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Yes, I had a bone scan of my whole body, and another of just my hands

before my dx. Basically, my whole body lit up like a Christmas tree.


> Hi, I'm a recent new subscriber to this list. I subscribed to get

more information about RA as my doctor suspects this may be the

culprit of much of my pain.


> First, all of my blood tests came back normal. So the doctor said

RA was not the problem. Next step was an xray of my hand. I just

got a call from the office saying that the xray report didn't

show " anything too major " but that it recommended a bone scan. So

now I await the bone scan.


> My question to you all is: have any/all of you had bone scans



> I know I have OA in my neck from 2 neck surgeries (last one a one-

level fusion) and my neck is in constant pain, now my arm and hand

are as well. I don't even want to mention all the OTC anti-

inflammatories I take (waaayyyy too many) but I take flexeril and

vicodin and I forget the other pain med.


> Anyway I don't want to ramble on, just curious if I'm barking up

the right/wrong tree here, still wondering if it's RA.


> Thanks for any input you might have!




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  • 11 months later...

Hello everyone. I'm 62 and have RA, OA, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney

dysfunction, and IBS. I haven't been able to work for the past 3 1/2

years, but have been denied disability. I have taken many different

meds over the years. I can no longer take anti-inflammatory meds due to

my kidneys, so I just have to take pain meds for the OA and fibro.

Humera has my RA pretty much under control, although I still have

occasional flares. I'm looking for some support and someone to talk

with that understands how I feel most days. Thanks for the opportunity

to join your group. By the way, I live in NW PA....really cold and

snowy today!

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Welcome to the group.Its a great place to come for support and information.

I am 51 and live in Dumont NJ

Heidi M

On Feb 12, 2008 2:20 PM, chewalk <tclyon@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I'm 62 and have RA, OA, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney

> dysfunction, and IBS. I haven't been able to work for the past 3 1/2

> years, but have been denied disability. I have taken many different

> meds over the years. I can no longer take anti-inflammatory meds due to

> my kidneys, so I just have to take pain meds for the OA and fibro.

> Humera has my RA pretty much under control, although I still have

> occasional flares. I'm looking for some support and someone to talk

> with that understands how I feel most days. Thanks for the opportunity

> to join your group. By the way, I live in NW PA....really cold and

> snowy today!




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Sharon!

Welcome to the group! I hope that you have your

answers to your diagnosis soon and can begin proper

treatment! As far as FMS goes (I was diagnosed at 30

and am now 36), I was diagnosed with that first, then

in the past couple of years, the RA diagnosis. With

FMS, there are no medical tests that will show you

have it. There are trigger point criteria, and

symptoms that have to last 6 months or longer. Many

with FMS get RA, or those with RA, get FMS, and

sometimes the disease just stands on its own.

--- Sharon <Fotograffa@...> wrote:

> Hello all,


> I'm Sharon...I'm 56 years old...soon to be 57 and

> while I haven't

> properly been DX'ed yet I think that will come next

> week when all my

> lab work is in. I haven't had a doctor in about 6

> years because I

> have no insurance and finally when I realized the

> things going on

> with my body are giving me too much pain and robbing

> me of the things

> I love to do...I decided I needed to go see someone

> about it all.

> When I called to make the appointment I asked the

> charge for an

> office visit and was told $200 but that they can

> charge what they

> want. I had $1,000 in a savings account from my

> last temp job last

> fall and I thought I would use that to get me

> started anyway. It's

> almost certain that I have RA at least in my hands.

> My fingers are

> turning to the sides and my mother (retired nurse)

> told me a while

> ago when I discovered it that's what it is. I

> picked a great doctor

> and my exam lasted over an hour. She asked me if I

> had ever been

> DX'ed with Fibro or Polymyalgia and to this point I

> have not. I have

> buritis around both knees but that was about it. My

> last bloodwork

> revealed a high SED rate but we never were able to

> determine what was

> causing that. At that time, I wasn't feeling all

> that bad...it was

> back in '01 and '02. Since then I'm really in a lot

> of pain from my

> feet and ankles to my legs (it seems to creep up

> from my ankles on

> both sides of my legs and up the front as well and

> the pain is

> rough..it throbs and burns too), no idea what that

> is, my hips and

> thigh muscles hurt all the time, my lower back below

> my waist hurts

> even to touch it, my right art, my wrists my hands

> and oh my poor

> fingers too just give me fits. I snap, crackle and

> pop all over the

> place!! After an excellent exam and an order for

> blood work she sent

> me out with Celebrex, something for blood pressure

> and Prevacid for

> my GERD problem. She also suggested I go to the

> hospital and arrange

> to see someone in charity care. This is NOT an easy

> thing to do but

> I went, took in all the necessary papers and I was

> give that for a

> year. My blood work was done the following day and

> now for the hard

> part...I wait. I was tested for RA, Lupus and Lyme

> Disease too...it

> was 6 viles when all was said and done. I don't

> know what my

> problems are but there has to be something that is

> making me hurt so

> bad. I just want to find out what it is and treat

> it so I can get

> back to my life again.


