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Collecting and pesenting HIV data electronically

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Why can't data about HIV collected electronically on the lines of


Dr Sanjay Bedi

E-MAIL: <drsanjaybedi@...>

Development of an Atlas of Cancer in India

A project of the National Cancer Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical

Research) The main objectives of the project are:

(i) To obtain an overview of patterns of cancer in different parts of the

country ;

(ii) To calculate estimates of cancer incidence wherever feasible.

The overall aim of the study is to get to know the similarities and differences

in patterns of cancer across the country in a relatively cost-effective way

using recent advances in computer and information technology transmission.

Knowing patterns of cancer across the country would provide important leads in

undertaking aetiological research, in targeting cancer control measures and in

examining clinical outcomes.

Certain subsidiary objectives that emerge out of this exercise include:

a) Strengthening of departments of pathology in medical colleges and other

hospital with personal

computers and internet connection;

B) Providing orientation/ training in cancer registration and epidemiology to



The cancer registries under the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) have

provided since 1982 an idea of the magnitude and pattern of cancer in selected

urban centres and in a couple of rural pockets. However , large areas of the

population, particularly the rural areas remain largely uncovered and therefore

the patterns of cancer in several urban centres and rural areas remain largely

uncovered and therefore the patterns of cancer in several urban centres and

rural areas remain largely unknown. India is a vast country with populations

having varied cultures, customs and habits. The environment differs and so does

dietary praises, and socioeconomic status. Important differences exist in the

ways of living of the urban and rural populations. Geographic differences in

patterns of cancer have already been observed among the different registries.

For example, cancer of the gall bladder has a comparatively higher incidence in

the population based cancer registries (PBCRs)

of Delhi and Bhopal, while cancer of the stomach has been the consistent

leading site of cancer among males in Chennai and Bangalore. The incidence of

some sites of cancer like female breast and cancer oesophagus have shown a

statistically significant increase over the years in some registries, whereas

others like cancer of the cervix and oral cavity have recorded a decline.

Therefore, the broad purpose is to develop an atlas for the whole of India.

Minimal additional resources from this project were being given for few selected

institutional in essentially areas not covered by the NCRP so as to obtail the

largest amount of additional information. The information already available from

all existing population and hospital registries under the NCRP would be very

important and crucial for the main objectives of the project.

Concept and Design:

Setting up of new registries throughout the country as in some western countries

would involve enormous cost in establishing and maintaining the same. The basic

principle in this project is - since over 85-90% of cancers (as per the data of

the NCRP) have a microscopic diagnosis the point of capture of cases would bethe

pathology department of medical colleges and major cancer hospitals. It is

envisaged to have a network of computers linked to a web-site, so that the

information (mainly patient identification details including area of living, and

site and morphology of tumour) on all malignant cases would be transmitted as

and when they are reported in the department of pathology.


The response from pathologists across the country has been overwhelming and over

96 centres out of the 212 letters sent have responded so far and over 50% of

these centres have already started collation of information on malignant

neoplasms reported from 1 January 2001. As of now the WHO has provided grants

and computers for support of 30 centres. Requests for more funds have been made

and attempts are being made to cover more centres with existing funds. Following

a preliminary meeting visits have been made to about 23 centres and based on

visit reports agreements have been reached with 17 centres.

The project also includes conduct of four regional workshops in the four zones

of the country. Pathologists of all medical colleges and major hospitals (both

government and private) are being invited to these workshops. Those who have

commenced work will be presenting their papers and discussing the difficulties

encountered in completing patient details especially with reference to

residential status. The southern regional workshop was held on 11th and 12th May

at Bangalore, West-Mumbai-8-9 June 2001; East-Calcutta 15-16 June 2001; The

workshop in the northern region is scheduled at Lucknow 14-15 September 2001.

Besides a Review workshop/Meeting is scheduled during early 2002.


Dr Sanjay Bedi

Assoc.Prof . Deptt of Pathology

Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences Amritsar,Punjab India- 143001

Mobile phone: 09356000639

Landline nos : 0183-2589808EXT222 (Office) 0183-2503785 (Home)

Home and preferred postal address: 366 Green Avenue, Amritsar ,Punjab

Website www.drsanjaybedi.com

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