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Re: is this connected in any way I wonder?

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 11:09:40 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Mo I sympathise! Right now I am weighing every bit of food I eat and the

fella that is helping me with the Diabetes cannot believe I am not

losing an ounce.

You too? Isn't it a pain?

I am thinking ahead to Christmas when most people put on 7 lbs or so, I just

cannot afford to get any heavier as it feels like a serious priority to get

my weight down on several important levels ie BP, impending diabetes, etc etc

etc. Never mind self-esteem. My son tooks some photos of me when he was

visiting this last weekend and I was horrified to see what I look like, really


The thing is, even with low temps, I have been able to lose weight, even

fairly recently around March/April so why can I not lose it now?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 11:52:38 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

I don't know the answer, but i DO know that until your body is ready to

lose it, even starvation doesn't work. BTDT!

I am thinking it could be fluid?

What does BTDT mean?


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 12:35:08 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

I know you don't feel well and this might be a real drag, but if you have a

steamer and can put a few cuts in a few veggies and stick them in the steamer

until their crunchy gender and throw some kind of protein on the broiler.

You might find your meal replacement formula was partly to blame for how you're


Worth a try though there does not seem to be anything strange in the PGX.

I have been eating ordinary meals as well - veg and meat with the odd piece

of fruit.

Yes I think I will try that and see what happens, like you say nothing to

lose except some fat.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 14:10:10 GMT Standard Time, mives@...



Can you tell me what mucin is. I do vaguely remember there being posts about

this but I cannot remmeber what it was.

Mo, its probably mucin or toxic bloat. I have been on a candida diet for 8

weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

lost a pound.

Really?! I went on a candida diet a few months ago and lost 28 lbs in three

months. This is what is confusing me, why could I lose it then and before if

I put my mind to it, and not this time?

Toxic bloat?

I still have jelly belly, jiggly thighs, and flabby upper arms. you may not

ever diet this stuff off, you body has put toxins there in a place that

cannot be metabolized in order to protect your body.

I know what you are saying about toxins in fat but I cannot see what is

different between now and before when I had no trouble losing the lbs.

If I can figure out what is different I might have the beginning of an


I think Atkins, etc., are not healthy diets at all. Just eat healthy. Eat

meats, steamed veggies, and some limited whole grains. No sodas, no

sugars/junk, fresh fruits only. Just eat healthy, take your vitamins, etc.

I am calling it Atkins because it is simpler to just call it that but what i

have been eating is basically low-carb. Last Spring I did go on a candida

diet proper.

I've forgotten, how much Armour/HC are you on, and for how long? What are

your remaining symptoms?

3 grains of Armour and 27 1/2 hc as of today - the latter that is, one month

on 3 grains having leapt from 2 to 3. I lowered from 3 1.2 to 2 grains

because I was trying to come off h.c and needed to lower the Armour with every

lowering of the h.c because of palps. so I lowered to 15 mg h.c and 2 Armour was

was fine until the hypo started to slowly creep in. Labs confirmed FT3 and

FT4 barely in range.

My remaining symptoms? I have exhaustion, sevfere brain-fog, severe anxiety,

depression, water retention I think, insomnia, anger/frustration/tearful

and this wierd feeling of desperately wanting someone to take care of me

because I feel unable to take care of myself and yet I also very much want to


left alone! I had my son and his girlfriend visiting at the weekend and I was

so glad when they left and now I miss them. Makes no sense but that is how I

am feeling. I am not answering the phone, everything feels like TOO much, any

little thing sends me off the deep end into a spin of severe anxiety, even

answering the phone.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 14:16:49 GMT Standard Time, jtb14789@...



I am not really dieting as such. I am eating fresh organic veg and organic

milk and meat with some fruit.

Eat healthily - certainly. Reduce/eliminate white flour, white sugar,

refined/processed foods - sure. But eat a balanced diet. Lots of

veggies, fruit, whole grains, beans, legumes, omega-3 nuts, lean meat

sources, cold-water fish, etc.

Eating all of the above (the healthy ones) and not eating bread or processed

foods at all.

