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withdrawl from df118's (w/response)

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" " :

<<hi my partner today has started a withdrawl programme. he takes up to 30

df118's a day 30mg. he went for his initial appointment having took his last

tablets yesterday at 4pm. he is going to be prescibed subitex. before he can get

his prescription he has to be seen to be withdrawing. its now 12.30pm and

nothings happening. he will withdrawl wont he?>>

** Hi ,

I'm sorry but we work only with psychiatric drugs. However, there are

plenty of support groups for the problem your boyfriend is having.

Yes, he will be in withdrawal soon if he isn't already. It usually takes 24+

hours to really set in.

You can find support groups by using Google. Here is a link to a search using

" online support groups for opiate users " :

https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome & ie=UTF-8 & q=online+support+groups+f\


Best wishes,

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