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Hi ,

I'm new too, and am really finding the group interesting and helpful.

It's great just to be able to hear how others handle things, and to

learn that you're not alone in the feelings and reactions you've got.




> Hi!

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Welcome :) You can find plenty of like minded people here as

well as lots of feedback of what has worked for them too. IE is a

personal journey, but I am enjoying sharing mine with so many of the

wonderful gals here. Glad to have you along too. Best to you - Katcha


> Hi!

> I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

> recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

> lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

> weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

> yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I really

> just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

> exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

> by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

> At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

> mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

> let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

> first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

> weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

> that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

> to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

> to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

> get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

> visiting often for inspiration and feedback!

> :)


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Welcome :) You can find plenty of like minded people here as

well as lots of feedback of what has worked for them too. IE is a

personal journey, but I am enjoying sharing mine with so many of the

wonderful gals here. Glad to have you along too. Best to you - Katcha


> Hi!

> I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

> recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

> lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

> weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

> yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I really

> just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

> exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

> by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

> At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

> mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

> let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

> first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

> weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

> that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

> to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

> to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

> get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

> visiting often for inspiration and feedback!

> :)


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Hi ,

Welcome to the group, we are glad to have you join us! You sound very

normal and like most of us when we decided to let go of the diet

mentality. It is scary and your feelings are natural. Just take your

time, take small, baby steps and let us know how we can help you -




Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!

Want to eat your favorite foods without

gaining weight?

Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to

Guilt Free Eating " by visiting


At 12:56 PM 9/26/2007, you wrote:


I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I


just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

visiting often for inspiration and feedback!


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Hi ,

Welcome to the group, we are glad to have you join us! You sound very

normal and like most of us when we decided to let go of the diet

mentality. It is scary and your feelings are natural. Just take your

time, take small, baby steps and let us know how we can help you -




Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!

Want to eat your favorite foods without

gaining weight?

Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to

Guilt Free Eating " by visiting


At 12:56 PM 9/26/2007, you wrote:


I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I


just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

visiting often for inspiration and feedback!


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Hi ,

Welcome to the group, we are glad to have you join us! You sound very

normal and like most of us when we decided to let go of the diet

mentality. It is scary and your feelings are natural. Just take your

time, take small, baby steps and let us know how we can help you -




Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!

Want to eat your favorite foods without

gaining weight?

Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to

Guilt Free Eating " by visiting


At 12:56 PM 9/26/2007, you wrote:


I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I


just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

visiting often for inspiration and feedback!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Ivy so glad to have you with us. I know what you mean about medication making you gain weight I struggle with that as well. Look forward to getting to know you. EvaSee what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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Welcome Ivy. Its wonderful to hear from a long term IEer :) The

medical profession seems to be almost as much a challenge to overcome

as diet mentality too many times! Our fearless leader here - Gillian

does work with an IE program headed up by a lady MD. And while she

understands and knows all the IE points, I still get a

'doctor-to-patient' feeling about much of her 'program'.

Just post away about whatever it is that you want to ask/discuss or

even whine about! Like IE, this group doesn't have any 'bad' topics

(other than spam ;-).


> Hello to everyone. I am actually a long time non-dieter going

through a 'rough patch'. I

> abandoned diets, legalised all foods and lost all the weight my body

thought I needed to long

> before anyone else was talking about it. I found it very easy to

maintain my weight and enjoy

> my life without thinking about it - except to think about how much

easier and more fun it

> was :)


> I got derailed by medical things mostly - eat this way at this time

and this much..blah blah. it

> hasn't caused me to crave junk ( We eat good quality, whole food

following traditional advice

> made in my kitchen with love - mass produced, artificial, cheap,

made by machines doesn't

> stand much of a chance :) ) It has, however, left me doing not so

well at working with my

> own hunger/fullness. I'm doing well enough that I dont' gain - but I

need to lose quite a lot

> now, since some of the conditions and medications I've taken caused

weight gain.


