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Dorothy & Dodge Re: Good Vibes and Prayers, Please?

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Hi you all..

I know I am a tad late in responding, but its been quite a week. Fay flooded my

house, so until repairs are made, I'm staying with my sister and her family.

Don't want to chance a flare. And then I had my fantastic picc line put in

yesterday and my rituxan treatment today.

Anyhow, getting back to the post. I know what you mean about getting nervous.

Everytime, I've had to mention upping any med I get a major panic attack and my

bp sky rockets. One of my past gp told me when I asked for a refill on my

lortab, that he just gave me plenty the month and a half prior. Ever since

then, I have been a wreck and lots of times I used to just suffer so I didnt

have to ask for anymore. My rhuemy is very good to me, so I don't have that

problem. But I still do get nervous.

Central FL


> Oh, I'm sure I'm too late to wish you well...but I know exactly what you

> mean.




> Whenever I plan to ask for more pain meds, I'm a nervous wreck! I feel like

> the doctor is pulling the strings on my life and also feel like a " junkie "

> or something about to beg for a " fix. "




> I try to change my thoughts and think....there's no reason why anyone should

> have to suffer when medications are available to help them. I have the

> right to request meds that can allow me to LIVE.




> I hope that you'll come back from the doctor with some good news in a much

> more relaxed state!!




> Dorothy>



> _____


> From: [mailto: ] On

> Behalf Of Dodge

> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:09 AM

> chronic_pain_assistance ; LUPIES ;


> Subject: [ ] Good Vibes and Prayers, Please?




> In fifty five minutes I will be leaving to make the hour plus drive to my

> pain doc for my appointment this morning. Pain doc appointments are always a

> nerve wracking ordeal for me. And this one, is promising to be worse than

> usual. I have to tell him that my medication regimen needs tweaking, and I

> am not looking forward to it. He's a great doctor, he's brilliant in fact,

> and I'm scared to death of him.


> I could use all the good vibes and prayers that the appointment goes well,

> that he listens to me, that I am able to articulare successfully, and that

> he makes the necessary changes in my pain regimen to get me feeling

> comfortable once more...


> I'm scared!


> Off I go!


> --

> Dodge







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Hi ,


I was just wondering if you could tell me about your rituxan treatment.  My

rheumy is putting me on it but hasn't

told me much information yet.  Sometimes I get the feeling that he would rather

not treat me.  I'm one of his more

difficult patients right now and he's not quite sure what to do with me.  My

body isn't responding to the meds so he

gets really frustrated.  I can't really blame him there; I'm frustrated myself. 

Anyways, if you could tell me anything,

it would be greatly appreciated.  Sorry to hear about your trouble with Faye.  I

hope you can move home soon.


Gentle Hugs,

[ ] Good Vibes and Prayers, Please?




> In fifty five minutes I will be leaving to make the hour plus drive to my

> pain doc for my appointment this morning. Pain doc appointments are always a

> nerve wracking ordeal for me. And this one, is promising to be worse than

> usual. I have to tell him that my medication regimen needs tweaking, and I

> am not looking forward to it. He's a great doctor, he's brilliant in fact,

> and I'm scared to death of him.


> I could use all the good vibes and prayers that the appointment goes well,

> that he listens to me, that I am able to articulare successfully, and that

> he makes the necessary changes in my pain regimen to get me feeling

> comfortable once more...


> I'm scared!


> Off I go!


> --

> Dodge







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