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Hi Shaun,

My family are finally accepting my forgetting as par for the course. I can

be mid sentence, and then stop because I can't think of the word I want to

use, and usually they will come up with it for me in the form of a question, so

I can say yes or no. If it is yes, we go on with the conversation, if no, I

give a brief description of what I want to say in small easy words, and

finally one of us will come up with it. It has become a contest of sorts with

some of them when we're in a group, as to who guesses the correct word most

often. At least they are not accusing me of have CRS anymore. Now they know I

have a reason besides " oldtimers " . What surprises me is that I can take this

with a grain of salt and just continue as if there was not a problem. I

used to get so agravated with myself I only made it worse. I do think


I should wear a little notebook with a pen around my neck so I can keep

notes of everything that I need to remember later. If I can remember to put it

around my neck. You are definitely not alone.

Janet in Ca

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I remember going to my Dr about 2 years ago certain I had Alzheimers

or something. I would forget the most mundane things. Though it

wasn't really like I had forgotten, more like I couldn't access the

information. Sometimes it was just that I couldn't think of the name

of something. (A fork, keys....stupid things) Other times I would

find myself asking people " Did I already say that? " because I could

remember thinking it, but not saying it. Getting in my car and

driving and forgetting where I was going....come home again only to


I went through a litany of memory tests and passed them all with

flying colors. This seemed to frustrate me more because I

couldn't " demonstrate on demand " the problem I was having.

I still have memory issues. My family just accepts it as me being

blonde. LOL I don't mind. I just never associated it with my PA.

It seems this, like fatigue, is not something the Drs want to

acknowledge as real.


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notes of everything that I need to remember later. If I can remember to put it

around my neck. You are definitely not alone. Janet in Ca

Thanks, I sometimes think I might be... Sometimes family can be ungrateful on

things... My family I always tell people why cant I pick my family like I do my

friends... But then, it would not be very interesting now would it lololol...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

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LOL I don't mind. I just never associated it with my PA. It seems this, like

fatigue, is not something the Drs want to acknowledge as real.

Yeah me too... They always called me forgetful Shaun... I would miss the

smallest things or forget I had said something... I got lost a lot when I would

drive myself anywhere... They always chalked it up as OOh there goes Shaun

again... I don't drive too much anymore cause it scares me... Barb does most the

driving, and directing... I have gone to my rheumy for a few years now and I

still forget sometimes... UGH... But I live with it like I am sure most you do

too, and just bump along... lol...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

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  • 2 years later...

So, I've been a member for a while now, but was evidently too lazy to

post anything about myself till now. lol

Anyway, my name is , most people call me Andi though.

I'm 27, and the mother of 3 wonderful children.

They're (almost 8), (4), and Maggie (almost 3).

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001, as well as Rheumatoid

Arthritis (2005), Degenerative Disk Disease (2007).

That's the physical stuff (well that's the Readers Digest version of

the physical lol)...

I also have the crazy lol Social Phobia, Severe Anxiety, Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder, Mild Agoraphobia, and Moderate Depression.

I'm in the process of filing a complaint with the state medical board

against my doctor. He consistently fails to treat me properly for

anything regarding the illnesses. He has also gone so far as to tell

me directly " I only get paid .50 on the dollar for you as a patient so

why should I order more tests and do more than I absolutely have to " .


So yeah, I try to laugh at myself because if I didn't I'd never stop

crying. I go to therapy once a week. The therapist says I need to

" increase my support network and stop isolating myself " so uhm....

Here I am! lol

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.


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Hi and welcome to the group. I'm new here as well and newly

diagnosed with RA. Sounds though that you really have your hands

full and a lot going on. Hopefully you're actively seaking a new

doctor. The complaint you may file won't do anything for your health

other than give you peace of mind that you've responded to what

sounds like really poor care. You really need to find a doctor you

can talk to and who care that you get the correct treatment.

You are taking a very good step in posting here and you're going to

get a lot of good advice. Keep sharing you feelings and

experiences. The warmth and caring you're receive here can be

extremely therputic. :)

Hang in there.



> So, I've been a member for a while now, but was evidently too lazy


> post anything about myself till now. lol


> Anyway, my name is , most people call me Andi though.


> I'm 27, and the mother of 3 wonderful children.


> They're (almost 8), (4), and Maggie (almost 3).


> I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001, as well as Rheumatoid

> Arthritis (2005), Degenerative Disk Disease (2007).


> That's the physical stuff (well that's the Readers Digest version of

> the physical lol)...


> I also have the crazy lol Social Phobia, Severe Anxiety, Obsessive

> Compulsive Disorder, Mild Agoraphobia, and Moderate Depression.


