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Hi ....I as well as you have experienced the same type of thing. I

fianlly set down and figured out why I was spiking so high. My blood sugars were

in the 160's before I even ate anything. I set here and read people concerned

about 144 bs...hmmm..... Anyway...I finally got disgusted enough to change my

whole way of eating and it has worked. My fasting bs yesturday was 116..I

absolutely can not eat bread, it is the worse thing. My fingers are sore, but it

is well worth it when I see my bs more near normal. I am on insulin as well as

glyburide and it is so discouraging when the combo of both doesnt work. I

suugest you check what foods you eat and maybe change the type of foods.It

worked for me...Good Luck

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Hi ....I as well as you have experienced the same type of thing. I

fianlly set down and figured out why I was spiking so high. My blood sugars were

in the 160's before I even ate anything. I set here and read people concerned

about 144 bs...hmmm..... Anyway...I finally got disgusted enough to change my

whole way of eating and it has worked. My fasting bs yesturday was 116..I

absolutely can not eat bread, it is the worse thing. My fingers are sore, but it

is well worth it when I see my bs more near normal. I am on insulin as well as

glyburide and it is so discouraging when the combo of both doesnt work. I

suugest you check what foods you eat and maybe change the type of foods.It

worked for me...Good Luck

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Hi ....I as well as you have experienced the same type of thing. I

fianlly set down and figured out why I was spiking so high. My blood sugars were

in the 160's before I even ate anything. I set here and read people concerned

about 144 bs...hmmm..... Anyway...I finally got disgusted enough to change my

whole way of eating and it has worked. My fasting bs yesturday was 116..I

absolutely can not eat bread, it is the worse thing. My fingers are sore, but it

is well worth it when I see my bs more near normal. I am on insulin as well as

glyburide and it is so discouraging when the combo of both doesnt work. I

suugest you check what foods you eat and maybe change the type of foods.It

worked for me...Good Luck

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, what kind of foods are you eating? I'd suggest the very first thing

you do is get a copy of " Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution " . Bernstein is a

type I for over 50 years in excellent control, and this book is an excellent

source of great information about pretty much everything relating to

diabetes. A lot of it is on the web at http://www.diabetes-normalsugars.com

Other than that we need more details to make any suggestion for you, but,

judging from your ups and downs, I'll be you are eating a lot of


Welcome! I'm glad you joined us.


> My name is and I am kinda new at these message boards. I have

> had type 1 diabetes for almost ten years. I have had my ups and downs

> with my sugar over the years, but I still find it so hard to keep my

> sugar under control for long periods of time.

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, what kind of foods are you eating? I'd suggest the very first thing

you do is get a copy of " Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution " . Bernstein is a

type I for over 50 years in excellent control, and this book is an excellent

source of great information about pretty much everything relating to

diabetes. A lot of it is on the web at http://www.diabetes-normalsugars.com

Other than that we need more details to make any suggestion for you, but,

judging from your ups and downs, I'll be you are eating a lot of


Welcome! I'm glad you joined us.


> My name is and I am kinda new at these message boards. I have

> had type 1 diabetes for almost ten years. I have had my ups and downs

> with my sugar over the years, but I still find it so hard to keep my

> sugar under control for long periods of time.

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, what kind of foods are you eating? I'd suggest the very first thing

you do is get a copy of " Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution " . Bernstein is a

type I for over 50 years in excellent control, and this book is an excellent

source of great information about pretty much everything relating to

diabetes. A lot of it is on the web at http://www.diabetes-normalsugars.com

Other than that we need more details to make any suggestion for you, but,

judging from your ups and downs, I'll be you are eating a lot of


Welcome! I'm glad you joined us.


> My name is and I am kinda new at these message boards. I have

> had type 1 diabetes for almost ten years. I have had my ups and downs

> with my sugar over the years, but I still find it so hard to keep my

> sugar under control for long periods of time.

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Hi ,

I'm type 1 for the last 25 years and have the exact same problems as you,

but may have some more answers.

While food, exercise, insulin regime and type etc may be the problem, there

are a few other things

that many of us have realised through trial, error and experimentation. You

also might want to look into using an insulin pump.

While women go through a monthly cycle, so do most men, and particularly

diabetics. Start making note of the days of high and low...I have in every

month 3 days of uncontrollable high, and 3 days of uncontrollable lows...no

amount of extra injections (sometimes tripling my insulin and 10 injections

in a day) or eating extra food (halving insulin dosage and eating 6 times

my normal amount) fixes these days...i just

stay prepared and don't get stressed out since there is absolutely nothing i

can do to fix it.

