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Re: Social recluse?

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I can't stand crowds either, I will get up at 6am to go to the supermarket

because I know there will be less people around then. I have also found that I

have become less tolerant towards people in general.


Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I

would make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>). I work 2nd

shift and like the fact that I can shop during the weekdays and miss most of the

crowds. There's also less people at work on 2nd shift. Never had thought about

that being a hypo symptom...


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Me too.. go out of my way to avoid crowds.. the only exception is the

computer fairs.. that is the ONLY place that I'm willing to deal with

crowds.... but I've not even gone to one of them since last April (the

come four times a year) I have no desire to go to the one that is coming

up in a couple of weeks.

I get furious with people that park their carts in the middle of the

aisle and then stand next to them to read something on the shelves.. they

block traffic in both directions and then look and you like you're weird

when you ask to get through.. there have been times when I've dealt with

the same person several times while in the store and will finally just

take their cart and move it to the side and say " Would it kill ya to get

the damn thing out of the way so the rest of the planet can get through? "

To be fair, I once got applause for doing that! hehehehehe

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 09:16:39 -0000 " Lynda "


> I can't stand crowds either, I will get up at 6am to go to the

> supermarket because I know there will be less people around then.

> I have also found that I have become less tolerant towards people in

> general.

> Lynda

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Me too.. go out of my way to avoid crowds.. the only exception is the

computer fairs.. that is the ONLY place that I'm willing to deal with

crowds.... but I've not even gone to one of them since last April (the

come four times a year) I have no desire to go to the one that is coming

up in a couple of weeks.

I get furious with people that park their carts in the middle of the

aisle and then stand next to them to read something on the shelves.. they

block traffic in both directions and then look and you like you're weird

when you ask to get through.. there have been times when I've dealt with

the same person several times while in the store and will finally just

take their cart and move it to the side and say " Would it kill ya to get

the damn thing out of the way so the rest of the planet can get through? "

To be fair, I once got applause for doing that! hehehehehe

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 09:16:39 -0000 " Lynda "


> I can't stand crowds either, I will get up at 6am to go to the

> supermarket because I know there will be less people around then.

> I have also found that I have become less tolerant towards people in

> general.

> Lynda

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I don't like loud noises either...it actually feels as if my ears are " rattling "

inside. It gets worse when I am stressed or am needing my dose of Armour. I

can remember all my life feeling like people were shrill sounding and loud

noises, big crowds aggravated my ears. My mother is the same exact way. I know

this is caused by hypo, for some reason the ears are a target.

When I was having panic attacks I wouldn't leave the house. My first spell of

them was when I was a junior in high school. I missed 3 weeks straight of

school. I would panic if I had to go, or stand in a grocery line, drive etc. I

found myself a prisoner at 16.

My parents sent me to a counselor that was through my school, he told me I had

agoraphobia. (never heard of then) We worked a lot out...yet I still felt

nervous, anxious, panic all the time. I believe this was the beginning of my

hashi's. Then before you knew it I was totally fine, gained the weight I'd lost

that made me look like a skeleton. No more panic I was fine. I would battle

the panic mode off and on for the next 15 years. My weight never fluctuated

unless I was pregnant though...I was rail thin. When I was preg...I gained 55

pounds each time! Then my hashi's peaked when I quit smoking (i see this now

looking back) and I dumped in to full fledged Hypo. I went through one more

round of panic attacks when I over medicated myself, thinking it would continue

to help me lose weight...boy was I wrong. Never want to go their again. Armour

isn't something you can just increase when ya feel like it.

Since I've been able to get my adrenals under control, my hypo under control...I

LOVE crowds, love grocery lines, love to drive.....I never want to be that

debilitated again like I was so many years ago. But the rattling in the

ears...can still affect me.

Hugs.Patti Sue

Re: Re: Social recluse?

In a message dated 1/15/2004 11:28:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nnichols@... writes:

> Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

> somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I


> make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>).


hhhmmm... the " Bob Seger Cure " .... works for me too...lolol :) Have been a

fan of his since the mid 70's.....he could cure my hypo....!

Have a great day...

Angie :)

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I don't like loud noises either...it actually feels as if my ears are " rattling "

inside. It gets worse when I am stressed or am needing my dose of Armour. I

can remember all my life feeling like people were shrill sounding and loud

noises, big crowds aggravated my ears. My mother is the same exact way. I know

this is caused by hypo, for some reason the ears are a target.