> I'm in the process of filing a complaint with the state medical


> against my doctor. He consistently fails to treat me properly for

> anything regarding the illnesses. He has also gone so far as to tell

> me directly " I only get paid .50 on the dollar for you as a patient


> why should I order more tests and do more than I absolutely have

to " .


> YAY!


> So yeah, I try to laugh at myself because if I didn't I'd never stop

> crying. I go to therapy once a week. The therapist says I need to

> " increase my support network and stop isolating myself " so uhm....



> Here I am! lol


> Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.

> Andi


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Can you see another doctor?? That is what I would do! Nice to meet you

Andi. I am a newbie too. I have both RA and fibro also.



From: " bella_phoenix_rising " <bella_phoenix_rising@...>

Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:50 PM

< >

Subject: [ ] Hello Everyone...

He has also gone so far as to tell

me directly " I only get paid .50 on the dollar for you as a patient so

why should I order more tests and do more than I absolutely have to " .

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So glad you posted, and nice to meet you. You are a very busy Mom,

and a lot on your plate. I am very sorry your doctor has treated you

so horrible. You go girl, file that complaint against him, and find

you another doctor! Is he taking care of all your health issues? It

really makes me mad, a doctor can treat his patient so badly. I hope

he gets what he deserves. Good luck, Tawny


> So, I've been a member for a while now, but was evidently too lazy


> post anything about myself till now. lol


> Anyway, my name is , most people call me Andi though.


> I'm 27, and the mother of 3 wonderful children.


> They're (almost 8), (4), and Maggie (almost 3).


> I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001, as well as Rheumatoid

> Arthritis (2005), Degenerative Disk Disease (2007).


> That's the physical stuff (well that's the Readers Digest version of

> the physical lol)...


> I also have the crazy lol Social Phobia, Severe Anxiety, Obsessive

> Compulsive Disorder, Mild Agoraphobia, and Moderate Depression.


> I'm in the process of filing a complaint with the state medical


> against my doctor. He consistently fails to treat me properly for

> anything regarding the illnesses. He has also gone so far as to tell

> me directly " I only get paid .50 on the dollar for you as a patient


> why should I order more tests and do more than I absolutely have

to " .


> YAY!


> So yeah, I try to laugh at myself because if I didn't I'd never stop

> crying. I go to therapy once a week. The therapist says I need to

> " increase my support network and stop isolating myself " so uhm....



> Here I am! lol


> Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.

> Andi


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Glad you did post. You will find a network of people here who do

understand and care.

Why does anyone go into the medical profession just for the money? I

know it happens but, sheesh! Don't let anything stop you from

finding a good doctor. There are out there and well worth the effort.

I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do.


> >

> > So, I've been a member for a while now, but was evidently too


> to

> > post anything about myself till now. lol

> >

> > Anyway, my name is , most people call me Andi though.

> >

> > I'm 27, and the mother of 3 wonderful children.

> >

> > They're (almost 8), (4), and Maggie (almost 3).

> >

> > I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001, as well as Rheumatoid

> > Arthritis (2005), Degenerative Disk Disease (2007).

> >

> > That's the physical stuff (well that's the Readers Digest

version of

> > the physical lol)...

> >

> > I also have the crazy lol Social Phobia, Severe Anxiety,


> > Compulsive Disorder, Mild Agoraphobia, and Moderate Depression.

> >

> > I'm in the process of filing a complaint with the state medical

> board

> > against my doctor. He consistently fails to treat me properly for

> > anything regarding the illnesses. He has also gone so far as to


> > me directly " I only get paid .50 on the dollar for you as a


> so

> > why should I order more tests and do more than I absolutely have

> to " .

> >

> > YAY!

> >

> > So yeah, I try to laugh at myself because if I didn't I'd never


> > crying. I go to therapy once a week. The therapist says I need to

> > " increase my support network and stop isolating myself " so


> >

> >

> > Here I am! lol

> >

> > Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.

> > Andi

> >


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  • 1 year later...

Dear Chris:

The trend here, well is rather alarming, can you not keep a job ?

cheers and welcome.


Hello everyone...

Thank you for allowing me to join!

As requested, I would like to introduce myself...

My name is Keo. I am 32, from the UK, but currently live/work in Ventura

County, California.

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Ignore Wilf his fingers regularly overload his frozen brain. Does not help that

he spent his school career on the short bus and playing with a retarded moose


Tom g

From: afireinthesky@...

Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 05:40:08 +0000

Subject: Re: Hello everyone...

Hi Wilf...

Thank you for the welcome and the reply...

Can you be more specific? The trend???



> Dear Chris:


> The trend here, well is rather alarming, can you not keep a job ?


> cheers and welcome.

> Wilf


> Hello everyone...



> Thank you for allowing me to join!


> As requested, I would like to introduce myself...


> My name is Keo. I am 32, from the UK, but currently live/work in

Ventura County, California.