Keep carbs moderate, but include some

good, whole grain, complex carbs. Your body is too stressed right now

to be adding an Atkins diet on top of everything.

I have been misleading the list by referring to the Atkins diet, I have just

been eating low-carb with PGX as a meal replacement once a day/or as a

dessert after dinner with natural plain yogurt. I have once a day either organic

oatcakes or rye crackers with cheese.

How low are you going with the " low-carbing " How low are you going with the

and reduced calorie on top of it, your body may have slowed down

production of T3 & is making more reverse T3, because it thinks

a " famine " has hit. That's why you're not losing the weight - your

metabolism has slowed.

Oh! i have not even worked out how low. I need to take a look at this,

thanks for pointing it out.

But why oh why did this not happen when I did a similar diet in Spring?

that''s what's confusing me.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 15:11:30 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

becomes suspect until by process of elimination, I find the offending


I have never had any issues with food sensitivities to my knowledge .


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 15:11:30 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

becomes suspect until by process of elimination, I find the offending


I have never had any issues with food sensitivities to my knowledge .


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Mo I sympathise! Right now I am weighing every bit of food I eat and the

fella that is helping me with the Diabetes cannot believe I am not

losing an ounce. I should be. BUT my temps have been running low again!

98.1 was my average temp 4 days last week, then went up yesterday due to

being sick. My basal tempo this AM was 96.8! So I have slipped a tad

hypo as well, I am thinking this is a Winter drop, and if it continues

this coming week, I will be bumping my Armour up 1/4 grain.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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I don't know the answer, but i DO know that until your body is ready to

lose it, even starvation doesn't work. BTDT! I have gone trough many

times in my life where ever really serious dieting hasn't worked. Heck

last week I gained 3 pounds! I am eating under 80grams of carbs a day,

that is total absolute carbs as I am counting every thing I eat or

drink. This sucks but unfortunately so does hypo.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 16:47:22 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

It may not be food. I could be though. Never hurts going back to basics. :)

You are right it could be. Thing is I am just barely coping as it is

and to have to devise a plan and monitor progress with eliminating various

things would be enough to send me into such a complete and utter high velocity

spin that I dread to think of the consequences.

I agree you do have a good point though. I just don;t have the capacity at

the moment to see something like that through.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 16:47:22 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

It may not be food. I could be though. Never hurts going back to basics. :)

You are right it could be. Thing is I am just barely coping as it is

and to have to devise a plan and monitor progress with eliminating various

things would be enough to send me into such a complete and utter high velocity

spin that I dread to think of the consequences.

I agree you do have a good point though. I just don;t have the capacity at

the moment to see something like that through.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 16:47:22 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

It may not be food. I could be though. Never hurts going back to basics. :)

You are right it could be. Thing is I am just barely coping as it is

and to have to devise a plan and monitor progress with eliminating various

things would be enough to send me into such a complete and utter high velocity

spin that I dread to think of the consequences.

I agree you do have a good point though. I just don;t have the capacity at

the moment to see something like that through.


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I think you mentioned that you were on some sort of meal replacement powder

called PBX wasn't it? Are you still taking this? If so, you may be allergic or

having a detox effect from this.

I would try going back to eating real food for a while and making it veggies and

protein...fruit might send your blood sugar into where you don't want it to be.

I know you don't feel well and this might be a real drag, but if you have a

steamer and can put a few cuts in a few veggies and stick them in the steamer

until their crunchy gender and throw some kind of protein on the broiler. You

might find your meal replacement formula was partly to blame for how you're


If not, then at least you would have eliminated this possibility.

Love to you hon.

NOVAexeter@... wrote: Also there is something else going on that is a bit

strange, more than a bit


I have been trying to lose weight and been on a low-carb diet for several

weeks now.

I have not lost a single lb. and I am wondering if this is significant given

my other issues at the moment.

I did a similar low-carb diet in the Spring and lost heaps of weight but it

just went straight back on again when I came off the Atkins.

this time I am just not losing AT ALL and this has never happened before. I

have always been able to LOSE weight if I cut down the carbs.

Any ideas folks? Could it be water? And if so, how do I get rid of it?

