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Re: Social recluse?

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Glad you were'nt hurt ,where are you from? Our side roads are a sheet of

ice here in my little town in WC Idaho. We have about 2 ft of snow.I want

spring!!!!And mushrooms.........yes!


Re: Re: Social recluse?

I skidded on ice and went in the ditch Wednesday, I was very thankful for my

cell phone and my CAA card (road-side assistance)...about a dozen cars passed me

and not one stopped...once I got towed out of the ditch I called my dh ( who is

a kazillion miles away) and thanked him for buying me both the phone and the

CAA... lol

Braun <new on this list but had to comment! LOL>

----- Original Message -----


yeah, I know...I just don't like phones of any kind, to begin

with...so carrying my jailer in my purse doesn't appeal to me...I

know there are many good things about them and some people cannot

imagine how they ever dealt with life before thay had one....I just

wish sometimes they would hang up and drive...LOL

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Just want to say to that you and your husband are special people.So many

children in need,especially love!


Re: Re: Social recluse?

Hey those cell phones come in real handy when you need to call your dh and

say " Hey hon, they are bringing over twin 2yo boys, can you pick up some

diapers? " LOL

in AZ

Mom to Kayla(10), Jenna(8), (8), (6), (6), (5),

Junie(3), and (twin boys 2yo), Jillian (13 mo) and Mahlina(9.5mo)



> How about the ones who top in each aisle and block the exact thing

> you need while they call the kid at home on the cellphone and ask

> them to look and see if they need " soup " ...they can't wrote a

> list....they are on the phone with whomever the whole time.

> (who owns a cellphone which was given her by her family, but has

> never used it in 9 months...LOL)


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I think what saves me is having a job.

When I first joined Thyroid hormones list

I was seriously thinking of going on disability

I was falling asleep at my desk, making errors

on paperwork, not keep appointments, chronic

sinus problems, hives, taking lots of

time off.

Since discovering Armour, supplements and immunology

I am getting well again. I have begun deltacortil which

I hope will be a big help.

I am managing to eat much better that ever.

Exercise still eludes me. I am afraid I will have

a crash like I used to. I have also developed the

habits of laziness and procrastination thanks

to undertreated hypothyroid disease for 8 years.

What I needed to do for survival at one time

is now what I do from habit.

Progress not perfection, I guess.

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Wow....and here I thought it was just me. I use to be a real active, people

type person, never stayed at home, especially on the weekends.... for the last

3-4 years I have made a complete turn. Now I hate to go out of the house

unless I have to... I am glad to know there are others here that understand....

Angie :)

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Me toooooooooooo!! I have become very reclusive, not enjoying being around

people at all, not wanting to be in crowds, around any kind of loud noise, not

wanting to talk to people or family, etc.


Social recluse?

I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses since being


I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist on thyroid

diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and thought that some of

the well known recluses like may have been hypo.

I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a social

invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up etc.


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I have... I'm so bad now that I even turn down invitations. I don't have

nice fitting clothes, I dont' have the stamina, I didn't have the 'up'

feeling to be good company. I always feared becoming exhausted and having

no place to rest...

I went on a very special trip in the late summer of 2001 to meet my half

sibs for the first time. I carefully explained that I was heat intolerant

(going to Florida in August) that I couldn't walk far. That I couldn't

eat late in the day due to acid reflux.....

After 12 hours in airports and hauling my suitcase I finally get there

and of the dozen folks that met me.. not one took a suit case.. they park

way the H**l and gone across the parking lot. I'd been up over 20 hours

when we got back to my half sisters house and then I had to put my airbed

together before I could go to sleep.. didn't get anything to eat until

well past noon the next day and that was after we all went to a huge

three story mall and walked all over there looking for a cheese slicer

for my half brother's wife in Germany.

I was there 10 days. Every meal that I was given, one per day, was past 8

or 9 at night. I had to stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning before I

dared to lay down. I was given grief because after the first day my feet

were both shot and I couldn't do stars any more.

....long story short.. everyone treats me that way. They don't care when I

say I'm hurting and I need to sit. Or I'm hot and have to cool off. So

why should I risk physical pain due to their lack of consideration? I'd

rather stay home.

