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ADA now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics?

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WHAT??? The ACADEMY of Nutrition and Dietetics??

My understanding of the word " academy " is a specialized SCHOOL . ..

So, now do all the state affiliates change to " The Colorado Academy of

Nutrition and Dietetics " ?

And, what is the business cost to change over - MILLIONS!

I don't know of an Academy of Medicine, Academy of Nursing and taking care

of people, the Academy of Dentists and Tooth fixers. . . okay, I digress.

I'm not impressed, and our Delegates approved this? Why didn't we hear

anything leading up to this?

Help me out here. . . what just happened. What am I missing that makes this

good or better than maintaining the ADA. (Oh, just because people don't

like the word " dietetics " ? - Then, why not the American Nutrition and

Dietetics Association? - since the word Dietetics isn't going away.)

Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT

Director of Medical Nutrition

Signet Diagnostic Corp.

Telecommuting Nationwide

(Mountain Time)



Certified LEAP Therapist and specialist in food sensitivity for IBS,

migraine, fibromyalgia and multiple inflammatory conditions. Co-author of the

Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) Training Course.

In a message dated 9/24/2011 5:35:26 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

adapresident@... writes:

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From the President ...

Sylvia A. Escott-Stump, MA, RD, LDN

Saturday, September 24, 2011

To all members of the American Dietetic Association:

Just a few minutes ago, at the Opening Session of ADA’s 2011 Food &

Nutrition Conference & Expo, I had the privilege of making an announcement that

will affect our Association, the entire dietetics profession and our

perception by the public. I am thrilled to share this announcement now with all

ADA members.

ADA has been in existence since 1917, after working to feed the troops

healthfully during World War I. Protecting the nutritional health of our

citizens is our highest priority. And acting together, we have accomplished

much toward realizing ADA’s mission and vision.

Toward the goal of increasing our potential and our impact, Past-President

Judith announced a year ago that ADA would be seeking a new name

for our organization to better suit our forward-thinking mission and

vision: a name that addresses prevention and wellness as well as therapy; a


that would resonate immediately with our members, the public, the media –

literally everyone who hears it; and a name that reflects our

science-based expertise.

Surveys revealed the majority of ADA members believe the organization

should have a new name that more accurately reflects what its members do. After

an extensive review, ADA’s Board of Directors voted in August to adopt a

new name. For weeks, I’ve been looking forward to sharing this monumental

change with you. As of January 2012, we will be the...

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

This is a name that immediately and fully complements our focus: the

nutritional well-being of the American public. Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics promotes the strong science background and expertise of our members,

primarily registered dietitians. Nutrition science underpins wellness,

prevention and treatment.

An academy is “a society of learned persons organized to advance science.â€

This term describes our organization and immediately emphasizes the

educational strength of our advice and expertise. By adding nutrition to our

name, we communicate our capacity for translating nutrition science into

healthier lifestyles for everyone. Keeping dietetics supports our history as a

food and science-based profession.

Whether planning nutritious meals for children in day-care centers or

schools, teaching individuals with diabetes about managing their blood sugar or

saving lives with complex nutritional interventions after surgery,

registered dietitians are the best-qualified providers. The name change

communicates that we are the nutrition experts.

Thus, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics quickly and accurately

communicates our identity – who we are and what we do.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the right name. And this is

the right time.

Our award-winning website will remain _www.eatright.org_

(http://mailer.eatright.org/t/9577/2648593/248/0/) . The colorful Eat Right

logo will stay a

part of the organization’s graphic identity. Eat Right is our most

powerful message and it aligns strategically with the Academy of Nutrition and


The ADA Foundation Board of Directors voted earlier this month to change

its name to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

I hope you will agree with me that the name “American Dietetic Associationâ€

served us well for nearly 100 years. Now, let us draw upon the strengths

and values that have defined us since 1917, be aware of the huge

opportunities that await us and go forward to demonstrate what it means to be a

member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

We owe it to ourselves and to the people we serve.

Thank you very much.


Sylvia A. Escott-Stump, MA, RD, LDN

ADA President 2011-2012

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