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Re: good evening

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Hi, Becky.

Welcome to the list. You will find list participants here helpful and

caring. You'll also find that we tend to have strong opinions and are not

shy about expressing them. <g> But while we may disagree occasionally about

the finer points of living with diabetes, all of us are apostles of diabetic


I can certainly understand your uncertainty and, perhaps, confusion. But

know this: you can manage your diabetes. It doesn't have to be the end of

the world and it need not rule your life. You will most likely have to make

some lifestyle changes, e.g., change some eating habits and exercise a bit

more, but it need not be onerous and, as mendosa puts it, you'll

probably end up healthier and feeling better once you are under good control

and master of your diabetes than you have been in years.

Diabetes is one of the few diseases where *you* are in control of its

treatment. That's scary for some but need not be. You are in the driver's

seat. And there are rich rewards for diligence: if you keep your blood

glucose (blood sugar) under rigid control, you need not face all those scary

complications I'm sure you've heard about and dread.

There are no dumb questions here. So ask away.


Mike Freeman

Good evening

> Hi Everyone:


> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn from

> you all as well as contribute to the group.


> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

> participating on this list.


> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Becky.

Welcome to the list. You will find list participants here helpful and

caring. You'll also find that we tend to have strong opinions and are not

shy about expressing them. <g> But while we may disagree occasionally about

the finer points of living with diabetes, all of us are apostles of diabetic


I can certainly understand your uncertainty and, perhaps, confusion. But

know this: you can manage your diabetes. It doesn't have to be the end of

the world and it need not rule your life. You will most likely have to make

some lifestyle changes, e.g., change some eating habits and exercise a bit

more, but it need not be onerous and, as mendosa puts it, you'll

probably end up healthier and feeling better once you are under good control

and master of your diabetes than you have been in years.

Diabetes is one of the few diseases where *you* are in control of its

treatment. That's scary for some but need not be. You are in the driver's

seat. And there are rich rewards for diligence: if you keep your blood

glucose (blood sugar) under rigid control, you need not face all those scary

complications I'm sure you've heard about and dread.

There are no dumb questions here. So ask away.


Mike Freeman

Good evening

> Hi Everyone:


> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn from

> you all as well as contribute to the group.


> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

> participating on this list.


> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, I am Grady, a Black Labrador from Guiding Eyes.

My master, Cy Selfridge also known as the Ancient Okie is blind and his

sighted wife, Crystal, is the one with Diabetes.

I have heard them talking about the good information which they have

received from this list and I think your Mistress will also benefit


These seem to be good folk on this list and they have all struggled with

their Diabetes but have found many ways to deal competently with it.

You could also help your mistress with her diet. Just tell her to let

you have all of the things she should not eat! Sound like a good idea?

I have tried this with Crystal but, so far, it has fallen on deaf ears.


Take care and make sure Becky listens to and follows you.

Grady, the Labrador Recliner...

Re: Good evening

Hi, Becky.

Welcome to the list. You will find list participants here helpful and

caring. You'll also find that we tend to have strong opinions and are


shy about expressing them. <g> But while we may disagree occasionally


the finer points of living with diabetes, all of us are apostles of



I can certainly understand your uncertainty and, perhaps, confusion. But

know this: you can manage your diabetes. It doesn't have to be the end


the world and it need not rule your life. You will most likely have to


some lifestyle changes, e.g., change some eating habits and exercise a


more, but it need not be onerous and, as mendosa puts it, you'll

probably end up healthier and feeling better once you are under good


and master of your diabetes than you have been in years.

Diabetes is one of the few diseases where *you* are in control of its

treatment. That's scary for some but need not be. You are in the


seat. And there are rich rewards for diligence: if you keep your blood

glucose (blood sugar) under rigid control, you need not face all those


complications I'm sure you've heard about and dread.

There are no dumb questions here. So ask away.


Mike Freeman

Good evening

> Hi Everyone:


> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

> from

> you all as well as contribute to the group.


> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

> participating on this list.


> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, I am Grady, a Black Labrador from Guiding Eyes.

My master, Cy Selfridge also known as the Ancient Okie is blind and his

sighted wife, Crystal, is the one with Diabetes.

I have heard them talking about the good information which they have

received from this list and I think your Mistress will also benefit


These seem to be good folk on this list and they have all struggled with

their Diabetes but have found many ways to deal competently with it.

You could also help your mistress with her diet. Just tell her to let

you have all of the things she should not eat! Sound like a good idea?

I have tried this with Crystal but, so far, it has fallen on deaf ears.


Take care and make sure Becky listens to and follows you.

Grady, the Labrador Recliner...

Re: Good evening

Hi, Becky.

Welcome to the list. You will find list participants here helpful and

caring. You'll also find that we tend to have strong opinions and are


shy about expressing them. <g> But while we may disagree occasionally


the finer points of living with diabetes, all of us are apostles of



I can certainly understand your uncertainty and, perhaps, confusion. But

know this: you can manage your diabetes. It doesn't have to be the end


the world and it need not rule your life. You will most likely have to


some lifestyle changes, e.g., change some eating habits and exercise a


more, but it need not be onerous and, as mendosa puts it, you'll

probably end up healthier and feeling better once you are under good


and master of your diabetes than you have been in years.

Diabetes is one of the few diseases where *you* are in control of its

treatment. That's scary for some but need not be. You are in the


seat. And there are rich rewards for diligence: if you keep your blood

glucose (blood sugar) under rigid control, you need not face all those


complications I'm sure you've heard about and dread.

There are no dumb questions here. So ask away.


Mike Freeman

Good evening

> Hi Everyone:


> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

> from

> you all as well as contribute to the group.


> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

> from

> participating on this list.


> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Becky, Welcome to the list. I really enjoy this list and it is very

informative. My husband has diabetes and I am trying to control what sugar I

eat. You will do fine. It will be hard at first but that is what we are here

for. We will try to encourage you as we all know whets it is like. Love and

Hugs Nan

Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Becky, Welcome to the list. I really enjoy this list and it is very

informative. My husband has diabetes and I am trying to control what sugar I

eat. You will do fine. It will be hard at first but that is what we are here

for. We will try to encourage you as we all know whets it is like. Love and

Hugs Nan

Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Becky, Welcome to the list. I really enjoy this list and it is very

informative. My husband has diabetes and I am trying to control what sugar I

eat. You will do fine. It will be hard at first but that is what we are here

for. We will try to encourage you as we all know whets it is like. Love and

Hugs Nan

Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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HI Mike:

It sounds like I will fit in here. I've been accused of being opinionated

more than once and must admit that this is true.

Part of my frustration isn't having Diabetes. To me, the fact that I now

have to be careful what I eat, which means that I do have to behave in at

least one aspect of my life, is no big deal. The thing that is really

frustrating me is that I don't meet with a dietitian until February first so

I have no clue whether the things that I am doing on my own are even close

to what I should be doing.

My other big concern is that my doctor doesn't want me testing even though

I've expressed to her that nearly everyone on my father's side of the family

has been Diabetic. I'm concerned that my doctor is looking at my weight

problem and just assuming I am Type Two when I could be Type One like the

rest of my family and that things could get out of control quickly.

Having these concerns in mind I decided not to wait until I saw a dietitian

who will probably tell me to live on lettuce and celery because of my high

cholesterol and Diabetes, but rather, to start doing some things on my own

and seeking out the knowledge of others with more experience than I have.

I've managed to lose a few pounds in the process so must be doing something

right, but I'm still consuming liquids at triple the amount that is normal

for me.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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HI Mike:

It sounds like I will fit in here. I've been accused of being opinionated

more than once and must admit that this is true.

