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Re: New here ....

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Samira: Welcome! tell us what your Dr. has you on and how he came to this

conclusion that you have candida! Most of us couldn't find a Dr. who knew

what we had so your lucky you have found one. thats great for you! I've been

Doctoring mine for 3 yrs now with an internet Dr. althou i have had it since

birth. Any questions you might have please ask. Have a good night! Mogdrmom

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Guest guest

Welcome! You will soon realize that you are not alone, there are many people

with this problem. Keep up the diet and do not falter on the meds or

vitamins and you'll slowly see progress and changes in your health. Any

questions you have, can be answered here, or at least we can direct you

towards where you can find them. Sandy

- New here ....

I just found this website because I was surching the internet about

Candidiasis and especially about the Candida Albicans.

A couple of weeks ago they found that I was having to much off the

Canida Albicans in my body and that my healthproblems had to do with


Im on the diet now and taking medication against it.

I'm posting the message because i'm looking for people who are

suffering from it aswell. And to listen to people who need a ear (or

actually 2 eyes) that read your email/message with attention and I

would never ever say that its all between your ears.Because i know

better than that!

Hoping to get some response,


(sorry if the grammar or spelling isn't good, but Im a dutch girl and

using the english I learned (till sofar) in school


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Guest guest

Welcome! You will soon realize that you are not alone, there are many people

with this problem. Keep up the diet and do not falter on the meds or

vitamins and you'll slowly see progress and changes in your health. Any

questions you have, can be answered here, or at least we can direct you

towards where you can find them. Sandy

- New here ....

I just found this website because I was surching the internet about

Candidiasis and especially about the Candida Albicans.

A couple of weeks ago they found that I was having to much off the

Canida Albicans in my body and that my healthproblems had to do with


Im on the diet now and taking medication against it.

I'm posting the message because i'm looking for people who are

suffering from it aswell. And to listen to people who need a ear (or

actually 2 eyes) that read your email/message with attention and I

would never ever say that its all between your ears.Because i know

better than that!

Hoping to get some response,


(sorry if the grammar or spelling isn't good, but Im a dutch girl and

using the english I learned (till sofar) in school


Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.



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  • 8 years later...


I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time. Be sure to keep a

journal of all your pain and symptoms.

We need to be prepared when we see our rhuemmys to get the best out

of our office visits. If the pain and fatigue continues to worsen,

call your doc's ofc and let them know. Don't hesitate to switch meds

if the ones you are on are not working. Hopefully your rheummy will

get the right concoction for you soon.

I hope that you are feeling better soon.



> Hi! I am KD. I am 37 and a sahm to 2 kiddos (boy 6 yrs old and

girl 13 yrs

> old) and I take care of a baby during the day. I am new to this

group. I'm

> glad to find someone to talk to about my pain that will

understand. I'm

> having a very hard time right now.


> I started seeing a Rheumatologist in June. My initial symptoms

were pain in

> my fingers and fatigue. Bloodwork showed that I had inflammation,


> nothing specific. With symptoms the doc diagnosed me with

seronegative RA.

> Since then I've been taking prednisone. I also started taking


> w/Vitamin D. We tried Plaquinel, but after about 1 1/2 weeks on

it, I had a

> constant headache that would not go away. At times the headache


> unbearable. I stopped the Plaquinel and the headache went away

w/in 2 days.

> Now I am taking Folic Acid and Sulfasalazin. I've been on these

meds for

> about 1 1/2 weeks and I'm not noticing any difference. I am not

up to the

> full dosage yet. I have to keep adding a pill every week until

I'm up to

> 4/day. I've actually started having more pain. On September 7th

I started

> having pain in my elbows and a tingling sensation inside my right

arm, just

> below the elbow. I was out of town for my husband's grandmother's


> We came home on the 9th and by the 11th my elbows felt back to


> However, yesterday all the pain came back with a vengence. From


> shoulder blades to my neck and all the way down my arms is intense

pain in

> every joint. The muscles in my arms also feel very weak. While

talking to

> my mom on the phone yesterday, I felt like I was holding up a 10


> weight instead of the phone. I was so incredibly tired that all I

wanted to

> do was sit down and cry. This morning my arms feel like they

weigh a ton

> and my knees are hurting as well. I feel like all I do is

complain and I

> don't like it!!! I don't like feeling like I can't do anything.