> I'm hoping coming here will reinforce what I already know and help

me regain my focus - not

> to mention be fun chatting with you all :)


> So...here I am :)


> Ivy


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Hi Ivy,Welcome! So glad you found us. I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts/insights. I loved the chocolate eclair story...I hope to be able to do that with chocoaltes. :) Jane. __________________________________________________

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Hi Ivy,

Welcome to the group! As you have probably seen, this is a great group

with lots of knowledgeable and supportive people. We are here to help,

and I suspect you will be able to share a lot of your own wisdom, having

been an intuitive eater yourself! I know you'll get it back and we're

here to cheer you on!



Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!

Want to eat your favorite foods without

gaining weight?

Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to

Guilt Free Eating " by visiting


At 10:37 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:

Hello to everyone. I am actually

a long time non-dieter going through a 'rough patch'. I

abandoned diets, legalised all foods and lost all the weight my body

thought I needed to long

before anyone else was talking about it. I found it very easy to maintain

my weight and enjoy

my life without thinking about it - except to think about how much easier

and more fun it

was :)

I got derailed by medical things mostly - eat this way at this time and

this much..blah blah. it

hasn't caused me to crave junk ( We eat good quality, whole food

following traditional advice

made in my kitchen with love - mass produced, artificial, cheap, made by

machines doesn't

stand much of a chance :) ) It has, however, left me doing not so well at

working with my

own hunger/fullness. I'm doing well enough that I dont' gain - but I need

to lose quite a lot

now, since some of the conditions and medications I've taken caused

weight gain.

I'm hoping coming here will reinforce what I already know and help me

regain my focus - not

to mention be fun chatting with you all :)

So...here I am :)


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  • 3 weeks later...


Thank you for posting you blog. How true that food often is connected to memories or feelings - I have a relationship with ice cream because I was deprived it by my Mom but got to go to my Dad's and it was a special memory I have with him and where I felt very loved by my Dad. I like this, I think I will too look at more of my food likes and see there is a connection.

And please, keep on sharing your blogs as you desire. It will definately be insight for others I'm sure.


-------------- Original message --------------


I am new here but am a rather long term practitioner of the no diet/intuitive eating approach.

I believe strongly in the approach because I have followed it and enjoyed the success of losing nearly a hundred pounds over the space of 5 years and keeping it off for nearly 2 years after that. During the time I practiced the no diet process that I use, I lost weight and was at peace with food. Though losing the weight was wonderful, and was the part that the outside world saw, the peace I felt with food, the lack of fear and guilt around eating was way better than the weight loss.But I am back here, writing this blog because a few years ago (about three) life went a bit crazy. My husband's job grew unstable, his mother came to live with us, I started a business which took most every waking minute, we moved 4 times last year...twice across country...and my focus on the simple aspects of no diet, eat when hungry, stop when satisfied, exercise, drink at least 2 litres of water, and journal every day

got squeezed and I was following the tenets of my process less and less. The result was less and less peace with food...and eventually a return to the same overeating, bingeing, and disharmony with food that had plagued me before "No Diet." Of course, weight gain followed as well...and I am now starting anew...or perhaps entering a new phase of the journey...at a place where I have gained back most of the weight I lost.

Yes, it's frustrating. Very frustrating...but I have learned a lot...namely that whatever else happens I need to do the best I can to do the things that work for me. Journaling is not a good thing to throw overboard when life gets crazy. Neither is listening to hunger...or drinking water...or exercising on some regular schedule. But frustration aside, it's time to make peace with the mistakes that led here....time to look at this as a bauble on the journey...and time to get back to doing the things that I know work for me.

Rather than journaling in private and keeping the insights that spring from the journaling largely to myself I've decided to blog...so that the insights I gain, and those I gained the first time around, can be shared.

In today's post I talked about the connection between emotion and food...funny....before ND/intuitive eating I didn't even realize that there WAS a connection. I'm pasting today's blog post below...maybe it will be an insight for someone. :-)