> When I was tested before they told me my SED rate

> wassn't high enough

> for Lupus..how high does it have to be?? I don't

> know if the doctor

> I had really believed in Fibro because she didn't

> mention it very

> much and kind of blew it off.


> Thank you for letting me into your group. I hope to

> learn from all

> of you and if anyone has any suggestions on how I'm

> going to pay for

> medications, etc...feel free to share.


> Take care,

> Sharon





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Welcome to the group, Sharon. This is Steph in VA. I'm 30 years old & was dx'd

with JRA with adult persistence in 1999 when I was 22. I take ibuprofen,

methotrexate, folic acid, flexerill & Remicade.

Take care,

Steph in VA


The 2008 Charlottesville Arthritis Walk is Sat. May 3 at UVA's Stadium

The Walk raises both awareness of the prevalence of arthritis and money for

research & programs for people with arthritis! The Cville walk includes a

simultaneous Dog Walk as well.

" Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to change

the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. " (Margaret Mead)

AmeriCorps Alums -- Still Getting Things Done


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Thank you for your welcome to the group. It has been interesting

reading over the posts and seeing so many people in the same

situation I'm in. It's so sad to see so many younger people having

so much pain and problems. I guess I was in my late 30's when the

problems began but to be honest I didn't think a whole lot of it. I

had some injuries and I thought it was just pain that began with

that. I'm almost 57 now and it's all gotten so much worse. i expect

to get my DX sometime this week from all the blood work I had done

this week.

I have to wonder how hard it's going to be for me to get medications

having NO health insurance. I live in NJ...not too far from Atlantic

City and for me the biggest gamble will be finding a way to pay for

medications. I am not working now. I applied for and am receiving

charity care from our local hospital but they won't cover medications

or doctor's visits either. I'm seeing an internist at $150 a pop and

my savings is low so I just don't know what I'm going to do next.

Anyone else in NJ with the same situation??

Take care,



> Hi Sharon!

> Welcome to the group! I hope that you have your

> answers to your diagnosis soon and can begin proper

> treatment! As far as FMS goes (I was diagnosed at 30

> and am now 36), I was diagnosed with that first, then

> in the past couple of years, the RA diagnosis. With

> FMS, there are no medical tests that will show you

> have it. There are trigger point criteria, and

> symptoms that have to last 6 months or longer. Many

> with FMS get RA, or those with RA, get FMS, and

> sometimes the disease just stands on its own.

> --- Sharon <Fotograffa@...> wrote:


> >> >







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Hello Steph in VA.

I'm Sharon in NJ. Thank you for responding. I see everyone seems to

be on a " cocktail " of medications. Do you feel they're helping you?

Oh, my and you were so young when it all began. I used to work with

someone who had JRA and I guess she was in her early 20's when I knew

her. I felt so bad for the hand she had been dealt but you

know...she had an inner strength that most of us couldn't understand.

People made fun of her and treated her like she was mental but she

just looked beyond it and kept on going. She was truly an


Take care,



> Welcome to the group, Sharon. This is Steph in VA. I'm 30 years old

& was dx'd with JRA with adult persistence in 1999 when I was 22. I

take ibuprofen, methotrexate, folic acid, flexerill & Remicade.


> Take care,

> Steph in VA



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> The 2008 Charlottesville Arthritis Walk is Sat. May 3 at UVA's


> The Walk raises both awareness of the prevalence of arthritis and

money for research & programs for people with arthritis! The Cville

walk includes a simultaneous Dog Walk as well.


> " Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of

people to change the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever

has. " (Margaret Mead)

> AmeriCorps Alums -- Still Getting Things Done






> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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hi welcome, I am very new here too !!! I was " almost " dx with RA, we were on

our way to that diagnosis when my insurance ran out and this recent flare up

has brought me to this group to find out more information !!!


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I was reading your post and I saw that your not working and have no

health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near you? You might

be able to receive care and have a low cost for medications through

your local general teaching hospital in your area. Can you qualify

for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since you are not

working due to your RA, have you filed for social security


I was dianosed with RA and shortly after fibromyalgia when I was 23.

I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when my RA/fibro got

worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I used to work in

healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have experience in

heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are available to people.

I was telling Beth who was looking about information for her daughter

who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are required to have

some sort of indigent care program for people who don't qualify for

medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can normally find out

more information on your states program at your local general

hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is most of the time,

a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but can't get

medication coverage, I would look online on medication discount

programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs for people who

can't afford their medication, so they offer their medication for

free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill out the needed

paperwork per medication.

I know how frustrating it can be when you need your medication to

function but you don't have health insurance. I am one of those

people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my coverage when I

had to quit working and my husband's employer doesn't offer

healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to get coverage

because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't have any kids and

I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't get medicaid. No

healthcare insurance company will let me buy a policy since I have

a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage through our local

general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist and can get my

medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most states offer

program like this, you just have know where to look. If there is

anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck to you.

