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Agent Orange and VA benefits

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Hi ,

My husband, Gregg served in Viet Nam in 68-69. We learned about the

VA benfits quite by accident shortly after he was diagnosed. He filed

an online application in late January, 2007 and began recieving 100%

disbility checks, like clockwork in late March. He is still getting

the checks, via direct deposit at the end of every month. We do not

yet know when his case will be re-evaluated. As of today he is still

at the 100% rating. The first check was retroactive to the date his

claim was filed. It would, therefore be to your benefit to file ASAP.

I think that the following link will take you the right VA page to

get started. http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/main.asp

All Gregg needed to provide was evidence that he had been diagnosed

with protostate cancer and proof, by way of a DD214 form, that he had

served on the ground in Viet Nam. Gregg was in the army on PBR boats.

President Clinton signed into law, in 1996, that there was a

presumptive association between Agent Orange and prostate cancer.

From the reading I have done in the last year or so there appears to

be a big variance from state to state in the ease and speed with

which the claims are processed. We live in CA and it was a very

smooth, efficient process. The same was true for a neighbor.

, if you have any trouble or questions there are other here,

besides myself who can help.

By the way, Gregg was in Loma , CA being treated with proton

beam therapy when he filed his application with the VA. He is now 59,

and is leading a very normal, post treatment, life.


-- In ProstateCancerSupport , R



> I served in Viet-Nam in 1968-69. I didn't realize

> until just recently that there might be some link to

> prostate cancer from exposure to Agent Orange. Does

> anyone have a link to more specific information about

> this. Have any actual studies been done? Are there

> any other Viet-Nam vets on this list that have more

> info?


> Thanks,




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