>>Eating is an emotional activity for most people, both those who eat "normally" and those who suffer from disordered eating. People who eat "normally" occasionally eat for emotional reasons. They sometimes choose foods based on how the specific foods make them feel. The term "comfort food" wasn't invented entirely by those who suffer from so-called disordered eating.While the intuitive eating/no-diet approach demands that we shift our eating more toward eating to fuel our bodies it is like most everything else related to the approach. Nothing is all black or all white. There are shades of gray. While we need to time our eating to coincide with hunger and satiety there is no reason that we need to ignore the emotional reasons that we choose certain foods over others.Like other emotions, those connected to food can offer a great deal of insight.One of the great benefits of the intuitive eating/no-diet approach is flexibility and freedom to choose from among all the foods on the planet and to derive both physical and emotional pleasure from the choices we make. The goal is to eat when hungry, stop when satisfied so that whatever food we choose it benefits us rather than harming us. I find that my food choices are often emotionally driven. Many foods have connotations, memories, and emotional energy surrounding them. For some people, Twinkies are very highly emotional...maybe because they were denied them as a child...or maybe because they were a favorite summer time treat.I cannot eat oatmeal, a favorite winter comfort food, without thinking of my grandparent's home, the way it sat in the darkness of early morning when my mother would drop me off on her way to work. The darkness of the rest of the house and the warm and beckoning light of the kitchen, the security of my grandmother's presence as she served up a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of toast are memori

es that go back at least to the year I started kindergarten...over 35 years ago...Before I began my no-diet process I was oblivious to the connection between food and emotion. I didn't realize that there even was a connection. I realized that I liked oatmeal...that I particularly liked it on cold blustery days and on days when I needed to calm or center myself. I didn't realize then that it was connected emotionally to my grandparents and the memory of their kitchen and the safety I felt there.Nowadays I pay attention to the emotional energy associated with my food choices. I try to hear what the food says to me...what emotions a given food triggers. Does it remind me of celebration, safety, being denied? In understanding why I seek out one food over another, the food choices themselves can indicate that I need to provide myself a more serene space...or a moment of quiet...or I need to remind myself that there is enough...that I don't have to eat everything I w

ant to eat in my lifetime on this one day. There will be more available tomorrow...and if there isn't I can go to the store or restaurant where it is sold and acquire more.<<


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Hi Laurie and welcome!

Your insight is wonderful, and I know you will be a great source of

inspiration and guidance here. Thanks for joining us!



Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

It's not just about losing weight!

Want to eat your favorite foods without

gaining weight?

Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to

Guilt Free Eating " by visiting


At 05:32 PM 11/6/2007, you wrote:


I am new here but am a rather long

term practitioner of the no diet/intuitive eating approach.

I believe strongly in the approach

because I have followed it and enjoyed the success of losing nearly a

hundred pounds over the space of 5 years and keeping it off for nearly 2

years after that. During the time I practiced the no diet process that I

use, I lost weight and was at peace with food. Though losing the weight

was wonderful, and was the part that the outside world saw, the peace I

felt with food, the lack of fear and guilt around eating was way better

than the weight loss.

But I am back here, writing this blog because a few years ago (about

three) life went a bit crazy. My husband's job grew unstable, his mother

came to live with us, I started a business which took most every waking

minute, we moved 4 times last year...twice across country...and my focus

on the simple aspects of no diet, eat when hungry, stop when satisfied,

exercise, drink at least 2 litres of water, and journal every day got

squeezed and I was following the tenets of my process less and less. The

result was less and less peace with food...and eventually a return to the

same overeating, bingeing, and disharmony with food that had plagued me

before " No Diet. " Of course, weight gain followed as well...and

I am now starting anew...or perhaps entering a new phase of the

journey...at a place where I have gained back most of the weight I


Yes, it's frustrating. Very

frustrating...but I have learned a lot...namely that whatever else

happens I need to do the best I can to do the things that work for me.

Journaling is not a good thing to throw overboard when life gets crazy.

Neither is listening to hunger...or drinking water...or exercising on

some regular schedule.

But frustration aside, it's time to make peace with the mistakes that led

here....time to look at this as a bauble on the journey...and time to get

back to doing the things that I know work for me.

Rather than journaling in private and keeping the insights that spring

from the journaling largely to myself I've decided to blog...so that the

insights I gain, and those I gained the first time around, can be shared.

In today's post I talked about the

connection between emotion and food...funny....before ND/intuitive eating

I didn't even realize that there WAS a connection. I'm pasting today's

blog post below...maybe it will be an insight for someone. :-)

>>Eating is an emotional activity for most people, both those who

eat " normally " and those who suffer from disordered eating.

People who eat " normally " occasionally eat for emotional

reasons. They sometimes choose foods based on how the specific foods make

them feel. The term " comfort food " wasn't invented entirely by

those who suffer from so-called disordered eating.