Also, there is another problem which it may be, but is probably less likely

since you have only been diabetic 10 years. This problem is one of the

long-term complications. Myself and many others I know suffer from it. it's

called autonomic neuropathy. Rather than being peripheral neuropathy which

damages and affects the peripheral nerves, it damages and affects the

internal nerves. What it basically does is slow down or speed up the

absorption time of insulin and food. It plays havoc with your control..one

friend who is severely affected can jump in an hour from 31 to 1.1.((558 to

20) It does

not matter what she eats or injects her body will sometimes absorb the

insulin and food immediately, and on other occasions take many hours to do

so, thus making control totally impossible.

The doctors find it very difficult to diagnose , and it is normally only

when you are an extreme case that they can definitely diagnose it. Ask your

doctor if you think this may be the problem, as there are a few ways he can

check, although many doctors do not recognise or admit it as a problem



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Hi ,

I'm type 1 for the last 25 years and have the exact same problems as you,

but may have some more answers.

While food, exercise, insulin regime and type etc may be the problem, there

are a few other things

that many of us have realised through trial, error and experimentation. You

also might want to look into using an insulin pump.

While women go through a monthly cycle, so do most men, and particularly

diabetics. Start making note of the days of high and low...I have in every

month 3 days of uncontrollable high, and 3 days of uncontrollable lows...no

amount of extra injections (sometimes tripling my insulin and 10 injections

in a day) or eating extra food (halving insulin dosage and eating 6 times

my normal amount) fixes these days...i just

stay prepared and don't get stressed out since there is absolutely nothing i

can do to fix it.

Also, there is another problem which it may be, but is probably less likely

since you have only been diabetic 10 years. This problem is one of the

long-term complications. Myself and many others I know suffer from it. it's

called autonomic neuropathy. Rather than being peripheral neuropathy which

damages and affects the peripheral nerves, it damages and affects the

internal nerves. What it basically does is slow down or speed up the

absorption time of insulin and food. It plays havoc with your control..one

friend who is severely affected can jump in an hour from 31 to 1.1.((558 to

20) It does

not matter what she eats or injects her body will sometimes absorb the

insulin and food immediately, and on other occasions take many hours to do

so, thus making control totally impossible.

The doctors find it very difficult to diagnose , and it is normally only

when you are an extreme case that they can definitely diagnose it. Ask your

doctor if you think this may be the problem, as there are a few ways he can

check, although many doctors do not recognise or admit it as a problem



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Hi ,

I'm type 1 for the last 25 years and have the exact same problems as you,

but may have some more answers.

While food, exercise, insulin regime and type etc may be the problem, there

are a few other things

that many of us have realised through trial, error and experimentation. You

also might want to look into using an insulin pump.

While women go through a monthly cycle, so do most men, and particularly

diabetics. Start making note of the days of high and low...I have in every

month 3 days of uncontrollable high, and 3 days of uncontrollable lows...no

amount of extra injections (sometimes tripling my insulin and 10 injections

in a day) or eating extra food (halving insulin dosage and eating 6 times

my normal amount) fixes these days...i just

stay prepared and don't get stressed out since there is absolutely nothing i

can do to fix it.

Also, there is another problem which it may be, but is probably less likely

since you have only been diabetic 10 years. This problem is one of the

long-term complications. Myself and many others I know suffer from it. it's

called autonomic neuropathy. Rather than being peripheral neuropathy which

damages and affects the peripheral nerves, it damages and affects the

internal nerves. What it basically does is slow down or speed up the

absorption time of insulin and food. It plays havoc with your control..one

friend who is severely affected can jump in an hour from 31 to 1.1.((558 to

20) It does

not matter what she eats or injects her body will sometimes absorb the

insulin and food immediately, and on other occasions take many hours to do

so, thus making control totally impossible.

The doctors find it very difficult to diagnose , and it is normally only

when you are an extreme case that they can definitely diagnose it. Ask your

doctor if you think this may be the problem, as there are a few ways he can

check, although many doctors do not recognise or admit it as a problem



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello mrglen2691@...,

In reference to your comment:

ð Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not

ð physically able to do the walking. I need some

ð motivation and suggestions.        