Thanks as ever


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>>I am thinking it could be fluid?

What does BTDT mean?<<

Mine sure isn't. If your hands and feet are not swellign it is not likely to be

fluid. BTDT = Been There, Done That! LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 17:38:28 GMT Standard Time,

lynworth@... writes:

Hi Lynda

Can you think back to when you started lowering your h/c and armour.

I cannot remember but I will check my diary

Which did you lower first and by how much. Where were you in your

dosing when you were losing weight?

When I was losing weight I was on 3 grains of Armour and 5 mg Pred plus 5 mg

h.c. This was when I was reducing from the 10 mg Pred and changing over to

all hc. I made further increases bringing me up to 3 1.2. Dropped a g rain

when my symptoms and labs were pointing to overmedicating and then had to

reduce Armour as I reduced h.c as I was getting palps. I got to 15 mg h.c and 2

grains Armour when real problems started to occur, this being me going VERY

hypo. confirmed by further labs.

As to lowering the h/c and Armour, it was the h.c that was lowered first by

5 mg.

As Val said you need enough h/c for the armour to be effective.

I'm betting that when you were on a higher dose of both was when you

were losing weight.

Yes it was. I am missing your point though Lynda? Not you, it is me, I am in

brain-mush mode. More so than usual that is.

You really need to keep a diary (says she who often starts one but

never keeps it up)

Mine can get a bit hit and miss because when I am most ill I cannot do it.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 17:38:28 GMT Standard Time,

lynworth@... writes:

Hi Lynda

Can you think back to when you started lowering your h/c and armour.

I cannot remember but I will check my diary

Which did you lower first and by how much. Where were you in your

dosing when you were losing weight?

When I was losing weight I was on 3 grains of Armour and 5 mg Pred plus 5 mg

h.c. This was when I was reducing from the 10 mg Pred and changing over to

all hc. I made further increases bringing me up to 3 1.2. Dropped a g rain

when my symptoms and labs were pointing to overmedicating and then had to

reduce Armour as I reduced h.c as I was getting palps. I got to 15 mg h.c and 2

grains Armour when real problems started to occur, this being me going VERY

hypo. confirmed by further labs.

As to lowering the h/c and Armour, it was the h.c that was lowered first by

5 mg.

As Val said you need enough h/c for the armour to be effective.

I'm betting that when you were on a higher dose of both was when you

were losing weight.

Yes it was. I am missing your point though Lynda? Not you, it is me, I am in

brain-mush mode. More so than usual that is.

You really need to keep a diary (says she who often starts one but

never keeps it up)

Mine can get a bit hit and miss because when I am most ill I cannot do it.


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In a message dated 28/11/2006 17:38:28 GMT Standard Time,

lynworth@... writes:

Hi Lynda

Can you think back to when you started lowering your h/c and armour.

I cannot remember but I will check my diary

Which did you lower first and by how much. Where were you in your

dosing when you were losing weight?

When I was losing weight I was on 3 grains of Armour and 5 mg Pred plus 5 mg

h.c. This was when I was reducing from the 10 mg Pred and changing over to

all hc. I made further increases bringing me up to 3 1.2. Dropped a g rain

when my symptoms and labs were pointing to overmedicating and then had to

reduce Armour as I reduced h.c as I was getting palps. I got to 15 mg h.c and 2

grains Armour when real problems started to occur, this being me going VERY

hypo. confirmed by further labs.

As to lowering the h/c and Armour, it was the h.c that was lowered first by

5 mg.

As Val said you need enough h/c for the armour to be effective.

I'm betting that when you were on a higher dose of both was when you

were losing weight.

Yes it was. I am missing your point though Lynda? Not you, it is me, I am in

brain-mush mode. More so than usual that is.

You really need to keep a diary (says she who often starts one but

never keeps it up)

Mine can get a bit hit and miss because when I am most ill I cannot do it.


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Mo, its probably mucin or toxic bloat. I have been on a candida diet for 8

weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

lost a pound.

I still have jelly belly, jiggly thighs, and flabby upper arms. you may not

ever diet this stuff off, you body has put toxins there in a place that

cannot be metabolized in order to protect your body.