While the intuitive eating/no-diet approach demands that we shift our

eating more toward eating to fuel our bodies it is like most everything

else related to the approach. Nothing is all black or all white. There

are shades of gray. While we need to time our eating to coincide with

hunger and satiety there is no reason that we need to ignore the

emotional reasons that we choose certain foods over others.

Like other emotions, those connected to food can offer a great deal of


One of the great benefits of the intuitive eating/no-diet approach is

flexibility and freedom to choose from among all the foods on the planet

and to derive both physical and emotional pleasure from the choices we

make. The goal is to eat when hungry, stop when satisfied so that

whatever food we choose it benefits us rather than harming us.

I find that my food choices are often emotionally driven. Many foods have

connotations, memories, and emotional energy surrounding them. For some

people, Twinkies are very highly emotional...maybe because they were

denied them as a child...or maybe because they were a favorite summer

time treat.

I cannot eat oatmeal, a favorite winter comfort food, without thinking of

my grandparent's home, the way it sat in the darkness of early morning

when my mother would drop me off on her way to work. The darkness of the

rest of the house and the warm and beckoning light of the kitchen, the

security of my grandmother's presence as she served up a bowl of oatmeal

and a piece of toast are memories that go back at least to the year I

started kindergarten...over 35 years ago...

Before I began my no-diet process I was oblivious to the connection

between food and emotion. I didn't realize that there even was a

connection. I realized that I liked oatmeal...that I particularly liked

it on cold blustery days and on days when I needed to calm or center

myself. I didn't realize then that it was connected emotionally to my

grandparents and the memory of their kitchen and the safety I felt


Nowadays I pay attention to the emotional energy associated with my food

choices. I try to hear what the food says to me...what emotions a given

food triggers. Does it remind me of celebration, safety, being denied? In

understanding why I seek out one food over another, the food choices

themselves can indicate that I need to provide myself a more serene

space...or a moment of quiet...or I need to remind myself that there is

enough...that I don't have to eat everything I want to eat in my lifetime

on this one day. There will be more available tomorrow...and if there

isn't I can go to the store or restaurant where it is sold and acquire





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Laurie, thank you for that lovely post. It is a welcome reminder of

how beneficial IE can be as well as how its more than just an 'eating'

thing - its a lifestyle! I totally agree that emotions are as much of

the 'package' as food is. You seem to have mastered the food side

before, but currently the emotional part is stepping up for your

attention? Your awareness is excellent and I bet you reverse the

unwanted effects as you process what you need to now.

BEST to you, Katcha

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Thanks for your post, Andi. It really struck a chord with me and I like your

idea of recording to help you make healthy choices. In my dieting years

I always did best when I kept a record of what I ate, but since being intro-

duced to IE I think I am probably eating more than I realize. I have over-

come bingeing, and have legalized all foods, but have not been losing weight

(no longer gaining, though) and need to learn to eat smaller portions.


Hi there, I am new here.

I have been on my journey for over a year. A year ago september something hit me - i finally got it. I got that i needed to do something. I am not sure why. I think it was my vet. he told me the dog had to be fed a little less. It made sense. The drs had been telling me I had to lose weight and kept telling me about diets i had to follow. I tried a few and they never worked cus it was too emotional.

I finally got it. I got that I needed to do something and do what would work for me. I got tired of the media and what drs were telling me.

I tried overeaters anon and that one didnt work for me - the people were nice but it doesnt work for me - either did TOPS or even weight watchers.

People now ask what I have done. I tell them that I have stopped listening to everyone else!!!! I never knew what to call this but I think IE might be close. I am trying to listen to my body and not eat emotionally or get caght up in the judgements.

This is what I have done, I started by taking baby steps. I started by having breakfast - a healthy one. A drink that my chiropractor showed me. I was able to do that. Then I started to eat as much organic as I could. Then I started to try to leave a few bites on my plate or eat a little less. Once I was able to do that, I decided to try to cut back on junk food. Then I started writing down everything I ate - with out judgement just so I knew what I was eating and being honest. I then started to write calories so I could learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the best choice I could make at each moment.

I started out at 278 lbs and I am now 188 - I have lost 90 lbs.

