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I have been wading through so much info! Thanks to all. Sorry, we've been

busy. Anyhow.

I told the doctor that I was not going to vaccinate my child and he said that

he would like me to re-consider that decision. He asked me what was

bothering me about vaccinating and I told hime that I didn't exactly like

what was going into vaccines these days, and that I thought it would be

better for her if she didn't have these toxins in her system. Also, my baby

was a homebirth baby. I neither drank nor smoked nor frequented people who

did smoke while I was pregnant. I received no drugs during labor, and she

received none of the " normal " newborn procedures (Vitamin K and such). I was

wrong, however, when I stated that I did not have the PKU done. I did, after

reading the Tyler story at www.tylerforlife.com. I don't know what I was

thinking, Rhoda, sorry. So, my baby has had no outside interventions of any

sort. She has been exclusively breastfed and she is perfectly healthy. She

did have an eye infection after she was born...but breastmilk cleared it

right up!! I explained to him that my baby was 100% natural...and I wanted

to keep her that way! He told me that he understood my convictions...but

that his convictions would not allow him to have an un-vaxed child in his

practice. I understand that, and told him so. He told me to remember that

he is 57 years old and that he never once, during our conversation, said that

any vaccine was safe...even the oldest. I told him that I appreciated his

honesty with me. We decided to schedule her 4 month appointment with him, in

case I should change my mind. If I don't...we'll say farewell and part on

good terms. I agreed to that, even though I knew I wouldn't be changing my

mind. I called my midwife and asked her to recommend a doctor that will take

an un-vaxed child. She gave me the name of a pediatrician who, she said,

won't give me a hassle about it. I can't get an appointment with her until

September...but Bri's next appointment isn't supposed to be until August.


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so glad to hear it is all working out for you guys. that's great that things

went relatively calmly with the ped. and i'm so glad your mw was able to

steer you towards a more recptive doctor. good luck and keep educating



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Good for you & your baby!

This whole thing of not being able to take care of a child that isn't

vaccinated in his practice is ludicrous - where is that in the Hippocratic


We've heard it before and we'll hear it again.


At 12:59 PM 06/08/2000 EDT, you wrote:

>I have been wading through so much info! Thanks to all. Sorry, we've been

>busy. Anyhow.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA wwithin@...

Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


Bookstore - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/bookstor.htm

International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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I am not surprised that the doctor asked you to change doctors. Almost all

of the doctors i spoke to said they would rather not treat my girls if i

chose not to vaccinate. I appreciated their honesty, but i find it hard to

believe that that many doctors are unwilling to look at vaccinations and

honestly evaluate their worth. What did surprise me was the complete

uncaring and unsysmpathetic attitude of the peds. i interviewed. THey

couldnt understand my fear of vaccinations and could not or would not

empathize. I wish i could find a doctor who was against vax in my area, but

i have to settle for a ped. who supports vax, but is truly interested in my



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Have you tried contacting some of the chiropractors in your area or maybe

talk to someone (owner) of your health food store--these people tend to know

of other people who are a little more " alternatively minded " . try that--hope

it helps.


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Good for you for standing up for what you belive in!! I think that is awful he

won't see your child if you don't vaccinate but it is his problem and he will

miss getting to know a wonderful little person!

Mommy to Brittney , , Chelsea , Cody and

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Funny how he won't take you as a patient, yet admits that he can'tguarantee

vaccines are safe. Boy, these guys sure are brainwashed atmedical school!.> I have been wading through

so much info! Thanks to all. Sorry,we've been > busy. Anyhow.> > I told the

doctor that I was not going to vaccinate my child and hesaid that > he would

like me to re-consider that decision. He asked me whatwas > bothering me about

vaccinating and I told hime that I didn'texactly like > what was going into

vaccines these days, and that I thought itwould be > better for her if she

didn't have these toxins in her system. Also, my baby > was a homebirth baby. I

neither drank nor smoked nor frequentedpeople who > did smoke while I was

pregnant. I received no drugs during labor,and she > received none of the

" normal " newborn procedures (Vitamin K andsuch). I was > wrong, however, when I

stated that I did not have the PKU done. Idid, after > reading the Tyler story

at www.tylerforlife.com. I don't know whatI was > thinking, Rhoda, sorry. So,

my baby has had no outsideinterventions of any > sort. She has been exclusively

breastfed and she is perfectlyhealthy. She > did have an eye infection after

she was born...but breastmilkcleared it > right up!! I explained to him that my

baby was 100% natural...andI wanted > to keep her that way! He told me that he

understood myconvictions...but > that his convictions would not allow him to

have an un-vaxed childin his > practice. I understand that, and told him so.