I think Atkins, etc., are not healthy diets at all. Just eat healthy. Eat

meats, steamed veggies, and some limited whole grains. No sodas, no

sugars/junk, fresh fruits only. Just eat healthy, take your vitamins, etc.

I've forgotten, how much Armour/HC are you on, and for how long? What are

your remaining symptoms?




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is this connected in any way I wonder?

> Also there is something else going on that is a bit strange, more than a

> bit

> strange.

> I have been trying to lose weight and been on a low-carb diet for several

> weeks now.

> I have not lost a single lb. and I am wondering if this is significant

> given

> my other issues at the moment.

> I did a similar low-carb diet in the Spring and lost heaps of weight but

> it

> just went straight back on again when I came off the Atkins.

> this time I am just not losing AT ALL and this has never happened before.

> I

> have always been able to LOSE weight if I cut down the carbs.

> Any ideas folks? Could it be water? And if so, how do I get rid of it?


> Thanks as ever

> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Mo - if it were me, I would not be dieting now. Your body is going

thru enough stress & you are still trying to get your meds

straightened out.

Eat healthily - certainly. Reduce/eliminate white flour, white sugar,

refined/processed foods - sure. But eat a balanced diet. Lots of

veggies, fruit, whole grains, beans, legumes, omega-3 nuts, lean meat

sources, cold-water fish, etc. Keep carbs moderate, but include some

good, whole grain, complex carbs. Your body is too stressed right now

to be adding an Atkins diet on top of everything.

How low are you going with the " low-carbing " . If it's below 50% carbs,

and reduced calorie on top of it, your body may have slowed down

production of T3 & is making more reverse T3, because it thinks

a " famine " has hit. That's why you're not losing the weight - your

metabolism has slowed.

Get stabilized on your Armour & HC first. Worry about the weight

later. Getting optimized on your Armour will also make it easier for

the weight to come off.


> Also there is something else going on that is a bit strange, more

than a bit strange. I have been trying to lose weight and been on a

low-carb diet for several weeks now. I have not lost a single lb. and

I am wondering if this is significant given my other issues at the

moment. I did a similar low-carb diet in the Spring and lost heaps of

weight but it just went straight back on again when I came off the

Atkins. this time I am just not losing AT ALL and this has never

happened before. I have always been able to LOSE weight if I cut down

the carbs. Any ideas folks? Could it be water? And if so, how do I get

rid of it?


> Thanks as ever

> Mo

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Mo - if it were me, I would not be dieting now. Your body is going

thru enough stress & you are still trying to get your meds

straightened out.

Eat healthily - certainly. Reduce/eliminate white flour, white sugar,

refined/processed foods - sure. But eat a balanced diet. Lots of

veggies, fruit, whole grains, beans, legumes, omega-3 nuts, lean meat

sources, cold-water fish, etc. Keep carbs moderate, but include some

good, whole grain, complex carbs. Your body is too stressed right now

to be adding an Atkins diet on top of everything.

How low are you going with the " low-carbing " . If it's below 50% carbs,

and reduced calorie on top of it, your body may have slowed down

production of T3 & is making more reverse T3, because it thinks

a " famine " has hit. That's why you're not losing the weight - your

metabolism has slowed.

Get stabilized on your Armour & HC first. Worry about the weight

later. Getting optimized on your Armour will also make it easier for

the weight to come off.


> Also there is something else going on that is a bit strange, more

than a bit strange. I have been trying to lose weight and been on a

low-carb diet for several weeks now. I have not lost a single lb. and

I am wondering if this is significant given my other issues at the

moment. I did a similar low-carb diet in the Spring and lost heaps of

weight but it just went straight back on again when I came off the

Atkins. this time I am just not losing AT ALL and this has never

happened before. I have always been able to LOSE weight if I cut down

the carbs. Any ideas folks? Could it be water? And if so, how do I get

rid of it?


> Thanks as ever

> Mo

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 19:01:03 GMT Standard Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

I'd back off of it for a while to see.


I think I will have to as it is SO expensive anyway!