I have so

> many things that need to get done and I have no energy to do them.

> I am having a " pity party day " . All I can keep thinking is " why "

and " when

> will it get better " .


> KD




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KD and group;

Well hello KD. Welcome to our humble group. I am so very sorry

your having such a hard time with pain. We do understand here. We

all seem to have such pain. I can't imagine taking care of children

or babies with RA. I guess where there is a will there is a way. I

am 54 and all my children are grown.

I am suffering from severe headaches, I also am on plaquenil. My

primary doctor said the headaches are probably from my meds. I am

on a lot of meds. I have congestive heart failure , diabetes, high

blood pressure, prepherial arterial hypertention and others illness.

So I am on a lot of medicateion. He is sending me for a sleep study

cause they are the worse when I wake up. THis is my second sleep

study I use a c-pap now.

I am glad you got rid of your headaches. You will learn a lot about

RA through our support group, I sure have. KD I was out of the loop

for 24 hours and was beside myside . I spilled my drink on the

keyboard yesterday. I read all 64 posts in the last hour. WE

don't have to read them but I am very close to the group. You was

the last post. I red flagged all I need to relply. I thought I would

go ahead and welcome you and than start on the bottom up lol.

There are a lot of good ideas from the group on how to take care of

a flare or just help the pain. I lay down first thing. But you

can't do that with kids. Maybe take breaks between caring for them

and lay on the couch. A baby is non stop work I know. And you

can't medicate yourself to much being a care giver. If I am having

a real bad time I will take a xanax and sleep it off.

Like I said I cant imagine taking care of kids with RA. But we have

a few here that has kids, I bet they have some good ideas. You go

ahead and complain all you want. WE will send you as much advice as

we can. You may even be able to help us.

My pain was like that to KD, till I started the humira injections.

Oh the prednisone was really good. But I gained 13 pounds in 2

months. ANd I had a touch of insominia. I know every joint hurt for

me. My jaw joint even hurts. It will get better KD. It's finding the

right cocktail for you. I knew the second I heard about injections

mine was getting better. It took 4 months to get my rheumy

motivated for me. Also My insurance took a month in half to ok my


Sometimes I tend to go on. I love to talk and with this group I

will send long post sometimes. said long post are welcome so

go for it kd. Also ask that we make paragrapphs because its

hard for her (and me lol) to read with out paragraphs. It took me a

long time to figure out some of the rules. Like the topic.

If we talk on a new topic she wanted us to put OT (off topic) on

subject line. I was like where the heck is subject haaaaaaaa. I

happen to look one day at the top where it has To From Date Subject.

ANd found it haaaaaaaaa. Shirley sent me a cute post that I finally

figured it out haaaaaaaaa. She said al right clora. haaaaaa.

I better start on the other post. Like I said I talk alot so I write

a lot haaaaaaaaa. Welcome hon. I hear this is the best support

group. I know they are good. I never joinded a support group before

so I dont know how others go.

Gentle kind hugs


> Hi! I am KD. I am 37 and a sahm to 2 kiddos (boy 6 yrs old and

girl 13 yrs

> old) and I take care of a baby during the day. I am new to this

group. I'm

> glad to find someone to talk to about my pain that will

understand. I'm

> having a very hard time right now.


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Hi KD and welcome to the best RA group around. I pray you will soon

have the proper combination of meds to get this pain under control.

Its all a toss of the dice. What works for one may not necessarily

work for another. I take 1500mg of Sulphasalazine twice daily,

Caltrate 600/400 twice daily, 15mg Methotrexate once a week and Folic

Acid 6 days a week as well as a laundry list of other meds not RA

related. I'm a little surprised that your doctor has you on Folic Acid

with the Sulphasalazine. I didn't start taking FA until my rheumy

added Methotrexate. Some experience good results rather quickly, for

others it takes a bit longer. Unfortunately this disease is different

for everyone. Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? I have both RA

and FMS and it is my understanding that is common in women. When is

your next Rheumy visit? I wouldn't wait - especially if you are

feeling this bad - give them a call and let them know what is going

on. My prayers are with you and I hope you get some relief sooner

rather than later..............Doreen :)


> Hi! I am KD. I am 37 and a sahm to 2 kiddos (boy 6 yrs old and

> girl 13 yrs old) and I take care of a baby during the day. I am

> new to this group. I'm glad to find someone to talk to about my

> pain that will understand. I'm having a very hard time right now.


