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Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff using a sugar manager!

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Research has shown that the most important reading for a diabetic is the two

hour post prandial blood glucose reading, which should be 120 or less. In

moles this is equivalent to a reading of 6.66. It sounds like a develish

number, but a 6 would be just fine.

After eating the peak glucose level is reached in the blood stream

approximately one hour after eating. Those who keep their post prandial

glucose readings around 6.66 moles or 120 or less USA will ultimately have

an A1C reading of 5.5 or less, which for a diabetic almost insures that

there will be no diabetic complications.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Research has shown that the most important reading for a diabetic is the two

hour post prandial blood glucose reading, which should be 120 or less. In

moles this is equivalent to a reading of 6.66. It sounds like a develish

number, but a 6 would be just fine.

After eating the peak glucose level is reached in the blood stream

approximately one hour after eating. Those who keep their post prandial

glucose readings around 6.66 moles or 120 or less USA will ultimately have

an A1C reading of 5.5 or less, which for a diabetic almost insures that

there will be no diabetic complications.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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A goal of 5 is exactly what I strive to attain, which is equivalent to a USA

reading of 90. If the two hour post prandial reading is 6.6 or 120 or less,

it is not going to get higher, since there is still 1-2 hours of Humalog in

the system to deal with the remaining glucose in the body. If the two hour

post prandial reading is 4 or less, then the diabetic is most likely facing

a low glucose reaction within the next hour or two.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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You got it! <smile>

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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That is why I try to keep things simple and often repeat them. Instead of

walking away I would recommend asking again and again and again, no matter

how many times, until I understand.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Hi Harry; Are you saying that if one keeps their reading of about 6.6 steadily,

will ultimately hit a reading of 5.5?...Or around 5.5? Will you clear this

quiry up? Thanks again; Ken b

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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No! You have to remember that the 6.66 mole reading for the two hour post

prandial reading is given with some one using Humalog to deal with the

glucose in their system. After a two hour post prandial reading there is

still an hour or two for the remaining Humalog to deal with the glucose in

the blood stream.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

> stuff

> >>>>>> using a sugar manager!

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

> is

> >>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

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harry, my pre lunch b s was four point seven or times eighteen equals eighty


humalog for lunch four units humalog

ate twenty two carbs

vegetable stir fry five carbs

and one sugar free wafer equals seventeen carbs

total twenty two carbs

----- Original Mthanks, karen

essage -----

To: <blind-diabetics >

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:33 AM

Subject: Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff using

a sugar manager!


> Research has shown that the most important reading for a diabetic is the

> two hour post prandial blood glucose reading, which should be 120 or less.

> In moles this is equivalent to a reading of 6.66. It sounds like a

> develish number, but a 6 would be just fine.

> After eating the peak glucose level is reached in the blood stream

> approximately one hour after eating. Those who keep their post prandial

> glucose readings around 6.66 moles or 120 or less USA will ultimately have

> an A1C reading of 5.5 or less, which for a diabetic almost insures that

> there will be no diabetic complications.

> Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Harry, thank you so much for your patience. this is a lot of information and

so very important that we get it right and not make mistakes. to avoid

reactions and down the road complications. there seems to be such a fine

line to walk. I would like to avoid the swings the lows and the highs. I

never hear anyone talk about the emotional part of it. how it affects the

blood sugars. without even realizing it. I try to keep things in check but

stress can do more damage to the blood sugars than foods. why is that never

mentioned? thanks,

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Now tell me what your two hour post prandial glucose reading was.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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harry, my two hour b s after breakfast this morning was seven point three

and my pre lunch b s was four point seven

if i was six point six at the two hours i would have been in reaction this


i did go for a walk this morning and came home before lunch.


Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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7.3 moles is equivalent to 131 in USA readings. 4.7 moles is equivalent to

85 in USA readings. These readings in addition to your walk demonstrates

excellent blood glucose control.

Exercise is very good for the diabetic, since it causes the muscles to burn

glucose in the blood stream, there bby lowering the number of glucose in the

blood. By recognizing that you were running a little high after a two hour

post prandial test, you were wise to do some walking.

To avoid a rebound effect it is better to have a higher than 120 or 6.6 mole

glucose level before starting your exercise. Now I cannot say for sure that

had you a 6.6 mole two hour post prandial reading that you would have had a

low glucose reaction. It depends a lot on each individual's usage of

glucose in the blood stream as they exercise, and on the kind and amount of

exercise one does. It is a fine line, and only the individual can discover

where it is by trial and error or by trying and failing. It would also

depend on the individual's level of insulin resistance. Had you not

exercised I doubt you would have had a low glucose reaction. Had you

exercised too much, you could have encountered a low glucose reaction or

even the rebound effect, which can also make you feel bad by converting a

lot of fat into glucose and sky rocketing your blood stream glucose level.

I have an insulin resistance level which requires approximately 1 unit of

Humalog for every 2 grams of carbs I consume. Just guessing at your insulin

resistance level, since it takes more than one measurement on several

different times, I would guess that you require 1 unit of Humalog for every

5 or 5.5 grams of carbs you consume.

Keep up the good stuff!

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Harry, I was late doing a two hour after lunch it was actually two and half

hours and my bs was three point five times eighteen equals sixty three which

is too low

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Harry, thanks for this information it is registering, I appreciate the help,


Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Did you have a low glucose reaction? I agree that a 3.5 mole is too low.

Did you take a glucose tablet?

Remember that exercising can have a blood glucose lowering effect up to 48

hours or more. I would imagine you could have cured your low glucose

reading with a single glucose tablet, which can give you measureable results

an hour later. I would guess this would raise your 3.5 reading to a 4.7

level, but only monitoring or measuring it would tell the story for sure.

