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good morning to you too Val.....

BTW---Since you've weaned off HC, do you feel that your adrenal function is

COMPLETELY up to speed or do you think it will take a lot longer? I was reading

a book this morning that said that after taking 10-20 mgs. of daily HC for a

long period of time, it takes at least 9 months and sometimes up to two years to

recover full adrenal function....What has been the case for you?

checking in

Good morning!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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My last labs showed high in the morning, but the rest of the day well

within normal limits! I can live with this and I suspect the high am is

due to my high sugar from the Diabetes. I plan on retesting once I get

the glucise better controlled for a couple months.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations



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, excellent advice. I will take it to heart. Thank you. Part of

my problem is that instead of saying anything I just keep quiet. I

can feel it all building in my jaw.

I love the Dr. Suess reference. I wanted to reply with a Dr. S type

rhyme, but couldn't figure one out.

Jackie ~



> Jackie...I was always " the kindest person anyone knew " . I was kind to

> everyone but myself.People asked I would give.My time,my

> money..whatever.

> I would be stressed sometimes by doing this but always held it

> down..inside!

> I guess I wanted everyone to " love " me?


> Very insecure since childhood.no self confidence..my childhood was

> not good.


> In this past year since I almost died I have found that my loved ones

> really aren't and it's ok.I have learned a lot about relationships

> lately.I have

> learned if you are a doormat for people they will wipe their feet

> on you.

> Now that I am broke,sick,and older and wiser ..did I say broke?

> lol.I find

> that the people that used to " love " me have mostly disappeared.Since I

> started saying no!!!God,I wish I had learned that long ago.


> Giving ..giving ..giving to people do not make them love you..it

> makes them

> use you!!


> Learn to say no now! It really isn't that hard to do.

> You will see who is your friend..who loves you.


> I should have paid more attention to Dr.Suess long ago,lol


> " Be who you are and say what you feel....Because those that

> matter....don't

> mind....And those that mind....don't matter. "


> Re: checking in

> Posted by: " Ken & Jackie Reimer " quest4us@...

> gardeningishard

> Date: Mon Dec 4, 2006 1:50 am ((PST))


> Tell me your secret , I need to open up too!


> jackie



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Val - would it be a good idea to put a date in the subject line?

Don't we need to know WHICH day it is that you are checking in?

anyway - so glad you ARE checking in every day!!!!



Good morning!


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Marti. ALL email programs date each & every email. I have enough to do

in the mornings! LOL AND BTW, my numbers are great this morning so the

bug must have finally left!

Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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In a message dated 09/12/2006 10:52:58 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Call me ditzy!

Well that makes two of us....... three? four? five? six?

any more offers on six out there folks?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 09/12/2006 10:52:58 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Call me ditzy!

Well that makes two of us....... three? four? five? six?

any more offers on six out there folks?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 10:54:49 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Well I am here but I sure don't feel well this morning. Swollen glands.


Oh....... that's not good news Val. Have you got Vit C, take heaps if you

have. And zinc. I believe they work synergistically. I bought some high-dose

zinc yesterday for this reason.

Is it possible for you to rest today? That would help if you can at all

though I realise you maybe cannot do that so readily being self-employed and on

your own.

You will know better than me what to do with the h/c etc. I suppose it is a

case of taking 20 mg straight away?

I am back on my usual h.c regime from this morning.

No palps last night which was such a relief. And no Nytol either!

take care of you


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 10:54:49 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Well I am here but I sure don't feel well this morning. Swollen glands.


Oh....... that's not good news Val. Have you got Vit C, take heaps if you

have. And zinc. I believe they work synergistically. I bought some high-dose

zinc yesterday for this reason.

Is it possible for you to rest today? That would help if you can at all

though I realise you maybe cannot do that so readily being self-employed and on

your own.

You will know better than me what to do with the h/c etc. I suppose it is a

case of taking 20 mg straight away?

I am back on my usual h.c regime from this morning.

No palps last night which was such a relief. And no Nytol either!

take care of you


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 11:58:27 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Well I haven't been taking my Vitamin C as the ONLY form I have found

that does not give me the runs is Emergen-C. The variety I have is

loaded with sugar. I have some sugar free ordered but it sin;t here yet,

maybe it will come in today's mail.

Well there you have it, my guess is your Vit C stores are at an all-time low

with all the recent stresses etc.

I hope it arrives in today's mail for you. And don't forget the zinc!


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 11:58:27 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Well I haven't been taking my Vitamin C as the ONLY form I have found

that does not give me the runs is Emergen-C. The variety I have is

loaded with sugar. I have some sugar free ordered but it sin;t here yet,

maybe it will come in today's mail.

Well there you have it, my guess is your Vit C stores are at an all-time low

with all the recent stresses etc.

I hope it arrives in today's mail for you. And don't forget the zinc!


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 15:48:47 GMT Standard Time,

debbieellison06@... writes:

I have felt a little better

the last few days too.I started iodoral.I'm only taking 1 though.Will

go to 2 at the end of the week.Hope it helps.

Glad to hear you are doing well Debs!

All together girls -

We shall, we shall, we shall overcome................


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 11/12/2006 15:48:47 GMT Standard Time,

debbieellison06@... writes:

I have felt a little better

the last few days too.I started iodoral.I'm only taking 1 though.Will

go to 2 at the end of the week.Hope it helps.

Glad to hear you are doing well Debs!

All together girls -

We shall, we shall, we shall overcome................