When I was having panic attacks I wouldn't leave the house. My first spell of

them was when I was a junior in high school. I missed 3 weeks straight of

school. I would panic if I had to go, or stand in a grocery line, drive etc. I

found myself a prisoner at 16.

My parents sent me to a counselor that was through my school, he told me I had

agoraphobia. (never heard of then) We worked a lot out...yet I still felt

nervous, anxious, panic all the time. I believe this was the beginning of my

hashi's. Then before you knew it I was totally fine, gained the weight I'd lost

that made me look like a skeleton. No more panic I was fine. I would battle

the panic mode off and on for the next 15 years. My weight never fluctuated

unless I was pregnant though...I was rail thin. When I was preg...I gained 55

pounds each time! Then my hashi's peaked when I quit smoking (i see this now

looking back) and I dumped in to full fledged Hypo. I went through one more

round of panic attacks when I over medicated myself, thinking it would continue

to help me lose weight...boy was I wrong. Never want to go their again. Armour

isn't something you can just increase when ya feel like it.

Since I've been able to get my adrenals under control, my hypo under control...I

LOVE crowds, love grocery lines, love to drive.....I never want to be that

debilitated again like I was so many years ago. But the rattling in the

ears...can still affect me.

Hugs.Patti Sue

Re: Re: Social recluse?

In a message dated 1/15/2004 11:28:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nnichols@... writes:

> Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

> somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I


> make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>).


hhhmmm... the " Bob Seger Cure " .... works for me too...lolol :) Have been a

fan of his since the mid 70's.....he could cure my hypo....!

Have a great day...

Angie :)

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or what about the people who suddenly meet up with a few friends in the

supermarket and all stand together blocking the aisle? That drives me insane

and if you ask them to move, they look at you as though you are from another



Re: Re: Social recluse?

I get furious with people that park their carts in the middle of the

aisle and then stand next to them to read something on the shelves.. they

block traffic in both directions and then look and you like you're weird

when you ask to get through.. there have been times when I've dealt with

the same person several times while in the store and will finally just

take their cart and move it to the side and say " Would it kill ya to get

the damn thing out of the way so the rest of the planet can get through? "

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The type of noise that drives me absolutely crazy is kids screeching. Janie, I

just don't know how you do it (unless you gag them all) <g>


Re: Re: Social recluse?

I don't like loud noises either...it actually feels as if my ears are

" rattling " inside. It gets worse when I am stressed or am needing my dose of

Armour. I can remember all my life feeling like people were shrill sounding and

loud noises, big crowds aggravated my ears. My mother is the same exact way. I

know this is caused by hypo, for some reason the ears are a target.

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there have been times when I've dealt with

> the same person several times while in the store and will finally


> take their cart and move it to the side and say " Would it kill ya

to get

> the damn thing out of the way so the rest of the planet can get

through? "


> To be fair, I once got applause for doing that! hehehehehe


> Topper ()

I love it!! LOL!

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> or what about the people who suddenly meet up with a few friends in

the supermarket and all stand together blocking the aisle? That

drives me insane and if you ask them to move, they look at you as

though you are from another planet.

> Lynda

How about the ones who top in each aisle and block the exact thing

you need while they call the kid at home on the cellphone and ask

them to look and see if they need " soup " ...they can't wrote a

list....they are on the phone with whomever the whole time.

(who owns a cellphone which was given her by her family, but has

never used it in 9 months...LOL)

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> The type of noise that drives me absolutely crazy is kids

screeching. Janie, I just don't know how you do it (unless you gag

them all) <g>

It's not me! It's !! She's an angel!!


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oops, sorry I meant not Janie


Re: Re: Social recluse?

The type of noise that drives me absolutely crazy is kids screeching. Janie,

I just don't know how you do it (unless you gag them all) <g>


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> Hey those cell phones come in real handy when you need to call your

dh and

> say " Hey hon, they are bringing over twin 2yo boys, can you pick up


> diapers? " LOL


> in AZ

yeah, I know...I just don't like phones of any kind, to begin

with...so carrying my jailer in my purse doesn't appeal to me...I

know there are many good things about them and some people cannot

imagine how they ever dealt with life before thay had one....I just

wish sometimes they would hang up and drive...LOL

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> Ya Janie, how do you manage? Btw, we never let our kids screech

here. :)


> in AZ

> Mom to Kayla(10), Jenna(8), (8), (6), (6), (5),

> Junie(3), Jillian (13 mo) and Mahlina(9.5mo)

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Arizona_Thyroid_Groups/

it's been my experience (and probably 's also) that if you

listen to them, they don't need to screech! I adored my jobs as a

nanny. Children are wonderful little creatures!

