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Re: is this connected in any way I wonder?

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 21:45:47 GMT Standard Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

Cravings are a side effect of getting MSG and HFCS in any type of

processed food. Insulin resistance can be caused by eating the wrong

types of fats, in particular transfatty acids. If you remove those

from the diet along with the MSG and HFCS, the insulin resistance

should get better or even disappear.

Morning Linn

Apologies if i was a bit terse in my emails yesterday (to everyone that is!)

- I hope today will be a bit better for me.

When I am feeling so bad it is hard for me to explain myself properly.

As to the cravings, these were happening even eating non-processed food Linn

though I am sure you are right in that additives can set them off.

So basically, even with a reasonably good diet, I was having cravings


The point of the PGX was to

a. help with the insulin resistance as I have concerns about sliding into

diabetes and forestall the use of Metformin.

b. help me lose weight because of my continuing high BP.

c. help raise my self-esteem.

d. help me lose the cravings so that I don't continue to keep putting on the

lbs. as I have put on 15 lbs since the earlier 28 lbs weight loss in the


e. help me lose the fatty liver.

I have written to the manufacturers and will be interested to hear their

take on why the bulge has remained.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 21:45:47 GMT Standard Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

Cravings are a side effect of getting MSG and HFCS in any type of

processed food. Insulin resistance can be caused by eating the wrong

types of fats, in particular transfatty acids. If you remove those

from the diet along with the MSG and HFCS, the insulin resistance

should get better or even disappear.

Morning Linn

Apologies if i was a bit terse in my emails yesterday (to everyone that is!)

- I hope today will be a bit better for me.

When I am feeling so bad it is hard for me to explain myself properly.

As to the cravings, these were happening even eating non-processed food Linn

though I am sure you are right in that additives can set them off.

So basically, even with a reasonably good diet, I was having cravings


The point of the PGX was to

a. help with the insulin resistance as I have concerns about sliding into

diabetes and forestall the use of Metformin.

b. help me lose weight because of my continuing high BP.

c. help raise my self-esteem.

d. help me lose the cravings so that I don't continue to keep putting on the

lbs. as I have put on 15 lbs since the earlier 28 lbs weight loss in the


e. help me lose the fatty liver.

I have written to the manufacturers and will be interested to hear their

take on why the bulge has remained.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 28/11/2006 21:45:47 GMT Standard Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

Cravings are a side effect of getting MSG and HFCS in any type of

processed food. Insulin resistance can be caused by eating the wrong

types of fats, in particular transfatty acids. If you remove those

from the diet along with the MSG and HFCS, the insulin resistance

should get better or even disappear.

Morning Linn

Apologies if i was a bit terse in my emails yesterday (to everyone that is!)

- I hope today will be a bit better for me.

When I am feeling so bad it is hard for me to explain myself properly.

As to the cravings, these were happening even eating non-processed food Linn

though I am sure you are right in that additives can set them off.

So basically, even with a reasonably good diet, I was having cravings


The point of the PGX was to

a. help with the insulin resistance as I have concerns about sliding into

diabetes and forestall the use of Metformin.

b. help me lose weight because of my continuing high BP.

c. help raise my self-esteem.

d. help me lose the cravings so that I don't continue to keep putting on the

lbs. as I have put on 15 lbs since the earlier 28 lbs weight loss in the


e. help me lose the fatty liver.

I have written to the manufacturers and will be interested to hear their

take on why the bulge has remained.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 04:39:20 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Then again, I'm new at this AND in a brain-fog, so what do I know?

You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than you

think you know I would say!

Mo x

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 04:39:20 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Then again, I'm new at this AND in a brain-fog, so what do I know?

You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than you

think you know I would say!

Mo x

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 04:39:20 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Then again, I'm new at this AND in a brain-fog, so what do I know?

You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than you

think you know I would say!

Mo x

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 14:54:49 GMT Standard Time, mives@...


Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.

Thanks for that info .

Yes I did have my sex hormones done. I am post meno and oestrogen is OK and

progesterone high but in range.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 14:54:49 GMT Standard Time, mives@...


Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.

Thanks for that info .

Yes I did have my sex hormones done. I am post meno and oestrogen is OK and

progesterone high but in range.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 29/11/2006 14:54:49 GMT Standard Time, mives@...


Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.

Thanks for that info .

Yes I did have my sex hormones done. I am post meno and oestrogen is OK and

progesterone high but in range.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Mucin, or toxic bloat, is due to lowered metabolism becuase of environmental




Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.




View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

-- Hermann Hesse

Re: is this connected in any way I wonder?

> In a message dated 28/11/2006 14:10:10 GMT Standard Time,

> mives@...