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Well I haven't been taking my Vitamin C as the ONLY form I have found

that does not give me the runs is Emergen-C. The variety I have is

loaded with sugar. I have some sugar free ordered but it sin;t here yet,

maybe it will come in today's mail.I increased my Keflex to 1500MG a day

see if that don't scare this out of me. I have to work today but only 2

dogs and an accountant appointment after that. So I will be going in

late, but still have to do some things like go to the PO and grocery.

This is so strange I have not been sick in YEARS since I got my thyroid

high enough. I am wondering what is doing this now.. maybe the insulin.

Usually I have a wonderful immune system.. too good in fact ! LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Well I haven't been taking my Vitamin C as the ONLY form I have found

that does not give me the runs is Emergen-C. The variety I have is

loaded with sugar. I have some sugar free ordered but it sin;t here yet,

maybe it will come in today's mail.I increased my Keflex to 1500MG a day

see if that don't scare this out of me. I have to work today but only 2

dogs and an accountant appointment after that. So I will be going in

late, but still have to do some things like go to the PO and grocery.

This is so strange I have not been sick in YEARS since I got my thyroid

high enough. I am wondering what is doing this now.. maybe the insulin.

Usually I have a wonderful immune system.. too good in fact ! LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Well I haven't been taking my Vitamin C as the ONLY form I have found

that does not give me the runs is Emergen-C. The variety I have is

loaded with sugar. I have some sugar free ordered but it sin;t here yet,

maybe it will come in today's mail.I increased my Keflex to 1500MG a day

see if that don't scare this out of me. I have to work today but only 2

dogs and an accountant appointment after that. So I will be going in

late, but still have to do some things like go to the PO and grocery.

This is so strange I have not been sick in YEARS since I got my thyroid

high enough. I am wondering what is doing this now.. maybe the insulin.

Usually I have a wonderful immune system.. too good in fact ! LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Good Morning Ladies,Val hope you feel better,its that time of the

year.Mo, glad to hear your doing better.I have felt a little better

the last few days too.I started iodoral.I'm only taking 1 though.Will

go to 2 at the end of the week.Hope it helps.Have a great


In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,

NOVAexeter@... wrote:




> In a message dated 11/12/2006 10:54:49 GMT Standard Time,

> artisticgroomer@... writes:


> Well I am here but I sure don't feel well this morning. Swollen


> YUCK...




> Oh....... that's not good news Val. Have you got Vit C, take

heaps if you

> have. And zinc. I believe they work synergistically. I bought some


> zinc yesterday for this reason.

> Is it possible for you to rest today? That would help if you can at


> though I realise you maybe cannot do that so readily being self-

employed and on

> your own.

> You will know better than me what to do with the h/c etc. I suppose

it is a

> case of taking 20 mg straight away?

> I am back on my usual h.c regime from this morning.

> No palps last night which was such a relief. And no Nytol either!


> take care of you

> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Good Morning Ladies,Val hope you feel better,its that time of the

year.Mo, glad to hear your doing better.I have felt a little better

the last few days too.I started iodoral.I'm only taking 1 though.Will

go to 2 at the end of the week.Hope it helps.Have a great


In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,

NOVAexeter@... wrote:




> In a message dated 11/12/2006 10:54:49 GMT Standard Time,

> artisticgroomer@... writes:


> Well I am here but I sure don't feel well this morning. Swollen


> YUCK...




> Oh....... that's not good news Val. Have you got Vit C, take

heaps if you

> have. And zinc. I believe they work synergistically. I bought some


> zinc yesterday for this reason.

> Is it possible for you to rest today? That would help if you can at


> though I realise you maybe cannot do that so readily being self-

employed and on

> your own.

> You will know better than me what to do with the h/c etc. I suppose

it is a

> case of taking 20 mg straight away?

> I am back on my usual h.c regime from this morning.

> No palps last night which was such a relief. And no Nytol either!


> take care of you

> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Good Morning Val,Good to hear your a little better.I had a good day

yesterday.More energy, not tierd at all.I hope everything is falling

into place.Guess I'll know today.Get Well.LOL


In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,



> Aline and still not well, but I feel better than yesterday so maybe


> is heading down the road now!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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Good Morning Val,Good to hear your a little better.I had a good day

yesterday.More energy, not tierd at all.I hope everything is falling

into place.Guess I'll know today.Get Well.LOL


In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,



> Aline and still not well, but I feel better than yesterday so maybe


> is heading down the road now!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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In a message dated 14/12/2006 11:27:11 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Rather quickly.. I almost overslept this morning but my glucose is down

again! My 27 pound alarm cat would never let me sleep TOO late.. We have

a new method of waking Mom... Gallump, gallump gallump across my BELLY

till I get mad enough to get up! Hey it is time for his Armour laden


Morning Val

My live-in canine flat-mate doesn't do the gallump, gallump, gallump but

though I have been known to get an occasional swipe across the gob, lol

What he likes to do is protect me from postie. Causes an uproar. I am nearly

always asleep course. And guess what? Postie gets terrified ;) and goes away

because he is very scared of this HUGE Big Hound of a thing and then Blondie

thinks he is the bee's knees, he has saved The Planet.

At least Planet Mo and Blondie for another day.........

and then it all starts up again next morning.......

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Good morning Val,I send the ferrit into my sons room,I put him

right on the bed within 2 minutes hes up.Work every time. Have a



In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ,



> Rather quickly.. I almost overslept this morning but my glucose is


> again! My 27 pound alarm cat would never let me sleep TOO late.. We


> a new method of waking Mom... Gallump, gallump gallump across my


> till I get mad enough to get up! Hey it is time for his Armour


> treats!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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In a message dated 16/12/2006 11:11:13 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

good. Strange that I have only run a fever ONE day in all this!


Maybe that is all the work your body needed to do in that department young


Sounds like you are quite a healthy specimen really, lol


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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