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Checking in

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Not too bad just not good either. I am having to go 5 hours between

breakfast and lunch and THAT is not agreeing with me! I can check blood

in about 5 minutes than I can eat and i need to I am shaky. I will just

need to do this for a while to set my base dose of the new insulin when

it arrives.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Not too bad just not good either. I am having to go 5 hours between

breakfast and lunch and THAT is not agreeing with me! I can check blood

in about 5 minutes than I can eat and i need to I am shaky. I will just

need to do this for a while to set my base dose of the new insulin when

it arrives.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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In a message dated 15/11/2006 19:49:56 GMT Standard Time,

phonicity@... writes:

Oh yes, it's a compliment! :) Didn't realize you observed Turkey day in the


No we only do turkey day on Christmas Day!

and thanks for the compliment even if I don't understand it, what does that

matter if it is a good vibe coming my way?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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----- Original Message -----

From: " "

>I am awake and a bit nervous today. I had a very near miss yesterday

with a low sugar episode of 45... YEEK. <

Whoosh, I can see where that would be nerve wracking Val! But maybe dosing

insulin is like the pendulum effect ... you have to bounce a bit from low to

high before finding your mid-point? I hope you find the right dose soon so

you can stabilize and de-stress for a bit!


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Good to hear that :)

Have you ever heard of a Dr. Schultz? I was looking at his website,

but none of the weights or ingredients are listed. And I can't order

a catalog. Hmmm???


Well, it's 3:46 a.m. here, so off to bed :)

Have a great day after Thanksgiving Day!


> Just to let you know I am here and pretty well this AM!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/




Support My Music....Jordan Reimer Music


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-------Original Message-------

>>From: Linn

>>For anyone who's

>>having adrenal problems, some type of greens formula would be a huge


Hi Linn,

I juice garden fresh organic veggies, although with winter coming on in

the northeast, I am looking for another source of good greens formula

until spring.

What makes you say that a greens formula is good for adrenals? Do you

think fresh veg juice as good?



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-------Original Message-------

>>From: Linn

>>For anyone who's

>>having adrenal problems, some type of greens formula would be a huge


Hi Linn,

I juice garden fresh organic veggies, although with winter coming on in

the northeast, I am looking for another source of good greens formula

until spring.

What makes you say that a greens formula is good for adrenals? Do you

think fresh veg juice as good?



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OK, I read there that synthetic Vit B is made from coal tar derivatives.

Derivatives is not coal tar. I also do not like this line here: " Many so

called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All vitamin B-12

(Cyanocobalamin) on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow

livers or activated sewage sludge. "

I agree natural is the best way to go. But gross overexaggerations are not

helpful either. I certainly prefer the natural product and would pay more

for it. But I doubt seriously that anything is made from activated sewage

sludge..............that is a bit much. We would all be dead quickly from

sewage sludge. And what is activated?? Activated charcoal?

I love reading about ways to improve health, but it seems all companies that

advertise their product, misrepresent and exaggerate until I don't know what

to believe........................

-- Re: checking in

Dr. Tim O'Shea, thedoctorwithin, chapters on " Ascorbic acid is Not

Vitamin C " and " Minerals " . Referenced well for further reading.


On Nov 26, 2006, at 8:42 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Coal tar? Which vitamins? I have heard that many are made from corn

> and

> potatoes, but tar? Do you have a link to this information?


> -------Original Message-------


> .



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OK, I read there that synthetic Vit B is made from coal tar derivatives.

Derivatives is not coal tar. I also do not like this line here: " Many so

called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All vitamin B-12

(Cyanocobalamin) on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow

livers or activated sewage sludge. "

I agree natural is the best way to go. But gross overexaggerations are not

helpful either. I certainly prefer the natural product and would pay more

for it. But I doubt seriously that anything is made from activated sewage

sludge..............that is a bit much. We would all be dead quickly from

sewage sludge. And what is activated?? Activated charcoal?

