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Hi Tonia, Sorry I went to bed on you last night. But once it is about

2 am I just can't stay up any longer. My mind just won't work any more.

Gosh you sure have had your fill of wrotten drs. I have to tell you one


I have learned over the years that whichever dr that gives you a certain

medication that is the only dr that I leave to change it. You will get

to know how to handle certain situations better as time goes on and you

get experienced with wrotten drs. I wonder if the dr that you have now

would like to feel the pain that you are feeling. Ask him that the next

time you see him. If the dr keeps close track of your prescription there

is no way that you could take more of it than you are supposed to. My

pain dr is he only dr that I get my pain pills from and I get them from

the same pharmacy each time. He sent letters to all my other drs

telling them this. So they won't give me any pain meds. I sure hope you

have better luck with the pain dr you are going to see. This dr does

not have anything to do with w/c does he?

8 hrs each way, wow!!! I thought I had it bad when I first went for

blocks 2 hrs away. That was sure a long time to go for blocks when they

did not even work.

And what a way to get pregnant.

Take care and have a nice day.



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Thanks ! I will! The powder I have now starts with a Z....its in the bathroom right now, or else I'd type out the whole name. I know its OTC.....and it DOES NOT smell like baby powder! At least baby powder smells good.....compared to this, a dirty diaper smells good! lol


-- Tonia

Tonia, I apologize, I did not know your history. I sufferfrom a rash with my arthritis and it is so painfulat times. I also get rashes from sulfer drugs and aspirin. I just ask for other meds. I see you havebeen dealing with this for a long time. I could suggesta pill that has helped me in the past for my rash. It is called atarax, there is a generic name for it too. It does get me sleepy a little but it numbs the itch. Try it, maybe it will work but best to ask doctor if you can take it with all your allergies. Hang in thereI hope you feel better soon.Always,

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Thanks ! I will! The powder I have now starts with a Z....its in the bathroom right now, or else I'd type out the whole name. I know its OTC.....and it DOES NOT smell like baby powder! At least baby powder smells good.....compared to this, a dirty diaper smells good! lol


-- Tonia

Tonia, I apologize, I did not know your history. I sufferfrom a rash with my arthritis and it is so painfulat times. I also get rashes from sulfer drugs and aspirin. I just ask for other meds. I see you havebeen dealing with this for a long time. I could suggesta pill that has helped me in the past for my rash. It is called atarax, there is a generic name for it too. It does get me sleepy a little but it numbs the itch. Try it, maybe it will work but best to ask doctor if you can take it with all your allergies. Hang in thereI hope you feel better soon.Always,

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Hi Tonia, I sure wish there was something I could do to make your life

easier. You remind me so much of myself when my kids were young and I

got RSD.

We really had it rough trying to pay for meds and treatments and all the

kids stuff. I know how hard it must be for you and your family. There

used to be a site on the internet that helped people with RSD that were

having a rough time of it.

I looked for it today and I thought I found it but everytime I tried to

go to that site I couldn't. When we were having money problems the

church that we went to helped us a little. It was not much but it did

help. Just a thought. Take care and my prayers are with you.



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Hi Tonia, I sure wish there was something I could do to make your life

easier. You remind me so much of myself when my kids were young and I

got RSD.

We really had it rough trying to pay for meds and treatments and all the

kids stuff. I know how hard it must be for you and your family. There

used to be a site on the internet that helped people with RSD that were

having a rough time of it.

I looked for it today and I thought I found it but everytime I tried to

go to that site I couldn't. When we were having money problems the

church that we went to helped us a little. It was not much but it did

help. Just a thought. Take care and my prayers are with you.



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Hi Tonia, I sure wish there was something I could do to make your life

easier. You remind me so much of myself when my kids were young and I

got RSD.

We really had it rough trying to pay for meds and treatments and all the

kids stuff. I know how hard it must be for you and your family. There

used to be a site on the internet that helped people with RSD that were

having a rough time of it.

I looked for it today and I thought I found it but everytime I tried to

go to that site I couldn't. When we were having money problems the

church that we went to helped us a little. It was not much but it did

help. Just a thought. Take care and my prayers are with you.



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Thanks !!! I hate to impose on anyone though!

Let me find the list real quick......

The main things that are always needed thru out the school year are: Erasers, Pencils, Glue, Crayons, Pens, 2 pocket Folders, and a Regular Wide-Ruled Notebook.....No Trapper Keepers or Binders.

I know that those are the main things that I'm going to have to buy extra's of......and with Sami, she pushes hard when Coloring, so, crayons and glue are always a monthly thing we go and buy!

Geesh.....I remember when I went to school.....all we needed was crayons, kleenex's, pencils, and a paint shirt!


Thanks a MILLION KAREN!!!!!!

-- Tonia

ToniaI'd emailed you directly but wasn't sure if I had your email address correct.I know you said that you were strapped and having trouble getting the girls ready for school.Tonia. What kind of things do they need. Figured maybe I could look around here and help out some.

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Thanks !!! I hate to impose on anyone though!

Let me find the list real quick......

The main things that are always needed thru out the school year are: Erasers, Pencils, Glue, Crayons, Pens, 2 pocket Folders, and a Regular Wide-Ruled Notebook.....No Trapper Keepers or Binders.

I know that those are the main things that I'm going to have to buy extra's of......and with Sami, she pushes hard when Coloring, so, crayons and glue are always a monthly thing we go and buy!

Geesh.....I remember when I went to school.....all we needed was crayons, kleenex's, pencils, and a paint shirt!


Thanks a MILLION KAREN!!!!!!

