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My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days

before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before

and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her.

I went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she

was released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July

30th 2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not

in a millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She

was a very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been

almost 2 years that

I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your not

rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help. 

I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you in

your journey and prayer for us all.

Peaces Shanon

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Dear Shanon: Thank you for sharing your story. Reading these posts I know

that I am not alone in this journey. The journey is not fun, but having

each other and God make this journey possible. I have put both of my

in-laws in a nursing home. Those 2 days were the hardest I have been

through. You doubt what you are doing, doubt if it right thing to do,

etc. My heart was heavy, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to

do for both of them when the time came.

I am not sure of distances if moving her to a NH out where you live would

be an option. I hope that you find the best for your mother.

I wish you all the best!!!!

Vivian (husband dx with PD, then LBD in 2010, but something going in for at

least 8 years)

> **



> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom

> got very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down

> there and to my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before

> was completely different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were

> in and thought that she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of

> that your 5 days before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had

> never heard of it before and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know

> was I had to be there for her. I went back home put my stuff in storage and

> came back and was there when she was released from the hospital and have

> been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th 2010. This has been the

> hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a millions years did I

> think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a very healthy

> out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2 years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

> not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done

> a thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they

> dis-owned me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and

> on Xmas didn't call or even send a card... " what kind of person does that?

> I'm so disappointed in how people acted it still to this day I just don't

> get it, How do you abandon your own mother? that's sick! I've been looking

> for a nursing home for my mom because I can't keep this up to much longer

> and I need to get my life back on track or I'll be in big trouble. Neither

> one of us has money and I feel terrible having to put her in a home but I

> have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take care of myself I'll end

> up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's becoming more and

> more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that reading other

> peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was such a group

> until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of

> you in your journey and prayer for us all.


> Peaces Shanon



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Dear Shanon: Thank you for sharing your story. Reading these posts I know

that I am not alone in this journey. The journey is not fun, but having

each other and God make this journey possible. I have put both of my

in-laws in a nursing home. Those 2 days were the hardest I have been

through. You doubt what you are doing, doubt if it right thing to do,

etc. My heart was heavy, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to

do for both of them when the time came.

I am not sure of distances if moving her to a NH out where you live would

be an option. I hope that you find the best for your mother.

I wish you all the best!!!!

Vivian (husband dx with PD, then LBD in 2010, but something going in for at

least 8 years)

> **



> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom

> got very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down

> there and to my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before

> was completely different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were

> in and thought that she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of

> that your 5 days before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had

> never heard of it before and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know

> was I had to be there for her. I went back home put my stuff in storage and

> came back and was there when she was released from the hospital and have

> been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th 2010. This has been the

> hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a millions years did I

> think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a very healthy

> out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2 years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

> not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done

> a thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they

> dis-owned me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and

> on Xmas didn't call or even send a card... " what kind of person does that?

> I'm so disappointed in how people acted it still to this day I just don't

> get it, How do you abandon your own mother? that's sick! I've been looking

> for a nursing home for my mom because I can't keep this up to much longer

> and I need to get my life back on track or I'll be in big trouble. Neither

> one of us has money and I feel terrible having to put her in a home but I

> have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take care of myself I'll end

> up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's becoming more and

> more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that reading other

> peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was such a group

> until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of

> you in your journey and prayer for us all.


> Peaces Shanon



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Welcome Shanon, I'm sorry you had to come here but glad you did :).

You do sound exhausted. But you don't have to feel guilty. Nursing homes

have a negative reputation, and some are deserving of that, but there

ARE good ones out there, and sometimes the professionals can provide

care and routine to your mom that you simply can't. This is the case

with my mom, she has absolutely THRIVED with the expert care that she's

received these last 4 years and is doing so much better than any of us

expected! There's no way I could have given her the care and the kind of

help that she needed, but they did and she is so much better for it!

Obviously the choice of homes is key - but getting professional help for

your mom is not a bad thing, you are getting her the help that she - and

you - need.

I can't speak to your family issues, we can't change people or make them

do the right thing - it is what it is. But for doing the right thing and

being there for your mom you will be the one that is better off for

it :).




daughter/guardian of , dx 4/09 with LBD, living in a nearby NH

> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days before

Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before and

didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her. I

went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she was

released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th

2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a

millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a

very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2

years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your not

rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.