> >

> > >> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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It must be so different in my state. There aren't any

programs besides Medicaid for health care. And they

rarely give it to anyone who needs it it seems. At

the teaching hospital, my bills are more expensive

than visits to my regular doctor. Then again, its one

of the top ten in the country. Some places are no

longer accepting Medicare/Medicaid though too. I wish

they could get a health system worked out that works

for everyone:)

--- <man_u8@...> wrote:

> Sharon,


> I was reading your post and I saw that your not

> working and have no

> health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near

> you? You might

> be able to receive care and have a low cost for

> medications through

> your local general teaching hospital in your area.

> Can you qualify

> for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since

> you are not

> working due to your RA, have you filed for social

> security

> disability?

> I was dianosed with RA and shortly after

> fibromyalgia when I was 23.

> I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when

> my RA/fibro got

> worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I

> used to work in

> healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have

> experience in

> heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are

> available to people.

> I was telling Beth who was looking about information

> for her daughter

> who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are

> required to have

> some sort of indigent care program for people who

> don't qualify for

> medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can

> normally find out

> more information on your states program at your

> local general

> hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is

> most of the time,

> a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but

> can't get

> medication coverage, I would look online on

> medication discount

> programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs

> for people who

> can't afford their medication, so they offer their

> medication for

> free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill

> out the needed

> paperwork per medication.

> I know how frustrating it can be when you need your

> medication to

> function but you don't have health insurance. I am

> one of those

> people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my

> coverage when I

> had to quit working and my husband's employer

> doesn't offer

> healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to

> get coverage

> because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't

> have any kids and

> I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't

> get medicaid. No

> healthcare insurance company will let me buy a

> policy since I have

> a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage

> through our local

> general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist

> and can get my

> medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most

> states offer

> program like this, you just have know where to look.

> If there is

> anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck

> to you.






> > >

> > > >> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



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> category=shopping

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Do you mind me asking what part of Jersey your from? I'm just

wondering if your near me, and if so what Doc you see...

I'm from Cape May County... The Doctor I see is very thorough, but

he's a real jerk too... No, bed side manner what so ever and I always

have to wait in his crowded office for a least 3hrs with an

appointment... It increases my anxiety levels and I normally have a

flare shortly after leaving... I guess I'm asking so that I might be

able to increase my options...



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Each state is differnt when it comes to health programs since it is a

state funded program. There are going to be more cuts to Medicaid in

May. There was a bill that was passed that slashes Medicaid funding.

$80 million just for one hospital here in Denver. Some people in

legislature are trying to make it not go in effect until January in

hopes that whoever is the new president will veto the bill. I don't

know the exact number of funds that is being taken away from Medicaid

as a hole, but I read it in the Rocky Mountain News that the hospital

where I go (Denver Health) where I get my indigent care program is

loosing $80 million because of the bill. If that bill goes into

effect in May, it will jeopordize my health program. I might have to

pay more out of pocket or they might drop the program all together,

$80 million is a alot of money to be cut from just one hospital. It

scares me because I just got approved for SSDI which means I would

qualify for Medicaid; but because of the amount of my SSDI, I hope I

would still qualify.

I hear you, the people who really need it, can't qualify. A friend of

mine who has 4 kids and had to finally got on SSDI (she has lupus and

MS) doesn't qualify for Medicaid and Food Stamps because her husband

makes $3 more then max. We applied for SSDI around the same time and

she got denied and I got approved. They just lost their house.

I read on one the posts a few weeks ago Medicare might no longer pay

for some specialist visits like rheumatology. I just hope the next

president won't let that happen. I just don't know...

> > > >

> > > > >> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



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> > >

> >

> http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?

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> > >

> >

> >

> >







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I agree entirely! It is a very complicated system.

Even though it took me five years to finally get my

SSDI, in the interim, Medicaid still did not do much

for me, and most doctors in specialty clinics would

not take it, as they are so sloooow in paying the

bills! Then when my SSDI did start, they put me on a

spenddown. But how they think I can pay half of my

SSDI benefits out of my pocket each month before my

medicaid will cover anything is beyond me! I'm single,

unmarried, so its just not possible to do that and

live somewhere! The agencies are also no help! They

basically tell you they can only do so much. It seems

if one ends up homeless, there is still nothing they

can do! Yet I have a friend in another state, single,

and they even give her a monthly living allowance to

pay her rent! It would be so nice if the government

could just find a federal way to help everyone since

it varies so much and its such a challenge to face

when one is already so ill. And now that some places

are thinking of stopping Medicare its even scarier!!

I'm just trying to take it day by day now so I don't

stress myself out even further! Luckily, my medicare

kicked in after my 2 year waiting period, but I still

have copays I have to pay each month, and the cost of

Medicare Part A and B, I believe is now up to $90 plus

dollars a month. But atleast it covers a large part

of my bill:)

--- <man_u8@...> wrote:

> ,


> Each state is differnt when it comes to health

> programs since it is a

> state funded program. There are going to be more

> cuts to Medicaid in

> May. There was a bill that was passed that slashes

> Medicaid funding.

