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Hi Ally,

Congratulations : )

My name is & I'm new to the group.

I agree with you, why introduce sugar & yeast back in. None of them, including

wheat, are very good for any of us.

Sugar hinders us in so many ways including during our periods & helps to promote

any kind of dis-ease the body takes on b/c our immune system is low.

In the blood type diet, none of the blood types can eat mainstream wheat. Dairy

is no good either for every blood type except for AB & even then only some types

of dairy.

Anything in moderation is okay, but I found that once I went back to eating

mainstream foods, it was easier to binge & my body was hit hard after being on

the Candida diet for only 3 months.

Also it's said that if one craves sweets, there is an imbalance in the body that

needs to be addressed or it could be emotional eating... sugar to make us feel

bloated & overweight to confirm we aren't worthy, or sugar to congratulate us on

a job well done (we learn this during celebrational times & it's terrible that

we just model everyone else even if we aren't in the mood for something sweet).

The choice is yours of course. : )

Be well !

All clear

Hi, I've had candida for about a year (maybe longer but milder

symptoms, was on antibiotics for acne for 18 years), and was finally

diagnosed at christmas when my symptoms really escalated (constant

UTI pain and dizziness, I think things escalated at this time due to

the amount of sugar / alcohol i was consuming, like you do during the

holiday season).

I visited my doctor who seemed only interested in treating the

symptoms, and not the cause, I must say that I got to a point with

the constant bladder pain that I considered ending my life.

Fortunatly during one of my many sleepless, painful nights I came

across a web site talking about candida and the symptoms and

everything seemed to fall into place. So I went back to my doctor to

mention it, who of course wasn't interested.

I then found a local homeopath who himself had candida a few years

ago and now treats it (among many other things). When i first met

him he told me that it could be a long road to recovery 6 months - 3

years, but to have faith in him as he knew all about it, having had

been there himself and having since treated loads of people. I was

treated using a bio-resonance therapy machine and supplements to kill

the candida / parasites, along with removing sugar and yeast from my

diet. I had regular appointments (weekly if i was bad, monthly if

things were good) Now 7 months on, I have just been given the all-

clear today (i suspected that I was clear the last couple of weeks as

i havn't felt this good in years) There have been real highs (when I

have felt quite good) and real lows (when the candida has fought

back, and made me bed-ridden) during the last 7 months. I am now

starting on a course of pro-biotics (good bacteria) which I will take

for 6 months, and to drink hot water with lemon in, to make my body

less acidic. He's also said that I can now start to re-introduce

sugar and yeast back into my diet, but I must say I'm a bit afraid

to, I've lived without it for the last 7 months why eat it again?

When I think back to how desperate i was at the start of this battle

and could never see an end, I can't believe how far I've come. I just

wanted to write this to maybe give hope to anyone who might read

this, and to say that YOU CAN BEAT THIS! I have been given back my

life, and my children have their mother back.

Thanks to all that have posted to this group, it has been a great



Lincoln, England

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  • 3 years later...

Beth's b/f, Roman, was able to climb up the tree farther then Jeromy did and

I am happy to say, we have a very cold scared kitten back in the house and

where was his first stop when he came into the house?????? His litter box!

LOL Thanks for your prayers! I doubt he will try and get out for a long

time let alone climb a tree!

Debbie A

Have a great day !

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