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RE: losing weight/finding the time to exercise

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I think you mean the one written by Corrinne Netzer, not Metzger?


In a message dated 06/03/2002 3:51:19 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

macey110@... writes:

> or the one put out by Metzger

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woawww pat occasional is once every few months not every week. iknow u two r

Type 2's but still the roll will make your bs jump!! on a trial basis test

1hr after eating. bet you won't look at the roll with the same longing ever

again!! . , where r u guys some of today's post made my eyes pop!

no treats gals your bs at the moment can't afford it wait for better control

then go for the treat stuff!!

my dr initially said a few sweats is ok i was 18 at that time so i ate 6

chocolates (Makintosh) bs was 350 with insulin!! but afetr a long time i see

real people making real rt's and wrongs other wise i was getting a complex

thinking i was the stupid diabetic!@@@ by the way when i initially started

medium carbing my wt was 165 lbs 73 kg, now 59 kg and 129 lb. Take care



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my doctor (still not sure he knows what he's talking

> about) said an occasional treat is good, because you don't feel


> my problem is that if i keep anything in the house, it's not

occasional. i

> inhale at once.

I can honestly say I haven't cheated once since diagnosis in

November, because I know that if I do it won't be the last time, and

my will power will be broken. Besides, I know that unlike with

regular diets, cheating on diabetic diets causes a reaction that can

be measured immediately. I just feel too good to mess with it.

Today we had a birthday party at work with chocolate mousse cake,

which I brought in. I cut and served it for everyone else, and then

after the party went back to my office and had a low carb bar. I

felt perfectly happy to do this. I know I could have had a small

piece of cake with no harm, but I don't want to get started, and

since it was my choice not to have a piece of cake I don't feel

deprived. I'm now 2.5 pounds below my target weight (a total of 50.5

pounds lost), and I feel better than I have in years. And I love all

the positive reinforcement I get when people I haven't seen for a

while see me and their jaws drop. ;-)

Regarding exercise, I'm finding it hard to find time for an organized

routine lately, because my work load is very heavy, but I still try

to do things like take the stairs, walk to someone's office to talk

with them instead of always picking up the phone, parking further

away everywhere I go, etc., especially on days when I can't make it

to the gym. But if I miss several days at the gym I really start

feeling bad. And I still do toning exercises every night while I

watch TV. Exercise is definitely addictive. This is from someone

who, up til six months ago, was a total couch potato. I know it's

hard to find time, and it's hard to get started, but just start small

and build. It will make you feel so much better!!


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> Hello pat0829@a...,

> Whenever i have a treat, or a bite of one... then all it does is

make me want



> Sooo its best to stay away from them for me, and i think its best

for most

> others too.




Yep, me too. I'm with you all the way on that one!


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i'm thinking that since i'm having problems, i need to

> get rid of this stuff, because i don't seem to be able to have it

as rarely

> as you suggest.

Try thinking of fast food and other foods of that type as " poison. "

I actually visualize foods that I know are bad for me with that skull

and crossbones sitting on top of it. I know it sounds a bit extreme,

but for me I know these foods *are* literally a slow acting poison

for my body.


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i'm thinking that since i'm having problems, i need to

> get rid of this stuff, because i don't seem to be able to have it

as rarely

> as you suggest.

Try thinking of fast food and other foods of that type as " poison. "

I actually visualize foods that I know are bad for me with that skull

and crossbones sitting on top of it. I know it sounds a bit extreme,

but for me I know these foods *are* literally a slow acting poison

for my body.


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i'm thinking that since i'm having problems, i need to

> get rid of this stuff, because i don't seem to be able to have it

as rarely

> as you suggest.

Try thinking of fast food and other foods of that type as " poison. "

I actually visualize foods that I know are bad for me with that skull

and crossbones sitting on top of it. I know it sounds a bit extreme,

but for me I know these foods *are* literally a slow acting poison

for my body.