> $80 million just for one hospital here in Denver.

> Some people in

> legislature are trying to make it not go in effect

> until January in

> hopes that whoever is the new president will veto

> the bill. I don't

> know the exact number of funds that is being taken

> away from Medicaid

> as a hole, but I read it in the Rocky Mountain News

> that the hospital

> where I go (Denver Health) where I get my indigent

> care program is

> loosing $80 million because of the bill. If that

> bill goes into

> effect in May, it will jeopordize my health program.

> I might have to

> pay more out of pocket or they might drop the

> program all together,

> $80 million is a alot of money to be cut from just

> one hospital. It

> scares me because I just got approved for SSDI which

> means I would

> qualify for Medicaid; but because of the amount of

> my SSDI, I hope I

> would still qualify.

> I hear you, the people who really need it, can't

> qualify. A friend of

> mine who has 4 kids and had to finally got on SSDI

> (she has lupus and

> MS) doesn't qualify for Medicaid and Food Stamps

> because her husband

> makes $3 more then max. We applied for SSDI around

> the same time and

> she got denied and I got approved. They just lost

> their house.

> I read on one the posts a few weeks ago Medicare

> might no longer pay

> for some specialist visits like rheumatology. I just

> hope the next

> president won't let that happen. I just don't

> know...








> > > >

> > > > Thank you for your welcome to the group. It

> has

> > > been interesting

> > > > reading over the posts and seeing so many

> people

> > > in the same

> > > > situation I'm in. It's so sad to see so many

> > > younger people having

> > > > so much pain and problems. I guess I was in

> my

> > > late 30's when the

> > > > problems began but to be honest I didn't think

> a

> > > whole lot of it.

> > > I

> > > > had some injuries and I thought it was just

> pain

> > > that began with

> > > > that. I'm almost 57 now and it's all gotten

> so


=== message truncated ===



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Hello Melynda,

Thank you for writing!!

You really are taking a lot of meds!!! Of the drugs for RA...are they

all injected? I've seen the commercials on TV for some of them and

many you can't take if you've had Hepatitis B and it I did have it a

long time ago. I wonder what my other options might be??

Take care,



> hi sharon,my name is melynda.im 38yrs.young & live in corpus

christi,tx.i have had jra since i was 5yrs.old. i also take a bunch of



it.d. & c.humira injections,citrical, & i cant remember the rest).i have

tried soo many meds. in my lifetime,that i dont know what works or not

works!!! anyway,WELCOME hope you can chat with others who feel the way

you feel!!! god bless,,<melyndagamez @> 3/22/08 9:21P.M.central




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Hi ,

I don't think there are any teaching hospitals near me unless I went

to Philly and that wouldn't help. I live in NJ. How do I apply for

NJ Family Care? No, I haven't applied for disability...don't have

the actual DX just yet. I should have it this week. I went to the

doctor on the 13th and after hearing all my stores of how I feel and

then asking a ton of questions and looking at my hands and feet, etc.

she sent me for a ton of blood work. She suggested I go to the

hospital and apply for Charity care which is what I did. I was

accepted and they did the blood work on Tueday. 6 viles worth!!

With the hospital they will pay for tests and even a hospital stay

but they won't cover any meds or an ER physician if I require one..if

I go to the ER. As far as my doctor is concerned she charged me $150

for the appointment on the $13 and while she gave me meds...they were

samples. I don't know if she can do that when it comes to real

treatment. She gave me Celebrex....how long does that take to " kick

in " ?? Not sure if it has or not really. Some pain has lessened but

others haven't at all. Until I get an actual DX from the doctor I

don't think I have much to do but wait to see what she has to tell

me. I'll know how to proceed after that.

I heard disability is next to impossible to get. I'm glad to hear

you just received yours!! How long did it take you to get it? Did

you need a lawyer to represent you?

Thank you for all your help. Maybe I can turn to you again after I

get my DX to find out what to do next. This is all new to me.

Take good care,


> Sharon,


> I was reading your post and I saw that your not working and have no

> health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near you? You might

> be able to receive care and have a low cost for medications through

> your local general teaching hospital in your area. Can you qualify

> for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since you are not

> working due to your RA, have you filed for social security

> disability?

> I was dianosed with RA and shortly after fibromyalgia when I was


> I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when my RA/fibro


> worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I used to work


> healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have experience in

> heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are available to


> I was telling Beth who was looking about information for her


> who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are required to have

> some sort of indigent care program for people who don't qualify for

> medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can normally find


> more information on your states program at your local general

> hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is most of the


> a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but can't get

> medication coverage, I would look online on medication discount

> programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs for people who

> can't afford their medication, so they offer their medication for

> free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill out the needed

> paperwork per medication.

> I know how frustrating it can be when you need your medication to

> function but you don't have health insurance. I am one of those

> people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my coverage when


> had to quit working and my husband's employer doesn't offer

> healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to get coverage

> because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't have any kids


> I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't get medicaid. No

> healthcare insurance company will let me buy a policy since I have

> a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage through our local

> general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist and can get my

> medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most states offer

> program like this, you just have know where to look. If there is

> anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck to you.