Now that I'm feeling like a whole new person.... those feelings of

remaining where I am safe and in control remain... I feel no desire to be

under the control of anyone that does not take my concerns into


I was a caregiver for my mother, and I was a caregiver for a family

friend that was dying of cancer. It is not that difficult for someone

with a heart to extend acts of common courtesy to another while on an

afternoon outing if I could do it for years for others.

Now that I think about it.. I've gotten that way on the phone too. If I

get a call from someone and then put on hold because they decide to

switch phones, or go get a pop and then say five minutes later that they

don't have time to talk.... why the heck did you call me if you didn't

want to talk anyway? if you weren't ready to be on the phone anyway?

Don't bug me.. don't waste my time.. it's like that all think that we are

non human beings and not worthy of respect....

Oh oh.. sorry... got me going again... crawling under soap box....

that's three or four days in a row this week... I'm getting bad!

I'll blame it on not having left the house other than to get mail since

December 30th....

Darn good thing that none of you are worried about what I'm wearing and

if I've brushed my teeth or hair yet! GRIN

Topper ()

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 21:10:06 -0000 " Lynda "


> I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses

> since being hypo?

> I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist on

> thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and

> thought that some of the well known recluses like may

> have been hypo.

> I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a

> social invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up

> etc.

> Lynda

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Loud noise.. I got you there.. if the tv or radio are on loud and I have

to shout to be heard above it.. forget it.. I'm not yelling to be heard..

Topper ()

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 16:22:18 -0500 " son "


> Me toooooooooooo!! I have become very reclusive, not enjoying being

> around people at all, not wanting to be in crowds, around any kind

> of loud noise, not wanting to talk to people or family, etc.


> Deborah

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In a message dated 1/15/2004 8:43:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Astrodiana@... writes:

> I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

> do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

> energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

> just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.



Thanks -maybe you are right.

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In a message dated 1/15/2004 8:43:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Astrodiana@... writes:

> I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

> do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

> energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

> just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.



Thanks -maybe you are right.

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In a message dated 1/15/2004 8:43:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Astrodiana@... writes:

> I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

> do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

> energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

> just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.



Thanks -maybe you are right.

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> I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses

since being hypo?

> I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist

on thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and

thought that some of the well known recluses like may

have been hypo.

> I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a

social invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up


> Lynda

yes - I've always been a recluse. I saw that written somewhere as

well as a hypothyroid symptom. diana

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You have just described me to a T!!!! To cope with my blistering easy

fatigue all those years, I delayed, delayed, delayed. Now, it is

truly a habit!!


>I have also developed the habits of laziness and procrastination

>thanks to undertreated hypothyroid disease for 8 years.

>What I needed to do for survival at one time is now what I do from


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> Exercise still eludes me. I am afraid I will have

> a crash like I used to. I have also developed the

> habits of laziness and procrastination thanks

> to undertreated hypothyroid disease for 8 years.

> What I needed to do for survival at one time

> is now what I do from habit.

> Progress not perfection, I guess.


I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.

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> Exercise still eludes me. I am afraid I will have

> a crash like I used to. I have also developed the

> habits of laziness and procrastination thanks

> to undertreated hypothyroid disease for 8 years.

> What I needed to do for survival at one time

> is now what I do from habit.

> Progress not perfection, I guess.


I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.

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> Exercise still eludes me. I am afraid I will have

> a crash like I used to. I have also developed the

> habits of laziness and procrastination thanks

> to undertreated hypothyroid disease for 8 years.

> What I needed to do for survival at one time

> is now what I do from habit.

> Progress not perfection, I guess.


I don't think so, ...I think you still do not have the energy to

do what you need to do...I am a rather ambitious person when I have

energy...when I do not, it's easier to prcrastinate...I think you

just don't feel well yet...but you will...you have come a long way.

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I think we've just found a new club!

Count me as number 3!

Topper ()

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 23:59:35 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> You have just described me to a T!!!! To cope with my blistering easy


> fatigue all those years, I delayed, delayed, delayed. Now, it is

> truly a habit!!


> Janie

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I think we've just found a new club!

Count me as number 3!

Topper ()

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 23:59:35 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> You have just described me to a T!!!! To cope with my blistering easy


> fatigue all those years, I delayed, delayed, delayed. Now, it is

> truly a habit!!