I love reading about ways to improve health, but it seems all companies that

advertise their product, misrepresent and exaggerate until I don't know what

to believe........................

-- Re: checking in

Dr. Tim O'Shea, thedoctorwithin, chapters on " Ascorbic acid is Not

Vitamin C " and " Minerals " . Referenced well for further reading.


On Nov 26, 2006, at 8:42 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> Coal tar? Which vitamins? I have heard that many are made from corn

> and

> potatoes, but tar? Do you have a link to this information?


> -------Original Message-------


> .



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Well mine is most likely adrenal stress as that affects the sinuses so I

took some HC this AM. We'll see if it kicks it's butt out a here! I do

not usually get colds or bugs. Not since I got my thyroid optimal. BUT

as I have been taking temps to try to find a correlation in my weird

blood sugar readings ( according to Ron) I am finding I have slipped a

tad hypo again as well. Not much but my daily averages are 98.1 so not

where they were. If that continues the rest of the week, I will be

bumping my Armour again.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Well mine is most likely adrenal stress as that affects the sinuses so I

took some HC this AM. We'll see if it kicks it's butt out a here! I do

not usually get colds or bugs. Not since I got my thyroid optimal. BUT

as I have been taking temps to try to find a correlation in my weird

blood sugar readings ( according to Ron) I am finding I have slipped a

tad hypo again as well. Not much but my daily averages are 98.1 so not

where they were. If that continues the rest of the week, I will be

bumping my Armour again.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Dr. O'Shea's references for his info lead to some excellent info on

nutrition. I don't think he makes gross over exaggerations. I do

think he makes points to get people's attention. He doesn't sell

products himself, except for collagen.


On Nov 26, 2006, at 11:01 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> OK, I read there that synthetic Vit B is made from coal tar

> derivatives.

> Derivatives is not coal tar. I also do not like this line here:

> " Many so

> called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All

> vitamin B-12

> (Cyanocobalamin) on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow

> livers or activated sewage sludge. "


> I agree natural is the best way to go. But gross overexaggerations

> are not

> helpful either. I certainly prefer the natural product and would

> pay more

> for it. But I doubt seriously that anything is made from activated

> sewage

> sludge..............that is a bit much. We would all be dead

> quickly from

> sewage sludge. And what is activated?? Activated charcoal?


> I love reading about ways to improve health, but it seems all

> companies that

> advertise their product, misrepresent and exaggerate until I don't

> know what

> to believe........................


>> .



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Dr. O'Shea's references for his info lead to some excellent info on

nutrition. I don't think he makes gross over exaggerations. I do

think he makes points to get people's attention. He doesn't sell

products himself, except for collagen.


On Nov 26, 2006, at 11:01 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> OK, I read there that synthetic Vit B is made from coal tar

> derivatives.

> Derivatives is not coal tar. I also do not like this line here:

> " Many so

> called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All

> vitamin B-12

> (Cyanocobalamin) on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow

> livers or activated sewage sludge. "


> I agree natural is the best way to go. But gross overexaggerations

> are not

> helpful either. I certainly prefer the natural product and would

> pay more

> for it. But I doubt seriously that anything is made from activated

> sewage

> sludge..............that is a bit much. We would all be dead

> quickly from

> sewage sludge. And what is activated?? Activated charcoal?


> I love reading about ways to improve health, but it seems all

> companies that

> advertise their product, misrepresent and exaggerate until I don't

> know what

> to believe........................


>> .



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That's just the title of the chapter, it's the B vitamins he

referenced. I have read this info other places also regarding B



On Nov 26, 2006, at 10:51 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> I read ascorbic acid is made from cornstarch, not coal tar, on the

> O'Shea

> chapter info you sent me. Coal tar would kill ya.


> -- Re: checking in


> Dr. Tim O'Shea, thedoctorwithin, chapters on " Ascorbic acid is Not

> Vitamin C " and " Minerals " . Referenced well for further reading.


> Linn


> .