I am now having more problems. I have made it to a certain point. Now I seem hungrier. I am eating some desserts - almost every night but I eat regular portions. I am still losing - slowly but losing. But I now feel like I am cheating again. It is emotional again. I am scared and having problems being calm. The worst part is that I dont see how different I look.

I am looking for support and people I can talk to that get this. I have lost so much. I have much farther to go.


domestic goddess and active volunteer

Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate!

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Hi Andi and welcome. You seem to have done pretty good on your own.

What lead you to IE? Have you read any books on this (or Normal Eating

or Un-dieting etc.)? While everyone pretty much makes the 'fit' they

want and need, do you think you are ready/looking for new/different

input to either alter or refine the way you have used so far? Anyway,

looking forward to more posts from you and don't forget to speak up

when you want.

Best to you - Katcha


> Hi there,

> I am new here.

> I have been on my journey for over a year. A year ago september

> something hit me - i finally got it. I got that i needed to do

> something. I am not sure why. I think it was my vet. he told me the

> dog had to be fed a little less. It made sense. The drs had been

> telling me I had to lose weight and kept telling me about diets i had

> to follow. I tried a few and they never worked cus it was too emotional.

> I finally got it. I got that I needed to do something and do what

> would work for me. I got tired of the media and what drs were telling

> me.

> I tried overeaters anon and that one didnt work for me - the people

> were nice but it doesnt work for me - either did TOPS or even weight

> watchers.


> People now ask what I have done. I tell them that I have stopped

> listening to everyone else!!!! I never knew what to call this but I

> think IE might be close. I am trying to listen to my body and not eat

> emotionally or get caght up in the judgements.


> This is what I have done, I started by taking baby steps. I started

> by having breakfast - a healthy one. A drink that my chiropractor

> showed me. I was able to do that. Then I started to eat as much

> organic as I could. Then I started to try to leave a few bites on my

> plate or eat a little less. Once I was able to do that, I decided to

> try to cut back on junk food. Then I started writing down everything

> I ate - with out judgement just so I knew what I was eating and being

> honest. I then started to write calories so I could learn the

> difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the best

> choice I could make at each moment.


> I started out at 278 lbs and I am now 188 - I have lost 90 lbs.


> I am now having more problems. I have made it to a certain point. Now

> I seem hungrier. I am eating some desserts - almost every night but I

> eat regular portions. I am still losing - slowly but losing. But I

> now feel like I am cheating again. It is emotional again. I am

> scared and having problems being calm. The worst part is that I dont

> see how different I look.


> I am looking for support and people I can talk to that get this. I

> have lost so much. I have much farther to go.



> Andi

> domestic goddess and active volunteer


> Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate!


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Hi Katcha, I have never read any books on this IE idea. I kind of came up with it myself. I decided that depriving myself just made me feel bad ad want to hide what i was eating and eat more of it. i did stop eating some foods when i started cus they were triggers and i had to get a point where they didnt trigger me. and also cus i didnt like them enough for the calories. I want to enjoy what i eat and feel good about it and sometimes it is worth the calories and sometimes it isnt.I do think that I might be a little adicted to sugar or white starch - i do see that but If i tried to cut it out i would want to cheat and binge. but i do plan on getting some books and checking this out further. for a while i thought i made up this new idea. Any books you recommend.  Andidomestic goddess and active volunteerSave our planet; it's the only one with chocolate! Hi Andi and welcome. You seem to have done pretty good on your own.What lead you to IE? Have you read any books on this (or Normal Eatingor Un-dieting etc.)? While everyone pretty much makes the 'fit' theywant and need, do you think you are ready/looking for new/differentinput to either alter or refine the way you have used so far? Anyway,looking forward to more posts from you and don't forget to speak upwhen you want. Best to you - Katcha>> Hi there,> I am new here.> I have been on my journey for over a year. A year ago september > something hit me - i finally got it. I got that i needed to do > something. I am not sure why. I think it was my vet. he told me the > dog had to be fed a little less. It made sense. The drs had been > telling me I had to lose weight and kept telling me about diets i had > to follow. I tried a few and they never worked cus it was too emotional.> I finally got it. I got that I needed to do something and do what > would work for me. I got tired of the media and what drs were telling > me.> I tried overeaters anon and that one didnt work for me - the people > were nice but it doesnt work for me - either did TOPS or even weight > watchers.> > People now ask what I have done. I tell them that I have stopped > listening to everyone else!!!! I never knew what to call this but I > think IE might be close. I am trying to listen to my body and not eat > emotionally or get caght up in the judgements.> > This is what I have done, I started by taking baby steps. I started > by having breakfast - a healthy one. A drink that my chiropractor > showed me. I was able to do that. Then I started to eat as much > organic as I could. Then I started to try to leave a few bites on my > plate or eat a little less. Once I was able to do that, I decided to > try to cut back on junk food. Then I started writing down everything > I ate - with out judgement just so I knew what I was eating and being > honest. I then started to write calories so I could learn the > difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the best > choice I could make at each moment.> > I started out at 278 lbs and I am now 188 - I have lost 90 lbs.> > I am now having more problems. I have made it to a certain point. Now > I seem hungrier. I am eating some desserts - almost every night but I > eat regular portions. I am still losing - slowly but losing. But I > now feel like I am cheating again. It is emotional again. I am > scared and having problems being calm. The worst part is that I dont > see how different I look.> > I am looking for support and people I can talk to that get this. I > have lost so much. I have much farther to go.> > > Andi> domestic goddess and active volunteer> > Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate!>

