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Exercise Fans, need some advice

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> That is a great idea! Just reminded me I have an old Simons

> tape I used to love to work out to. All the old songs! :)




> <<<I will just

> have to plug in my CD's and dance for exercise.. DON'T LOOK! LOL


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Try Freecycle, my local ones are always giving away treadmills




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If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

-- Hermann Hesse

Re: Re: Exercise Fans, need some advice

> Well there is no room in my budget for more thn $100 to spend on

> equipemnt that I am unsure I even CAN use. Even if it was the greatest

> thing on earth I couldn't afford more than that and i have accouts with

> Fingerhut and Sears will NOT give me one. SO that is out of the

> question. I am thinking cheap treatmill this year and maybe next year a

> better one, but with the money I owe right now I am going to be payign

> medical bills along with $350 a month for meds and I just don't have

> extra for exercise equipment. my food is costing me around $110 a week

> as well as I have to eat different and more expensive foods too. All

> this is adding up to alot more than I make.So I may just save up to buy

> a bettter bed so I won't mind staying in it all the time if I have to.

> Right now I am sleeping on a daybed that I have slept on for the last

> 4.5 years an I am thinking it is at least part of my back trouble. OUCH!

> Maybe I will save my money and just buy the waterbed I have eyed for the

> last year and a half I want.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/






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Check out some used equipment. People buy exercise equipment all the

time and then never use it, the resale value of it is not that good

so you can pick up some good equipment very inexpensively many

times. If you're interested in a little more, free weights and bands

will give you a great workout and they are very reasonably priced,

even Walmart and Target carry them now.


> Well there is no room in my budget for more thn $100 to spend on

> equipemnt that I am unsure I even CAN use. Even if it was the greatest

> thing on earth I couldn't afford more than that and i have accouts

> with

> Fingerhut and Sears will NOT give me one. SO that is out of the

> question. I am thinking cheap treatmill this year and maybe next

> year a


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You might find some help in one of the large exercise balls that

build up your core muscles (the trunk muscles). Sit ups done on the

floor are not a good exercise, but done on the ball are great for

your core, your abdomen and your back, and it won't hurt your back at

all. You can do a ton of different exercises on them, plus it's

fun. They're also very inexpensive.



> While this sounds good, I am not that sedentary. I am in better

> physical shape than most women at 40. I do wrestle with 150+ pound

> dogs and lift them into my tub and brush and stand and walk all day

> at work. It is not a desk job! LOL And unfortunately that window

> when my Diabetes might have been controlled by diet & exercise, my

> doctor took from me by not informing me of my high sugar three

> years ago. Also I have lost over 90 pounds the last year & a half

> so it is not like I haven't pulled the easy weight off. I have not

> been able to do sit ups since I was 15 years old for the pain they

> cause me. And I was an acrobat and a ballet dancer then. While

> grooming has kept me fairly fit for my age, it has also beat the

> HELL out of me over the years from injuries. Most groomers retire

> to a more sedentary job LONG before they have been at it as long as

> I have been. I only know ONE other groomer that has been grooming

> as long as I have out of the 2000 or so I know online! And ! she

> hasn't quite caught me by one year! LOL


> .



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Jumping is great aerobic exercise. Ever tried jumping rope for 15

minutes straight? Unless you're in great shape, you won't be able to

do it. It will kick most people's butts in about 2 minutes, that's

if you can last that long. Jumping on the mini tramps isn't as high

intensity as jumping rope, but it's still great exercise and the

trampolines cushion the impact of the jumping so it's easier on the

feet and joints. It's an excellent exercise for the lymph movement

and it will burn calories and blood sugar like you wouldn't believe.

We have a large trampoline outside for the kids. When my daughter's

blood sugar climbs too high, we send her outside to jump. In 10 - 15

minutes she can lower her blood sugar 100 points.

You can jog in place on a mini tramp, dance or do any number of

different kinds of movements. It's a lot of fun. We have one in our

exercise room and every kid that comes in my house has to get on it.

They love it!! The mini tramp was the first thing I was able to use

after my foot surgery. I could jump on that well before I could get

back on the treadmill.


> About the trampoline, I can't fathom bouncing on that for a full

> half hour. It would make anyone dizzy after ten minutes...LOL! I've

> read articles about it and they recommend ten minutes and not

> anymore, at a time. I've tried it and it doesn't seem to be a form

> of aerobic activity but, Tradeau recommends it for really

> boosting your immune system. Maybe that's how your ex-mother-in-law

> conquered diabetes with it?




> .



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I think you may get a better workout via the treadmill because you

can engage all of your body, move your arms, etc... I think with the

bike you just work the lower portion.