If you use fruit juice or sugar soda pop or candy to raise your glucose

level, it is not a controlled measure, and can cause your glucose level to

sky rocket to unwanted levels. For a diabetic to master blood glucose

control it is like walking on a high wire or tight rope, since the healthy

range is narrow, 3.9-6.2 in moles and 70-120 in USA measurements. Just like

walking a tight rope, it takes practice to master blood glucose control.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Did you have a low glucose reaction? I agree that a 3.5 mole is too low.

Did you take a glucose tablet?

Remember that exercising can have a blood glucose lowering effect up to 48

hours or more. I would imagine you could have cured your low glucose

reading with a single glucose tablet, which can give you measureable results

an hour later. I would guess this would raise your 3.5 reading to a 4.7

level, but only monitoring or measuring it would tell the story for sure.

If you use fruit juice or sugar soda pop or candy to raise your glucose

level, it is not a controlled measure, and can cause your glucose level to

sky rocket to unwanted levels. For a diabetic to master blood glucose

control it is like walking on a high wire or tight rope, since the healthy

range is narrow, 3.9-6.2 in moles and 70-120 in USA measurements. Just like

walking a tight rope, it takes practice to master blood glucose control.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Did you have a low glucose reaction? I agree that a 3.5 mole is too low.

Did you take a glucose tablet?

Remember that exercising can have a blood glucose lowering effect up to 48

hours or more. I would imagine you could have cured your low glucose

reading with a single glucose tablet, which can give you measureable results

an hour later. I would guess this would raise your 3.5 reading to a 4.7

level, but only monitoring or measuring it would tell the story for sure.

If you use fruit juice or sugar soda pop or candy to raise your glucose

level, it is not a controlled measure, and can cause your glucose level to

sky rocket to unwanted levels. For a diabetic to master blood glucose

control it is like walking on a high wire or tight rope, since the healthy

range is narrow, 3.9-6.2 in moles and 70-120 in USA measurements. Just like

walking a tight rope, it takes practice to master blood glucose control.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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I agree stress can affect your sugar level, but for now I prefer to stick to

how carbohydrates affect one's sugar level. I prefer looking at carbs

rather than stress simply because the carb thing is more predictable.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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harry, yes, took one glucose tablet. i had went downstairs and was on the

treadmill and realized i was low so i did the reading and took the tablet.

thanks, karen

Re: how much can I have of the

>>>>>>>>>>>>> sweet

>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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harry, yes, took one glucose tablet. i had went downstairs and was on the

treadmill and realized i was low so i did the reading and took the tablet.

thanks, karen

Re: how much can I have of the

>>>>>>>>>>>>> sweet

>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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harry, this is fine with me but i do hope at some point we can talk about

stress and how it effects our blood sugars and what to do about it? many

thanks, karen

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the

>>>>>>>>>>>> patient

>>>>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Since your two hour post prandial reading was3.5, which is low, and you

consumed 22 carbs and used 4 units of Humalog, I would guess that your

humalog to carb ratio is too low and needs to be raised some from 1:5 or 5.5

to something more like1:6. Of course the pre-meal exercise has a definite

effect, butt how much I do not know at present. You can make a correction

by either lowering the units of Humalog you use or by increasing the number

of grams of carbs consumed say 4 units of Humalog to 24 grams of carbs

consumed, which is a 1:6 ratio. Try it and see. Of course all kinds of

things can cause the ratio to change for instance: exercise, accident,

infection, weather,and stress, as well as hair style, just kidding <smile>.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet

>>>>>>>> stuff

>>>>>>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>>>>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient

>>>>>>>>> is

>>>>>>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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, Humalog last 3-4 hours. The old Regular ® lasts 4-6.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff using

a sugar manager!

harry, very interesting.

i believe the humalog last four to six hours in the system but i am not one

hundred percent positive.

i do take the hummalog at breakfast time seven a m

noon, lunchtime

and five p m supper time

and if required bedtime depending on the reading.

tonight my b s was four point eight so i did not require any humalog

i took eleven units humalin n

karen from canada

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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, Humalog last 3-4 hours. The old Regular ® lasts 4-6.

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff using

a sugar manager!

harry, very interesting.

i believe the humalog last four to six hours in the system but i am not one

hundred percent positive.

i do take the hummalog at breakfast time seven a m

noon, lunchtime

and five p m supper time

and if required bedtime depending on the reading.

tonight my b s was four point eight so i did not require any humalog

i took eleven units humalin n

karen from canada

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff

>>> using a sugar manager!




>>>> harry, why are our doctors so misinformed? no wonder the patient is

>>>> confused. thanks, karen from canada







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Ken, that is true, but look at the type of sweetner that is used in those

candies. If they use sorbitol, you could have some not so pleasant side

effects! Also, total caloric intake during the day means a lot too. Life

ain't easy and part of that uneasiness is following a diet!

Re: how much can I have of the sweet stuff using

a sugar manager!

I know that I should watch my noutricionso will look into the splenda thing

and I think I'll bake some cookies with splenda too but just as a treat. I

found some russel stougher' and witman sugarless chocolates and find that

they're quite satisfactory with a carb reading of 9 so that's not too bad.

Ken b

how much can I have of the sweet stuff using


sugar manager!

I am wondering, as the subject indicates, if I can have that small piece


pie or say a couple of sweet cookies, or such, each day if I manage to


my sugars down by taking say, some Metformen, or the like? You know,

enough to keep down the suger levels. BTW, I am trying a *cromium*


that states on the bottle, that I should only take one a day, so has


on list tried some of these natural food suppliments to keep the dreded

sugar down? I'm a type two diabetic. Thanks for any advise. Ken b in

toronto hoever comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a

rewarder of those that dilagently seek him!

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