Part of my frustration isn't having Diabetes. To me, the fact that I now

have to be careful what I eat, which means that I do have to behave in at

least one aspect of my life, is no big deal. The thing that is really

frustrating me is that I don't meet with a dietitian until February first so

I have no clue whether the things that I am doing on my own are even close

to what I should be doing.

My other big concern is that my doctor doesn't want me testing even though

I've expressed to her that nearly everyone on my father's side of the family

has been Diabetic. I'm concerned that my doctor is looking at my weight

problem and just assuming I am Type Two when I could be Type One like the

rest of my family and that things could get out of control quickly.

Having these concerns in mind I decided not to wait until I saw a dietitian

who will probably tell me to live on lettuce and celery because of my high

cholesterol and Diabetes, but rather, to start doing some things on my own

and seeking out the knowledge of others with more experience than I have.

I've managed to lose a few pounds in the process so must be doing something

right, but I'm still consuming liquids at triple the amount that is normal

for me.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Grady:

Well, she won't let me have all of those good things to eat because I have

severe food allergies and if I eat something that I shouldn't my ears get

all infected and it hurts to chew.

I truly think she is mean for not giving me her plate and letting me remove

anything that she shouldn't have, but she is the boss around here. Even my

other human, Bob, who is her husband, can't get anywhere on my behalf when

it comes to food.

I do spend a lot of time in her recliner, however, and sleep on the bed, so

I guess life isn't all bad around here. But, I would sure love to have had

all of those snacks and that sugary soda she gave away right around


Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>> from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Grady:

Well, she won't let me have all of those good things to eat because I have

severe food allergies and if I eat something that I shouldn't my ears get

all infected and it hurts to chew.

I truly think she is mean for not giving me her plate and letting me remove

anything that she shouldn't have, but she is the boss around here. Even my

other human, Bob, who is her husband, can't get anywhere on my behalf when

it comes to food.

I do spend a lot of time in her recliner, however, and sleep on the bed, so

I guess life isn't all bad around here. But, I would sure love to have had

all of those snacks and that sugary soda she gave away right around


Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>> from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Grady:

Well, she won't let me have all of those good things to eat because I have

severe food allergies and if I eat something that I shouldn't my ears get

all infected and it hurts to chew.

I truly think she is mean for not giving me her plate and letting me remove

anything that she shouldn't have, but she is the boss around here. Even my

other human, Bob, who is her husband, can't get anywhere on my behalf when

it comes to food.

I do spend a lot of time in her recliner, however, and sleep on the bed, so

I guess life isn't all bad around here. But, I would sure love to have had

all of those snacks and that sugary soda she gave away right around


Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>> Hi Everyone:


>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>> from

>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>> from

>> participating on this list.


>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Welcome to the list. There are allot of good people on this list who

know allot about diabettiees. I've learned allot from the people on the

list. I've learned how to keep my blood sugar readings under control

thanks to the people on this list. I'm sure you'll be able to find the help

and support that you need from this list

I don't understand why your doctor doesn't want you to test. I'm glad

you've lost some weight. That will help to keep those blood sugar readings

in check along with some exercise. I don't know how the other members of

the group feel about this but I do think it is important to test yourself

and see what your blood sugar readings are.


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Welcome to the list. There are allot of good people on this list who

know allot about diabettiees. I've learned allot from the people on the

list. I've learned how to keep my blood sugar readings under control

thanks to the people on this list. I'm sure you'll be able to find the help

and support that you need from this list

I don't understand why your doctor doesn't want you to test. I'm glad

you've lost some weight. That will help to keep those blood sugar readings

in check along with some exercise. I don't know how the other members of

the group feel about this but I do think it is important to test yourself

and see what your blood sugar readings are.


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Welcome to the list. There are allot of good people on this list who

know allot about diabettiees. I've learned allot from the people on the

list. I've learned how to keep my blood sugar readings under control

thanks to the people on this list. I'm sure you'll be able to find the help

and support that you need from this list

I don't understand why your doctor doesn't want you to test. I'm glad

you've lost some weight. That will help to keep those blood sugar readings

in check along with some exercise. I don't know how the other members of

the group feel about this but I do think it is important to test yourself

and see what your blood sugar readings are.