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I skidded on ice and went in the ditch Wednesday, I was very thankful for my

cell phone and my CAA card (road-side assistance)...about a dozen cars passed me

and not one stopped...once I got towed out of the ditch I called my dh ( who is

a kazillion miles away) and thanked him for buying me both the phone and the

CAA... lol

Braun <new on this list but had to comment! LOL>

----- Original Message -----


yeah, I know...I just don't like phones of any kind, to begin

with...so carrying my jailer in my purse doesn't appeal to me...I

know there are many good things about them and some people cannot

imagine how they ever dealt with life before thay had one....I just

wish sometimes they would hang up and drive...LOL

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oh, I meant the ones who run around the supermarket screeching just for the hell

of it.


Re: Social recluse?

it's been my experience (and probably 's also) that if you

listen to them, they don't need to screech! I adored my jobs as a

nanny. Children are wonderful little creatures!

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Hey those cell phones come in real handy when you need to call your dh and

say " Hey hon, they are bringing over twin 2yo boys, can you pick up some

diapers? " LOL

in AZ

Mom to Kayla(10), Jenna(8), (8), (6), (6), (5),

Junie(3), and (twin boys 2yo), Jillian (13 mo) and Mahlina(9.5mo)



> How about the ones who top in each aisle and block the exact thing

> you need while they call the kid at home on the cellphone and ask

> them to look and see if they need " soup " ...they can't wrote a

> list....they are on the phone with whomever the whole time.

> (who owns a cellphone which was given her by her family, but has

> never used it in 9 months...LOL)

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Ya Janie, how do you manage? Btw, we never let our kids screech here. :)

in AZ

Mom to Kayla(10), Jenna(8), (8), (6), (6), (5),

Junie(3), Jillian (13 mo) and Mahlina(9.5mo)


> The type of noise that drives me absolutely crazy is kids screeching.

Janie, I just don't know how you do it (unless you gag them all) <g>

> Lynda

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> I skidded on ice and went in the ditch Wednesday, I was very

thankful for my cell phone and my CAA card (road-side

assistance)...about a dozen cars passed me and not one stopped...once

I got towed out of the ditch I called my dh ( who is a kazillion

miles away) and thanked him for buying me both the phone and the

CAA... lol


> Braun <new on this list but had to comment! LOL>

that's why I have my cellphone ...and I have assured them all

that even though I have not taken the time to learn how to use the

sucker, I will have a crash coarse and learn VERY QUICKLY if I am

ever stranded on the road!

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Yep, I've met the same crowd... the get around a lot, don't they?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:26:57 -0000 " Lynda "


> or what about the people who suddenly meet up with a few friends in

> the supermarket and all stand together blocking the aisle? That

> drives me insane and if you ask them to move, they look at you as

> though you are from another planet.

> Lynda

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Yep, I've met the same crowd... the get around a lot, don't they?

Topper ()

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:26:57 -0000 " Lynda "


> or what about the people who suddenly meet up with a few friends in

> the supermarket and all stand together blocking the aisle? That

> drives me insane and if you ask them to move, they look at you as

> though you are from another planet.

> Lynda

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Oh you know it Angie!! <grin>

You have a great day too!!


Re: Re: Social recluse?

In a message dated 1/15/2004 11:28:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nnichols@... writes:

> Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

> somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I


> make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>).


hhhmmm... the " Bob Seger Cure " .... works for me too...lolol :) Have been a

fan of his since the mid 70's.....he could cure my hypo....!

Have a great day...

Angie :)

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Oh you know it Angie!! <grin>

You have a great day too!!


Re: Re: Social recluse?

In a message dated 1/15/2004 11:28:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nnichols@... writes:

> Interesting that this topic is mentioned as a hypo symptom?? I also am

> somewhat of a social recluse...just flat don't like crowds or loud noise (I


> make an exception if Bob Seger did one more concert...<grin>).


hhhmmm... the " Bob Seger Cure " .... works for me too...lolol :) Have been a

fan of his since the mid 70's.....he could cure my hypo....!

Have a great day...

Angie :)

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