email me for more info. Good luck.


-----Original Message-----From: sList [mailto:sList ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 1:40 AMTo: sList Subject: Re: Re: GFCF

Ida and others,

I was moved by your emails of success with the GFCF Diet. My daughter has been on the diet for 6 months now and I've seen very little improvement. She's four, nonverbal and has some vocalization and pretty good eye contact, but she still doesn't say a word and is very hyper.

I'm at a loss and am considering throwing in the towel on the diet. I believe I have been doing it right, have gone to support group meetings with others on the diet and even have the support of my pediatrician and family.

My daughter has no allergies, no health issues, no leaky guy and transitioned very well from the goldfish-infested snack diet to one full of veggies, fruits and good stuff. She's an excellent eater.

Any suggestions?

What Probiotics work for others?

My daughter goes to Baudhuin and has speech and OT afterschool 3 days a week....any other suggestions on therapies and treatments that worked on their children, who may be similar to mine...I can't afford much more right now but would like to investigate other ways to help my daughter.

It's overwhelming with Hyperbaric Chambers, ABA, DAN doctors,...I know all of our kids are different, but I'm running into a wall with my little one despite all of my efforts. I appreciate your suggestions.

idajkessler <idajkessler> wrote:

That is awesome!When we put our son on the GF/CF diet, I immediately saw improvement in eye contact, language, and his self-injurious behavior stopped completely. At the time he was non-verbal and diagnosed with severe autism.When we combined the diet with removing from his diet all foods that he tested, even if just slightly, allergic to, and the ones we realized he could not tolerate, additing probiotics and other supplements including cod fish oil, zinc and a candida treatment, the difference has been inmense. His chronic diahrrea stopped. He got less yeast infections, became less hyper, more open to interacting with others and he began using phrases and sentences more so than single words. Interestingly, this week he had a diet accident at school and for 2 days he was obessed with opening and closing drawers. It is still clear to me by observing his behavior that my son has autism, I can not claim otherwise. But no one believes me when I tell them his diagnosis is "severe autism" with "severe cognitive deficiencies". All his teachers and therapists say that he seems bright and high functioning to them. And academically, he does in some areas above his years. I really have never heard of a 3 year old with severe mental retardation that can count to 40 in English, and 20 in 2 other languages, recite the ABC in 3 languages, recites the days of the week and the months of the year in 2 languages, knows all his colors, 10 shapes, started to read and to do basic math, recognizes and names the flag of several countries, and although for some reason he has not done it in a long time, a month shy of turning 3 he was writing legibly most letters of the alphabet. Mind you I never taught him to read or write,or many of the things he knows. He did it on his own. Heck, no one in our family speaks Hebrew yet he learned the alphabet in that language just from watching a video. I know biomedics had a big impact on my son's well being and progress because he was receiving ONLY that type of intervention for several months before we managed to get him started with OT, speech and ABA. Since autism comes in so many packages sort of speak, maybe biomedics will not have the same degree of impact on everyone but I think that if more people tried more aspects of biomedical intervention, not just the diet, they might get more pronounced results. This is coming from someone that never set a foot in a vitamin store or visited any place like WholeFoods (except for their bakery) until my son's autism!Good luck to all,Ida>> My son was just dx with autism recently. This is very strange: he > improved (tantrums and irritability) with gfcf, but minimally. > > After reading McCarthy's book, I put him on probiotics. We saw > an improvement in eye contact almost immediately (within one to two > days). > > Then, after about two to three weeks we got brave enough to put him on > the yeast free diet. His eye contact improved almost 100%. > Hyperactivity almost disappeared. He began to point and clap and now > says "dada" and "this". He's stopped opening and closing doors and > began playing with toys. My husband and I were laughed at this week > and told to get a second opinion, "This child is not autistic!">



Email: Det

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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