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Hi, .

Recognizing the need for a nursing home is a huge first step. For me, it

took some medical Drama and a lot of support before I could accept it.

Before anything else, go to www.medicare.gov and click on Facilities and

Doctors, then on Compare Nursing Homes. Medicare conducts yearly (or is it

semi yearly) inspections of all nursing facilities and scores them in

several different areas. You can find those that are considered the best

in you area, and you can determine who is the best in the areas you are

most concerned with. The best often have waiting lists, so it is important

to get your mom's name in ASAP in as many as you would find acceptable.

Moving someone with dementia isn't always a good idea, but if you end up

with a nursing home that you really don't like, you can move to another if

necessary. If you are concerned about paying for it, check into Medicaid

or other assistance right away. My mom's Medicaid application took 6

months, but the nursing home was patient about it and waited for

reimbursement (it was retroactive to the date that Mom entered the

facility). Start by checking the medicare.gov listings and then call the

county senior services ASAP to talk about help.

Best wishes.


> **



> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom

> got very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down

> there and to my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before

> was completely different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were

> in and thought that she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of

> that your 5 days before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had

> never heard of it before and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know

> was I had to be there for her. I went back home put my stuff in storage and

> came back and was there when she was released from the hospital and have

> been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th 2010. This has been the

> hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a millions years did I

> think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a very healthy

> out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2 years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

> not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done

> a thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they

> dis-owned me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and

> on Xmas didn't call or even send a card... " what kind of person does that?

> I'm so disappointed in how people acted it still to this day I just don't

> get it, How do you abandon your own mother? that's sick! I've been looking

> for a nursing home for my mom because I can't keep this up to much longer

> and I need to get my life back on track or I'll be in big trouble. Neither

> one of us has money and I feel terrible having to put her in a home but I

> have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take care of myself I'll end

> up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's becoming more and

> more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that reading other

> peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was such a group

> until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of

> you in your journey and prayer for us all.


> Peaces Shanon



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Guest guest

Hi ,

Sorry to read about your mom and especially about your " family. " Your mom is

lucky to have you.

Many of us have placed our parents in care facilities. There are some good

facilities around, so our parents can receive decent care. I see the spouses in

the local support group suffering physically and emotionally when they DON'T

place their LBD spouses in a care facility. As you know, taking care of someone

7x24 is tough on the body, mind, and spirit. I wish more of the spouses would

consider placing their family member as I think the caregiver spouse could be

" saved. " It's a tough situation, especially since you love your mom so much.



> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days

before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before

and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her.

I went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she

was released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July

30th 2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not

in a millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She

was a very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been

almost 2 years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your not

rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help. 


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.


> Peaces Shanon



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Hi ,

Sorry to read about your mom and especially about your " family. " Your mom is

lucky to have you.

Many of us have placed our parents in care facilities. There are some good

facilities around, so our parents can receive decent care. I see the spouses in

the local support group suffering physically and emotionally when they DON'T

place their LBD spouses in a care facility. As you know, taking care of someone

7x24 is tough on the body, mind, and spirit. I wish more of the spouses would

consider placing their family member as I think the caregiver spouse could be

" saved. " It's a tough situation, especially since you love your mom so much.



> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days

before Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before

and didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her.

I went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she

was released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July

30th 2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not

in a millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She

was a very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been

almost 2 years that

> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your not

rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help. 


> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.


> Peaces Shanon



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I very sick with the flu , l'll amswer all you when im well

Peace Shanon

Sent from my MetroPCS Wireless Phone

Sherry UpNorth wrote:

>Welcome Shanon, I'm sorry you had to come here but glad you did :).


>You do sound exhausted. But you don't have to feel guilty. Nursing homes

>have a negative reputation, and some are deserving of that, but there

>ARE good ones out there, and sometimes the professionals can provide

>care and routine to your mom that you simply can't. This is the case

>with my mom, she has absolutely THRIVED with the expert care that she's

>received these last 4 years and is doing so much better than any of us

>expected! There's no way I could have given her the care and the kind of

>help that she needed, but they did and she is so much better for it!


>Obviously the choice of homes is key - but getting professional help for

>your mom is not a bad thing, you are getting her the help that she - and

>you - need.


>I can't speak to your family issues, we can't change people or make them

>do the right thing - it is what it is. But for doing the right thing and

>being there for your mom you will be the one that is better off for

>it :).