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You trend is awesome full of enthusiasm. At 32 you have been involved in some

very interesting jobs. Looks like your a workaholic, like me. Keep up the good

work and continue to live life to the fullest. If you have any questions about

remote medicine, I would love to help. Email me privately at

jarrodtomassi@.... I'm on country #22, maybe I can give you some insight.

Just one question do you have military experience?

Take care Brotha and be safe, JT


From: divemedic <afireinthesky@...>

Sent: Sat, November 14, 2009 1:12:52 AM

Subject: Hello everyone...


Thank you for allowing me to join!

As requested, I would like to introduce myself...

My name is Keo. I am 32, from the UK, but currently live/work in Ventura

County, California.

I am a California/National Registry EMT-P Paramedic.

IMCA DMT Dive Medic (From the DDRC in Plymouth).

Former Ocean Lifeguard.

Current Ventura County Sheriff Department Underwater/Ocean Search and Rescue

diver, Swiftwater/flood rescue technician (Rescue 3), Wilderness Search and

Rescue operative and EMT.

Sheriff Law enforcement Dive operations (Underwater CSI, CT, Evidence recovery,

body recovery).

FBI Underwater Counter Terrorism/Post Blast Investigation certified.

Fire/Rescue experience.

We use helicopters frequently for SAR deployment, including direct to water.

I am also a PADI scuba instructor.

CPR/First Aid/AED instructor.

Technical gas blender.

JAA Pilot's licence. (Fixed wing, non commercial.)

Skydiving licence 'A'

I have some hyperbaric chamber operating/attending experience through the DDRC

in Plymouth.

I have some academic history in Chemistry/Biochemis try and Anthropology/

Archaeology (particularly underwater/maritime ).

I speak Spanish, Italian, a little French, and am learning Arabic and Farsi

(Persian). Also, struggling with ASL (American Sign Language).

I am very enthusiastic about moving into the expedition/remote medic world, and

any advice or counseling or recommendations would be hugely appreciated!

I would also like to spend some time working/volunteerin g for humanitarian/

relief missions/clinics where my skill set may be valuable. If anyone has any

advice or contact recommendations I would again be very grateful...

Thanks again, and it's very good to meet you all!


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Thanks guys...




> Your the man Bro :)


> Albert Einstein


> Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.





> ________________________________

> From: Jarrod Tomassi <jarrodtomassi@...>


> Sent: Sat, November 14, 2009 9:04:19 AM

> Subject: Re: Hello everyone...





> You trend is awesome full of enthusiasm. At 32 you have been involved in some

very interesting jobs. Looks like your a workaholic, like me. Keep up the good

work and continue to live life to the fullest. If you have any questions about

remote medicine, I would love to help. Email me privately at jarrodtomassi@

ymail.com. I'm on country #22, maybe I can give you some insight.


> Just one question do you have military experience?


> Take care Brotha and be safe, JT


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: divemedic <afireinthesky@ hotmail.com>

> @groups. com

> Sent: Sat, November 14, 2009 1:12:52 AM

> Subject: [Remotemedics. co.uk] Hello everyone...



> Thank you for allowing me to join!


> As requested, I would like to introduce myself...


> My name is Keo. I am 32, from the UK, but currently live/work in Ventura

County, California.


> I am a California/National Registry EMT-P Paramedic.

> IMCA DMT Dive Medic (From the DDRC in Plymouth).

> Former Ocean Lifeguard.

> Current Ventura County Sheriff Department Underwater/Ocean Search and Rescue

diver, Swiftwater/flood rescue technician (Rescue 3), Wilderness Search and

Rescue operative and EMT.

> Sheriff Law enforcement Dive operations (Underwater CSI, CT, Evidence

recovery, body recovery).

> FBI Underwater Counter Terrorism/Post Blast Investigation certified.

> Fire/Rescue experience.


> We use helicopters frequently for SAR deployment, including direct to water.


> I am also a PADI scuba instructor.

> CPR/First Aid/AED instructor.

> Technical gas blender.

> JAA Pilot's licence. (Fixed wing, non commercial.)

> Skydiving licence 'A'


> I have some hyperbaric chamber operating/attending experience through the DDRC

in Plymouth.


> I have some academic history in Chemistry/Biochemis try and Anthropology/

Archaeology (particularly underwater/maritime ).


> I speak Spanish, Italian, a little French, and am learning Arabic and Farsi

(Persian). Also, struggling with ASL (American Sign Language).


> I am very enthusiastic about moving into the expedition/remote medic world,

and any advice or counseling or recommendations would be hugely appreciated!


> I would also like to spend some time working/volunteerin g for humanitarian/

relief missions/clinics where my skill set may be valuable. If anyone has any

advice or contact recommendations I would again be very grateful...


> Thanks again, and it's very good to meet you all!


> Chris



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