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Hi Katcha, I have never read any books on this IE idea. I kind of came up with it myself. I decided that depriving myself just made me feel bad ad want to hide what i was eating and eat more of it. i did stop eating some foods when i started cus they were triggers and i had to get a point where they didnt trigger me. and also cus i didnt like them enough for the calories. I want to enjoy what i eat and feel good about it and sometimes it is worth the calories and sometimes it isnt.I do think that I might be a little adicted to sugar or white starch - i do see that but If i tried to cut it out i would want to cheat and binge. but i do plan on getting some books and checking this out further. for a while i thought i made up this new idea. Any books you recommend.  Andidomestic goddess and active volunteerSave our planet; it's the only one with chocolate! Hi Andi and welcome. You seem to have done pretty good on your own.What lead you to IE? Have you read any books on this (or Normal Eatingor Un-dieting etc.)? While everyone pretty much makes the 'fit' theywant and need, do you think you are ready/looking for new/differentinput to either alter or refine the way you have used so far? Anyway,looking forward to more posts from you and don't forget to speak upwhen you want. Best to you - Katcha>> Hi there,> I am new here.> I have been on my journey for over a year. A year ago september > something hit me - i finally got it. I got that i needed to do > something. I am not sure why. I think it was my vet. he told me the > dog had to be fed a little less. It made sense. The drs had been > telling me I had to lose weight and kept telling me about diets i had > to follow. I tried a few and they never worked cus it was too emotional.> I finally got it. I got that I needed to do something and do what > would work for me. I got tired of the media and what drs were telling > me.> I tried overeaters anon and that one didnt work for me - the people > were nice but it doesnt work for me - either did TOPS or even weight > watchers.> > People now ask what I have done. I tell them that I have stopped > listening to everyone else!!!! I never knew what to call this but I > think IE might be close. I am trying to listen to my body and not eat > emotionally or get caght up in the judgements.> > This is what I have done, I started by taking baby steps. I started > by having breakfast - a healthy one. A drink that my chiropractor > showed me. I was able to do that. Then I started to eat as much > organic as I could. Then I started to try to leave a few bites on my > plate or eat a little less. Once I was able to do that, I decided to > try to cut back on junk food. Then I started writing down everything > I ate - with out judgement just so I knew what I was eating and being > honest. I then started to write calories so I could learn the > difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the best > choice I could make at each moment.> > I started out at 278 lbs and I am now 188 - I have lost 90 lbs.> > I am now having more problems. I have made it to a certain point. Now > I seem hungrier. I am eating some desserts - almost every night but I > eat regular portions. I am still losing - slowly but losing. But I > now feel like I am cheating again. It is emotional again. I am > scared and having problems being calm. The worst part is that I dont > see how different I look.> > I am looking for support and people I can talk to that get this. I > have lost so much. I have much farther to go.> > > Andi> domestic goddess and active volunteer> > Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate!>