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Pat, when you go food shopping, read the labels, especially the total

carbohydrates. You'll probably be surprised at how low some are and

how high others are. Shopping is always an education for me. I also

recommend a book on food counts, either the Nutribase " Food Counts "

or the one put out by Metzger. They can really help you count the

carbs and figure out how to add a lot of variety to your menu. The

USDA web site is great, too, but I like to be able to thumb through

the books. They both also give food counts for a lot of popular

chain restaurants, which can help when you're eating out.


> well, it sounds like a plan, i guess. i think i'm gonna go to a


> market than my little grocer, and get some yummies like shrimp,

fresh tuna,

> etc. and just have a super dinner, and then water to snack with.

not what i

> want, but who said life was easy. pat


> >

> > > Sooo its best to stay away from them for me, and i think its


> > for most

> > > others too.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > Yep, me too. I'm with you all the way on that one!

> >

> >





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Pat, when you go food shopping, read the labels, especially the total

carbohydrates. You'll probably be surprised at how low some are and

how high others are. Shopping is always an education for me. I also

recommend a book on food counts, either the Nutribase " Food Counts "

or the one put out by Metzger. They can really help you count the

carbs and figure out how to add a lot of variety to your menu. The

USDA web site is great, too, but I like to be able to thumb through

the books. They both also give food counts for a lot of popular

chain restaurants, which can help when you're eating out.


> well, it sounds like a plan, i guess. i think i'm gonna go to a


> market than my little grocer, and get some yummies like shrimp,

fresh tuna,

> etc. and just have a super dinner, and then water to snack with.

not what i

> want, but who said life was easy. pat


> >

> > > Sooo its best to stay away from them for me, and i think its


> > for most

> > > others too.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > Yep, me too. I'm with you all the way on that one!

> >

> >





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Pat, when you go food shopping, read the labels, especially the total

carbohydrates. You'll probably be surprised at how low some are and

how high others are. Shopping is always an education for me. I also

recommend a book on food counts, either the Nutribase " Food Counts "

or the one put out by Metzger. They can really help you count the

carbs and figure out how to add a lot of variety to your menu. The

USDA web site is great, too, but I like to be able to thumb through

the books. They both also give food counts for a lot of popular

chain restaurants, which can help when you're eating out.


> well, it sounds like a plan, i guess. i think i'm gonna go to a


> market than my little grocer, and get some yummies like shrimp,

fresh tuna,

> etc. and just have a super dinner, and then water to snack with.

not what i

> want, but who said life was easy. pat


> >

> > > Sooo its best to stay away from them for me, and i think its


> > for most

> > > others too.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > Yep, me too. I'm with you all the way on that one!

> >

> >





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i think that's gonna have to be my solution. if i have cheesecake here, i

can't eat just one bite. i do better with Hershey Kisses, but right now,

i'm craving a milkshake. i'm guessing that if i don't think so much about

food, and recipes (and i add them constantly to my website), then i won't

have to grieve for that loss as much. pat


> back in my mouth. Talk about being a carboholic. When I went on low-fat med


> carbs about a month ago, I was starving. It just took 1 baked potato and

> the

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whati was thinking was a choc. chip milkshake. however, i decided that i

don't need it, and it's jst in my head. i'll try what ou suggested.

thanks. pat

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whati was thinking was a choc. chip milkshake. however, i decided that i

don't need it, and it's jst in my head. i'll try what ou suggested.

thanks. pat

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That's wonderful!!! Congratulations.... you're inspiring :-)



by the way when i

>>initially started

>>medium carbing my wt was 165 lbs 73 kg, now 59 kg and 129 lb.

