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2nd NIH Mitochondria Minisymposium Second call for Registration and/or Posters

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The response to our initial call for attendance and abstracts at

the 2nd NIH MITOCHONDRIA MINISYMPOSIUM has been tremendous.

This is the second call for attendance and abstracts.

The 2nd NIH MITOCHONDRIA MINISYMPOSIUM, convened to accentuate the

Wednesday Afternoon Lecture of Dr. Gibson (Cornell-Burke) will

be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 14 and 15 March 2000, at the NIH

Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. Some of the preeminent mitochondrial

workers will be featured, with the event juxtaposed with Dr. Gibson's

NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture: Oxidative Processes and

Signal Transduction in Alzheimer's Disease: Insights from Brains,

Peripheral Cells and animal models.

The NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series is the most

prestigious Lecture Series at NIH.

The Minisymposium Web site, with on-line registration is now open at:

http://www.nih.gov/sigs/mito/March2000.html. The revised schedule is

listed there, and it includes an optional " Mito Burger Bash " Tuesday

at 5:00 pm, ($8 payable to Guest Services, mail to Steve Zullo at

address below) to lead off a " Late-Breaking Mitochondrial News " session

from 6:00 to 7:00.

Lodging information will be available soon, registrants will be

notified by e-mail, and the information will be on the web page!!

This 2nd NIH Mitochondria Minisymposium will represent the first joint

meeting of the Mitochondrial Medicine Society (MMS) and the

Mitochondria Research Society (MRS)(R. Naviaux representing MMS,

and S. Zullo representing MRS, assisted with the scheduling)!


2nd NIH Mitochondria Minisymposium; 14, 15 March 2000.

" Mitochondria:Interaction of Two Genomes " Web Page:


J. Zullo, PhD

Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics

NIMH-NIH; Bldg. 10, Rm. 2D56; 9000 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, MD 20892



New Mitochondria Interest Group Web Page:


First generation Mitochondria Interest Group Web Page:


Phage-Tech Interest Group (PhTIG) Web Page:


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