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I'm reading what Dr. O has to say about Vitamins being crystallized away from

their co-factors making them pretty ineffective. This seems to mirror what Dr.

has said to me...I switched to Standard Process because they base their

formulas on whole foods. Now I've read recently that SP has backed off their

standards in this regard which is so disappointing if it is true. Hurry on Dr.

Schultze's Supergreens!

Linn wrote: Dr. O'Shea's references for

his info lead to some excellent info on

nutrition. I don't think he makes gross over exaggerations. I do

think he makes points to get people's attention. He doesn't sell

products himself, except for collagen.


On Nov 26, 2006, at 11:01 AM, C. Mannelli, Ed.D. wrote:

> OK, I read there that synthetic Vit B is made from coal tar

> derivatives.

> Derivatives is not coal tar. I also do not like this line here:

> " Many so

> called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All

> vitamin B-12

> (Cyanocobalamin) on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow

> livers or activated sewage sludge. "


> I agree natural is the best way to go. But gross overexaggerations

> are not

> helpful either. I certainly prefer the natural product and would

> pay more

> for it. But I doubt seriously that anything is made from activated

> sewage

> sludge..............that is a bit much. We would all be dead

> quickly from

> sewage sludge. And what is activated?? Activated charcoal?


> I love reading about ways to improve health, but it seems all

> companies that

> advertise their product, misrepresent and exaggerate until I don't

> know what

> to believe........................


>> .



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That's interesting, Standard Process has such a good reputation. Can

you send me the info?


> I'm reading what Dr. O has to say about Vitamins being crystallized

> away from their co-factors making them pretty ineffective. This

> seems to mirror what Dr. has said to me...I switched to

> Standard Process because they base their formulas on whole foods.

> Now I've read recently that SP has backed off their standards in

> this regard which is so disappointing if it is true. Hurry on Dr.

> Schultze's Supergreens!




> .



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That's interesting, Standard Process has such a good reputation. Can

you send me the info?


> I'm reading what Dr. O has to say about Vitamins being crystallized

> away from their co-factors making them pretty ineffective. This

> seems to mirror what Dr. has said to me...I switched to

> Standard Process because they base their formulas on whole foods.

> Now I've read recently that SP has backed off their standards in

> this regard which is so disappointing if it is true. Hurry on Dr.

> Schultze's Supergreens!




> .



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That's interesting, Standard Process has such a good reputation. Can

you send me the info?


> I'm reading what Dr. O has to say about Vitamins being crystallized

> away from their co-factors making them pretty ineffective. This

> seems to mirror what Dr. has said to me...I switched to

> Standard Process because they base their formulas on whole foods.

> Now I've read recently that SP has backed off their standards in

> this regard which is so disappointing if it is true. Hurry on Dr.

> Schultze's Supergreens!




> .



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Jackie...I was always " the kindest person anyone knew " . I was kind to

everyone but myself.People asked I would give.My time,my money..whatever.

I would be stressed sometimes by doing this but always held it down..inside!

I guess I wanted everyone to " love " me?

Very insecure since childhood.no self confidence..my childhood was not good.

In this past year since I almost died I have found that my loved ones

really aren't and it's ok.I have learned a lot about relationships lately.I


learned if you are a doormat for people they will wipe their feet on you.

Now that I am broke,sick,and older and wiser ..did I say broke? lol.I find

that the people that used to " love " me have mostly disappeared.Since I

started saying no!!!God,I wish I had learned that long ago.

Giving ..giving ..giving to people do not make them love you..it makes them

use you!!

Learn to say no now! It really isn't that hard to do.

You will see who is your friend..who loves you.

I should have paid more attention to Dr.Suess long ago,lol

" Be who you are and say what you feel....Because those that matter....don't

mind....And those that mind....don't matter. "

Re: checking in

Posted by: " Ken & Jackie Reimer " quest4us@... gardeningishard

Date: Mon Dec 4, 2006 1:50 am ((PST))

Tell me your secret , I need to open up too!


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