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Keto makes a super lowcarb high protein milkshake that tastes like anything

you would wish for...they come in all flavors...eggnog, chocolate peanut

butter, strawberry, banana, etc. etc. They're called Keto Shakes and are

available online through the Lifeservices website (www.lifeservices.com)

among other online lowcarb stores. It's sorta pricy - about $19 for a can of

powder plus shipping -- but that makes up into at least 10 shakes. You add 7

oz. water, 1 oz. cream and 2 ice cubes, blender at high speed and you've got

the best milkshake ever! Filling too...really, a meal substitute. Give it a

try. I have one at least once a week for breakfast substitute. Vicki

In a message dated 06/03/2002 8:08:41 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:

> i'm craving a milkshake

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Keto makes a super lowcarb high protein milkshake that tastes like anything

you would wish for...they come in all flavors...eggnog, chocolate peanut

butter, strawberry, banana, etc. etc. They're called Keto Shakes and are

available online through the Lifeservices website (www.lifeservices.com)

among other online lowcarb stores. It's sorta pricy - about $19 for a can of

powder plus shipping -- but that makes up into at least 10 shakes. You add 7

oz. water, 1 oz. cream and 2 ice cubes, blender at high speed and you've got

the best milkshake ever! Filling too...really, a meal substitute. Give it a

try. I have one at least once a week for breakfast substitute. Vicki

In a message dated 06/03/2002 8:08:41 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:

> i'm craving a milkshake

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> I think you mean the one written by Corrinne Netzer, not Metzger?

> Vicki



> In a message dated 06/03/2002 3:51:19 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

> macey110@c... writes:



> > or the one put out by Metzger




Yeah, that's it, thanks. I was going by my very faulty memory.

Anyway, I have both books and find them extremely helpful.


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> I think you mean the one written by Corrinne Netzer, not Metzger?

> Vicki



> In a message dated 06/03/2002 3:51:19 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

> macey110@c... writes:



> > or the one put out by Metzger




Yeah, that's it, thanks. I was going by my very faulty memory.

Anyway, I have both books and find them extremely helpful.


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I agree with . After going back on Atkins and losing 6 pounds last

week (finally, finally, finally!) I can't even think of putting the poison

back in my mouth. Talk about being a carboholic. When I went on low-fat med

carbs about a month ago, I was starving. It just took 1 baked potato and the

cravings started up. Today I had no appetite, but I made myself eat 1/2 cup

of tuna w/mayonaise for supper. I did eat hamburger steak, tomatoes,

mayonaise and green beans for lunch. Just one bite and I am over the edge

just like an alcoholic.

Phyllis N


>Hello pat0829@...,


>In reference to your comment:


>ð why not a sweet roll (or bite) once a week.   make one

>ð day special, and allow yourself.   my doctor (still not

>ð sure he knows what he's talking about) said an

>ð occasional treat is good, because you don't feel

>ð deprived.  


>Whenever i have a treat, or a bite of one... then all it does is make me




>Sooo its best to stay away from them for me, and i think its best for most

>others too.






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Try the EAS Myloplex low carb shakes, available at most health food

stores or online. The chocolate ones are especially good, and

they're just 4 g. of carbs. I keep them in my desk drawer at work

for times when I can't get away to eat on time. I just pour them

over ice and they're really tasty. I've also fallen in love with the

Carb Solutions peanut butter and chocolate bars. I keep one in my

purse for the same kinds of situations.


> i think that's gonna have to be my solution. if i have

cheesecake here, i

> can't eat just one bite. i do better with Hershey Kisses, but

right now,

> i'm craving a milkshake. i'm guessing that if i don't think so

much about

> food, and recipes (and i add them constantly to my website), then i


> have to grieve for that loss as much. pat


> >

> > back in my mouth. Talk about being a carboholic. When I went on

low-fat med

> >

> > carbs about a month ago, I was starving. It just took 1 baked

potato and

> > the





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Cheeky, that's an EXCELLENT piece of advice. Thanks!

Rick, do we have a permanent file where this can be tucked away for permanent

so newbies (and others) can refer to it?


In a message dated 06/04/2002 5:14:05 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

up_away@... writes:

> Did you really choose not to test. imagine a close loved one CHOOSING TO

> NEGLECT them selves....husband, child anybody how would you react?? treat

> your self in the third person you'll be surprised at how quickly you will

> fall in place imagine you are your own daughter then see if you can watch

> the slow killing. test a few times after bingeing or eating you will slowly


> stop the food. have a big mac leave out the top bun then throw/give away

> the

> fries your mouth gets the taste your blood deosn't get the mega carb boost.