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Hi Bonnie,

I'm very near Atlantic City...kind of near you in a way. The doctor I

am seeing is in Galloway, NJ and she's an internist. She's really good

though and she really listens. Her name is Cassidy...actually

she's a Nurse Practioner. She spent an hour with my first tiem there!!

Take care,



> -Sharron,


> Do you mind me asking what part of Jersey your from? I'm just

> wondering if your near me, and if so what Doc you see...

> I'm from Cape May County... The Doctor I see is very thorough, but

> he's a real jerk too... No, bed side manner what so ever and I always

> have to wait in his crowded office for a least 3hrs with an

> appointment... It increases my anxiety levels and I normally have a

> flare shortly after leaving... I guess I'm asking so that I might be

> able to increase my options...

> Thanks

> Bonnie


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Here is the link for NJ FamilyCare

http://www.njfamilycare.org/pages/who_njkc.html. I don't know if you

can qualify, but it might be worth checking out. If you don't I

would call them and see where you can go for assistance. They might

be able to tell you if there is a teaching hospital near by (closer

then Philly).

Normally you should feel releif from Celebrex in about 2 weeks. I

was on it for awhile when I was first diagnosed. Once you get your

dianosis and talk to your doctor and see what is the best treatment

for you and what you can afford. Like I said before, you can get some

medications at low cost if not for free by filling out some paperwork

through pharacudical manufacters. There are programs at Walmart

where certain prescribtions are just $4 per month. You can search

online for other discount medication programs. Sometimes you need to

be a pencil pusher, but it can save you money.

It took me 6 months to get approved for SSDI. I had a lawyer right

off the bat, and I don't know if that helped by case or not. I know

that is not the norm. Some people get approved right away like me

and there are others who got denied and had to fight to get their

SSDI. You need to have enough credits in order to apply. If you are

interested in applying I would check w/ your local SSI office and

make sure you qualify to apply. It's pretty easy to get started, you

can do it all online on the social security website.

Keep me posted, let me know if there is anything else I can do to

help out. Hang in there.


> Hi ,


> I don't think there are any teaching hospitals near me unless I


> to Philly and that wouldn't help. I live in NJ. How do I apply for

> NJ Family Care? No, I haven't applied for disability...don't have

> the actual DX just yet. I should have it this week. I went to the

> doctor on the 13th and after hearing all my stores of how I feel


> then asking a ton of questions and looking at my hands and feet,


> she sent me for a ton of blood work. She suggested I go to the

> hospital and apply for Charity care which is what I did. I was

> accepted and they did the blood work on Tueday. 6 viles worth!!

> With the hospital they will pay for tests and even a hospital stay

> but they won't cover any meds or an ER physician if I require


> I go to the ER. As far as my doctor is concerned she charged me


> for the appointment on the $13 and while she gave me meds...they


> samples. I don't know if she can do that when it comes to real

> treatment. She gave me Celebrex....how long does that take

to " kick

> in " ?? Not sure if it has or not really. Some pain has lessened


> others haven't at all. Until I get an actual DX from the doctor I

> don't think I have much to do but wait to see what she has to tell

> me. I'll know how to proceed after that.


> I heard disability is next to impossible to get. I'm glad to hear

> you just received yours!! How long did it take you to get it? Did

> you need a lawyer to represent you?


> Thank you for all your help. Maybe I can turn to you again after I

> get my DX to find out what to do next. This is all new to me.


> Take good care,

> Sharon

> > Sharon,

> >

> > I was reading your post and I saw that your not working and have


> > health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near you? You


> > be able to receive care and have a low cost for medications


> > your local general teaching hospital in your area. Can you


> > for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since you are not

> > working due to your RA, have you filed for social security

> > disability?

> > I was dianosed with RA and shortly after fibromyalgia when I was

> 23.

> > I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when my RA/fibro

> got

> > worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I used to work

> in

> > healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have experience in

> > heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are available to

> people.

> > I was telling Beth who was looking about information for her

> daughter

> > who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are required to


> > some sort of indigent care program for people who don't qualify


> > medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can normally find

> out

> > more information on your states program at your local general

> > hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is most of the

> time,

> > a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but can't get

> > medication coverage, I would look online on medication discount

> > programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs for people


> > can't afford their medication, so they offer their medication for

> > free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill out the needed

> > paperwork per medication.

> > I know how frustrating it can be when you need your medication to

> > function but you don't have health insurance. I am one of those

> > people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my coverage


> I

> > had to quit working and my husband's employer doesn't offer

> > healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to get coverage

> > because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't have any kids

> and

> > I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't get medicaid.


> > healthcare insurance company will let me buy a policy since I


> > a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage through our local

> > general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist and can get my

> > medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most states offer

> > program like this, you just have know where to look. If there is

> > anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck to you.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I think you can apply to get free or discounted drugs from the drug

manufactures if you can't afford them yourself... The pharmacy should

be able to direct you in the right direction...