He told me toremember that > he is 57 years old and that he never once, during

our conversation,said that > any vaccine was safe...even the oldest. I told him

that Iappreciated his > honesty with me. We decided to schedule her 4 month

appointmentwith him, in > case I should change my mind. If I don't...we'll say

farewell andpart on > good terms. I agreed to that, even though I knew I

wouldn't bechanging my > mind. I called m

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At 08:16 PM 06/08/2000 EDT, you wrote:

>I am not surprised that the doctor asked you to change doctors. Almost all

>of the doctors i spoke to said they would rather not treat my girls if i

>chose not to vaccinate. I appreciated their honesty, but i find it hard to

>believe that that many doctors are unwilling to look at vaccinations and

>honestly evaluate their worth. What did surprise me was the complete

>uncaring and unsysmpathetic attitude of the peds. i interviewed. THey

>couldnt understand my fear of vaccinations and could not or would not

>empathize. I wish i could find a doctor who was against vax in my area, but

>i have to settle for a ped. who supports vax, but is truly interested in my



When medicine truly became for profit in the 70's I saw a huge change in

doctors, hospitals and the whole system! I graduated from nursing school

in 1971 and really met loving caring docs all the way (except for the odd

duck). The peds I worked for were loving and caring. I can't imagine them

reacting this way, but who knows. We didn't have the huge numbers of

vaccines then.

I tell you, many doctors today go into medicine for the wrong reasons -

$$$$ & power.

Many doctors do NOT like to be challenged in anyway. Too bad they aren't

all like Ed Yazbak who said the best pediatrian always would ask 'what do

you think happened' to the parents?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA wwithin@...

Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


Bookstore - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/bookstor.htm

International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Another great book that explains how the medical system really works

is The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health

and Wealth by Guylaine Lanctot, a Canadian doctor. After writing

this book, surprise, surprise, Dr. Lanctot's medical license was taken

away from her. It includes chapters on the myths of vaccines, AIDS,

the germ theory, as well as how the medical system works politically and

economically. It really is an excellent read. I highly recommend


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Joanna,

Your introduction touched my heart. It is hard to deal with the huge

opening that happens to you when you first become a mother. Now the most

precious thing in your life is your child and you can't control everything

that will happen to your child. Your belief in God will go a long way, and

I find that there are times when all I can do in a situation is to pray.

And trust. This I sometimes find hard to do, until I remember that I am not

qualified to be God, and I had better leave that to her. I still sometimes

have periods of fear, because if anything ever happened to my son, it would

be the worst thing I could conceive of. Accept that that is part of being a

mother ... just part of the turf. It reminds me to savor the time I have

with my son, to keep the small stuff from mattering too much, and to receive

the incredible gift that he is. As time goes on, and you get more used to

being a Mom, I think you will relax more ... you will watch a beautiful

child grow, and will trust in the strength of your child. It will be


All the best to you,

in Calgary, Canada

Intro - Joanna

Hello Everyone,

I'm very grateful to have stumbled into this group. I have no

stories to tell yet as I am 7 months pregnant with my first child.

But thanks to my wonderful Mother, I became aware of the dangers of

vaccinations about 2 months ago and have been reading and researching

like crazy every since. I have a strong belief in God and have

prayed about what to do. I came to the conclusion about a month ago

now not to vaccinate my son and I feel at peace with my decision.

I am, however, feeling scared about the future. I've never been the

overprotective type but I feel like I'll be afraid to even take my

son out of the house. I plan to breastfeed and have vowed never to

let my baby see the inside of a daycare center. I'm sure I'm being

paranoid because I'm going to be a new mom but I would really

appreciate any feedback concerning my fears.

Glad to be here,


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  • 2 months later...
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I've had no more news on Johanna, other then she wakes on occasion,

is vaguely aware of whats going on, and thats about it.

I'd let you know straight away the moment I heard anything.

Love Aisha.

> Any more news about Joanna today? Anne

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I talked to her brother last night and today he said that she is the same not any worse not any better.

Jessi () 17 y/o


I've had no more news on Johanna, other then she wakes on occasion,

is vaguely aware of whats going on, and thats about it.

I'd let you know straight away the moment I heard anything.

Love Aisha.