> I am a super cook but i CHOOSE to treat myself by not cooking!! that is

> how

> u traet yourself find comfort in buying things for the house or yourself

> not

> FOOD. a treat is no food, a treat is an exotic aromatherapy or massage, a

> new top or lipstick but never again food.

> cheeky


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Cheeky, that's an EXCELLENT piece of advice. Thanks!

Rick, do we have a permanent file where this can be tucked away for permanent

so newbies (and others) can refer to it?


In a message dated 06/04/2002 5:14:05 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

up_away@... writes:

> Did you really choose not to test. imagine a close loved one CHOOSING TO

> NEGLECT them selves....husband, child anybody how would you react?? treat

> your self in the third person you'll be surprised at how quickly you will

> fall in place imagine you are your own daughter then see if you can watch

> the slow killing. test a few times after bingeing or eating you will slowly


> stop the food. have a big mac leave out the top bun then throw/give away

> the

> fries your mouth gets the taste your blood deosn't get the mega carb boost.

> I am a super cook but i CHOOSE to treat myself by not cooking!! that is

> how

> u traet yourself find comfort in buying things for the house or yourself

> not

> FOOD. a treat is no food, a treat is an exotic aromatherapy or massage, a

> new top or lipstick but never again food.

> cheeky


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>i guess i need to be arm sticking more, and test. some nites before going

i find if i am left without an appt. to see my endo more than 2 months then

i get careless. need a dr constantly frowning over me!!

>to bed, i'll have a spoon of ice cream. but it's not once a month, and


i have icecream too but a scoop of sugar free fat free stuff which is

nothing special except its cold!!

i chose not to test last

>week when i had the BigMacAttack; i just enjoyed.

Did you really choose not to test. imagine a close loved one CHOOSING TO

NEGLECT them selves....husband, child anybody how would you react?? treat

your self in the third person you'll be surprised at how quickly you will

fall in place imagine you are your own daughter then see if you can watch

the slow killing. test a few times after bingeing or eating you will slowly

stop the food. have a big mac leave out the top bun then throw/give away the

fries your mouth gets the taste your blood deosn't get the mega carb boost.

I am a super cook but i CHOOSE to treat myself by not cooking!! that is how

u traet yourself find comfort in buying things for the house or yourself not

FOOD. a treat is no food, a treat is an exotic aromatherapy or massage, a

new top or lipstick but never again food.



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>i guess i need to be arm sticking more, and test. some nites before going

i find if i am left without an appt. to see my endo more than 2 months then

i get careless. need a dr constantly frowning over me!!

>to bed, i'll have a spoon of ice cream. but it's not once a month, and


i have icecream too but a scoop of sugar free fat free stuff which is

nothing special except its cold!!

i chose not to test last

>week when i had the BigMacAttack; i just enjoyed.

Did you really choose not to test. imagine a close loved one CHOOSING TO

NEGLECT them selves....husband, child anybody how would you react?? treat

your self in the third person you'll be surprised at how quickly you will

fall in place imagine you are your own daughter then see if you can watch

the slow killing. test a few times after bingeing or eating you will slowly

stop the food. have a big mac leave out the top bun then throw/give away the

fries your mouth gets the taste your blood deosn't get the mega carb boost.

I am a super cook but i CHOOSE to treat myself by not cooking!! that is how

u traet yourself find comfort in buying things for the house or yourself not

FOOD. a treat is no food, a treat is an exotic aromatherapy or massage, a

new top or lipstick but never again food.



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i will try soon. i don't have a credit card, but am getting one. nothing

is close by here, so i have to use internet to get the bread, and the shakes,

and the bars. but i think if i can find a good substitute for the Hershey,

Jelly Belly and Ben & Jerry (at least a tolerable one), i'll survive. pat

(guessing she kinda likes those old fingers and toes)

> got

> the best milkshake ever! Filling too...really, a meal substitute. Give it

> a

> try. I have one at least once a week for breakfast substitute. Vicki


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