> I started seeing a Rheumatologist in June. My initial symptoms

> were pain in my fingers and fatigue. Bloodwork showed that I had

> inflammation, but nothing specific. With symptoms the doc

> diagnosed me with seronegative RA. Since then I've been taking

> prednisone. I also started taking Calcium w/Vitamin D. We tried

> Plaquinel, but after about 1 1/2 weeks on it, I had a constant

> headache that would not go away. At times the headache was

> unbearable. I stopped the Plaquinel and the headache went away

> w/in 2 days.


> Now I am taking Folic Acid and Sulfasalazin. I've been on these

> meds for about 1 1/2 weeks and I'm not noticing any difference. I

> am not up to the full dosage yet. I have to keep adding a pill

> every week until I'm up to 4/day. I've actually started having

> more pain. On September 7th I started having pain in my elbows and

> a tingling sensation inside my right arm, just below the elbow. I

> was out of town for my husband's grandmother's funeral.


> We came home on the 9th and by the 11th my elbows felt back to

> normal. However, yesterday all the pain came back with a vengence.

> From my shoulder blades to my neck and all the way down my arms is

> intense pain in every joint. The muscles in my arms also feel very

> weak. While talking to my mom on the phone yesterday, I felt like

> I was holding up a 10 pound weight instead of the phone. I was so

> incredibly tired that all I wanted to do was sit down and cry. This

> morning my arms feel like they weigh a ton and my knees are hurting

> as well. I feel like all I do is complain and I don't like it!!!

> I don't like feeling like I can't do anything. I have so many

> things that need to get done and I have no energy to do them.

> I am having a " pity party day " . All I can keep thinking is " why "

> and " when will it get better " .


> KD


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Thanks to everyone for the great welcome.

I go in tomorrow for labs and I'm planning on seeing if I can talk to the

nurse then and let her know what is going on.

I have not been checked for Fibromyalgia ... I'm not familiar with that.

I'll have to look it up!


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Mimi <mimi212@...> wrote:

> Hi KD and welcome to the best RA group around. I pray you will soon

> have the proper combination of meds to get this pain under control.

> Its all a toss of the dice. What works for one may not necessarily

> work for another. I take 1500mg of Sulphasalazine twice daily,

> Caltrate 600/400 twice daily, 15mg Methotrexate once a week and Folic

> Acid 6 days a week as well as a laundry list of other meds not RA

> related. I'm a little surprised that your doctor has you on Folic Acid

> with the Sulphasalazine. I didn't start taking FA until my rheumy

> added Methotrexate. Some experience good results rather quickly, for

> others it takes a bit longer. Unfortunately this disease is different

> for everyone. Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? I have both RA

> and FMS and it is my understanding that is common in women. When is

> your next Rheumy visit? I wouldn't wait - especially if you are

> feeling this bad - give them a call and let them know what is going

> on. My prayers are with you and I hope you get some relief sooner

> rather than later..............Doreen :)



> >

> > Hi! I am KD. I am 37 and a sahm to 2 kiddos (boy 6 yrs old and

> > girl 13 yrs old) and I take care of a baby during the day. I am

> > new to this group. I'm glad to find someone to talk to about my

> > pain that will understand. I'm having a very hard time right now.

> >

> > I started seeing a Rheumatologist in June. My initial symptoms

> > were pain in my fingers and fatigue. Bloodwork showed that I had

> > inflammation, but nothing specific. With symptoms the doc

> > diagnosed me with seronegative RA. Since then I've been taking

> > prednisone. I also started taking Calcium w/Vitamin D. We tried

> > Plaquinel, but after about 1 1/2 weeks on it, I had a constant

> > headache that would not go away. At times the headache was

> > unbearable. I stopped the Plaquinel and the headache went away

> > w/in 2 days.

> >

> > Now I am taking Folic Acid and Sulfasalazin. I've been on these

> > meds for about 1 1/2 weeks and I'm not noticing any difference. I

> > am not up to the full dosage yet. I have to keep adding a pill

> > every week until I'm up to 4/day. I've actually started having

> > more pain. On September 7th I started having pain in my elbows and

> > a tingling sensation inside my right arm, just below the elbow. I

> > was out of town for my husband's grandmother's funeral.