> Any more news about Joanna today? Anne

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  • 6 months later...

My son, Hunt was very jaundiced and itched a great deal. The biopsy showed that he had no permanent damage. Hope this is the same with you.

Also as you all know that there are so many side effects of prednisone. Hunt has been fortunate is some ways and some not. He has not gained weight with this. His face is occasionally puffy and once in a while has acne with it but really any time you look at him you would never know that he was sick at all and had been for almost 2 years. The meds seem to affect his thinking skills. He cannot focus for a long period of time. He cannot watch whole movie or a ball game. This has made school very difficult for him. Also he DOES have the mood swings. As far as calcium goes, he was advised not to take extra calcium but he DOES drink a lot of mild. He will have a base line density test on his next visit to have a file. Everyone case is different but most of the time you can find at least one person that is suffering or experiencing the same thing as you are. Right now my son has dry itchy splotches all over his arms, chest and back and it really itches. I do not remember hearing any one else mention this so maybe this is not related. He has called his doctor but so far as not gotten the return call. Not sure what he is supposed to do about this. Any one with suggestions please let me know.



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In a message dated 11/4/01 10:31:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, mamacdoo@... writes:

Right now my son has dry itchy splotches all over his arms, chest and back and it really itches. I do not remember hearing any one else mention this so maybe this is not related. He has called his doctor but so far as not gotten the return call. Not sure what he is supposed to do about this. Any one with suggestions please let me know.


Can you check with a dermatologist?


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  • 2 months later...


That is what happened to me I had a gall bladder attack, surgery and then

about one month or so later came up with the

AIH dx since my LFT's went way up again...

LC AIH (0701) Illinois

[ ] Re: pain-Molly and

> ,

> My liver almost always hurts.. about a 2/3 on a scale of 1-10, and

when I

> took Augmentin last fall it was about a 7! My ALT is really low

right now,

> but it does not seem to alter my liver pain. I would be interested

to hear

> from others..


> Molly Faulkner


Molly and ,

I still have low grade pain in the area of my liver too. When I

discussed it with my doctor yesterday, she said that it may be the

gallstones they found keeping the gallbadder irritated. She also

didn't advise removing them right now because she doesn't want me

going under anesthesia because of my liver. If it were to be a full

blown gall bladder attack, we would have no choice but to remove

them. So, I guess it is another one of those things we have to learn

to live with. But, please discuss this with your doctor. Your case

may not be the same as mine.


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That's exactly what happened to me. Except that my LFT's never went down. Had a biopsy about one month after surgery to confirm AIH. Ann CT dx 1994 RE: [ ] JOANNA JOANNA,That is what happened to me I had a gall bladder attack, surgery and thenabout one month or so later came up with theAIH dx since my LFT's went way up again...LC AIH (0701) Illinois-----Original Message-----From: joanna98632 [mailto:joanna98632@...]Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 12:27 AM Subject: [ ] Re: pain-Molly and > ,> My liver almost always hurts.. about a 2/3 on a scale of 1-10, andwhen I> took Augmentin last fall it was about a 7! My ALT is really lowright now,> but it does not seem to alter my liver pain. I would be interestedto hear> from others..>> Molly Faulkner**********************************************************************Molly and ,I still have low grade pain in the area of my liver too. When Idiscussed it with my doctor yesterday, she said that it may be thegallstones they found keeping the gallbadder irritated. She alsodidn't advise removing them right now because she doesn't want megoing under anesthesia because of my liver. If it were to be a fullblown gall bladder attack, we would have no choice but to removethem. So, I guess it is another one of those things we have to learnto live with. But, please discuss this with your doctor. Your casemay not be the same as mine.Joanna

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That must have been so frustrating! I have read many accounts of

people with similar problems, and doctors that either don't listen,

or don't know what to look for. I think I was very lucky. My GP saw

my enzymes elevated, tested for viral hepatitis and found none. He

then said that I should see a liver specialist to see if maybe it was

AIH...he was exactly right! I owe him a great thanks...it looks like

mine was caught early. I have no cirrhosis and no jaundice...some

fibrosis and lots of inflammation, though. I, too, have low grade

fevers. Fatigue, too, but just thought everyone was tired. That one

lots of people don't really understand. They don't seem to realize

that you may be more tired than the average person!

I feel comfortable with my doctors so far, but it is difficult to

know for sure. How does one go about finding good docs?

> ..found the disease by

> > accident on routine blood tests. I had mild symptoms that I


> > hadn't noticed much.