Hi Glenn, Welcome to the group, sorry you need us, but glad you found us :)

Most of us are fans of the Dr Bernstein book, Diabetic Solution, (guys is

that the name?) and he's into counting carbohydrates, many of us eat low to

moderate carb's per day...

somewhere between 20 grams of carb a day and about 120 is what i've seen on

this list. The folks on 120 are extremely active and also on insulin.

I eat on a usual day about 50 grams of carb mainly ones that are in cheese,

sausages, pepperoni, and the lower carbohydrate veggies like broccoli, and

greenbeans, spinach, cauliflower etc.

I do not count the amount of meat or fish or eggs i eat, just the amount of

carbs... I'm also flexible, and do have nutritional vacations, not outrageous

ones, but as an example for the christmas holiday week, i had small helpings

of mashed potatoes, and or stuffing.

I try to keep my bs readings under 140 fasting, and 2 hrs after eating.

I'm usually pretty content on this food plan, and have found it to give me a

lot of energy, as well as good blood sugars, including the HBA1C's, and i'm

now off of all medications....

When you are on insulin, tis very hard to lose wt, but one thing that you can

do esp with a bad back (trust me i have one) is to join a Y or some place

with an indoor heated pool, and do aqua therapy.... perhaps at first it could

be scheduled as physical therapy in a pool, and then move on to do it on your

own once you learn the exercises... I did this for about 9 mths as i could

not walk without a cane to begin with, and now i'm doing fine.

Hope this helps.

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Hello mrglen2691@...,

In reference to your comment:

ð Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not

ð physically able to do the walking. I need some

ð motivation and suggestions.        

Hi Glenn, Welcome to the group, sorry you need us, but glad you found us :)

Most of us are fans of the Dr Bernstein book, Diabetic Solution, (guys is

that the name?) and he's into counting carbohydrates, many of us eat low to

moderate carb's per day...

somewhere between 20 grams of carb a day and about 120 is what i've seen on

this list. The folks on 120 are extremely active and also on insulin.

I eat on a usual day about 50 grams of carb mainly ones that are in cheese,

sausages, pepperoni, and the lower carbohydrate veggies like broccoli, and

greenbeans, spinach, cauliflower etc.

I do not count the amount of meat or fish or eggs i eat, just the amount of

carbs... I'm also flexible, and do have nutritional vacations, not outrageous

ones, but as an example for the christmas holiday week, i had small helpings

of mashed potatoes, and or stuffing.

I try to keep my bs readings under 140 fasting, and 2 hrs after eating.

I'm usually pretty content on this food plan, and have found it to give me a

lot of energy, as well as good blood sugars, including the HBA1C's, and i'm

now off of all medications....

When you are on insulin, tis very hard to lose wt, but one thing that you can

do esp with a bad back (trust me i have one) is to join a Y or some place

with an indoor heated pool, and do aqua therapy.... perhaps at first it could

be scheduled as physical therapy in a pool, and then move on to do it on your

own once you learn the exercises... I did this for about 9 mths as i could

not walk without a cane to begin with, and now i'm doing fine.

Hope this helps.

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Hello mrglen2691@...,

In reference to your comment:

ð Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not

ð physically able to do the walking. I need some

ð motivation and suggestions.        

Hi Glenn, Welcome to the group, sorry you need us, but glad you found us :)

Most of us are fans of the Dr Bernstein book, Diabetic Solution, (guys is

that the name?) and he's into counting carbohydrates, many of us eat low to

moderate carb's per day...

somewhere between 20 grams of carb a day and about 120 is what i've seen on

this list. The folks on 120 are extremely active and also on insulin.

I eat on a usual day about 50 grams of carb mainly ones that are in cheese,

sausages, pepperoni, and the lower carbohydrate veggies like broccoli, and

greenbeans, spinach, cauliflower etc.

I do not count the amount of meat or fish or eggs i eat, just the amount of

carbs... I'm also flexible, and do have nutritional vacations, not outrageous

ones, but as an example for the christmas holiday week, i had small helpings

of mashed potatoes, and or stuffing.

I try to keep my bs readings under 140 fasting, and 2 hrs after eating.

I'm usually pretty content on this food plan, and have found it to give me a

lot of energy, as well as good blood sugars, including the HBA1C's, and i'm

now off of all medications....

When you are on insulin, tis very hard to lose wt, but one thing that you can

do esp with a bad back (trust me i have one) is to join a Y or some place

with an indoor heated pool, and do aqua therapy.... perhaps at first it could

be scheduled as physical therapy in a pool, and then move on to do it on your

own once you learn the exercises... I did this for about 9 mths as i could

not walk without a cane to begin with, and now i'm doing fine.