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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HI Nan:

My biggest problem is simply knowing what to avoid altogether, what I can

have in limited quantities and how much, and what I can consume without a

lot of concern.

One thing that really amazed me when I was first diagnosed in December was

when I told my husband, Bob, and a friend, Marcie, both of them had the same

reaction. I told them separately, however, both of them kept apologizing as

if offering condolences to me. when I made the comment that I have Diabetes

and am very much alive, Bob realized what he had said and we both laughed.

Marcie, however, hasn't called since and when I've called her she is always

busy or out.

Bob is being very supportive. He made it clear after his initial reaction

that we are in this together and we'll deal with it together. He's become

fantastic at reading labels and comparing products. He is also learning to

accept the fact that I have cut my portions down, not only in size, but some

things like cake, out altogether until I can find something comparable.

I thank you for your warm welcome to this group and I hope to learn a lot

here and perhaps help someone out along the way myself.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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HI Nan:

My biggest problem is simply knowing what to avoid altogether, what I can

have in limited quantities and how much, and what I can consume without a

lot of concern.

One thing that really amazed me when I was first diagnosed in December was

when I told my husband, Bob, and a friend, Marcie, both of them had the same

reaction. I told them separately, however, both of them kept apologizing as

if offering condolences to me. when I made the comment that I have Diabetes

and am very much alive, Bob realized what he had said and we both laughed.

Marcie, however, hasn't called since and when I've called her she is always

busy or out.

Bob is being very supportive. He made it clear after his initial reaction

that we are in this together and we'll deal with it together. He's become

fantastic at reading labels and comparing products. He is also learning to

accept the fact that I have cut my portions down, not only in size, but some

things like cake, out altogether until I can find something comparable.

I thank you for your warm welcome to this group and I hope to learn a lot

here and perhaps help someone out along the way myself.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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HI Nan:

My biggest problem is simply knowing what to avoid altogether, what I can

have in limited quantities and how much, and what I can consume without a

lot of concern.

One thing that really amazed me when I was first diagnosed in December was

when I told my husband, Bob, and a friend, Marcie, both of them had the same

reaction. I told them separately, however, both of them kept apologizing as

if offering condolences to me. when I made the comment that I have Diabetes

and am very much alive, Bob realized what he had said and we both laughed.

Marcie, however, hasn't called since and when I've called her she is always

busy or out.

Bob is being very supportive. He made it clear after his initial reaction

that we are in this together and we'll deal with it together. He's become

fantastic at reading labels and comparing products. He is also learning to

accept the fact that I have cut my portions down, not only in size, but some

things like cake, out altogether until I can find something comparable.

I thank you for your warm welcome to this group and I hope to learn a lot

here and perhaps help someone out along the way myself.

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>> Hi Everyone:


>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>> from

>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>> participating on this list.


>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Terri:

My doctor's thinking is that she doesn't want to overwhelm me with

everything all at once because she is concerned that, once overwhelmed, I

won't do what is needed to take care of myself. What she can't seem to

understand is that by not allowing me to do what I already know I should be

doing I am feeling very overwhelmed and frustrated.

Poor Bob had to deal with me having a melt-down the other day simply out of

frustration because I have no clue how much of what I should really be

eating. I've been seriously tempted to purchase a glucose monitor on my own

and hope that the thing comes with instructions and test whether or not my

doctor approves.

One thing I have decided for certain, though, is when I get my next A1C

results if I still can't convince the doctor that I just might be right

about what is going on that I am going to go to another doctor about my

diabetes. I like my doctor except for this one issue which really frustrates


Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>> from

>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>>> participating on this list.