As to which is less stressful on the lower back, I don't know. Do

you have a department store or gym equipment store nearby, so you can

maybe go check it out personally?

Let us know what the answer is.


> I always preferred the treadmill to the bike. The bikes always hurt

> my bum no matter which kind of seat they had. Back in the day, I

> also found that you could add arm circle or other actions to make a

> more difficult work out on the treadmill; but off course now we want

> easier.


> I have a power treadmill (that I haven't been on in a few months,

> but will definitely get back to) but I have been on a friend's non-

> motorized before and it seemed pretty good to me.


> Just my 2 cents.


> Kris (GA)

> ---

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I would go for the treadmill, but get a powered one itstead.

Something that small is unstable & doesn't let you get the proper

length of stride.

It's also narrow, which doesn't give you room to have any variation

in the width of your feet. It's easy to hit the edge. The arm

stabilzer is in an ackward place. Your arns should be next to you,

not in front of you. Also, most of these aren't meant to bear the

weight of heavy walkers/runners. The parts usually break fairly


You also are working in an odd manner when you have to push on the

belt. The treadmill gives you a better all-over workout. You are

using your arms & upper body. Your balancing mechanisms are engaged.

The manual one doesn't let you use your arms. You need to hold that

front bar in order to get a sufficient push to get it going.

Have you checked out what options might be available second-hand in

your area? Classified, yard sales, used sporting good stores,

CraigsList <if anything in your neck of the woods>, Ebay, clearance

at a local gym, etc?

I picked up a used Pro-Form Space Saver that folds up against a

wall. It retailed for over $1100. I found it for just $300 at a

moving sale. It was pratically new. I think they used it once. I've

had it for 4-5 years now. It takes up a more room than the one your

looking at, but the durability & versatility were worth it for the


It's taken a pounding & still works beautifully. Living in the NE

with inclement weather, it was a help to exercise when the weather

was bad. I did some of my marathon training on it. I started using

it when I was 180lbs (I should be 130). My doctor had me convinced

my physical problems & weight weren't hypo - I was just lazy & fat.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got down to 145 & ran a few marathons (not

fast). My first one took 6h/24min. My fastest was 5h/30m.

I do think the 4 marathons that I did in 3 years contributed to some

of my adrenal stress. Endurance running <I know now> also

predisposes one to low iron. I didn't take iron supplements & my doc

looked at me like I was crazy when I asked her to test my iron

levels because I didn't feel like I was recovering as well as I

should for the amount of running I did. I brought up " exercise-

induced anemia " & she just went " uh..huh " . I guess she just thought

I should be tired because I was running. Sheesh...

The final straw was that I significantly uppped my soy milk & tofu

consumption during this period, wanting to eat as healthily as

possible. Ouch...that was a thyroid trifecta - endurance stress +

low iron + major goitrogen! Throw extra work & life stress on top of

already being hypo - oh, boy.

ANYWAY, now that I've bored you all to tears with my story...I still

love my treadmill. At this point I only pop on it for 10 minutes at

a time, 2.5mph. I tried building up to 20 or 30 minute sessions, but

I can't hold that. Once I got up to 3 weekly sessions of 20 minutes,

with one " long " walk of 30 minutes (days off in between), I was

pooped out for days afterward.

This seems so frustrating to me because I used to love to go out for

an hour run & clock 5 miles easy. Maybe now that I'm FINALLY on my

thyroid med (Westthroid came in the mail yesterday), I can do

something about it eventually.

But back to your question, Val - here are some articles you can

check out about treadmills:

Before You Buy a Treadmill


Manual Treadmills vs. Motorized Treadmills


Treadmill Tightwad Tips


sidelined runner - treadmill lover


> OK I have decided it is time for me to get more serious about

getting in better shape. Those of you that have used both, which

would you prefer that is EASY on the lower back.. a non-motorized

treadmill or an exercise bike?

> http://www.fingerhut.com/ProductGroup.aspx?

offergroupxid=5834 & categoryxid=298

> or

> http://www.fingerhut.com/ProductGroup.aspx?

offergroupxid=22941 & categoryxid=432


> I am leaning towards the treadmill just because of the gal's

position on the bike. It looks liek a painful back position.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane

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You might want to check out the group on " bouncing for health " (at least

that's what i think it's called). It's all about using a mini-trampoline. and

you don't really jump...just gentle bouncing and it's supposed to help clean out

your lymph system...sorry, i'm really tired, but have been meaning to write you

about this. Just check out the site. I bet you will be impressed with the way

they can describe it. the cause of my chronic pain is in both of my feet and

there are usually times that even i can do it...now i know why i haven't felt

like it...(such low adrenals, etc). It sure does help to know what's going on

and why things are happening!