Hope this helps.

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Hi All,

I'm " forwarding " this to the group as I did not see it come through in

my regular e-mail. It did show up on the web-site list of group


Welcome Glenn!

Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the

walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.

--- End forwarded message ---

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Hi All,

I'm " forwarding " this to the group as I did not see it come through in

my regular e-mail. It did show up on the web-site list of group


Welcome Glenn!

Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the

walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.

--- End forwarded message ---

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Hi All,

I'm " forwarding " this to the group as I did not see it come through in

my regular e-mail. It did show up on the web-site list of group


Welcome Glenn!

Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the

walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.

--- End forwarded message ---

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Glenn wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

> insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

> loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

> and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

> with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

> nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

> need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the


> walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.


Well first of all, welcome to the group!

As far as dieting, there are lots of Low Carb and Moderate Carb eating

folks on the list here. Many have lost significant amounts of weight,

eating a lot broader range of food than green beans and carrots.

Check out these two links for the Low Carbohydrate way of eating (WOE)

and a wealth of information about Diabetes::

Dr. Bernstein's


Dr. Atkins


I'm sure you'll get lots of advice from everyone here!


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Glenn wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

> insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

> loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

> and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

> with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

> nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

> need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the


> walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.


Well first of all, welcome to the group!

As far as dieting, there are lots of Low Carb and Moderate Carb eating

folks on the list here. Many have lost significant amounts of weight,

eating a lot broader range of food than green beans and carrots.

Check out these two links for the Low Carbohydrate way of eating (WOE)

and a wealth of information about Diabetes::

Dr. Bernstein's


Dr. Atkins


I'm sure you'll get lots of advice from everyone here!


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Glenn wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on

> insulin. Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to

> loose 100 lbs. In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years

> and this is when I gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job

> with the school board and I lost 50lbs within two months eating

> nothing but green beans and carrots and a whole lot of walking. Now, I

> need to loose the 100 lbs and my body is not physically able to do the


> walking. I need some motivation and suggestions.


Well first of all, welcome to the group!

As far as dieting, there are lots of Low Carb and Moderate Carb eating

folks on the list here. Many have lost significant amounts of weight,

eating a lot broader range of food than green beans and carrots.

Check out these two links for the Low Carbohydrate way of eating (WOE)

and a wealth of information about Diabetes::

Dr. Bernstein's


Dr. Atkins


I'm sure you'll get lots of advice from everyone here!


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--- Hi Glenn, Welcome. THere are a lot of people here who will offer

a lot of help.

Bike riding is good and does not put the stress on the joints. I

have a bike in the livingroom for lack of any other place to put it!

If you are able to walk some, then it's good to do a little at a time

until you are able to do more. Every little bit of exercise helps

lower the blood sugar as well as building up strength in the leg


A good balanced diet is essential. There are a wide variety of

veggies out there, cauliflower, broccoli, spinich, green beans,to

name a few as well as peppers, lettuce, cucumbers and on it goes!

Fish and chicken are good choices as well as turkey. Fruits such as

strawberries and blueberries are good choices. Watch the amount of

carbs consumed and everything I have listed is low in carbs. Sugar

free desserts such as SF jello makes a nice dessert! There is so

much that can be eaten, a lot of recipes in the archives!

Testing is important 2 hours after eating to be sure of where the

blood sugar is, within the guidelines. Also on insulin I believe one

has to check blood sugar before eating, my husband does. Follow

whatever instructions the Dr. has given you.

You can do this!!!! One day at a time, one meal at a time! Each day

will become easier! What's good also is the diabetic list is here

for support when you need it!! We all have bad days, good days and

great days!

A lot on here are far more knowedgeable than I am and will give much

more information, but I am a cheer leader of sorts! Like the little

engine that could, keep thinking I think I can, I think I can as you

go onward one step at a time! All great accomplishments began with

just one step. As the weight comes down, the sugar levels will also

and you will be smiling away!

So again welcome. THings will happen-good things!


In diabetes_int@y..., mrglen2691@a... wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on


> Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to loose

100 lbs.

> In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years and this is

when I

> gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job with the school

board and I

> lost 50lbs within two months eating nothing but green beans and

carrots and a


> whole lot of walking. Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body

is not

> physically able to do the walking. I need some motivation and


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--- Hi Glenn, Welcome. THere are a lot of people here who will offer

a lot of help.