The problem with protein

powders and anything else that is highly purified or processed is the

process used to make the product usually renders the product devoid

of nutrients.

This stuff is undernatured which is supposed to be bonus. Also it was not

intended simply for weight loss, it has been trialled successfuly for insulin

resistance and to put a stop to cravings. I was having terrible cravings and it

certainly worked for helping those disappear.

I had to quit using whey protein, it was making me

feel bad. IMO all of the meal replacement items fall into this

category. It's much healthier to actually stick with real food.

Yes it is I suppose except how does real food help with cravings and insulin

resistance? Using this product was my idea of a healthier alternative than

going on Metformin.


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has a good idea here. A lot of meal replacement powders are

basically MSG. This could be causing your problems. You can't go

wrong with putting real whole foods in your body. Remember every

cell in your body functions by what you eat. Stick with protein,

lots of veggies, and maybe some low carb fruits, the whole fruit

though, that's important. The whole fruit contains the fiber. Lots

of fiber is very important in your diet.


> Mo,


> I think you mentioned that you were on some sort of meal

> replacement powder called PBX wasn't it? Are you still taking this?

> If so, you may be allergic or having a detox effect from this.


> I would try going back to eating real food for a while and making

> it veggies and protein...fruit might send your blood sugar into

> where you don't want it to be.


> I know you don't feel well and this might be a real drag, but if

> you have a steamer and can put a few cuts in a few veggies and

> stick them in the steamer until their crunchy gender and throw some

> kind of protein on the broiler. You might find your meal

> replacement formula was partly to blame for how you're feeling.


> If not, then at least you would have eliminated this possibility.


> Love to you hon.

>> .



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Linn and Mo,

I've learned by having IC that whenever I'm not feeling well, to ELIMINATE as

much as possible and start adding back one thing at a time. I realize we can't

do this with things like HC and thyroid meds, but everything else becomes

suspect until by process of elimination, I find the offending substance.

For me, it has mostly been a supplement. How weird, huh?

So Mo, go back to as close to square one as you can. Try just zucchini and

chicken for example. If that's okay, then add tomatoes, etc. until either

you're feeling better or not. If not, then switch to asparagus and turkey or

something like that.

For breakfast I had brown rice, spinach, mushrooms and fish. I make a big batch

of something like this on the weekends, then warm up a portion for breakfast,

lunch, whatever.

Linn wrote: Mo,

has a good idea here. A lot of meal replacement powders are

basically MSG. This could be causing your problems. You can't go

wrong with putting real whole foods in your body. Remember every

cell in your body functions by what you eat. Stick with protein,

lots of veggies, and maybe some low carb fruits, the whole fruit

though, that's important. The whole fruit contains the fiber. Lots

of fiber is very important in your diet.


> Mo,


> I think you mentioned that you were on some sort of meal

> replacement powder called PBX wasn't it? Are you still taking this?

> If so, you may be allergic or having a detox effect from this.


> I would try going back to eating real food for a while and making

> it veggies and protein...fruit might send your blood sugar into

> where you don't want it to be.


> I know you don't feel well and this might be a real drag, but if

> you have a steamer and can put a few cuts in a few veggies and

> stick them in the steamer until their crunchy gender and throw some

> kind of protein on the broiler. You might find your meal

> replacement formula was partly to blame for how you're feeling.


> If not, then at least you would have eliminated this possibility.


> Love to you hon.

>> .



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>> I have been on a candida diet for 8

weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

lost a pound.<<

you would be amazed at how many carbs are actually in meats! I am learning this

as I zam weighing everything I eat and have a spreadsheet which I out in the

weight and it tells me exactly how many carbs is in each item... My 3 strips of

bacon this morning had 8.6 grams of carbs! My two slices of rib roast for dinner

yesterday had 21.03 grams! Shocking huh? Of course neither is particularly lean

meats but still. It has alot more than you might think.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 19:29:21 GMT Standard Time,

lynworth@... writes:

because by being on enough adrenal support it allows the thyroid to

enter the cells and the thyroid entering the cells raises the

metabolism which allows you to lose weight

Hi Lynda

The reduction of h/c down to 15 was only temporary and it raised it back



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