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What i have found is that this is a journey and it takes time. I am shocked that there are times I want fruit or spinach- I never would have let myself feel that a year ago. Overcoming bingeing is a very big deal. I rarely give in to it now but I still want to all the time. I am hoping that feeling will eventually go away.  Andidomestic goddess and active volunteerSave our planet; it's the only one with chocolate! Thanks for your post, Andi.  It really struck a chord with me and I like youridea of recording to help you make healthy choices.  In my dieting yearsI always did best when I kept a record of what I ate, but since being intro-duced to IE I think I am probably eating more than I realize.  I have over-come bingeing, and have legalized all foods, but have not been losing weight(no longer gaining, though) and need to learn to eat smaller portions. Barbara Hi there,I am new here. I have been on my journey for over a year. A year ago september something hit me - i finally got it. I got that i needed to do something. I am not sure why. I think it was my vet. he told me the dog had to be fed a little less. It made sense. The drs had been telling me I had to lose weight and kept telling me about diets i had to follow. I tried a few and they never worked cus it was too emotional. I finally got it. I got that I needed to do something and do what would work for me. I got tired of the media and what drs were telling me. I tried overeaters anon and that one didnt work for me - the people were nice but it doesnt work for me - either did TOPS or even weight watchers.  People now ask what I have done. I tell them that I have stopped listening to everyone else!!!! I never knew what to call this but I think IE might be close. I am trying to listen to my body and not eat emotionally or get caght up in the judgements.  This is what I have done,  I started by taking baby steps. I started by having breakfast - a healthy one. A drink that my chiropractor showed me. I was able to do that. Then I started to eat as much organic as I could. Then I started to try to leave a few bites on my plate or eat a little less. Once I was able to do that, I decided to try to cut back on junk food. Then I started writing down everything I ate - with out judgement just so I knew what I was eating and being honest. I then started to write calories so I could learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and make the best choice I could make at each moment.  I started out at 278 lbs and I am now 188 - I have lost 90 lbs.  I am now having more problems. I have made it to a certain point. Now I seem hungrier. I am eating some desserts - almost every night but I eat regular portions. I am still losing - slowly but losing. But I now feel like I am cheating again. It is emotional again.  I am scared and having problems being calm. The worst part is that I dont see how different I look.  I am looking for support and people I can talk to that get this. I have lost so much. I have much farther to go.  Andidomestic goddess and active volunteer Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate! 

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I can really relate with your story. I too am new to this group and IE. I too am

at my ideal

weight now of 135lbs. I used to weigh 333lbs. I lost 198lbs and have kept it off

for over 6

years. I thought I had this whole weight thing beat but about a year ago I

really started

struggling. I have been up and down about 20lbs over the year. Bingeing to gain


weight and starving myself to lose it. I am now at a point where I have to stop

the cycle

before I go mad. I have been reading the book " The Food and Feelings Workbook: A


Course Meal on Emotional Health " by R. Koenig and following IE for 4 days

now and

am amazed that it is working. I thought I was addicted to carbs but have been

able to not

overeat them these last few days. It's scarry because I too am afraid of gaining

back any

weight. I am really comfortable at this weight and have been either dieting or

bingeing my

whole life. The thought of really eating like a normal person and not giving

food so much

importance is something that seems a little like a dream.



> Hi!

> I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I just

> recently started to implement some of the IE principles into my

> lifestyle and so far I'm loving it. I'm at a very comfortable

> weight right now (thanks to Weight WAtchers) but I'm so tired of the

> yo-yo dieting and the feelings of guilt for " cheating " . I really

> just want to enjoy food and not be so obsessed with dieting,

> exercise, etc. I've been reading the Intuitive Eating book little

> by little and I can't believe how much I'm learning about myself.

> At first I thought it would be easy to let go of the dieting

> mentality, but it turns out that I'm really terrified. I've only

> let myself go so far with indulging in my cravings...definitely the

> first thing I need to work on. I'm so scared that I'll let my

> weight go above 150lbs (it was a huge accomplishment to get below

> that for me....especially after giving birth 15 months ago!). Prior

> to IE I was 6 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait

> to get rid of my scale and let go of the number game...I know I'll

> get there eventually. I look forward to hearing from you all and

> visiting often for inspiration and feedback!

> :)


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