> writes:


> Hi

> Can you tell me what mucin is. I do vaguely remember there being posts

> about

> this but I cannot remmeber what it was.


> Mo, its probably mucin or toxic bloat. I have been on a candida diet for

> 8

> weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

> lost a pound.

> Really?! I went on a candida diet a few months ago and lost 28 lbs in

> three

> months. This is what is confusing me, why could I lose it then and before

> if

> I put my mind to it, and not this time?

> Toxic bloat?




> I still have jelly belly, jiggly thighs, and flabby upper arms. you may

> not

> ever diet this stuff off, you body has put toxins there in a place that

> cannot be metabolized in order to protect your body.

> I know what you are saying about toxins in fat but I cannot see what is

> different between now and before when I had no trouble losing the lbs.

> If I can figure out what is different I might have the beginning of an

> understanding/solution.




> I think Atkins, etc., are not healthy diets at all. Just eat healthy. Eat

> meats, steamed veggies, and some limited whole grains. No sodas, no

> sugars/junk, fresh fruits only. Just eat healthy, take your vitamins,

> etc.

> I am calling it Atkins because it is simpler to just call it that but what

> i

> have been eating is basically low-carb. Last Spring I did go on a candida

> diet proper.




> I've forgotten, how much Armour/HC are you on, and for how long? What are

> your remaining symptoms?

> 3 grains of Armour and 27 1/2 hc as of today - the latter that is, one

> month

> on 3 grains having leapt from 2 to 3. I lowered from 3 1.2 to 2 grains

> because I was trying to come off h.c and needed to lower the Armour with

> every

> lowering of the h.c because of palps. so I lowered to 15 mg h.c and 2

> Armour was

> was fine until the hypo started to slowly creep in. Labs confirmed FT3 and

> FT4 barely in range.

> My remaining symptoms? I have exhaustion, sevfere brain-fog, severe

> anxiety,

> depression, water retention I think, insomnia, anger/frustration/tearful

> and this wierd feeling of desperately wanting someone to take care of me

> because I feel unable to take care of myself and yet I also very much

> want to be

> left alone! I had my son and his girlfriend visiting at the weekend and I

> was

> so glad when they left and now I miss them. Makes no sense but that is

> how I

> am feeling. I am not answering the phone, everything feels like TOO much,

> any

> little thing sends me off the deep end into a spin of severe anxiety,

> even

> answering the phone.


> Mo



> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Mucin, or toxic bloat, is due to lowered metabolism becuase of environmental




Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.




View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

-- Hermann Hesse

Re: is this connected in any way I wonder?

> In a message dated 28/11/2006 14:10:10 GMT Standard Time,

> mives@...

> writes:


> Hi

> Can you tell me what mucin is. I do vaguely remember there being posts

> about

> this but I cannot remmeber what it was.


> Mo, its probably mucin or toxic bloat. I have been on a candida diet for

> 8

> weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

> lost a pound.

> Really?! I went on a candida diet a few months ago and lost 28 lbs in

> three

> months. This is what is confusing me, why could I lose it then and before

> if

> I put my mind to it, and not this time?

> Toxic bloat?




> I still have jelly belly, jiggly thighs, and flabby upper arms. you may

> not

> ever diet this stuff off, you body has put toxins there in a place that

> cannot be metabolized in order to protect your body.

> I know what you are saying about toxins in fat but I cannot see what is

> different between now and before when I had no trouble losing the lbs.

> If I can figure out what is different I might have the beginning of an

> understanding/solution.




> I think Atkins, etc., are not healthy diets at all. Just eat healthy. Eat

> meats, steamed veggies, and some limited whole grains. No sodas, no

> sugars/junk, fresh fruits only. Just eat healthy, take your vitamins,

> etc.

> I am calling it Atkins because it is simpler to just call it that but what

> i

> have been eating is basically low-carb. Last Spring I did go on a candida

> diet proper.




> I've forgotten, how much Armour/HC are you on, and for how long? What are

> your remaining symptoms?

> 3 grains of Armour and 27 1/2 hc as of today - the latter that is, one

> month

> on 3 grains having leapt from 2 to 3. I lowered from 3 1.2 to 2 grains

> because I was trying to come off h.c and needed to lower the Armour with

> every

> lowering of the h.c because of palps. so I lowered to 15 mg h.c and 2

> Armour was

> was fine until the hypo started to slowly creep in. Labs confirmed FT3 and

> FT4 barely in range.

> My remaining symptoms? I have exhaustion, sevfere brain-fog, severe

> anxiety,

> depression, water retention I think, insomnia, anger/frustration/tearful

> and this wierd feeling of desperately wanting someone to take care of me

> because I feel unable to take care of myself and yet I also very much

> want to be

> left alone! I had my son and his girlfriend visiting at the weekend and I

> was

> so glad when they left and now I miss them. Makes no sense but that is

> how I

> am feeling. I am not answering the phone, everything feels like TOO much,

> any

> little thing sends me off the deep end into a spin of severe anxiety,

> even

> answering the phone.


