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Re: The CD-4 count test is now free for all AIDS patients.

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Dear Forum,

It is a heartening news for one and all that CD4 count will be done free of

charge. I really hope that the needy will be able to make the best of this

opportunity. Can you clarify if this facility will be available at all the VCTCs

also or only at the ART centers?

In fact, a private medical college in my area had been charging rs 100 for HIV

testing for the past 1 year. 3 days back our hospice patient was charged Rs.10

for the first time at this VCTC for the HIV test and the sisters are very happy

by the " generosity " the medical college has shown. They also continue to charge

Rs.250 for the CD4 count. Should they continue to charge the same or make it

free for my sero-positive patients as they are just a VCTC and not an ART


Please respond and oblige.

Thanking you,

Dr. Divya Mithel, Jyothis Care Center, Kalamboli

e-mail: <d_mithel@...>

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Re: The news that " The CD-4 count test is now free for all AIDS patients, it is

a good move in fighting against HIV & AIDS.

I would like to know about CD-4 count. Please refer the last para wherein ART is

administered when the CD-4 count under 200.

Why should we wait till the CD-4 count down to below 200?

Why can't we start administering ART early (After detected HIV+), So that the

person affected can maintain a better immune system.


P.M.Konda Reddy

e-mail: <pm_kondareddy@...>

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