I'm gonna check the internet, and see if I see any more info, I'll let

you know...



> Hi ,


> I don't think there are any teaching hospitals near me unless I went

> to Philly and that wouldn't help. I live in NJ. How do I apply for

> NJ Family Care? No, I haven't applied for disability...don't have

> the actual DX just yet. I should have it this week. I went to the

> doctor on the 13th and after hearing all my stores of how I feel and

> then asking a ton of questions and looking at my hands and feet, etc.

> she sent me for a ton of blood work. She suggested I go to the

> hospital and apply for Charity care which is what I did. I was

> accepted and they did the blood work on Tueday. 6 viles worth!!

> With the hospital they will pay for tests and even a hospital stay

> but they won't cover any meds or an ER physician if I require one..if

> I go to the ER. As far as my doctor is concerned she charged me $150

> for the appointment on the $13 and while she gave me meds...they were

> samples. I don't know if she can do that when it comes to real

> treatment. She gave me Celebrex....how long does that take to " kick

> in " ?? Not sure if it has or not really. Some pain has lessened but

> others haven't at all. Until I get an actual DX from the doctor I

> don't think I have much to do but wait to see what she has to tell

> me. I'll know how to proceed after that.


> I heard disability is next to impossible to get. I'm glad to hear

> you just received yours!! How long did it take you to get it? Did

> you need a lawyer to represent you?


> Thank you for all your help. Maybe I can turn to you again after I

> get my DX to find out what to do next. This is all new to me.


> Take good care,

> Sharon

> > Sharon,

> >

> > I was reading your post and I saw that your not working and have no

> > health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near you? You might

> > be able to receive care and have a low cost for medications through

> > your local general teaching hospital in your area. Can you qualify

> > for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since you are not

> > working due to your RA, have you filed for social security

> > disability?

> > I was dianosed with RA and shortly after fibromyalgia when I was

> 23.

> > I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when my RA/fibro

> got

> > worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I used to work

> in

> > healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have experience in

> > heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are available to

> people.

> > I was telling Beth who was looking about information for her

> daughter

> > who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are required to have

> > some sort of indigent care program for people who don't qualify for

> > medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can normally find

> out

> > more information on your states program at your local general

> > hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is most of the

> time,

> > a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but can't get

> > medication coverage, I would look online on medication discount

> > programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs for people who

> > can't afford their medication, so they offer their medication for

> > free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill out the needed

> > paperwork per medication.

> > I know how frustrating it can be when you need your medication to

> > function but you don't have health insurance. I am one of those

> > people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my coverage when

> I

> > had to quit working and my husband's employer doesn't offer

> > healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to get coverage

> > because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't have any kids

> and

> > I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't get medicaid. No

> > healthcare insurance company will let me buy a policy since I have

> > a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage through our local

> > general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist and can get my

> > medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most states offer

> > program like this, you just have know where to look. If there is

> > anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck to you.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Sometimes I feel that the government punishes you for being single

and not having kids. (I am married and my husband is in another state

trying to find a job since there was nothing here in Colorado). Many

family members of mine just milk the system by having more kids and

living on taxpayer money. Yet, someone like us who need the help

can't qualify for anything and are made to jump through hoops. My

cousins are healthy, they can work...they just choose not to. If I

could and wasn't in so much pain, I would want to work. Now I am

just venting.

What state do you live in where they have you on a spenddown case? I

am paying attention to the president race since whoever is next, can

make or break us. All we can do is take it day by day.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for your welcome to the group. It

> > has

> > > > been interesting

> > > > > reading over the posts and seeing so many

> > people

> > > > in the same

> > > > > situation I'm in. It's so sad to see so many

> > > > younger people having

> > > > > so much pain and problems. I guess I was in

> > my

> > > > late 30's when the

> > > > > problems began but to be honest I didn't think

> > a

> > > > whole lot of it.

> > > > I

> > > > > had some injuries and I thought it was just

> > pain

> > > > that began with

> > > > > that. I'm almost 57 now and it's all gotten

> > so

> >

> === message truncated ===







> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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I see Dr. Soloway in Vineland... But he's a real jerk... I normally

request to see his nurse practitioner and her name is Audrey... I'm

not sure of her last name...

If I could find an actual Doctor that really listened and ran all the

tests that Soloway's office does, I'd switch in a heart beat... Every

visit that I have, I'm forced to wait 2-4 hours in the waiting room..

Is this typical? Ugh! I'm really not that patient of a person and

by the time I'm seen my blood pressure sky rockets and my nerves are

so bad I can hardly walk or even hold my pocket book... Its always a

really bad experience.



> Hi Bonnie,


> I'm very near Atlantic City...kind of near you in a way. The doctor I

> am seeing is in Galloway, NJ and she's an internist. She's really good

> though and she really listens. Her name is Cassidy...actually

> she's a Nurse Practioner. She spent an hour with my first tiem there!!