Bike riding is good and does not put the stress on the joints. I

have a bike in the livingroom for lack of any other place to put it!

If you are able to walk some, then it's good to do a little at a time

until you are able to do more. Every little bit of exercise helps

lower the blood sugar as well as building up strength in the leg


A good balanced diet is essential. There are a wide variety of

veggies out there, cauliflower, broccoli, spinich, green beans,to

name a few as well as peppers, lettuce, cucumbers and on it goes!

Fish and chicken are good choices as well as turkey. Fruits such as

strawberries and blueberries are good choices. Watch the amount of

carbs consumed and everything I have listed is low in carbs. Sugar

free desserts such as SF jello makes a nice dessert! There is so

much that can be eaten, a lot of recipes in the archives!

Testing is important 2 hours after eating to be sure of where the

blood sugar is, within the guidelines. Also on insulin I believe one

has to check blood sugar before eating, my husband does. Follow

whatever instructions the Dr. has given you.

You can do this!!!! One day at a time, one meal at a time! Each day

will become easier! What's good also is the diabetic list is here

for support when you need it!! We all have bad days, good days and

great days!

A lot on here are far more knowedgeable than I am and will give much

more information, but I am a cheer leader of sorts! Like the little

engine that could, keep thinking I think I can, I think I can as you

go onward one step at a time! All great accomplishments began with

just one step. As the weight comes down, the sugar levels will also

and you will be smiling away!

So again welcome. THings will happen-good things!


In diabetes_int@y..., mrglen2691@a... wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on


> Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to loose

100 lbs.

> In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years and this is

when I

> gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job with the school

board and I

> lost 50lbs within two months eating nothing but green beans and

carrots and a


> whole lot of walking. Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body

is not

> physically able to do the walking. I need some motivation and


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--- Hi Glenn, Welcome. THere are a lot of people here who will offer

a lot of help.

Bike riding is good and does not put the stress on the joints. I

have a bike in the livingroom for lack of any other place to put it!

If you are able to walk some, then it's good to do a little at a time

until you are able to do more. Every little bit of exercise helps

lower the blood sugar as well as building up strength in the leg


A good balanced diet is essential. There are a wide variety of

veggies out there, cauliflower, broccoli, spinich, green beans,to

name a few as well as peppers, lettuce, cucumbers and on it goes!

Fish and chicken are good choices as well as turkey. Fruits such as

strawberries and blueberries are good choices. Watch the amount of

carbs consumed and everything I have listed is low in carbs. Sugar

free desserts such as SF jello makes a nice dessert! There is so

much that can be eaten, a lot of recipes in the archives!

Testing is important 2 hours after eating to be sure of where the

blood sugar is, within the guidelines. Also on insulin I believe one

has to check blood sugar before eating, my husband does. Follow

whatever instructions the Dr. has given you.

You can do this!!!! One day at a time, one meal at a time! Each day

will become easier! What's good also is the diabetic list is here

for support when you need it!! We all have bad days, good days and

great days!

A lot on here are far more knowedgeable than I am and will give much

more information, but I am a cheer leader of sorts! Like the little

engine that could, keep thinking I think I can, I think I can as you

go onward one step at a time! All great accomplishments began with

just one step. As the weight comes down, the sugar levels will also

and you will be smiling away!

So again welcome. THings will happen-good things!


In diabetes_int@y..., mrglen2691@a... wrote:

> Hi, My name is Glenn, 54 year old type 2 Diabetics diagnosis 1995on


> Overweight. Doctor and heart specialists both says I need to loose

100 lbs.

> In 1982 I hurt my back and was inactive for 10 years and this is

when I

> gained most of my weight. In 1992 I wanted a job with the school

board and I

> lost 50lbs within two months eating nothing but green beans and

carrots and a


> whole lot of walking. Now, I need to loose the 100 lbs and my body

is not

> physically able to do the walking. I need some motivation and


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Get Dr. Atkins' book Diet Revolution. I think you would enjoy the diet.

You mostly eat meat, eggs, cheese, salads, and low-carb vegetables.

Also, you will enjoy reading how this diet for over 30 years has reduce

the complications of heart disease and reduced or eliminated meds for


Let me know if you get the book and want to do it. I can offer alot of

help. I lost 40 pounds earlier this year, my son lost 50. I am starting

on it again as of yesterday!


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