> >

> > We came home on the 9th and by the 11th my elbows felt back to

> > normal. However, yesterday all the pain came back with a vengence.

> > From my shoulder blades to my neck and all the way down my arms is

> > intense pain in every joint. The muscles in my arms also feel very

> > weak. While talking to my mom on the phone yesterday, I felt like

> > I was holding up a 10 pound weight instead of the phone. I was so

> > incredibly tired that all I wanted to do was sit down and cry. This

> > morning my arms feel like they weigh a ton and my knees are hurting

> > as well. I feel like all I do is complain and I don't like it!!!

> > I don't like feeling like I can't do anything. I have so many

> > things that need to get done and I have no energy to do them.

> > I am having a " pity party day " . All I can keep thinking is " why "

> > and " when will it get better " .

> >

> > KD

> >




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WELCOME KD, no u r not having a pity party u r just in alot of pain & it sux! we

never really know if we're going to have a good or bad day. u have come to the

right ra group. people here r very kind. as to y i can't answer that only the

good lord knows. as to getting better some do & some don't or they have to rely

on tons of meds, like myself.. i hope things will get better for u kd.... go

with what u have

& take it from there.god bless,melyndagamez 9/17/08 8:32p.m.cdt

[ ] Re: New here ....

Hi KD and welcome to the best RA group around. I pray you will soon

have the proper combination of meds to get this pain under control.

Its all a toss of the dice. What works for one may not necessarily

work for another. I take 1500mg of Sulphasalazine twice daily,

Caltrate 600/400 twice daily, 15mg Methotrexate once a week and Folic

Acid 6 days a week as well as a laundry list of other meds not RA

related. I'm a little surprised that your doctor has you on Folic Acid

with the Sulphasalazine. I didn't start taking FA until my rheumy

added Methotrexate. Some experience good results rather quickly, for

others it takes a bit longer. Unfortunately this disease is different

for everyone. Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? I have both RA

and FMS and it is my understanding that is common in women. When is

your next Rheumy visit? I wouldn't wait - especially if you are

feeling this bad - give them a call and let them know what is going

on. My prayers are with you and I hope you get some relief sooner

rather than later..............Doreen :)


> Hi!  I am KD.  I am 37 and a sahm to 2 kiddos (boy 6 yrs old and

> girl 13 yrs old) and I take care of a baby during the day.  I am

> new to this group.  I'm glad to find someone to talk to about my

> pain that will understand.  I'm having a very hard time right now.


> I started seeing a Rheumatologist in June.  My initial symptoms

> were pain in my fingers and fatigue.  Bloodwork showed that I had

> inflammation, but nothing specific.  With symptoms the doc

> diagnosed me with seronegative RA. Since then I've been taking

> prednisone.  I also started taking Calcium w/Vitamin D.  We tried

> Plaquinel, but after about 1 1/2 weeks on it, I had a constant

> headache that would not go away.  At times the headache was

> unbearable.  I stopped the Plaquinel and the headache went away

> w/in 2 days.


> Now I am taking Folic Acid and Sulfasalazin.  I've been on these

> meds for about  1 1/2 weeks and I'm not noticing any difference.  I

> am not up to the full dosage yet.  I have to keep adding a pill

> every week until I'm up to 4/day.  I've actually started having

> more pain.  On September 7th I started having pain in my elbows and

> a tingling sensation inside my right arm, just below the elbow.  I

> was out of town for my husband's grandmother's funeral.


> We came home on the 9th and by the 11th my elbows felt back to

> normal. However, yesterday all the pain came back with a vengence. 

> From my shoulder blades to my neck and all the way down my arms is

> intense pain in every joint.  The muscles in my arms also feel very

> weak.  While talking to my mom on the phone yesterday, I felt like

> I was holding up a 10 pound weight instead of the phone.  I was so

> incredibly tired that all I wanted to do was sit down and cry. This

> morning my arms feel like they weigh a ton and my knees are hurting

> as well..  I feel like all I do is complain and I don't like it!!! 

> I don't like feeling like I can't do anything.  I have so many

> things that need to get done and I have no energy to do them.

> I am having a " pity party day " .  All I can keep thinking is " why "

> and " when will it get better " .


> KD



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