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Remicade question

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Much like you, after my first Remicade infusion I felt tons better

the next day. My fatigue and some pain started to come back a little

over a week after the first infusion but went away again with the

second infusion.

I am about to have my third infusion in two days and am still feeling

great. So it hasn't seemed to have worn off this time.

It is funny how we don't realize just how bad we felt until we feel

better again. Yeah, I knew I was exhausted and wanted to die, but I

forgot how easy things are to do when you feel good and just how bad

I did feel.



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I have a question for everyone out there who is currently taking Remicade. I am

currently on it myself but I haven't seen any benefits at all from it yet. I

have had 3 infusions and scheduled for my 4th on 11/27. So far I haven't seen

any signs of the disease slowing down at all. I currently still have inflamed

joints in my hands which are becoming increasingly more and more disfigured and

bent to spite being on the remicade. I asked my rheumy what my dosage was and

she told me I was taking 200 mg of Remicade and she could up it to 300 mg but

that would be the most she could increase my dosage. I know they determine the

amount by how much you weigh and I weigh 165 lbs. My question to those of you

who are on remicade is how much remicade do you receive and what is your body

weight? Do you use it in conjunction with mtx or do you use it with another med

like arava? I have heard people receiving up to 600 mg and weigh 165 lbs and I'm

wondering why my rheumy feels I can only receive 300 mg if I weigh 165 lbs?

Thanks to all-


[ ] Re: Remicade question


Much like you, after my first Remicade infusion I felt tons better

the next day. My fatigue and some pain started to come back a little

over a week after the first infusion but went away again with the

second infusion.

I am about to have my third infusion in two days and am still feeling

great. So it hasn't seemed to have worn off this time.

It is funny how we don't realize just how bad we felt until we feel

better again. Yeah, I knew I was exhausted and wanted to die, but I

forgot how easy things are to do when you feel good and just how bad

I did feel.



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In a message dated 11/7/02 5:20:14 PM Central Standard Time,

thekoolkat@... writes:

> I am currently on it myself but I haven't seen any benefits at all from it

> yet.

Hi Kathleen Do you have psoriasis of the skin too? If so has the remicade

had any effect on it? Orin

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Apparently the normal dose is somewhere between 3 and 5 mg/kg. Since you

weigh approximately 75 kg your normal dose would be 225 mg to 375 mg each

time. I get 700 mg in each infusion because I weigh 150 kg. The chemo

nurse was telling me that she had patients on 700mg who were much smaller

than me and she also had patients getting infusions more frequently. You

could be increased to 375mg without breaking the rules; and further if

your rheumy has experience. A previous post said that MTX was needed to

stop your body making antibodies to the mouse proteins in Remicade.

I have just had my second shot, so its difficult to tell if it is going to

last. I think a lot of my joints have gone down from their previously

swollen state. This makes them very sore. My knees, hips and fingers in

particular hurt a lot when I move. This pain is a lot different from the

PA pain and is controlled with an ordinary NSAID. There is a lot of

scraping, clicking and other things going on in my knees that are probably

the bone spurs and other outgrowths from the PA. I regard all of this as

osteo-A from the damage done by PA and not PA itself.

So long as I don't get brain fog I'll be happy.

On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 03:25 PM, Kathleen Plicet wrote:

> I have a question for everyone out there who is currently taking Remicade.

> I am currently on it myself but I haven't seen any benefits at all from

> it yet. I have had 3 infusions and scheduled for my 4th on 11/27. So

> far I haven't seen any signs of the disease slowing down at all. I

> currently still have inflamed joints in my hands which are becoming

> increasingly more and more disfigured and bent to spite being on the

> remicade. I asked my rheumy what my dosage was and she told me I was

> taking 200 mg of Remicade and she could up it to 300 mg but that would be

> the most she could increase my dosage. I know they determine the amount

> by how much you weigh and I weigh 165 lbs. My question to those of you

> who are on remicade is how much remicade do you receive and what is your

> body weight? Do you use it in conjunction with mtx or do you use it with

> another med like arava? I have heard people receiving up to 600 mg and

> weigh 165 lbs and I'm wondering why my rheumy feels I can !

