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Re: TMJ and jaw pain

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Trish, did your MD or DDS mention TMJ, temporal mandibular joint dysfunction?

That's problems with the joint where your lower jaw hooks on to your skull,

at your lower temples, in front of your ears. 3 beginning tests you can do

yourself are:

Feel the " bony prominces " at the top of your jaw bone. Are they sore?

Looking in a mirror,slowly open your mouth wide then close it. Do you

see/feel the bone kind of pop out of joint on either side? Last, put a

finger in each ear and again open and close your mouth. Do you hear

" crackling " ?

TMJ can be horrendous. Unfortunately, treatment often isn't covered by

either medical or dental insurance, unless it's bad enough that you need

surgery. Both my sister and I have it. We wear our " night splints " to

prevent grinding our teeth at night. I also sometimes use it when I am in a

stressful situation. It is a custom-made piece of plastic that fits the

upper teeth, kind of like a lower denture, except the edges cover the bottom

of your upper teeth, and a slight ridge along the front of your teeth. I

have to be very careful to put it right back in its case when I take it out.

They cost usually around $200. And worth every penny. I've lost one or

two, including one that fell under the bed. A pug dog I USED to have tried

it out himself. Sure looked funny. Unfortunately, he chewed up the back

ends of it. He was " fixed " and sold within the fortnight. Don't anybody

mess with MY night splint!

Get better soon, Trish! Love,

Dear :

It is strange...when I did what you told me to do.....open and close my

mouth......the cracking was on the left side.....the side where I have no

pain! Oh and when I am at the dentist.....I cannot open my mouth and leave

it opened too long.....I am in so much pain it is unbelievable. That's why I

hate going to the dentist. The opening of my mouth is more painful that

having my teeth done!!!! I think my muscles in that area are going to be

truthful with you. Chewing food is also very painful.

Thanks for responding to my post! That was thoughtful of you!

Regards, Trish

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