>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Terri:

My doctor's thinking is that she doesn't want to overwhelm me with

everything all at once because she is concerned that, once overwhelmed, I

won't do what is needed to take care of myself. What she can't seem to

understand is that by not allowing me to do what I already know I should be

doing I am feeling very overwhelmed and frustrated.

Poor Bob had to deal with me having a melt-down the other day simply out of

frustration because I have no clue how much of what I should really be

eating. I've been seriously tempted to purchase a glucose monitor on my own

and hope that the thing comes with instructions and test whether or not my

doctor approves.

One thing I have decided for certain, though, is when I get my next A1C

results if I still can't convince the doctor that I just might be right

about what is going on that I am going to go to another doctor about my

diabetes. I like my doctor except for this one issue which really frustrates


Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>> from

>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain from

>>>> participating on this list.


>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Becky, I think that it is a good idea that you're thinking about

getting a glucometer. The people on this list can help you learn how to

use it if you need any help with that. Mine came with taped instructions.

I also think that if you can't get your doctor to agree with you regarding

the testing that you should find another doctor to see. I hope that you

won't have to do that if your doctor is good with everything else.


Good evening



>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>> from

>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>> from

>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Becky, I think that it is a good idea that you're thinking about

getting a glucometer. The people on this list can help you learn how to

use it if you need any help with that. Mine came with taped instructions.

I also think that if you can't get your doctor to agree with you regarding

the testing that you should find another doctor to see. I hope that you

won't have to do that if your doctor is good with everything else.


Good evening



>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>> from

>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>> from

>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi, Becky, I think that it is a good idea that you're thinking about

getting a glucometer. The people on this list can help you learn how to

use it if you need any help with that. Mine came with taped instructions.

I also think that if you can't get your doctor to agree with you regarding

the testing that you should find another doctor to see. I hope that you

won't have to do that if your doctor is good with everything else.


Good evening



>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>> from

>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I was

>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>> from

>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Terri:

I sure don't want to start looking for a new doctor since I just went

through that in December. I do like her and would like to give her a chance

to figure out that I am proactive when it comes to my medical care and that

I don't sit back and wait to be told what to do. I learned the hard way a

long time ago with my dogs not to sit back when I think something is wrong

and needs taken care of.

Like I said if I don't get satisfactory results soon I'm not going to mess

around. I know just enough about Diabetes to know better than to sit back

and do nothing.

I appreciate your thoughts here and do agree with what you are saying. I've

heard that I can buy some of the standard meters and then purchase the

speech box separately. Do you know which meters, if any, will work this way?

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>>> from

>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>> was

>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>> from

>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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Hi Terri:

I sure don't want to start looking for a new doctor since I just went

through that in December. I do like her and would like to give her a chance

to figure out that I am proactive when it comes to my medical care and that

I don't sit back and wait to be told what to do. I learned the hard way a

long time ago with my dogs not to sit back when I think something is wrong

and needs taken care of.

Like I said if I don't get satisfactory results soon I'm not going to mess

around. I know just enough about Diabetes to know better than to sit back

and do nothing.

I appreciate your thoughts here and do agree with what you are saying. I've

heard that I can buy some of the standard meters and then purchase the

speech box separately. Do you know which meters, if any, will work this way?

Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle


Good evening



>>>>>> Hi Everyone:


>>>>>> I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. I'm hoping to learn

>>>>>> from

>>>>>> you all as well as contribute to the group.


>>>>>> While I've been blind since birth, Diabetes is new to me in that I

>>>>>> was

>>>>>> diagnosed in late December. I know about a thumbnail's worth about

>>>>>> Diabetes from family members and friends, but don't feel that I know

>>>>>> enough yet to manage my own Diabetes.


>>>>>> Thanks in advance for all of the knowledge that I know I will gain

>>>>>> from

>>>>>> participating on this list.


>>>>>> Becky and Cassidy, Pilot Dog, Poodle

>>>>>> maddpoodle27@...



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