> Mo



> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Mucin, or toxic bloat, is due to lowered metabolism becuase of environmental




Have you had your sex hormones tested? I'm wondering if they are partially

responsible for your remaining symptoms.




View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

-- Hermann Hesse

Re: is this connected in any way I wonder?

> In a message dated 28/11/2006 14:10:10 GMT Standard Time,

> mives@...

> writes:


> Hi

> Can you tell me what mucin is. I do vaguely remember there being posts

> about

> this but I cannot remmeber what it was.


> Mo, its probably mucin or toxic bloat. I have been on a candida diet for

> 8

> weeks now. NO carbs, NO sugars, just lean meats/veggies. And I haven't

> lost a pound.

> Really?! I went on a candida diet a few months ago and lost 28 lbs in

> three

> months. This is what is confusing me, why could I lose it then and before

> if

> I put my mind to it, and not this time?

> Toxic bloat?




> I still have jelly belly, jiggly thighs, and flabby upper arms. you may

> not

> ever diet this stuff off, you body has put toxins there in a place that

> cannot be metabolized in order to protect your body.

> I know what you are saying about toxins in fat but I cannot see what is

> different between now and before when I had no trouble losing the lbs.

> If I can figure out what is different I might have the beginning of an

> understanding/solution.




> I think Atkins, etc., are not healthy diets at all. Just eat healthy. Eat

> meats, steamed veggies, and some limited whole grains. No sodas, no

> sugars/junk, fresh fruits only. Just eat healthy, take your vitamins,

> etc.

> I am calling it Atkins because it is simpler to just call it that but what

> i

> have been eating is basically low-carb. Last Spring I did go on a candida

> diet proper.




> I've forgotten, how much Armour/HC are you on, and for how long? What are

> your remaining symptoms?

> 3 grains of Armour and 27 1/2 hc as of today - the latter that is, one

> month

> on 3 grains having leapt from 2 to 3. I lowered from 3 1.2 to 2 grains

> because I was trying to come off h.c and needed to lower the Armour with

> every

> lowering of the h.c because of palps. so I lowered to 15 mg h.c and 2

> Armour was

> was fine until the hypo started to slowly creep in. Labs confirmed FT3 and

> FT4 barely in range.

> My remaining symptoms? I have exhaustion, sevfere brain-fog, severe

> anxiety,

> depression, water retention I think, insomnia, anger/frustration/tearful

> and this wierd feeling of desperately wanting someone to take care of me

> because I feel unable to take care of myself and yet I also very much

> want to be

> left alone! I had my son and his girlfriend visiting at the weekend and I

> was

> so glad when they left and now I miss them. Makes no sense but that is

> how I

> am feeling. I am not answering the phone, everything feels like TOO much,

> any

> little thing sends me off the deep end into a spin of severe anxiety,

> even

> answering the phone.


> Mo



> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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I'd love to have it... can you upload it to the files section?


-----Original Message-----

From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ]On Behalf Of

Anyone wants the spreadsheet that counts your carbs/calories, let me know.


Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get

things done faster.

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I'd love to have it... can you upload it to the files section?


-----Original Message-----

From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ]On Behalf Of

Anyone wants the spreadsheet that counts your carbs/calories, let me know.


Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get

things done faster.

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I'd love to have it... can you upload it to the files section?


-----Original Message-----

From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ]On Behalf Of

Anyone wants the spreadsheet that counts your carbs/calories, let me know.


Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get

things done faster.

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In a message dated 30/11/2006 01:27:04 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!

Yes that is so true Liz, so true.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 30/11/2006 01:27:04 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!

Yes that is so true Liz, so true.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 30/11/2006 01:27:04 GMT Standard Time,

esilver@... writes:

Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!

Yes that is so true Liz, so true.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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----- Original Message -----

From: Mo


> You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than

> you

> think you know I would say!

Okay, Mo, now I KNOW you're suffering from some serious brain-mush!


Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!


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----- Original Message -----

From: Mo


> You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than

> you

> think you know I would say!

Okay, Mo, now I KNOW you're suffering from some serious brain-mush!


Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!


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----- Original Message -----

From: Mo


> You seem to have it spot-on as far as I can see Liz, you know more than

> you

> think you know I would say!

Okay, Mo, now I KNOW you're suffering from some serious brain-mush!


Seriously, thanks for hearing me, I think it's easier to understand all the

implications and undertones in the email posts when you're at the same

general phase of recovery ... or not, as the case may be!!


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