Thanks to the group for all the good info and the support.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving,

, in Houston

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My #2 DH was diagnosed with adult onset, type2

diabetes, post stroke. It really scared him since his

uncle had lost sight and limbs to diabetes. He

couldn't walk outside because he was too unsteady

still, so he would walk in the house. We had one of

those houses then where you could do a circle...

living room, dining room, cut the corner in the

kitchen to the back hall, into the master bedroom and

back to the living room. he used to walk around and

around and around and around - would have driven me

nuts - about 1/2 hour per day. When we went " to town "

he would walk in the mall. HOWEVER, with that

exercise and really watching his food intake, he was

able to avoid meds altogether as he lost over 50

pounds in about six months. He started at 300 pounds,

of course... and finally bottomed out at 240.




Cheap talk?

Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.


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My #2 DH was diagnosed with adult onset, type2

diabetes, post stroke. It really scared him since his

uncle had lost sight and limbs to diabetes. He

couldn't walk outside because he was too unsteady

still, so he would walk in the house. We had one of

those houses then where you could do a circle...

living room, dining room, cut the corner in the

kitchen to the back hall, into the master bedroom and

back to the living room. he used to walk around and

around and around and around - would have driven me

nuts - about 1/2 hour per day. When we went " to town "

he would walk in the mall. HOWEVER, with that

exercise and really watching his food intake, he was

able to avoid meds altogether as he lost over 50

pounds in about six months. He started at 300 pounds,

of course... and finally bottomed out at 240.




Cheap talk?

Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.


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Found that first tape on Amazon.com and ordered it.

Can't wait. Have the second one, but don't like the

music as much. May have to get a DVD of the " silver

fox " one... ;-)

I think dancing is GREAT aerobic exercise and if you

get bored, you can switch tapes/DVD's and do different

moves. Some of the moves are too high impact for me,

so I modify a bit, but I really enjoy it.

I have a HealthRider sitting here which is mainly a

clothes rack, but get on it for a week or two whenever

I am planning to go somewhere that requires a lot of

walking as it really helps my legs. It is TOO boring,

even while watching TV.


--- Ken & Jackie Reimer


> MIne is Disco Sweat, LOL!!!! With top hit dancing

> songs like...Disco

> Inferno, Last Dance, Carwash,..... Do i sound like

> a commercial yet?


> Tried walking outside today, I feel like my lungs

> just can't get

> enough air going up the hills. Maybe I need to

> stick to dancing.


> Jackie





> > I have been dying to find the original


> > tape - the very first " Sweatin' to the Oldies " - I

> > hope that's the name... is eBay my best best?

> >

> > Marti

> >

> > .

> >

> >





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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Found that first tape on Amazon.com and ordered it.

Can't wait. Have the second one, but don't like the

music as much. May have to get a DVD of the " silver

fox " one... ;-)

I think dancing is GREAT aerobic exercise and if you

get bored, you can switch tapes/DVD's and do different

moves. Some of the moves are too high impact for me,

so I modify a bit, but I really enjoy it.

I have a HealthRider sitting here which is mainly a

clothes rack, but get on it for a week or two whenever

I am planning to go somewhere that requires a lot of

walking as it really helps my legs. It is TOO boring,

even while watching TV.


--- Ken & Jackie Reimer


> MIne is Disco Sweat, LOL!!!! With top hit dancing

> songs like...Disco

> Inferno, Last Dance, Carwash,..... Do i sound like

> a commercial yet?


> Tried walking outside today, I feel like my lungs

> just can't get

> enough air going up the hills. Maybe I need to

> stick to dancing.


> Jackie





> > I have been dying to find the original


> > tape - the very first " Sweatin' to the Oldies " - I

> > hope that's the name... is eBay my best best?

> >

> > Marti

> >

> > .

> >

> >





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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> I have an AB lounge, but that doesn't give aerobic activity.

So... dance to the music :)





> I have a HealthRider sitting here which is mainly a

> clothes rack, but get on it for a week or two whenever

> I am planning to go somewhere that requires a lot of

> walking as it really helps my legs. It is TOO boring,

> even while watching TV.


> Marti




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> I have an AB lounge, but that doesn't give aerobic activity.

So... dance to the music :)





> I have a HealthRider sitting here which is mainly a

> clothes rack, but get on it for a week or two whenever

> I am planning to go somewhere that requires a lot of

> walking as it really helps my legs. It is TOO boring,

> even while watching TV.


> Marti




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