> Take care,

> Sharon

> >

> > -Sharron,

> >

> > Do you mind me asking what part of Jersey your from? I'm just

> > wondering if your near me, and if so what Doc you see...

> > I'm from Cape May County... The Doctor I see is very thorough, but

> > he's a real jerk too... No, bed side manner what so ever and I always

> > have to wait in his crowded office for a least 3hrs with an

> > appointment... It increases my anxiety levels and I normally have a

> > flare shortly after leaving... I guess I'm asking so that I might be

> > able to increase my options...

> > Thanks

> > Bonnie

> >


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Try this web page... http://www.amgen.com/patients/assistance.html

or this number Reimbursement Connection® Hotline: 1-800-272-9376 This

is for Amgen products... Which is the company that alot of the meds

come from for many Auto immune diseases... Hopefully this helps...

If I knew what you were on, I might be able to do a more indepth

search.. But so can you, just find out what the main companies name

is that produce your medications and go to their direct web page....


> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I don't think there are any teaching hospitals near me unless I went

> > to Philly and that wouldn't help. I live in NJ. How do I apply for

> > NJ Family Care? No, I haven't applied for disability...don't have

> > the actual DX just yet. I should have it this week. I went to the

> > doctor on the 13th and after hearing all my stores of how I feel and

> > then asking a ton of questions and looking at my hands and feet, etc.

> > she sent me for a ton of blood work. She suggested I go to the

> > hospital and apply for Charity care which is what I did. I was

> > accepted and they did the blood work on Tueday. 6 viles worth!!

> > With the hospital they will pay for tests and even a hospital stay

> > but they won't cover any meds or an ER physician if I require one..if

> > I go to the ER. As far as my doctor is concerned she charged me $150

> > for the appointment on the $13 and while she gave me meds...they were

> > samples. I don't know if she can do that when it comes to real

> > treatment. She gave me Celebrex....how long does that take to " kick

> > in " ?? Not sure if it has or not really. Some pain has lessened but

> > others haven't at all. Until I get an actual DX from the doctor I

> > don't think I have much to do but wait to see what she has to tell

> > me. I'll know how to proceed after that.

> >

> > I heard disability is next to impossible to get. I'm glad to hear

> > you just received yours!! How long did it take you to get it? Did

> > you need a lawyer to represent you?

> >

> > Thank you for all your help. Maybe I can turn to you again after I

> > get my DX to find out what to do next. This is all new to me.

> >

> > Take good care,

> > Sharon

> > > Sharon,

> > >

> > > I was reading your post and I saw that your not working and have no

> > > health insurance. Is there a teaching hospital near you? You might

> > > be able to receive care and have a low cost for medications through

> > > your local general teaching hospital in your area. Can you qualify

> > > for NJ FamilyCare program? It's not medicaid. Since you are not

> > > working due to your RA, have you filed for social security

> > > disability?

> > > I was dianosed with RA and shortly after fibromyalgia when I was

> > 23.

> > > I am 30 now and I had to quit working last year when my RA/fibro

> > got

> > > worse. I just got approved for SSDI. Before that I used to work

> > in

> > > healthcare administration for 10 years. So I have experience in

> > > heatlhcare insurance and what programs that are available to

> > people.

> > > I was telling Beth who was looking about information for her

> > daughter

> > > who has no healthcare insurance. Most states are required to have

> > > some sort of indigent care program for people who don't qualify for

> > > medicaid and don't have health insurance. You can normally find

> > out

> > > more information on your states program at your local general

> > > hospital. (Where most medicaid patients go). It is most of the

> > time,

> > > a teaching hospital. If you can see a doctor but can't get

> > > medication coverage, I would look online on medication discount

> > > programs. Many pharmacudical companies have programs for people who

> > > can't afford their medication, so they offer their medication for

> > > free or hugely discounted. You just have to fill out the needed

> > > paperwork per medication.

> > > I know how frustrating it can be when you need your medication to

> > > function but you don't have health insurance. I am one of those

> > > people, I don't have healthcare insurance. I lost my coverage when

> > I

> > > had to quit working and my husband's employer doesn't offer

> > > healthcare insurance. I knew where to go and how to get coverage

> > > because I worked in the healthcare field. We don't have any kids

> > and

> > > I was in the process of getting SSDI so I couldn't get medicaid. No

> > > healthcare insurance company will let me buy a policy since I have

> > > a " pre-existing " condition. So I got coverage through our local

> > > general hospital and I get to see a rheumatologist and can get my

> > > medication for a $5 co-pay. I have found that most states offer

> > > program like this, you just have know where to look. If there is

> > > anything I can do, please let me know. Best of luck to you.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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NICOLE, i can relate to your situation.the gov.is soo messed up & yes they HELP

the people who may not be that sick & can work but choose not to cuz they are

TOTALLY milking the system.but like us who actually are SICK & CANT WORK get

nothing!!! i have THOUGHT about LYING but with my LUCK,i would be the first to

get CAUGHT!! i tell others the same thin(SISTER-INLAW)she gets food stamps &

medicaid for two of her boys,who are not my brothers. however,my brother Craig

has his 3 kids on his insurance from work.how they do it,I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW

but i would not want my brother to get in TROUBLE. i just WISH they would HELP

those IN NEED & ARE SICK!!! around 6years ago i applied for food stamps & all

they wanted to give me was $5,i told them you know what you can do with

that,shove it!!! at the time my husband was only making 9 dollars an hour & they

said that was TOOOOO much for a family of 3... i TOLD them,COULD YOU & YOUR


she REPLIED,i dont make the rules,thats TRUE to SAY though she just works

there.. i have SEVERE RA & have NEVER worked in my life due to my RA,however i

did volunteer work at a hospital in the PT.department & believe it or not the

director wanted to HIRE me fo REAL.you can only IMAGINE how i FREAKED OUT!! i

turned it down cuz at the time i was going to college & to me that was the MOST

IMPORTANT thing for me to do,GRADUATE. never did that though,i ended up with a


NOTHING & NO ONE!! shes my one MIRACLE GOD BLESSED me with,along with my

husband,PETER!!! i GIVE THANKS every day of my LIFE for the UNEXPECTED things in

my LIFE that our LORD has given me & my FAMILY. well,i vented as you did but

thats o.k. cuz i SOO am in the same mess. god bless,melynda gamez 3/24/08 at

12:35a.m.central time

[ ] Re: Another newbie


Sometimes I feel that the government punishes you for being single

and not having kids. (I am married and my husband is in another state

trying to find a job since there was nothing here in Colorado). Many

family members of mine just milk the system by having more kids and

living on taxpayer money. Yet, someone like us who need the help

can't qualify for anything and are made to jump through hoops. My

cousins are healthy, they can work...they just choose not to. If I

could and wasn't in so much pain, I would want to work. Now I am

just venting.

What state do you live in where they have you on a spenddown case? I

am paying attention to the president race since whoever is next, can

make or break us. All we can do is take it day by day.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for your welcome to the group. It

> > has

> > > > been interesting

> > > > > reading over the posts and seeing so many

> > people

> > > > in the same

> > > > > situation I'm in. It's so sad to see so many

> > > > younger people having

> > > > > so much pain and problems. I guess I was in

> > my

> > > > late 30's when the

> > > > > problems began but to be honest I didn't think

> > a

> > > > whole lot of it.

> > > > I

> > > > > had some injuries and I thought it was just

> > pain

> > > > that began with

> > > > > that. I'm almost 57 now and it's all gotten

> > so

> >

> === message truncated ===







> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

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Hi Melynda,

I have bad veins too. Even when they draw blood they have to use an

infant needle and even then they can only get it from a vein in my

left hand.

Take care,

Sharon in NJ

--- In , Melynda Gamez <melyndagamez@...>



> hi sharon, in response to your question. i only take the humira

injection,all the others by mouth... you might want to check into it

but as for me & i.v. or trying to give BLOOD,ITS BAD CUZ my veins are

soooo LITTLE & ROLL.i also bruise easily. i HOPE things work out for

you,sharon. god bless,melyndagamez 3/24/08 12:50a.m.central time



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Hi ,

I tried that link you sent and there was an error message saying it

doesn't exist anymore. Did they do away with it? It would figure.

With all the cuts in the state nothing surprises me anymore. I'm

sure I have to qualify for things but not knowing where to look is

the big problem.

I would think the lab results should be in this week so it's just a

matter of waiting to hear from the doctor's office.

You were approved quickly for SSDI. I know someone in NC who

hurt her back doing exercises and she applied in 2005..she just had

another hearing and she still doesn't have it! She said she's not

giving up.

Again, thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated!!

Take good care,


> Sharon,


> Here is the link for NJ FamilyCare

> http://www.njfamilycare.org/pages/who_njkc.html. I don't know if


> can qualify, but it might be worth checking out. If you don't I

> would call them and see where you can go for assistance. They might

> be able to tell you if there is a teaching hospital near by (closer

> then Philly).

> Normally you should feel releif from Celebrex in about 2 weeks. I

> was on it for awhile when I was first diagnosed. Once you get your

> dianosis and talk to your doctor and see what is the best treatment

> for you and what you can afford. Like I said before, you can get


> medications at low cost if not for free by filling out some


> through pharacudical manufacters. There are programs at Walmart

> where certain prescribtions are just $4 per month. You can search

> online for other discount medication programs. Sometimes you need


> be a pencil pusher, but it can save you money.

> It took me 6 months to get approved for SSDI. I had a lawyer right

> off the bat, and I don't know if that helped by case or not. I know

> that is not the norm. Some people get approved right away like me

> and there are others who got denied and had to fight to get their

> SSDI. You need to have enough credits in order to apply. If you


> interested in applying I would check w/ your local SSI office and

> make sure you qualify to apply. It's pretty easy to get started,


> can do it all online on the social security website.

> Keep me posted, let me know if there is anything else I can do to

> help out. Hang in there.






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