-- Tonia

ToniaI'd emailed you directly but wasn't sure if I had your email address correct.I know you said that you were strapped and having trouble getting the girls ready for school.Tonia. What kind of things do they need. Figured maybe I could look around here and help out some.

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congradulatins on finding a dr. that will help you. 9 hours of sleep

off and on. good for you. at least you didget some sleep. try dong this

every night. buy the time the girls get to going back to school maybe

your brain will be in a good sleep pattern. i amin a yuck sleep modenow.

went to sleep at 3 and it is 6;02 and i have a load of wash goig. it

will catch up with me. but until then it is ok. hope thngs work out

with dr on sat. keep e psted. hgs cathy

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congradulatins on finding a dr. that will help you. 9 hours of sleep

off and on. good for you. at least you didget some sleep. try dong this

every night. buy the time the girls get to going back to school maybe

your brain will be in a good sleep pattern. i amin a yuck sleep modenow.

went to sleep at 3 and it is 6;02 and i have a load of wash goig. it

will catch up with me. but until then it is ok. hope thngs work out

with dr on sat. keep e psted. hgs cathy

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congradulatins on finding a dr. that will help you. 9 hours of sleep

off and on. good for you. at least you didget some sleep. try dong this

every night. buy the time the girls get to going back to school maybe

your brain will be in a good sleep pattern. i amin a yuck sleep modenow.

went to sleep at 3 and it is 6;02 and i have a load of wash goig. it

will catch up with me. but until then it is ok. hope thngs work out

with dr on sat. keep e psted. hgs cathy

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Thanks .........

and don't "hit" Walmart too hard.....those walls hurt! lol


-- Re: Tonia

ToniaI'm hitting Walmart tomorrow; so I'll see what I can find.

Thanks !!! I hate to impose on anyone though! Let me find the list real quick...... The main things that are always needed thru out the school year are: Erasers, Pencils, Glue, Crayons, Pens, 2 pocket Folders, and a Regular Wide-Ruled Notebook.....No Trapper Keepers or Binders. I know that those are the main things that I'm going to have to buy extra's of......and with Sami, she pushes hard when Coloring, so, crayons and glue are always a monthly thing we go and buy! Geesh.....I remember when I went to school.....all we needed was crayons, kleenex's, pencils, and a paint shirt! Tonia Thanks a MILLION KAREN!!!!!!

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Thanks .........

and don't "hit" Walmart too hard.....those walls hurt! lol


-- Re: Tonia

ToniaI'm hitting Walmart tomorrow; so I'll see what I can find.

Thanks !!! I hate to impose on anyone though! Let me find the list real quick...... The main things that are always needed thru out the school year are: Erasers, Pencils, Glue, Crayons, Pens, 2 pocket Folders, and a Regular Wide-Ruled Notebook.....No Trapper Keepers or Binders. I know that those are the main things that I'm going to have to buy extra's of......and with Sami, she pushes hard when Coloring, so, crayons and glue are always a monthly thing we go and buy! Geesh.....I remember when I went to school.....all we needed was crayons, kleenex's, pencils, and a paint shirt! Tonia Thanks a MILLION KAREN!!!!!!

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Hey Tonia,

I actually have everything at work with me, finally. I will send out on Monday, I swear.

The camera is a Kodak 3200, I didn't find the software, so it's good you found it. I'm running Windows XP at the office, and I have a MAC at home, and was afraid even if I downloaded, it would not be compatible.

I'm NOT skipping out of work! Darn it! I am having a horrible day, problems with phone lines, computers, people, etc. etc. I am not a happy camper.



Hey!!!! JoAnne is skipping out of working and cheating!!!! lmao!

The BOSS got BUSTED!!!! hehehehe

ok.....I'll admit it.....JoAnne is the ONLY boss in the world with a Halo!

And JoAnne.....I found the download for that Camera! a couple of them actually....so I just don't know which one it is.


-------Original Message-------


I'm the boss and I wear a halo!!!!!



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Hey Tonia,

I actually have everything at work with me, finally. I will send out on Monday, I swear.

The camera is a Kodak 3200, I didn't find the software, so it's good you found it. I'm running Windows XP at the office, and I have a MAC at home, and was afraid even if I downloaded, it would not be compatible.

I'm NOT skipping out of work! Darn it! I am having a horrible day, problems with phone lines, computers, people, etc. etc. I am not a happy camper.



Hey!!!! JoAnne is skipping out of working and cheating!!!! lmao!

The BOSS got BUSTED!!!! hehehehe

ok.....I'll admit it.....JoAnne is the ONLY boss in the world with a Halo!

And JoAnne.....I found the download for that Camera! a couple of them actually....so I just don't know which one it is.


-------Original Message-------


I'm the boss and I wear a halo!!!!!



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Hey Tonia,

I actually have everything at work with me, finally. I will send out on Monday, I swear.

The camera is a Kodak 3200, I didn't find the software, so it's good you found it. I'm running Windows XP at the office, and I have a MAC at home, and was afraid even if I downloaded, it would not be compatible.

I'm NOT skipping out of work! Darn it! I am having a horrible day, problems with phone lines, computers, people, etc. etc. I am not a happy camper.



Hey!!!! JoAnne is skipping out of working and cheating!!!! lmao!

The BOSS got BUSTED!!!! hehehehe

ok.....I'll admit it.....JoAnne is the ONLY boss in the world with a Halo!

And JoAnne.....I found the download for that Camera! a couple of them actually....so I just don't know which one it is.


-------Original Message-------


I'm the boss and I wear a halo!!!!!



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