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Transcendental Meditation reduces ADHD symptoms among students: New study

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Public release date: 29-Dec-2008


Contact: Ken Chawkin


Maharishi University of Management

Transcendental Meditation reduces ADHD symptoms among students: New study

Dissatisfaction with medication spurs interest in meditation

IMAGE: Transcendental meditation reduces ADHD symptoms among students,

according to a new study.

Click here for more information.

The Transcendental Meditation technique may be an effective and safe

non-pharmaceutical aid for treating ADHD, according to a promising new

study published this month in the peer-reviewed online journal Current

Issues in Education.

The pilot study followed a group of middle school students with ADHD who

were meditating twice a day in school. After three months, researchers

found over 50 percent reduction in stress and anxiety and improvements

in ADHD symptoms.

Effect exceeds expectations

" The effect was much greater than we expected, " said Sarina J.

Grosswald, Ed.D., a Washington University-trained cognitive

learning specialist and lead researcher on the study. " The children also

showed improvements in attention, working memory, organization, and

behavior regulation. "

Grosswald said that after the in-school meditation routine began,

" teachers reported they were able to teach more, and students were able

to learn more because they were less stressed and anxious. "

Stress interferes with the ability to learn

Prior research shows ADHD children have slower brain development and a

reduced ability to cope with stress. " Stress interferes with the ability

to learn—it shuts down the brain, " said Stixrud, Ph.D., a Silver

Spring, land, clinical neuropsychologist and co-author of the study.

VIDEO: Four middle school students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder were interviewed prior to learning the Transcendental

Meditation technique, and again 3 months later. They first describe...

Click here for more information.

" Medication for ADHD is very effective for some children, but it is

marginally or not effective for others. Even for those children who show

improved symptoms with the medication, the improvement is often

insufficient or accompanied by troubling side effects, " Stixrud said.

" Virtually everyone finds it difficult to pay attention, organize

themselves and get things done when they're under stress. So it stands

to reason that the TM technique which reduces stress and organizes brain

function would reduce ADHD symptoms. "

While in some cases a child cannot function without medication, there is

growing concern about the health risks and side effects associated with

the common ADHD medications, including mood swings, insomnia, tics,

slowed growth, and heart problems. In 2006 the FDA required

manufacturers to place warning labels on ADHD medications, listing the

potential serious health risks.

These high risks and growing concerns are fueling parents' search for

alternatives that may be safer for their kids.

The study was conducted in a private K-12 school for children with

language-based learning disabilities. Participation was restricted to 10

students, ages 11-14, who had pre-existing diagnoses of ADHD. About half

of the students were on medication. The students meditated at school in

a group for 10 minutes, morning and afternoon.

To determine the influence of the TM technique, at the beginning and end

of the three-month period, parents, teachers and students completed

standard ADHD assessment inventories measuring stress and anxiety,

behavior and social competency, and executive function. Students were

also given a battery of performance tests to measure cognitive functioning.

" The results were quite remarkable "

Andy and Daryl Schoenbach's daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in second

grade. Like most ADHD children she was taking medication. " The

medication helped but had mixed results—she still lost focus, had

meltdowns, and the medications affected her sleep and appetite, " said

Andy, who lives with Daryl in Washington D.C. " She was not performing

close to her potential and we didn't see the situation improving. So at

the end of seventh grade when her doctor recommended increasing the

medication, we decided it was time to take a different course—stopping

the medication and using Transcendental Meditation. "

" The results were quite remarkable, " Daryl said. " The twice daily

meditations smoothed things out, gave her perspective, and enabled her

to be in greater control of her own life when things started falling

apart. It took some time, but it gradually changed the way she handled

crises and enabled her to feel confident that she could take on greater

challenges —in her own words, 'climb a mountain.' "

" Everyone noticed the change, " Andy added.

Grosswald explained that there is substantial research showing the

effectiveness of the TM technique for reducing stress and anxiety, and

improving cognitive functioning among the general population. " What's

significant about these new findings is that among children who have

difficulty with focus and attention, we see the same results. TM doesn't

require concentration, controlling the mind or disciplined focus. The

fact that these children are able to do TM, and do it easily shows us

that this technique may be particularly well suited for children with

ADHD, " she said.

This study was funded by the Abramson Family Foundation and the

Institute for Community Enrichment.

A second, recently completed TM-ADHD study with a control group measured

brain function using electroencephalography (EEG). Preliminary data

shows that three months practice of the technique resulted in

significant positive changes in brain functioning during visual-motor

skills. Changes were specifically seen in the circuitry of the brain

associated with attention and distractibility. After six months TM

practice, measurements of distractibility moved into the normal range.

A third TM-ADHD study, to be funded by a $2 million grant from the

Lynch Foundation (LynchFoundation.org), will more fully investigate

the effects of the technique on ADHD and other learning disorders.



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

* The Center for Disease Control reports that nearly 50 percent of

the 4.5 million children (ages 4-17) in the United States diagnosed with

ADHD are on ADHD medication—and the majority of those on medication stay

on it in adulthood.

* The rate of prescriptions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder in the U.S. has increasing by a factor of five since 1991—with

production of ADHD medicines up 2,000 percent in 9 years.

* The commonly used drugs for ADHD are stimulants (amphetamines).

These drugs can cause persistent and negative side effects, including

sleep disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, suppressed growth,

and mood disorders. The side effects are frequently treated with

additional medications to manage insomnia or mood swings. Almost none of

the medications prescribed for insomnia or mood disturbances are

approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use with children.

* The long-term health effects of ADHD medications are not fully

known, but evidence suggests risks of cardiac disorders and sudden

death, liver damage and psychiatric events. It has also been found that

children on long-term medication have significantly higher rates of

delinquency, substance use, and stunted physical growth.

The Transcendental Meditation Technique

* The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless

technique practiced 10-20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably with

the eyes closed.

* TM is not a religion or philosophy and involves no new beliefs or

change in lifestyle.

* Over 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the TM technique

confirm a range of benefits for mind, body and behavior.

* Several studies have compared the effects of different meditation

practices and found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper

relaxation and is more effective at reducing anxiety, depression and

hypertension than other forms of meditation and relaxation. In addition,

no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence throughout

all areas the brain that is seen with Transcendental Meditation.

* The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in the United

States by a non-profit, educational organization.

* More information can be obtained by calling 888-LEARN-TM or

visiting www.ADHD-TM.org, www.AskTheDoctors.com, or www.TMEducation.org.


ne Holden, MS, RD

" Ask the Parkinson Dietitian " http://www.parkinson.org/

" Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease "

" Parkinson's disease: Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy "


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