>daughter/guardian of , dx 4/09 with LBD, living in a nearby NH



>> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days before

Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before and

didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her. I

went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she was

released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th

2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a

millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a

very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2

years that

>> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


>> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

>> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.


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I very sick with the flu , l'll amswer all you when im well

Peace Shanon

Sent from my MetroPCS Wireless Phone

Sherry UpNorth wrote:

>Welcome Shanon, I'm sorry you had to come here but glad you did :).


>You do sound exhausted. But you don't have to feel guilty. Nursing homes

>have a negative reputation, and some are deserving of that, but there

>ARE good ones out there, and sometimes the professionals can provide

>care and routine to your mom that you simply can't. This is the case

>with my mom, she has absolutely THRIVED with the expert care that she's

>received these last 4 years and is doing so much better than any of us

>expected! There's no way I could have given her the care and the kind of

>help that she needed, but they did and she is so much better for it!


>Obviously the choice of homes is key - but getting professional help for

>your mom is not a bad thing, you are getting her the help that she - and

>you - need.


>I can't speak to your family issues, we can't change people or make them

>do the right thing - it is what it is. But for doing the right thing and

>being there for your mom you will be the one that is better off for

>it :).





>daughter/guardian of , dx 4/09 with LBD, living in a nearby NH



>> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days before

Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before and

didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her. I

went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she was

released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th

2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a

millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a

very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2

years that

>> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


>> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

>> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.


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I very sick with the flu , l'll amswer all you when im well

Peace Shanon

Sent from my MetroPCS Wireless Phone

Sherry UpNorth wrote:

>Welcome Shanon, I'm sorry you had to come here but glad you did :).


>You do sound exhausted. But you don't have to feel guilty. Nursing homes

>have a negative reputation, and some are deserving of that, but there

>ARE good ones out there, and sometimes the professionals can provide

>care and routine to your mom that you simply can't. This is the case

>with my mom, she has absolutely THRIVED with the expert care that she's

>received these last 4 years and is doing so much better than any of us

>expected! There's no way I could have given her the care and the kind of

>help that she needed, but they did and she is so much better for it!


>Obviously the choice of homes is key - but getting professional help for

>your mom is not a bad thing, you are getting her the help that she - and

>you - need.


>I can't speak to your family issues, we can't change people or make them

>do the right thing - it is what it is. But for doing the right thing and

>being there for your mom you will be the one that is better off for

>it :).





>daughter/guardian of , dx 4/09 with LBD, living in a nearby NH



>> My name is Shanon and I have lived in SF since 1990. In July 2010 my mom got

very sick and ended up in a psych ward in Glendale , CA I flew down there and to

my surprise the mom that I had just talked to 2 days before was completely

different. She didn't know where she was, what state we were in and thought that

she worked at the hospital..I was in shock! in Dec of that your 5 days before

Christmas my mom was diagnosed with LBD. I had never heard of it before and

didn't know what to expect or do, all I know was I had to be there for her. I

went back home put my stuff in storage and came back and was there when she was

released from the hospital and have been her sole caregiver 24/7 since July 30th

2010. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and not in a

millions years did I think something like this could happen to my mom. She was a

very healthy out going person. A massage therapist as well. It's been almost 2

years that

>> I've been in LA and it's taking it's toll on me and unfortunately if your

not rich, you pretty much screwed when it comes to help.


>> I thought that my " so called family " would be there, but they haven't done a

thing. My brother and sister who I haven't talked to in 20 years( they dis-owned

me because I'm gay) hasn't called her in months and on Xmas didn't call or even

send a card... " what kind of person does that? I'm so disappointed in how people

acted it still to this day I just don't get it, How do you abandon your own

mother? that's sick! I've been looking for a nursing home for my mom because I

can't keep this up to much longer and I need to get my life back on track or

I'll be in big trouble. Neither one of us has money and I feel terrible having

to put her in a home but I have no choice, I'm all she has and if I don't take

care of myself I'll end up sick and homeless. I try to stay positive but it's

becoming more and more hard to do, that's why I joined this group in hopes that

reading other peoples stories well give me strength. I had no idea there was

such a group until

>> a few days ago. I now know that I'm not alone. I wish the best to all of you

in your journey and prayer for us all.


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