> Janie

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Hi, Lynda,

Precisely! Most invitations received here are for things that are

happening in the evenings. After a day of dealing with home stuff and

client stuff, I typically have no energy left for anything else, so I

became more of a recluse than I wanted to be. I do make myself go out now

and then, but that would seem to be more of a mental or emotional thing for

me, meaning that I need some adult human contact. It goes along with going

stir crazy. If I do not get out regularly, then I am mentally antsy even

if I am physically exhausted.


At 09:10 PM 1/15/04 +0000, you wrote:

>I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses since

>being hypo?

>I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist on

>thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and thought

>that some of the well known recluses like may have been hypo.

>I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a social

>invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up etc.



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Hi, Lynda,

Precisely! Most invitations received here are for things that are

happening in the evenings. After a day of dealing with home stuff and

client stuff, I typically have no energy left for anything else, so I

became more of a recluse than I wanted to be. I do make myself go out now

and then, but that would seem to be more of a mental or emotional thing for

me, meaning that I need some adult human contact. It goes along with going

stir crazy. If I do not get out regularly, then I am mentally antsy even

if I am physically exhausted.


At 09:10 PM 1/15/04 +0000, you wrote:

>I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses since

>being hypo?

>I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist on

>thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and thought

>that some of the well known recluses like may have been hypo.

>I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a social

>invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up etc.



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Hi, Lynda,

Precisely! Most invitations received here are for things that are

happening in the evenings. After a day of dealing with home stuff and

client stuff, I typically have no energy left for anything else, so I

became more of a recluse than I wanted to be. I do make myself go out now

and then, but that would seem to be more of a mental or emotional thing for

me, meaning that I need some adult human contact. It goes along with going

stir crazy. If I do not get out regularly, then I am mentally antsy even

if I am physically exhausted.


At 09:10 PM 1/15/04 +0000, you wrote:

>I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses since

>being hypo?

>I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist on

>thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and thought

>that some of the well known recluses like may have been hypo.

>I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a social

>invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up etc.



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That's me too. If it is an occasion, I dread getting ready because " getting

ready " is exhausting and I get so hot that all my work is for naught and I


-- Re: Social recluse?

Wow....and here I thought it was just me. I use to be a real active, people

type person, never stayed at home, especially on the weekends.... for the


3-4 years I have made a complete turn. Now I hate to go out of the house

unless I have to... I am glad to know there are others here that understand.


Angie :)

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That's me too. If it is an occasion, I dread getting ready because " getting

ready " is exhausting and I get so hot that all my work is for naught and I


-- Re: Social recluse?

Wow....and here I thought it was just me. I use to be a real active, people

type person, never stayed at home, especially on the weekends.... for the


3-4 years I have made a complete turn. Now I hate to go out of the house

unless I have to... I am glad to know there are others here that understand.


Angie :)

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Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am somewhat

of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I would make an

exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>). I work 2nd shift and like

the fact that I can shop during the weekdays and miss most of the crowds.

There's also less people at work on 2nd shift. Never had thought about that

being a hypo symptom...


Re: Social recluse?

> I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses

since being hypo?

> I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist

on thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and

thought that some of the well known recluses like may

have been hypo.

> I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a

social invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up


> Lynda

yes - I've always been a recluse. I saw that written somewhere as

well as a hypothyroid symptom. diana

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Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am somewhat

of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I would make an

exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>). I work 2nd shift and like

the fact that I can shop during the weekdays and miss most of the crowds.

There's also less people at work on 2nd shift. Never had thought about that

being a hypo symptom...


Re: Social recluse?

> I wonder how many of us on this list have become social recluses

since being hypo?

> I am asking because I definitely have and when I saw a specialist

on thyroid diseases he said he thought it was a definite symptom and

thought that some of the well known recluses like may

have been hypo.

> I hardly go out except when I have to go shopping and accepting a

social invitation is just too much like hard work having to dress up


> Lynda

yes - I've always been a recluse. I saw that written somewhere as

well as a hypothyroid symptom. diana

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In a message dated 1/15/2004 11:28:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nnichols@... writes:

> Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

> somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I


> make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>).


hhhmmm... the " Bob Seger Cure " .... works for me too...lolol :) Have been a

fan of his since the mid 70's.....he could cure my hypo....!

Have a great day...

Angie :)

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