> only receive 300 mg if I weigh 165 lbs?

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I had a few patches on my torso and back and in my pubic area that went away. I

give thanks to the Temovate ointment and solution & covering the area with band

aids or large patches, and leaving it on for at least a day; but those went away

before I started the remicade. However, I still have a VERY mild case on my

scalp and in my ears and that hasn't changed since I started the infusions.


Re: [ ] Re: Remicade question

In a message dated 11/7/02 5:20:14 PM Central Standard Time,

thekoolkat@... writes:

> I am currently on it myself but I haven't seen any benefits at all from it

> yet.

Hi Kathleen Do you have psoriasis of the skin too? If so has the remicade

had any effect on it? Orin

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In a message dated 11/8/02 3:29:36 AM Central Standard Time,

thekoolkat@... writes:

> >I am currently on it myself but I haven't seen any benefits at all from it


> >yet.


> Hi Kathleen Do you have psoriasis of the skin too? If so has the

> remicade

> had any effect on it?

I had a few patches on my torso and back and in my pubic area that went away.


> give thanks to the Temovate ointment and solution & covering the area with

> band aids or large patches, and leaving it on for at least a day; but those

> went away before I started the remicade. However, I still have a VERY mild

> case on my scalp and in my ears and that hasn't changed since I started the

> infusions.


The reason I asked is I've been thinking about reasons why some people have

miraculous results from a particular drug while others seem to have no effect

at all. That is starting to suggest to me that maybe the actual cause is not

the same and one step further is it actually the same disease? Take the

similarities between RA and PA, clinicly very similar but PA can destroy

joints in absence of elevated Rhuematoid factor. I havent had to deal with a

lot of serious arthritis I had one bad episode lasting about 6 months then

tapering off over the next 6 months that is in near total remission now and I

came through it with relatively minor damage so I really dont have a lot of

personal experience to go on with that. I cant pick out anything I have

changed in my diet that might be responsible for the improvement, other than

lots of fresh garlic, but my joint condition seems completely independant of

the skin condition. I'm in remission from the arthritis but my skin hasn't

gone into remission in 14 years.

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  • 5 years later...
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Hi Gang, My Dr. wants to put me on remicade. He also wants to

continue the MTX. I'm a little freaked out about this as I've never

done the infusion stuff before. I've read a little about this and it

just makes me more nervous. The gene splicing basis freaks me out.

Has anyone taken this? Any issues? Hope you all are doing well!

Meg in MO

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Meg, I've taken it since last July, I have no issues with it but I do wonder if

it's doing anything really, I take 4 mtx a week in addition. We will be

discussing it at my next dr mtg, I may switch but I don't want a self inject, I

may look at Orencia. mary in pa

[ ] Remicade question

Hi Gang, My Dr. wants to put me on remicade. He also wants to

continue the MTX. I'm a little freaked out about this as I've never

done the infusion stuff before. I've read a little about this and it

just makes me more nervous. The gene splicing basis freaks me out.

Has anyone taken this? Any issues? Hope you all are doing well!

Meg in MO

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Rhonda-

Any chance they gave you a dose of benadryl before or during your

infusion? I get benadryl, tylenol, and i.v. steroids with every

infusion. The benadryl can make you sleepy and thirsty. It does both

for me. The steroids also cause some issues for a day or two, but now

that my doses are every two months its not a big deal.

Good luck with the remicade. It has been a near-miracle for me.


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     I was not given anything orally.  I don't know if anything was injected

into the I.V.(shame on me for not being more observant).  I will make sure on my

second infusion, which is one week from Tuesday. 

     It is so encouraging that Remicade has done so well for you.  I am

cautiously  optimistic.  I am ready to get my life back!



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