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ALERT!! Why you NEED to READ the BOOK!!

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I found this on a message board. I wrote to the atkins

center and sent

this post to get their input on how valid this concern

is..I will post

their response when it comes....but in the meantime, This

is WHY!!!!

You need to read the books, follow the programs, and

don't play with

this wol.......it works, yes, works very well where other


fail.......but as with all changes in nutrition, there


rules,........rules for good reasons......not drinking

WATER, not

taking SUPPLIMENTS........and doing a total MEAT

FAST.........is NOT

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! READ ON>>>>>>Annie

You newbies know that we " old

pro's " always

harp on this, but you

may not know why. At the end of

this note, I'm

going to import the text

of a message from the lowcarb

newsgroup (minus

the author's name,

since I didn't ask about posting

it). It's a

vivid reminder that you have

to do Atkins the RIGHT way, or

you really can

get yourself into

trouble. The best case scenario

of doing it

really incorrectly is that you

just don't lose weight, but the

worst case is

that you really can do

yourself harm (which is not

unique to lowcarb,

you can also diet

yourself into medical conditions

on a low cal

or low fat diet). And the

problem with either of these bad

results is

that then the folks who

experience them blame Atkins,

even though they

were never actually

doing the diet described by Dr.

Atkins. They

were doing the " Jane

" (or whoever) diet!

So please, please, for your own

sakes (as well

as the sake of a really

good plan that the rest of us

don't want to

see slandered), READ (and

follow!) the book. Drink your

water! Take your


And have a good holiday weekend




Here's that horror story: (you

can follow the

entire thread on

www.deja.com, looking for " near

fatality " on





Near Fatality on Atkins (I am not

a troll lol)

Hello All, Hope this subject got


attention. I am not a troll and

have posted a number of times

here as many I

am sure know, and am

on Atkins myself for nearly 2

months now. I am

an ER nurse and

would like to share a case we had


afternoon. We had to admit a

patient who came into the ER

today that has

been on Atkins for 7

months. Her pharmacist gave her

the diet on a

piece of paper, she

never read the book. Basically

she has been on

a meat fast for the last

7 months. The pharmacist also

advised her

about the need for the

supplements, but she felt she did

not need

them. When she had her leg

cramps she neglected to inform

her Dr. about

her diet, and just told

him that she was exercising to

hard so he gave

her muscle relaxants

and quinine on separate

occasions. She refused

to take any

supplements in any way shape of

form, feeling

that she did not need

them. She ignored signs her body

was giving

her such as severe

cramps and palpitations. Her

Calcium (5.2) and

Potassium (2.1) were

at critical lows, and her

Magnesium (0.9) was

low as well but not

critically. She was cramping so

bad you could

see the muscles bulging

in her arms and legs. Her fingers

and toes

were doing the pretzel thing.

She was also having a multitude

of cardiac

dysrythmias. Yes this was

her fault due to her own

stupidity in not

taking the supplements. There

have been many many posts in the

NG about

cramps, myself included.

For whatever diet you have

chosen, USE THE





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thanks for the advice annie.. many of us know this but alot of newbies think

they can change the diet to lose faster. and thats not a good idea. you must

take your supplements and you will start getting all kinds of problems if

you dont.. and the worst part is people blaming Atkins when they get sick

when they werent following his advice .and therefore giving him and the diet

a bad name. i have been on this diet since 96 and i eat my veggies and take

my vitamins and i am very healthy.. thanks for the post



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thanks for the advice annie.. many of us know this but alot of newbies think

they can change the diet to lose faster. and thats not a good idea. you must

take your supplements and you will start getting all kinds of problems if

you dont.. and the worst part is people blaming Atkins when they get sick

when they werent following his advice .and therefore giving him and the diet

a bad name. i have been on this diet since 96 and i eat my veggies and take

my vitamins and i am very healthy.. thanks for the post



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