> ,


> I had symptoms, that I reported to my dr., as they occurred for the

> last several years. Such as hair loss, low grade fevers, muscle &

> joint aches, sores that were slow healing, migraines, and more.


> small things unto themselves, I just wish the dr. could have put it

> all together before the jaundice hit me. That was truly the


> I have ever been. Nothing showed on my blood tests until 8/01.

> Hopefully they have caught yours early.


> Joanna

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you are very lucky, whenever I tell my GI that I am tired all the time he

saids it is not because of the AIH. And to see my GP.


>From: " rthorntous " <rthornton@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: Joanna

>Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:26:00 -0000




>That must have been so frustrating! I have read many accounts of

>people with similar problems, and doctors that either don't listen,

>or don't know what to look for. I think I was very lucky. My GP saw

>my enzymes elevated, tested for viral hepatitis and found none. He

>then said that I should see a liver specialist to see if maybe it was

>AIH...he was exactly right! I owe him a great thanks...it looks like

>mine was caught early. I have no cirrhosis and no jaundice...some

>fibrosis and lots of inflammation, though. I, too, have low grade

>fevers. Fatigue, too, but just thought everyone was tired. That one

>lots of people don't really understand. They don't seem to realize

>that you may be more tired than the average person!


>I feel comfortable with my doctors so far, but it is difficult to

>know for sure. How does one go about finding good docs?





> > ..found the disease by

> > > accident on routine blood tests. I had mild symptoms that I


> > > hadn't noticed much.

> >

> >


> > ,

> >

> > I had symptoms, that I reported to my dr., as they occurred for the

> > last several years. Such as hair loss, low grade fevers, muscle &

> > joint aches, sores that were slow healing, migraines, and more.


> > small things unto themselves, I just wish the dr. could have put it

> > all together before the jaundice hit me. That was truly the


> > I have ever been. Nothing showed on my blood tests until 8/01.

> > Hopefully they have caught yours early.

> >

> > Joanna



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Joanna - Could you tell me what meds that you have been on for your liveer


the fibromyliga they won't give me anything for thr fibromy, because I have


and am allergic to asprin it just seems so unfair that I can't have something

for this

muscle pain. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,



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A 5mg drop, from 10? That sounds like a lot. My dr. has been dropping

me 1 mg a month, and I haven't had any problems, so far. I'm at 4mg

at the moment. Hope all goes well! Laurie

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I just remembered the name of the company Union Carbide..

There are terrible injustices occuring in the Third World that make our

problems pale in comparison. My sister is a broadcast journalist and she has

been putting to gether a programme on the Bhopal disaster of many years ago.

Remember that? 30,000 people were affected by the gas which came out of the

factory. Reports of people having their eyeballs burn in the sockets are just

some of the atrocities. The authorities got paid " on the side " and felt the

people were expendable as the factory on balance had brought so many positive

economic returns to the area ( and to the corrupt local and national officials).

The name of the company escapes me for the moment but a book has just been

written on the accident and it just makes you sick...

Apparently this company produces 70% of all garbage bags in the world. So now

I am off garbage bags and carry my stuff to the larger bins and dump our refuse

directly from our household bins.....

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  • 6 years later...

Yes, actually having someone put a name on your pain can make a difference

in how we feel. When you know what the cause is, you can start to search

for whatever will make you feel better if not cure the problem.

There's a big difference from saying, " I don't know what's wrong.I just

don't feel well! " to " I have RA and that is what is causing my pain. "

It's interesting what you wrote about Azulifidine. I take Sulfazine EC

which I believe is the same. I have been having more hot flashes than

normal, but just thought they were from menopause and now, I'm wondering.

In fact, my gynecologist prescribed Effexor in June to help with the hot

flashes I complained about. Although Effexor is an anti-depressant, it's

going to be re-marketing to menopausal women for hot flashes. She said it

also helped anxiety and chronic pain so seemed like a perfect fit for me. I

think I may be seeing a decrease in the flashes, but I wonder now if I'm

taking one med to offset the effects of another.

Glad you've joined us, Joanna.


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Joanna

Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:52 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Pain Meds

I think the change in my lifestyle has actually changed my mood. I

feel better by doing these things because I have the control to do

something about RA. Sounds silly but it's helped. I still rely on

medications but not as much as before. I was pretty down for a while

before the DX because nobody seemed to know what was wrong or how I

felt. I felt defeated but now I have a better outlook.


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